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  1. Enzineda
    Has anybody else attempted this run?
    Post by: Enzineda, Mar 23, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Enzineda
    Do you have a way of mapping macro inputs in game?
    If so, a quick and dirty way to do reaction commands would be to macro Triangle to Up X or Down Down Down X
    Post by: Enzineda, Mar 23, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Enzineda
    Found some beta footage from one of my testers on youtube

    Post by: Enzineda, Oct 12, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Enzineda
    What level 1 mod by crazycatz? i dont see it on his site or youtube.
    Post by: Enzineda, Oct 11, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Enzineda
    Those videos are looking pretty good. Could you include the keyblade ability you have equipped in the description of videos?

    By the way, you can make boss battles go much faster if you get 4 +str rings at the accessory shop.
    I'm very interested to eventually see your dragon battle.
    Post by: Enzineda, Oct 6, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Enzineda
    Is the HP bar a single texture recolored by the game?
    I was gonna say if the bars are separate textures, you could add the modern kh style blocks underneath them to indicate how many bars are remaining, but it's likely just one texture.
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 28, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Enzineda
    With a custom pcsx2 executing code instead of using a pnach you can have more than one conditional code at a time, so you can do the same thing for armor as i did for keyblade abilities: When Item X is equipped, enable cheat Y. I might start working on this again sometime soon.
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Enzineda
    60fps isn't required. It's actually not recommended unless ignoring cutscenes, it's buggy.
    NTSC mode is also optional. It just reverts X and O back to their american functions instead of japanese.
    The readme says the removal of 60fps, removal of ntsc mode, and commenting out the abilities after your first save ARE allowed (commenting out abilities is highly recommended, as to make them changeable in-game).

    A tip: Carry 3 ethers. Always.
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Enzineda
    Do you think you would be able to do videos of them?
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Enzineda
    What people are generally talking about here is the final heartless room. It's an EXTREME difficulty spike, made worse by the lack of guard. Oogie Boogie 2 is also a difficulty spike.
    The rest of the bosses though are actually very easy because of how much damage you do, and because sora's damage intake is modified by Zero EXP. You also have low base HP and built-in Second Chance, as well as no limitation to items like elixirs, meaning you can spam aero and fully heal with every cure without the risk of being killed outright, and your damage is modified to be so high that you can equip MP+2 accessories to just fully heal every time you take damage.

    Xemnas in hollow bastion is actually easier to defeat at level 1 than he is at most other levels.
    If they had just modified your damage to be high but kept survivability low it would have been decent, but it's still not particularly interesting due to the game not compensating you with more abilities. The reason they didn't bother doing that is because level 1 mode isn't properly balanced because they only had 2 programmers.

    It's kinda understandable, because the level 1 mod had the input of three game mechanics designers, and two people beta testing the patch for 7+ hours every day for over a month straight to get it to the state it's in now, and was rewritten from scratch twice. It also was imbalanced at the start until i added keyblade abilities, because the base strength increase stacked too well with kingdom key and jungle king, and the base MP boost made blizzard too powerful until i gave those two weapons negative MP.

    I definitely agree about KH1 being much much harder than KH2, which was why i was so disappointed with 1.5's level 1 run being way easier than level 1 critical, enough to make me and others spend hundreds of hours remaking it.
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Enzineda
    Everybody i kow on skype and twitch that played through the level 1 mode was extremely disappointed.
    It's extremely easy compared to kh2 level 1, and it's easy enough that anybody capable of beating proud is capable of clearing it up to the final room (and even that can be made easy with enough MP). Have you actually tried it, and if so, have you actually tried completing 2fm level 1 crit and then comparing them? KH1 level 1 is a complete joke in comparison.[DOUBLEPOST=1380217977][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Enzineda
    I don't think you understand my problem with 1.5's level 1 run.
    It's EXTREMELY easy. Mine is significantly harder while also being more interesting and similar to kh2fm's with the inclusion of more base abilities, and abilities on keyblades.
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Enzineda
    Kingdom Hearts: Critical Mix

    Download Link:



    1. Place "3E68955A.pnach" in the "Cheats" folder in your PCSX2 install directory.

    2. Enable cheats in PCSX2. System -> Enable Cheats.

    3. After making your first save file, open "3E68955A.pnach" in notepad, or any text editor.

    4. In the text editor, look for the section "Starting Abilities - DELETE AFTER SAVING". Delete this section. If you don't, you will not be able to change your abilities.

    5. RECOMMENDED: In your PCSX2 controller settings, set "Right Stick Down" to do nothing. If you don't, you may accidentally move your command menu while rotating the camera.

    That's it! Enjoy.

    New Gameplay Features

    - Characters cannot level up.

    - Sora's HP, MP and Accessory Slots are now increased by sealing the keyholes of worlds.

    - Keyblades also scale in power as you seal keyholes, which makes all keyblades endgame viable.

    - Keyblades now come with a variety of abilities. The 6 empty abilities at the top of Sora's list are used for AP abilities given by keyblades.

    List of Keyblade Abilities:

    - Items now use the Auto-Reload system.

    - Sora's movement speed has been increased.

    - Sora has access to a wide variety of abilities from the start of the game.

    - Sora has Combo Master (does not work during Guard Armor for some reason).

    - Sora's base HP has been increased by a lot, but he also takes significantly more damage and his base defense has been reduced to 0. This reduces the effectiveness of +HP Items and Cure spells.

    - Elemental Resistances are not affected by accessories. Resistance can instead be obtained through certain Keyblade abilities. (This is not reflected in your stats screen)

    - Sora's damage output has been adjusted to deal adequate damage at level 1.

    New Options

    You can enable and disable these to best suit your preferences.

    - 60FPS. Disable this if you have a weaker computer.

    - KH2 Camera. Zooms the camera out for a better view of Sora's surroundings. Disable this if you prefer the closer KH1 camera.

    - Cutscenes can be skipped the first time watching them.

    - North America controls are enabled (X to attack, O to jump).

    - The camera is now controlled with the Right Stick instead of L2 and R2.

    - Solo Mode. Enable this if you want an even greater challenge.

    NOTE: Solo Mode crashes the game during Guard Armor. It may crash during other areas. If your game crashes, this should be the first thing you disable.

    Disabled Items

    - Elixir (Converts into 1 Hi Potion and 1 Ether)

    - Megalixir (Converts into 1 Mega Potion and 1 Mega Ether)

    - Stat Boosts

    Update 13
    All commands in menu slot 4 can now be used while in combat. This includes opening chests, using trinities, examining objects, etc.

    Update 12

    Sealing Hollow Bastion now reduces Sora’s damage intake form 300% to 200%.
    Damage after Hollow Bastion second visit was too high, particularly noticeable in Hades Cup.
    Bugfixes to Ultima Weapon and Lionheart.

    Update 11

    - Solo Mode is disabled by default again. This was accidentally enabled in Update 9.

    - Elixirs will now convert into 1 Hi Potion and 1 Ether instead of doing nothing.
    - Megalixirs will now convert into 1 Mega Potion and 1 Mega Ether instead of doing nothing.

    - Oblivion's late game scaling has been increased.
    - Divine Rose's Auto Cure now also prevents death when it activates.
    - Divine Rose's Auto Cure now costs 3MP (up from 2MP)
    - Divine Rose no longer causes your MP and HP to be lower than normal after death.
    - Divine Rose no longer has Fairy Harp's ability.
    - Divine Rose no longer causes Fairy Harp's ability to not activate.
    - Metal Chocobo now has scaling. It is stronger as a result.

    Update 10

    A total of 3 Kupo Coins have been added as world completion bonuses.
    Kupo Coins will revive you once when you die, but will drain your MP to zero.
    Only one Kupo Coin can be used in a battle.

    Deep Jungle and Wonderland have had their stat bonuses swapped.

    Update 9
    - Jungle King's movement speed penalty has been reduced.
    - Divine Rose has had its ability changed to Auto Cure.
    Auto Cure automatically spends 2MP to instantly heal Sora when his health is low.
    - Crabclaw has had its ability changed to MP Infuse.
    MP Infuse boosts Sora's strength while he has any MP, but spends 1MP every 5 attacks.
    - Oathkeeper has had its ability changed to Emergency MP.
    Emergency MP restores 1MP if Sora uses an item while out of MP.
    - Olympia has had its ability changed to Hero's Power.
    Hero's Power increases Sora's Strength increases by up to 9 based on how many times he has attacked, as long as his HP is 60 or more.
    - Oblivion's Ability has been fixed (Again)
    - Metal Chocobo's Ability has been fixed.

    Update 8
    Bugs with damage scaling have been fixed.
    Auto-Reload no longer reloads your items in between rounds in Olympus.

    Update 7
    Rebalanced Sora's damage scaling. It will feel much better now at all points in the game.

    Update 6
    Auto-Reload for items has been added.
    Oblivion's ability has been fixed.

    Update 5
    Monstro's world completion bonuses now work, and are instead unlocked when you obtain High Jump.

    Update 4
    Jungle King and Wishing Star have been rebalanced.
    Sealing Olympus now increases Sora's Strength by 2.

    Update 3
    Shortcut abilities granted by keyblades are now correctly removed when the keyblade granting them is unequipped.

    Update 2
    Sora's HP, MP and Acessory Slots now increase based on the number of worlds you have completed.
    Keyblades now scale in power based on the number of worlds you have completed.

    Update 1
    Minor bugfixes
    Thread by: Enzineda, Sep 26, 2013, 22 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  14. Enzineda
    I guess i didnt release it here. I'll make a thread for it in a minute.
    I know no collection had 1080p but pcsx2 lets you ramp it up way past 1080p, mod 60fps, retains 60fps menus (you can feel the lag in 1.5''s menus), Re:CoM is the lag i was talking about not KH1FM 1.5 specifically, and the triangle button messes with the new heartless in deep jungle.

    I'll link to the modded level 1 thread when i post it.

    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Enzineda
    Because it's 720p, locked to 30fps including the menus which were 60fps in the PS2 version, it lags, it has copypasted text that caused errors, the level 1 mode on it is trash compared to the modded one (Did i ever release this here? I don't remember if i did.), and using triangle for the reaction commands still triggers party actions.
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Enzineda
    This would unfortunately require so much work that you may as well make a fully custom heavily modded version of the game at that point.
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 25, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Enzineda
    For anybody who doesn't have the pnach cheats:
    // NTSC Mode - This changes X and O back to their North American functions. Add "// " in front of all of these lines (without the quotes) if you prefer the japanese controls.
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 24, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Enzineda
    What i said is pretty much the opposite of encouraging copypasting...
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 24, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Enzineda
    If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well. This applies especially to modding, romhacking, and programming.
    Doin't avoid using EVMs until you figure out how to use them, spend that time on figuring EVMs out faster.
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 24, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Enzineda
    Search this thread or the 1.5 thread for attachments. I've uploaded a memory card with saves all over the game.

    EDIT: Ill just reupload it, just a sec
    Note that these saves are from various different versions of my level 1 mod, so stats and whatnot will be a bit messed up.
    Post by: Enzineda, Sep 21, 2013 in forum: Code Vault