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  1. Enzineda
    203F8BC4 00XXYYZZ

    X = Square
    Y = Triangle
    Z = Circle

    You can search around the values if you want. I don't actually remember the value for judgement. The only ones i remember off the top of my head are 1C for ragnarok, C4 for trinity, C8 for strike raid, B2 for holding the keyblade like a barrel, BB for opening a chest in End of the World and breaking the game completely.

    If you find an impact value that works, let me know. The thing is, there would be nothing to tell it how many projectiles to send out unless it's a ton of commands all called impact that quickly change. It's more likely that there's a separate value with projectile number in it though, and depending on when impact is pressed, that many projectiles fire out.

    If that value could be found (woudl be ridiculously hard) we could probably get impact to be semi-functional.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Enzineda
    I can search for impact, but i doubt that it will work very well.
    When you use judgement in a shortcut, sora hits himself.

    EDIT: Nope. Impact doesn't actually create the sphere required for the projectiles, it's just the command that breaks the sphere. I wish i could do that though, would be interesting
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Enzineda
    I can do things like that via shortcuts but the issue is that they are mostly EXTREMELY unstable. Strike raid and trinity limit crash the game frequently. arcanum, sonic, and a lot of other things don't work at all.

    Ragnarok works every time, so that's what i put on Ultima. Originally the plan was to put Arcanum onto ultima but it doesn't work.

    Unfortunately, counterattack is one of these. Here is what metal chocobo was originally going to be before it was changed to a chance at bonus strength on hit:

    Metal Chocobo
    "Abilities: Hard Counter, MP Lock, Negative Combo"
    Sets MP to 1
    Reduces Ground Combo length by 1
    Reduced Air Combo length by 1
    Counterattack at any time for 1 MP Cost.

    Now, it's:

    Metal Chocobo
    "Abilities: Massive Impact, MP Lock, Negative Combo"
    Sets MP to 1
    Reduces Ground Combo length by 1
    Reduced Air Combo length by 1
    10% chance to increase Sora's strength by 7 for 5 seconds on a successfull attack.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Enzineda
    Ah, i've heard these.
    Hmm.. might be able to rip all the files, replace them and make a ppf patch.

    By the way, check out
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Enzineda
    A friend of mine (keytotruth) accidentally stumbled upon this code while looking for something totally different and unrelated in KH Final Mix.

    Then, i looked at the values that were close to the code, and wrote them down. I then dumped KH1 NTSC and searched those values in the dump, and sure enough the same 60FPS address was near by in the exact same relation to the KHFM one.
    Then, i discovered something: The "Game Speed" code was very very close to where this framerate code was. So then, i took the game speed code from KH2FM, searched for it in KH2 Final Mix and lo and behold, the framerate code was very close to it. I then did the same for KH2 NTSC, and boom. 60FPS in all of them.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Enzineda Abilities.mp4

    NOTE: While i had the 60fps hack enabled for this, the video itself is encoded in 30fps, so no smoothness.
    The lag was because i had my xsplit settings set up very poorly because i updated it and it reset all my settings. I should be able to record in 720p60 (and possibly 1080p60) pretty easily.
    Thread by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013, 37 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  7. Enzineda
    I might be able to do it on recom, but it might be programmed differently.
    I might take a crack at it tomorrow afternoon.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Enzineda
    Keytotruth would be the one to ask about that, i'm not sure where i would find those values, but he probably knows.
    I'll ask him about it.

    [8:23:46 PM] Keytotruth: I'm not even sure if I heard those

    We might look into it, but it seems like it would be difficult to do.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Enzineda
    Right now it's with conditionals, but me and truthkey are going to try making a custom PCSX2 that has all of this built in.
    Conditional codes are too unreliable, and only have If, not If, Else. Not having Else causes conditional codes to not turn off if the condition is not met, even if you set a second conditional that says "When address X is NOT equal to Y, disable conditional code"

    Also, a teaser for one of the more intense abilities:

    Ultima Ragnarok
    When Ultima Weapon is equipped you may cast Ragnarok from your shortcuts menu.
    This costs 3 MP and 11HP, however it can still be cast for HP if your MP is zero.

    If you release your tools and it's just a simple string edit (or a tutorial on where the text is located) then yeah, i can do it myself.

    NOTE: This mod is a level 1 mod. If you want to experience all of the extra content, you also have to be able to clear level 1 stuff.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Enzineda
    Crazycatz, I'm wondering if once you're done translating the main game, you'd be interested in doing some text changing for a mod i'm making?

    The part that i need text changed for is keyblades, because i'm adding abilities to them.
    Example: (The keyblade descriptions are in the quotation marks, because i doubt theres enough room to add exactly what the abilities do. The ability descriptions will be in the readme file)

    Divine Rose
    "Abilities: Cure Slash"
    Sora gains 2HP for every successful attack
    Strength lowered by 3 (13 down to 10)
    MP lowered by 1

    (Yes, this means we have on-hit procs. This can include things like "5% chance to increase speed by 25% when you land an attack"

    "Abilities: Propulsion"
    Increases the distance covered by aerial attacks

    One Winged Angel
    "Abilities: Critical Impact, Sprint"
    Equip Critical Plus x5
    Increases sora's run speed by 75%

    Metal Chocobo
    "Abilities: Massive Impact, MP Lock, Negative Combo"
    Sets MP to 1
    Reduces Ground Combo length by 1
    Reduced Air Combo length by 1
    10% chance to increase Sora's strength by 7 for 5 seconds
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Enzineda
    // 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts 2 NTSC U/C

    NOTE: These are FPS halving addresses. They are set to 1 by default which halves the FPS to 30. This value can be increased beyond 1 to enable perfect internal frameskipping without losing animation speed.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Enzineda
    // Internal 60 FPS (Requires approximately double the computer power)

    NOTE: These are FPS halving addresses. They are set to 1 by default which halves the FPS to 30. This value can be increased beyond 1 to enable perfect internal frameskipping without losing animation speed.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Enzineda
    Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix 60FPS

    NOTE: These are FPS halving addresses. They are set to 1 by default which halves the FPS to 30. This value can be increased beyond 1 to enable perfect internal frameskipping without losing animation speed.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Enzineda
    // 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix

    // 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts 1 NTSC U/C

    // 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix

    // 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts 2 NTSC U/C

    I'm going to do regular KH2 now.[DOUBLEPOST=1372806410][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Widescreen hack doesn't crop cutscenes, it actually extends your view. This does cause some odd stuff though, like being able to see sora standing on the right side of the screen during the dragon maleficent battle.

    EDIT: Lost my kh2 disc, i'll have to find it in my house somewhere. As soon as i find it, i'll hack 60fps for it.

    EDIT 2:

    NOTE: These are FPS halving addresses. They are set to 1 by default which halves the FPS to 30. This value can be increased beyond 1 to enable perfect internal frameskipping without losing animation speed.[DOUBLEPOST=1372808713][/DOUBLEPOST]Found my disc, one 60FPS hack coming up in a minute or so.

    EDIT: Alright, the 60fps hack is above.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Enzineda
    Yeah i can probably hack it for KH2 and KH2FM pretty quickly. I'll update this post when it's done.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Enzineda
    A little thing we discovered while testing my KH1 level 1 mod: I don't know if this is only in final mix, or if it's caused by something with the mod (i seriously doubt it), but aladdin makes sora take around 65% less damage than when you have donald and goofy.

    It doesn't mess with the damage multipliers either, because they were locked at 340% and they weren't changing when i added aladdin. It also is more damage reduction than what aero does, so it's not auto-aero. It isn't related to his abilities either because i both manually unequipped them, and forcibly removed them from him, and the same thing happened.


    60 FPS hack (Requires double the computer power)

    NOTE: These are FPS halving addresses. They are set to 1 by default which halves the FPS to 30. This value can be increased beyond 1 to enable perfect internal frameskipping without losing animation speed.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Enzineda
    It was pure luck (he was trying to find the location of the value that tells the game whether or not you succesfully hit a target so we could hack Combo Master), but i'll hack it in regular KH1 for you (or at least, i'll try.)
    I'll post here again when i finish it.



    Here you go, 60 FPS for NTSC U/C Kingdom Hearts 1
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Enzineda
    The 60fps is extremely smooth, i've been playing with it and it makes everything feel more fluid.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Enzineda
    Dropbox is very handy because all you have to do is drag the file into the folder on your computer, and it automatically starts uploading.
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Enzineda
    Post by: Enzineda, Jul 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault