Oh no, this better not turn out to be a big argument over which is better KH13 or KH Vids...
Welp... that was fun...
But I want my gift now! D'8
Ok, thank you for your generous gift
But Ertyx can't hurt a fly...
Wait, aren't I the terminator? Does this mean I have to terminate myself?
Oh well I like foiling plans :3
Oh sorry, was it suppose to be a secret? You guys were making it pretty obvious :p Too bad, #The awesome one, beat you too it. :3
Well recently a lot of people from KH13 have come to sign up for KH vids. There is only one answer to why this is happening... KH13 is coming to invade KH vids!!!
Hopefully a party member, but I don't see her being a playable character though.
Another one from KH13... welcome.
What are you talking about? I'm always on Skype xD Sorry to burst your bubble, I have no master. Yes, it seems everyone is migrating to KH Vids now. I don't know you, unfortunately, but it is nice meeting you. Ohai Keys Atele. :3
Keys 8D
o.o Kinda sounds like a pairing between us :P
Ohai deer Shera! :3 Welcome!
I was invited by Ertyx :3 KH13 buddies! :3 Hai deer my wonderful Kirbs Madoka. :3
Oh sarry Madoka ;)