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  1. FancyStache
    ~ Ice Cream Shop ~

    "So what's the story, Jin?" Jacqueline asked, a bit of concern in her voice. "What did your dad do to you?" "Not what he did to me." Jin corrected, eating on his blueberry ice cream. "When I was a kid, he was a thief employed by the Crystal Order. He stole a lot of valuale resources from the government. Left mom to take care of me while he was out and when he was around, all he did was put me through training to be his successor. None of the usual father-son type stuff." He sighed. "My dad caused a lot of deaths during his time, and he was one of the most wanted members. When he was executed, mom left me shortly after. I had to use what he taught me to get by on my own. He was a pretty big deal then, and almost everyone knows his name now. Ever since they found out I was his son, I've been branded a bad guy. People are always expecting me to end up like him. That's why, I admit it, I'm scared about starting school." He paused, looking down. "Who would accept the son of a dangerous Crystal Order member...?" The two stayed silent, before Jacqueline patted his shoulder. "Hey, me, Cassie and Takeda would." She replied, getting a look from him. "Because we know you aren't gonna end up like him. And besides, if anyone messes with you, you know Takeda and Cassie would beat the snot out of 'em."

    ~ Lounge ~

    After a while, the lights were back on, revealing the disoriented guests. "Goodness!" Mrs. White exclaimed. "That was frightful! And what a loud scuffle!" Plum nodded and looked around. "Is everyone alright? I heard a gunshot and some screams!" At that moment, a woman screamed from the hall. Plum nodded. "Yes! Just like that!" The others ran out to find Miss Peacock standing over someone. "He's dead!" She screamed. "Someone killed him!" Shoving past her, Plum examined the body and gasped. It was Mr. Grey, look of terror on his face, with a bullet hole in his forehead, a stab wound in his chest and a large wound on his cranium. "He's been shot! Er, stabbed! Struck?! I can't tell!" He sputtered, examining the injuries. "Well?!" Mr. Green snapped. "Who killed the man?!" "Who knows?" Scarlett said with a shrug. "Whoever did it certainly wouldn't have stuck around." "They left?" Mustard asked, looking outside where the storm was still raging. "I would think not! Not in this dreary weather! Whoever did this must be hiding in the house!" The six looked around, before gasping. "The bulter!" They said in unison, before running off to find him.

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    Max frowned at the sound of Yoshi's advice. "This is something I must do on my own!" He stated matter-of-factly. "I shall make my mark on the world! They'll see!!" Stomping back to his station, Max began preparing another ratatouille. "I must make more until I get it evilly perfect and perfectly EVIL!!"

    ~ Flower Shop ~

    "That would be nice, thank you." Elise said politely, taking a seat nearby.

    ~ Mudka's Meat Hut ~

    The moment he entered, Don noticed an alarming number of people entering the restaurant's kitchen. "Oh boy." He muttered. "Someone must be causing trouble for the chef. Better go check it out." Sighing, he made his way to the kitchen doors.

    ~ Jumpman Residence ~

    "Huh, those guys across the street?" Erron asked, following Kamex's directions. "Something about a secret recipe? Look, I'm not with those guys if that's what you're worried about." Sighing, the gunslinger looked around. "Whoever took him really did a number here. Don't think this is any normal kidnapping."

    ~ Kai's Car ~

    "Oh, sure. Uncle Murphy used to go there when Aunt Carol was still with him. He said there were all kinds of couples." Sammy said with a smile, but was quickly taken by surprise as the car drove up a building! "What do you mean 'done this before'?!" She screamed in terror when Kai mentioned having done this previously. Once they arrived at Twinkle Park, Kai and Pyrrha got out to meet Skye, leaving Kairi and Sammy alone. Upon hearing Kairi's comment, Sammy replied with a shaky voice. "Unique way of putting it."

    ~ Outside Bookstore ~

    As Fiona left the store and went down the street, she felt as if she was being followed.
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Walking by with Ferra and Torr, Kotal smiled and listened to Esmerelda's song. He reached into a pack at his waist and pulled out a pouch of money, giving it her. "May we all be equals one day." He said with a nod, before walking off with Ferra and Torr following. "Give lady lot of money." Ferra said, impressed with Kotal. "You in good mood?" He nodded. "Indeed. So far I do not regret this walk."

    ~ Ice Cream Shop ~

    "I don't get it, though." Jin said, frowning. "Is being a Conduit really that taboo?" Jacqueline sighed. "I'm not sure." She replied. "Dad tells me I shouldn't let people know what I am. Thats why he built these gloves. They keep my powers in check, and if someone happens to see me use them, they'll think it's the gloves. All I know is Dad said us Conduits aren't really popular." "Yeah. I know how that feels." Jin muttered. "People judging what you are, not who. Trust me, I know. I have my dad to thank for that." "Sounds like a wild story." Jacqueline stated. "You wanna talk? I got enough money to get ice cream for two." "Depends. They got blueberry?"

    ~ Flower Shop ~

    "Oh, good evening." Elise greeted. "Would any of you happen to know a Harold Flamel? I have an urgent matter to discuss with him."

    ~ Tokyo Outskirts ~

    "This is why we have sought you out, Bi-Han." Shinnok said. "Quan Chi and I were two of your wisest advisors. However, when Astral came into power, he banished us beneath the earth. Quan Chi was able to escape unscathed, but I was not so fortunate. My once mighty power has been drained, slowly recovering over thousands of years." "Your power? Drained?" Noob asked, now curious and slowly being snared in the tale. "Is there anyway for you to restore it quicker?" "Yes, there is, in fact." Shinnok answered. "Somewhere out there in the world, I lost a valuable artifact: an amulet. Where it is or who has it, I know not. It is indestructable, and if someone uses it, their power is siphoned into my own which slightly restores it. However, if I hold the amulet, my powers will restore much quicker. Then, once I am at full power once more, I can help you take back what is yours." Noob thought and thought, before nodding. "Very well. I will humor you." He said. "I will seek out your amulet. Where do I begin?" "Not at the Lin Kuei temple. Return to Astral, and begin there. Do not speak of this meeting." Shinnok ordered, and Noob turned around and walked back to Japan.

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    "What?!" Kuai exclaimed in shock. "But the law of the realms dictates-" "That tournaments are to take place in the invading realm, yes." Sindel finished him. "However, in the past years, Shao Kahn has lost many allies. Ermac, Goro, Sheeva, Reptile, Quan Chi and Mileena have all betrayed or left him and, as such, he has fewer warriors than we. He brought this up and claimed a stipulation of his own to even the odds." Kitana and Kuai looked at each other in worry, before returning to Sindel, who continued. "If we lose this tournament, there will be no time to evacuate or fight the invasion. Shao Kahn's takeover will begin right there." "When will this tournament take place, Mother?" Kitana asked. "The end of the year. In Tokyo."

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    Once done, Max took his ratatouille to the three chefs.

    ~ Jumpman Residence ~

    Erron eyed the Blastoise. "Ease up there." He said, trying not to sound aggressive. "I just saw that this placed looked wrecked and it doesn't look like Jumpman or his folks are here. Something happen?"

    ~ Kai's Car ~

    "Oh, Twinkle Park?" Sammy asked, interested. "I've heard of that place! They have a pretty good deal: cute couples get in free." At this thought, Sammy blushed a bit. "I hope I can go with a nice guy one day..." When they stopped and met Kairi, Sammy smiled when Kairi greeted her. "Nice to meet you." Listening to her and Kai talk, Sammy chuckled at the exchange between the two girls.

    ~ Porta Vista ~

    Don sighed after leaving the Police HQ. He had gotten a small lead, though it wouldn't make his job any easier. His stomach grumbled, so Don decided to stop at Mudka's Meat Hut for a quick meal.

    ~ Abandoned Warehouse ~

    After watching over the captive humans for a bit, D'Vorah began to leave. She heard some people talking and yelling from another building nearby, but ignored it and flew off.
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 25, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. FancyStache
    ~ Ice Cream Shop ~

    Kung Jin watched Ulala leave with a suspicious glance, before approaching Jacqueline. "Hey, Jacqui." He greeted with a small wave. "That lady was watching us, you know." "Really?" She responded with confusion. "You think?" The archer sat down next to her. "You tell anyone about your, uh, quirk?" He asked warily, eyeing her gloves. "The powers of a Conduit aren't things I share with just anyone, you know." Jacqueline answered. "That's why I only tell close friends and family, like you." Jin playfully backed away. "Alright, alright. I get it." He muttered. "Different topic. How's it going with Takeda?" "Not too bad. Long-distance relationships are harder to manage than I thought." Jin looked surprised. "Long-distance?! He's just in the mountains, doing some training with his dad! It's not like he's in a different country!" Jacqueline just smiled and patted his shoulder. "It's not as simple as you thin, Jin. You'll see when you start dating. Speaking of which, when ARE you going to date?" "Haven't met the right guy, I guess." Jin said with a small shrug. "Not that I'm looking. Right now, honing my archery skills is more important. And with our schooling starting earlier, finding time for bow training might be a bit tricky."

    ~ Kai's Garage ~

    Sammy smiled and spoke. "Really? Well, I did always want blue highlights in my hair. It'd help people tell me from Amy. Plus I could use the distraction. Today's been a bit wild." She said as Pyrrha helped her into the car. As they went down the road, Sammy's smile faded as she sighed slightly. "But I hope Thor feels better, though. He and Loki helped me more than they know."

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    Max smiled politely at the Swedish Chef. "Sorry 'bout that!" He stated earnestly, earning him a weird look from the student next to him. As he was in the cooking stage of his ratatouille, he watched in awe at Mario's cooking method, crying at the beauty of the technique. He quickly noticed his was almost done and shifted focus back on his cooking.

    ~ Tibet ~

    Before the large S-Type could charge Castiel, it was knocked aside by a hard kick to the head from Sonya. Enraged, the beast turned it's focus on her.

    ~ Grandmaster's Chamber ~

    "I see." Kuai said, nodding. "it's good you gave Mileena a chance to redeem herself, then. She is a skilled warrior. Earthrealm could do well with her on our side." Kitana nodded. "But I digress. Let us speak of important matters." Holding the gemstone from her pendant, Kitana watched as the stone began to glow a vibrant purple, and a feint vision of Sindel appeared. "Ah, Kuai Liang." She greeted. "I see Kitana has found you." "That's correct, Your Highness." The Lin Kuei Grandmaster replied. "She told me you had a great matter to discuss with me." "That is correct. Years have passed, and the Mortal Kombat tournament is upon us. Outworld has been gathering allies, and I have asked Kitana to do the same." "I see. Then we lead them to Outworld?" Kuai asked, but Sindel shook her head. "No. I have been informed that this tournament will be taking Earthrealm."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Kotal, Ferra and Torr walked down the streets, watching small events unfold around them. "Amazing how so many small things you can miss." Kotal noted. " am glad I took this walk. It will be nice to interact with the citizens." "Why Kotal worry about them?" Ferra asked. "You want take over Japan!" The sun being shook his head sadly. "No, not take over. Liberate seems more appropriate. Yet seeing these people live so blissfully in their current state leaves me somewhat conflicted with my ambition." Seeing the distress in their leader, Ferra had Torr pat Kotal on the back. "You no worry. What Kotal does, Ferra and Torr am gonna follow!" "I am pleased to hear it. My thanks, Ferra. And though you cannot speak, the same to you, Torr."

    On another side of town, Erron Black noticed the state of Jumpman's place. "Huh." He grunted. "Looks like something happened at old Jumpman's place. Might as well see what's up." Curious, he quietly entered the building.

    ~ Tokyo Outskirts ~

    "However." Noob warned. "Be aware that I am very skeptical of anything you will say and if your words bear no weight, I will destroy you both for attempting to turn me against Lord Astral!" Shinnok nodded. "Of course. Now listen well." He began, and put his deception into motion. "Your real name is Bi-Han. You were once a skilled cryomancer and leader of a ninja clan known as the Lin Kuei. Once it's proud Grandmaster, you were soon betrayed and overthrown by your own brother. Are my words suspect so far?" Noob began to recall his visions from earlier. He remembered seeing two children playing. "I...recall a vision. Two children near a snowy temple." He said. "That was you and your brother, in happier times of course." Shinnok continued. "However, with age, his greed grew and he became envious of your position. Once you were exiled from the temple, the hatred inside you manifested itself into the first S-Types. They were yours to command, yet soon that too was taken as I told you earlier."

    ~ Outside Twinkle Park ~

    Oliver and Fiona left Twinkle Park with smiles. "That was fun!" Fiona said. "I'm really glad we went." "I'm glad we did, too." Oliver agreed. "So, are you ready to go home? I can drive you." "Oh, no. It's alright." Fiona answered. "I actualy have to go to the bookstore. It's not far, so I can walk. Then I have a few more places to go." "You sure?" Oliver asked. "Well, alright then. I'll see you soon." Entering his car, Oliver waved Fiona goodbye before driving off.

    ~ Outside Flower Shop ~

    Elise entered the Flower Shop, hoping they'd know where Harold Flamel was.
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo Outskirts ~

    Noob was surprised at how Quan Chi knew this. "Y-Yes! But how did you-" "We have the answers you seek, Noob Saibot." Quan Chi answered. "Those powers, the control over ice, were a skill you had many years ago." By now, Shinnok stepped up and spoke for the first time. "Indeed." The crowned man said, carefully spinning a lie in his head. "You see, Noob Saibot, your powers long ago were once mighty and feared. No others were comperable to yours! They gave you mass control over the S-Types. For you see, you are the natural commander of the S-Types, not Astral." Stunned, Noob was unable to see through Shinnok's crafted lie, and the fallen god went on. "When Astral came, he wiped the memory from your mind and took your position, letting you sit idly by as his servant. Years and years, he has used what belongs to you. With no memory of your true right, you've willingly submitted to his word." "No. You lie." Noob finally snapped. "Lord Astral has always been our leader, and I have served him gratefully." "Indeed." Shinnok nodded, but continued with his lie. "However, do you really wish to risk my being right? I can restore the memories lost by you. The powers." The S-Type began pondering. If these two were correct and he declined what they had to offer, he would hypothetically lose quite a bit. "Very well. I will hear what you have to say, but no more."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "Um, well I should call Uncle Murphy first." Sammy told Kai as she took out her cell phone. "It really scares him when he doesn't know where me or Amy are."

    ~ Pendleton Apartment/Tokyo Streets ~

    Murphy, looking quite pale and still shaken from his nightmare a while back, sat watching television when Amy stormed in, fuming. "Oh, Amanda." Murphy faintly greeted. "Are you alright?" "Not now, Uncle Murphy." She snapped. "I'm going up to my room!" Hearing her door slam, Murphy sighed. He heard the phone ring and answered. "Hello?" Sammy's voice was on the other end. "Hi, Uncle Murphy. It's Sammy." She answered. "Um, I'm going with some friends to Shibuya. Is that okay?" Murphy raised an eybrow and replied. "Shibuya, huh? Well, I suppose it's fine with me. And I'm glad to hear you've made some friends. Just be back before night time, alright?" "I will. Thanks! I'll see you later, Uncle Murphy." "Alright, then. Have fun."

    Hanging up, Sammy turned to Kai and Pyrrha. "Well, he says it's okay. I have to be home before dark, though."

    ~ Abandoned Warehouse ~

    D'Vorah flew to the warehouse, looking around to make sure she had not been followed. Entering, she looked around the interior. Many unconcious men and women were attached to the walls by an orange substance. Small larvae were attached to their bodies, moving about and burrowing. "Soon, young ones." D'Vorah whispered. "The incubation period has begun. More hosts will be needed. But in due time. Yes, due time. This one will see to it..."

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    Max was currently preparing his ratatouille with surprising attention to instruction. He noted with annoyance as the student next to him was getting measurements wrong. "Mediocre dunce! There are numbers on the measuring cup for a reason!" He snapped. "Use them! USE THEM, I SAY!!"

    ~ Tibet ~

    Approaching the voice, Orchid found herself reunited with an old comrade. "Jago!" She called out. "Helping with the effort, eh?" The monk turned to her, though still focused on the S-Types he was fighting. "Orchid. It has been a while. But now is not the time! Gather the people. I will fend these beasts off!" "And miss out on fighting alongside you again? No way!" Orchid said with a grin as she joined Jago. "Cas, you got the people?" "Yes." He called out. "I can handle evacuation duty alone. You may fight with your friend to 'catch up', I believe the human term is." Gathering a few more people, Castiel led them to the choppers, managing to evade any straggling S-Types.

    In the battlefield, S-Types surrounded Sonya, but she easily fought them off. Just then, a large bellow alerted her and the troops. Turning to the source of the noice, Sonya's face fell as she found herself looking at a hulking S-Type. "We got a big one, people!" She yelled. "Handle the small ones! I got this one!" As she turned to face it, she noticed the large beast run past her and make a dash straight towards Castiel. "Agent Novak, behind you!" Sonya yelled out to alert him as she ran to stop the S-Type.

    ~ Lounge ~

    The six stood in shock, while Mr. Grey remained smug. "Blackmail?!" White cried out. "You're blackmailing us?!" "Poppycock!" Mustard barked. "What sort of 'blackmail' do you have?" Grey's smirk grew smugger as he opened the folder and began reading of of a document. "Colonel Mustard, served with the Japanese Military years ago before retiring. They never did find out about the illegal firearms you took, did they?" The Colonel fell silent as Grey continued. "Miss Scarlet, hollywood's former darling. Ruined many young starlets careers by selling risque information to the tabloids." Scarlett simply shrugged, unconcerned. "Mmm. Not my problem anymore." "The point being..." Mr. Grey resumed, as a storm began to brew outside. "I have dirt on all of you that can ruin your public standing forever, even lead to incarceration. I will give this info to the authorities unless you all wire a combined 100,000,000 Yen into my bank account every month. Do this, and i will keep your vices private. Otherwise, the only way you'll be getting this dirt from me is...from my cold. Dead. Hands." As he spoke, a flash of lightning struck, causing all lights in the house to go out. In the midst of darkness and sounds of panicked movement, a gunshot and a loud whack was heard and Mr. Grey let out a scream.

    ~ Tower Of the Sun ~

    Upon seeing Ron be freed by Harold, Kotal smiled, clearly impressed. 'Perhaps Erron and D'Vorah have the right idea. I may go out on the town a bit myself.' He thought. 'It has been far to long since I've interacted with Japan's folk.' Kotal descended from the top of the tower until he was outside Ferra and Torr's room. Knocking, he heard Ferra respond immediately. "Ferra and Torr busy! Go away!" The woman's high voice answered. "Ferra? It's Kotal." After some silence, Ferra opened the door. "Oh! Hello, Lord Kotal!" She greeted cheerfully, a great contrast from her earlier tone. "What you need with Ferra?" "I am going into town for a bit of a stroll." He answered and Ferra leapt. "Ferra and Torr want come too! Make sure nothing happen to you!" "Well, I was going to ask you to stay here until Ermac returned, but I suppose the protection could be assuring. I'll leave him a notice. Are you done filling out your school application online?" "We all done!" Ferra proudly said. Kotal nodded, wrote and left a note for Ermac to inform him they were gone and began to leave. Ferra leapt onto Torr's back, her companion towering over Kotal as the three left the tower to the city streets.

    ~ Ice Cream Shop ~

    Jacqueline finished her ice cream and sat back, examining her gloves. 'Dad said these could help control my powers without them going out of control.' She thought. 'I'll bet the change in schedule has to do with that.' Her thoughts were interrupted when a voice called out to her. Looking, she found her friend Kung Jin approaching her. "Jin! What are you doing here?" She asked.
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Hearing Kai's comment, Amy glared at her to retort, but only angered sputtering came out. Screaming in frustration, she jabbed a finger at Sammy. "We're gonna finish this conversation later, SPARE-MEY!!" She shouted, stomping off to go home. Once she left, Sammy sighed. "That was scary. I can't believe I stood up to her." She gasped. "It...actually felt kinda refreshing. I feel a little more confident." She turned toward Pyrrha and Kai. "Oh! S-Sorry you two had to see that."

    As he finished his call, Erron looked up as Thor flew overhead. The gunslinger let out a small laugh and shook his head. "The things you see everyday." He said with a chuckle.

    Elise smiled as she made her way to the Flower Shop, hoping she could find what she was looking for.

    Hanging up, Dr. Veronica sighed in annoyance as she was currently being held by Lizzie. Occasionally, Ralph tried to make a grab for her, only to get slapped by the giant lizard. "Well, I suppose if this is where I'll be all day..." Dr. Veronica mused. " least I have some entertainment."

    ~ Vector Industries ~

    Fulgore shook his head, turning to T-Elos. "A shame I was not there." He said. "I could have forced them through my assimilation process. They would have been excellent assets for us."

    ~ Tower Of the Sun ~

    "Today is quite an interesting day, D'Vorah." Kotal said, gesturing towards the town. "A fight between Riders, flying children. Many strange occurences this evening." "Indeed." D'Vorah replied. "Now then, if you'll excuse this one, we have our own affairs to attend to in town." Dismissed, D'Vorah sprouted wings from her back and flew toward the city.

    ~ Ice Cream Shop ~

    Jacqueline Briggs was enjoying her favorite ice cream: mint and chocolate-chip. Suddenly, her phone rang and, answering it, she heard her father on the other end. "Hey, dad." She said. After a few minutes, she nodded. "Yeah, I've been wearing the gloves. What? Tomorrow? Thought I was starting next month...well, if you say so. What? Takeda and Jin, too? What's going on? ...You can't tell me? That big of a deal? Alright, I love you too." Hanging up, Jacqueline was left confused by her father's call.

    ~ Tokyo Outskirts ~

    Noob glared at the two strangers. "My name is not Bi-Han! I am Noob Saibot, assassin of the S-Types!" He hissed. "Speak your names, strangers!" The bald man bowed politely and obliged. "I am Quan Chi. And this..." He said, gesturing to the crowned one. " Lord Shinnok. We have been searching a long time for you." "To what end?" Noob asked. "Tell me, have you recently come into any...strange powers?" Quan Chi asked with amusement, as if knowing what Noob's answer was.

    ~ Grandmaster's Chamber ~

    Once they were alone, Kuai and Kitana sat down to talk. "How have things been, Sub-Zero?" Kitana asked. "I've had worse days. The Grandmaster's seat is quite a lot to live up to. If I could give it away, I would." Kuai answered with a sigh. "I wish my brother were here to guide me." Kitana nodded, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Yes. Your brother, Bi-Han. His loss was a great tragedy for Earthrealm." "And for the Lin Kuei." Kuai added, glancing at Kitana. "I am sure Liu Kang's passing weighed heavily on you as well." "In some ways, it still does. But for my kingdom and my family, I mustn't let it consume me. It is what Liu would want, for me to be happy." Kuai nodded in agreement, and the two sat silently, dwelling on their lost friends before Kuai spoke up. "So, may I ask what is going on with Mileena? You two once hated each other with no quarter." Kitana laughed and patted his hand. "It is quite a long story, but it began with..."

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    Jade, Mileena and Mitsurugi walked through the temple halls, watching the Lin Kuei go about their training. "So, Mileena." Jade said. "It must be nice, being out of that damp prison." The pink-clad ninja nodded. "I suppose it is." She answered. "I did not expect Kitana to spare me any charity to be honest. Perhaps I still do not deserve it." "Yet she spared it anyway." Mitsurugi spoke up. "Clearly she felt you deserved it, even if you don't."

    ~ Tibet: Warzone ~

    The soldiers began taking on the S-Types, though the creatures were holding their own. Sonya was fending off a few with ease, sending them flying with a strong kick. Orchid and Castiel, meanwhile, had grabbed up a few children and were carrying them to one of the evacuation choppers, before quickly heading back for more. On the way, Orchid heard a familiar voice fending S-Types away from the citizens.

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    "Excellent!" Max said with an evil cackle as he got his recipes. "I happen to make a mean quiche au fromage! Or as I call it, a quiche au FEAR-mage!" The purple-haired boy sat down and began heavily scrutinizing the recipes, memorizing the steps.

    ~ Grey Mansion: Lounge ~

    "Ah, here we are. Drink, anyone?" Mr. Grey asked, but was only met with impatient glares. "For goodness sake, old boy!" Mustard exclaimed. "Will you please get on with this?" "Yes, because if you don't have anything to say, I'm leaving." Scarlett said with a scowl as she turned to leave. "Miss Scarlett, please. I apologize." Mr. Grey said. "Very well. I have called all six of you here, because you all have something in common. You are all associates of mine I have spent countless time with." He smiled as he approached an envelope and picked it up. "My years with you all have given me plenty of time to get to know you. Many years, I've learned many things from and about you. And-" "Well?! Spit it out, man!" Plum blurted out, annoyed. "You see, my friends. For years, I have gathered information on you six. I, Mr. Grant Gray, am blackmailing you all."
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. FancyStache

    Name: Ermac
    Description: A supernatural warrior made from the souls of thousands. Ermac serves Kotal Kahn loyally, showing no mercy to those that oppose him.
    Occupation: n/a
    Series Character is from: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Ermac always refers to himself in plurals, speaking for the souls he his made of.


    Name: Kenshi Takahashi
    Description: A wandering swordsman and father of Takeda. Though Kenshi is completely blind, he possesses powerful telepathic powers which make up for his lack of sight, ranging from mind-reading to lifting.
    Occupation: n/a
    Series Character is from: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Kenshi's wife was murdered years ago, leaving him to raise Takeda alone.


    Name: Takeda Takahashi
    Description: Son of Kenshi and trainee for the Shirai Ryu, rival clan of the in Kuei. Takeda is a telepath like his father, though his powers are limited to only mind-reading. Takeda is one of Cassie's friends, sharing her sense of humor.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Despite claims by her father, Takeda is actually attracted to her friend Jacqueline.


    Name: Jacqueline Briggs
    Description: Son of ex-Army Commander Jackson Briggs. Jacqueline is a Conduit with strange explosive powers. Concerned, her father has built special gloves to help her control them. Jacqueline is best friends with Cassie, being nicknamed 'Jacqui'.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Jacqueline is the most level-headed of Cassie's friends, though she is occasionally sarcastic.


    Name: Kung Jin
    Description: Cousin of the warrior Kung Lao with a cocky attitude. Kung Jin has interest in archery and is always giving Cassie a hard time. Despite this, the two are good friends with a hidden respect for each other.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Kung Jin's lifestyle has certain aspects he fears others may not accept him for.
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Sammy looked my straight in the eyes and spoke firmly. "Was it something I did? Someone else?" She asked. "If it's something I did to you, you need to tell me. I want us to be close like sisters should be, Amy. I really do, but these things make it almost impossible! I wish we were more like those brothers Thor and Loki! They get along great! But we're always at each other's throats!" Sammy's voice shook a bit as she was surprised she was actually confronting her sister. "Ever since Cousin Charlie died, you've been pushing me. Why? What could I have done to..." She took a pause, her heart sinking. "Oh my" Before Sammy could finish, Amy snapped. "Of course I don't blame you! You know what!? You wanna know WHY I put you through hell every day?! I'll TELL you why! It's because you're TOO spineless!"

    "So Takeda, huh?" Cassie spoke. "Yep. Him and his dad just finished some training thingy in the mountains. Actually, Jin and Jacqui are supposed to be starting around the same time Takeda is." Hearing the name Jin, Cassie groaned. "Great. Just what I need, him giving me a hard time at school."

    ~ Tower Of the Sun ~

    Kotal and D'Vorah continued to spectate the battle between the Riders. "It seems those two were close." He noted, speaking of Harry and Ron. "Something strange is pitting that boy against his friend." "Shall we go down and assist?" D'Vorah asked, but Kotal shook his head. "No. This is between them."

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple: Grandmaster's Chamber ~

    Noticing the Edenian princess, Kuai Liang smiled warmly. "Princess Kitana. You look well." He greeted, then addressed her company. "And I see Jade and Heishiro have accompanied you." Then, his eyes fell on Mileena, and his smile faded. "You've brought your clone?" He asked, causing Mileena to wince slightly. "Mileena has been put under my care, and I intend to help her find redemption, Sub-Zero." Kitana answered. "But for now, there are things you and I must discuss." "Very well. We may talk here. Your company is welcome to the temple's halls." Jade nodded, and took Mileena's hand. "Come along, Mileena." She said gently. The two and Mitsurugi left the room, leaving Kitana and Kuai alone.

    ~ Outskirts of Japan ~

    Noob Saibot glared to the horizon, where he saw the Lin Kuei temple in the distance. As he began progressing, he was suddenly blinded by a bright green light. Two men appeared before him. Both were very pale, but one was bald and the other wore a decorate horned crown. Both approached Noob as the bald one spoke. "We have found you, Bi-Han."

    ~ Private Island ~

    "You all look well." Grey spoke. "I trust you all know why you are here?" "Well, yes." Mrs. White answered. "There's going to be a dinner to show appreciation for our service to the family, yes?" Grey chuckled and nodded. "Ah, so my butler did NOT inform you. No, no. There has been a change of plans. Please follow me to the Lounge, if you will." As the group were led to the Lounge, Miss Peacock scowled. "Of course, leave it to him to change his mind at the last second."

    ~ Skies Above Tibet ~

    "Alright, boys and girls." Sonya spoke. "We're gonna be landing in a bit. The second we go out there, I want Orchid and Novak to go first. You two are to get every civilian in the area to safety. Some of our troopa will aid you. The rest of you, I want you to start shooting every hostile you see. Keep your fire away from citizens. I don't want any casualties. We clear?" The troops saluted and replied in unison. "Yes, Commander Blade!" Sonya nodded as the chopper landed on the ground. "Wits about you. And..." The chopper doors open, and the troops flooded out. "Go, go, go. go!" Sonya barked as they were met with swarms of S-Types. Meanwhile, Orchid and Castiel rushed for the nearest civilians.

    ~ Cafe ~

    Elise looked confused. "The Philosopher's Stone? My father told me of that when I was a child. He said it was mentioned in a few books." "Yeah, it's quite the creation." Arno mused. "It was considered one of the Flamels' greatest creations. Said to be able to turn lead into gold. Many people sought it out." "I can see why." Elise nodded. "Limitless wealth would be tempting to many. I wonder, though, if it has any other uses." Arno shrugged. "Who knows? The Stone's been thought lost for a long time. I'm afraid I'm not the guy you need to be asking this sort of thing. You want more information? I suggest you ask Harold Flamel. I can direct you to where you can find him. He's often seen at the Flower Shop." Nodding, Elise smiled. "Thank you, Arno. You've helped me a great deal. This break was...nice and well-needed." "I'm glad to hear it. We must do this again someday. Perhaps after you've found what you wanted?" Elise smiled. "I'd like that, Arno. It's a date then." She left the Cafe, and Arno began speaking into his transmitter once she was gone. "This is Dorian. The Order member asked about Flamel, but doesn't seem to be seeking the Stone."

    ~ Scum Labs: DeMonic's Office ~

    Eustace DeMonic heard his phone ring and answered it. Dr. Veronica was on the other end, sounding very irate. "About time I got good reception." He heard her snap. "Mr. DeMonic! Where are you?!" "I'm here, Elizabeth." He answered. "Is something wrong?" "Of course there is! I've just been kidnapped by giant monsters! Giant monsters which look eerily like the three people reported missing yesterday!" DeMonic opened his mouth to speak, but Dr. Veronica continued. "Mr. DeMonic, I know about the mutagenic experiments. You'd better find a way to return these three to normal, or I will go to the authorities!" She hung up, leaving DeMonic stunned. Without a word, he got up and headed to the secret lab.
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. FancyStache
    Still hope you drop on by, bro!


    Name: Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang)
    Description: The human younger brother of Noob Saibot, who was once Kuai's older brother Bi Han. Sub-Zero is grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and once an ally against the forces of Outworld.
    Occupation: Grandmaster Of the Lin Kuei
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Kuai is unaware of his brother's revival as an S-Type.


    Name: Dean Ambrose
    Description: A rough newcomer to the WWE, often known for messing with the heels of the wrestling business.
    Occupation: Pro Wrestler
    Series: WWE Wrestling
    Other: Like a few of his fellow wrestlers, he has discreet ties to certain factions outside the ring.
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. FancyStache
    ~ Skies Of Tibet ~

    While Sonya was giving her soldiers instructions, B. Orchid gave Castiel a look of concern. "You gonna be alright, Cas?" The S-Type nodded slightly. "I'm still not used to riding these flying machines." "I understand. My first helicopter ride was pretty shaky." Orchid smiled. "So, I take I they don't know about your...situation?" Castiel shook his head. "No. For the time being, they believe me to be this Agent Novak. It might be best if we kept the truth to ourselves. We S-Types are not exactly well-accepted these days, and it's possible my true identity may cause...tensions."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "So, kiddo. How was school today?" Johnny asked Cassie. "Meh. It was okay. Teachers were pretty cool. And I'll be applying for ROTC tomorrow." She replied. "ROTC, huh? Taking after your mom, eh? Good on you. We need some tough ladies in the military. You know, Kenshi's son Takeda is wanting to join himself. Actually, he's going to be starting school here next month. I hear he's grown sweet on you and Jacqui! Just like your pops, everyone falling head over heels for ya!" Johnny laughed and ruffled an annoyed Cassie's hair. "Changing the subject. How'd your movie go, dad?" Johnny chuckled. "Well, they're casting the Pink Ranger right now, but we'll be filming later today once they get an actress for her."

    Erron tucked himself in an alley and began making a call. "This is Erron. Let the others know the Followers Of the Sun will be meeting this weekend. Tell Dean and Reptile we will be doing their inductions then."

    Amy and Sammy were walking home when Sammy spoke up. "Amy. We need to talk." Amy stopped and turned toward her. "About what?" She snapped. "Okay, look Amy. It's about this whole 'Samey' thing..." Sammy hesitated a bit, but Thor and Loki's words rang through her mind and gave her the courage to continue. She wanted to know what caused Amy's attitude. She needed to know. "What is your problem with me? When we were kids, we got along great! What happened? What did I do to get you to start harassing me?" Hearing her sister start to raise her voice, Amy tried to speak. "I'm not-" However, Sammy held up her hand to stop her. "Amy, let me finish, please."

    Passing by them, Mayhem was feeling very good about his latest exploit. Deciding he was really done for the day, he made his way back home.

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    Max sat at his station. "Excellent. Soon these fools will feel the wrath of my delicious French fare!" Eagerly, he put on an apron, before noticing the student next to him giving him a strange look. "What? Even evil mustn't forget proper preparation!"

    ~ Sam & Dean's Dorm Room: Meeting Of the Unofficial Paranormal Investigation Club ~

    Sam, Dean and an unknown girl sat in the room. "So, uh." Sam began. "I guess I call this meeting of the unofficial Paranormal Investigation Club to order. Today we induct our newest, and only new, member." He and Dean looked at the girl. "Um, I'm, like, Ini Miney. I'm totally into ghosts and possession and things like that." She introduced herself. "So, Ini." Dean began. "Have you ever dealt with demonic possession before?" "Well, one time I got, like, chased by a vacuum cleaner."

    ~ Porta Vista Harbor ~

    Don nodded. "Thanks. I appreciate it." Watching the two leave, he began heading toward the direction of the police department, hoping to get some insight.

    ~ Private Island ~

    Scarlett, Green, Mustard, White, Plum and Peacock all approached the mansion, where a well-dressed old man was waiting at the gate. "Ah!" He exclaimed, seeing the six. "Mr. Grey's honored guests! I am his humble butler. The Master has been expecting you, and is very keen to begin the business for which you six have been sought. Please follow me." He lead the six guests inside and into a fancy room. A charming, young man waited for them. Greeting the six with a smile, he spoke. "I'm glad to see you all came by as asked."

    ~ Tower Of the Sun ~

    From his spot, Kotal watched the battle between the mysterious Rider and the others. "Seems to be some discord amongst the Riders." He thought, shaking his head. He heard footsteps behind him and turned to see one of his followers. "Ah, D'Vorah. Decided to come enjoy the view? Although the only thing there really is to see is a fight between the Riders and other strange folk, and it is not an enjoyable situation if I may say." D'Vorah nodded. "It felt appropriate to take a rest." She answered, reaching into the pouch in her stomach and holding up a sizable larvae. "These ones were restless, so I was occupied with calming them down." "I see. And Ferra?" "She and Torr are going to be preparing for tomorrow's mission. I've tried to have a moment with them, but Ferra insisted I not bother her."
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. FancyStache
    Gotcha, Nuthead! That'll come in handy!


    Name: Ferra/Torr
    Description: A small woman and her hulking male companion, both of unknown origin. Ferra and Torr are spies sent to pose as students at Nintendo High. Though she speaks in primitive English, Ferra is the brains of the duo, whereas Torr is the brawn.
    Occupation: Spies for Kotal Kahn
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: n/a


    Name: D'Vorah
    Description: A woman from a lost race known as the Kytinn. D'Vorah is one of Kotal's most loyal allies. Controls large swarms of insects and can command them through simple orders.
    Occupation: n/a
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: n/a


    Name: Shinnok
    Description: A former deity who lost his power when he attacked Earth. Shinnok now resides in his own personal spire beneath the Earth, built atop Lavos' resting place. He wishes to prevent others from utilizing Lavos' power, plotting to awaken it and destroy Earth.
    Occupation: n/a
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Shinnok's amulet provides his powerful magic.


    Name: Quan Chi
    Description: A powerful sorcerer with the ability to raise the dead as revenant slaves. His loyalty to Shinnok is unwavering, and so he spends countless time trying to uncover the secret to awaken Lavos'.
    Occupation: n/a
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Very cunning and deceptive.
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. FancyStache
    ~ Nintendo High: End Of School Day ~

    The bell rang, announcing the end of the school day. Mike and Jeremy began letting students out, waving as they passed by. Amy and Sammy found each other and began walking home, Sammy reminding herself to talk to Amy when they got home.

    Vaughn, Fey, Crunch, Eris and Tiny all planned to meet at Vaughn's place to go to the concert. With their parents' permissions (save for Eris), the five climbed into his van to get to their destination.

    Myriam watched with intrigue from her box as a few students, teachers and other adults disappeared in flashes of colored light. "Kek kek kek kek! Interesting. Could this tie in to the rumors I've heard?" She whispered, running to her dorm room.

    Johnny Cage pulled up to the school parking lot and, after signing a few autographs, approached Cassie. "Dad? I thought Mom was picking me up." She asked, somewhat confused. "Nah. She's off preserving national security somewhere, leaving me to play the doting, and super-handsome, dad to the rescue." Johnny answered with his usual brand of humor. His daughter smirked. "Yeah. That sounds about right."

    ~ Skies Of Tibet: Inside Chopper ~

    Sonya took a look at the soldiers seated together, exchanging looks of worry or confidence. "Alright, men." She spoke after a moment of silence. "My name is Commander Sonya Blade, and I am your Commanding Officer to this mission into Tibet. My job is to get this mission done with as little casualties as possible." After looking over the troops, she continued. "Massive S-Type activity has been reported, and we've been called in to deal with it. I want you all to help clear them out while saving as many civilians as we can." She walked over to where B. Orchid and Castiel were standing. "These are JIA Agents B. Orchid and Jimmy Novak. They'll be aiding us on our mission using minor JIA resources. These two have experience with S-Types, so if you need to know what you're getting into, ask them now. We arrive at our destination in thirty minutes."

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    Entering the Grandmaster's Chamber, Kitana smiled upon seeing her old ally. "Sub-Zero. It has been far too long."

    ~ Back Alley ~

    "Seems we are all going to be busy in the coming days." Golden Freddy mused. "I do hope Noob completes his task. Once the last of his ties with his past life have been cut down, his loyalty will be less likely to waver."

    ~ Black Dragon Hideout ~

    Kano returned from his delivery to find his only two recruits, Bloody Mary and Barty Crouch Jr., engaged in the same card game as when he left. "Really? You two still playin' that game?" He snapped, amazed that it was still going. "There's no rush, is there?" Crouch Jr. answered. "So how did the dropoff go." "As good as it could go. JIA got their weapons, we got immunity." Kano replied with a laugh.

    ~ Tower Of the Sun ~

    From the top of the large stone tower overlooking the streets below, Kotal Kahn and Erron Black watched Tokyo's citizens go about their daily lives. "Look upon them, Erron." Kotal spoke, gesturing toward the people. "Even under the duress of war, they somehow manage to live as usual. Humanity is full of surprises." Erron nodded. "You never expect these things." He said in agreement, adjusting his hat. "A pity that their development is being halted by such a paltry engagement. The Japanese Intelligence Agency...The Crystal Order...Hmph. Fools, all of them." Sighing in disappointment, the sun being looked around. "Strange. Where are D'Vorah and Ferra? Do they not take moments to enjoy this view?" "D'Vorah's tending to her bugs as always." Erron replied. "And Ferra is with Torr, preparing for her infiltration mission tomorrow. Speaking of which, I have some things to handle." Smiling, Kotal gave a nod to excuse him, and turned back to oversee the city as the gunslinger left.

    ~ Yacht ~

    "Hmph! I don't need to discuss my private life with some strangers." Mr. Green said rudely. "But if you must know, I too was invited by Mr. Grey." Miss Scarlett nodded. "Me too. And from the looks of things, we are almost at our destination." She said, pointing out a window. Everyone looked out and saw an island come into view. A large white manor was nestled at the center.

    ~ Vector Industries ~

    Fulgore approached Shadow Mario and T-Elos, his eyes glowing a fierce red. "I was informed there were intruders. Have they been dealt with?"

    ~ Café ~

    "So, the Flamels dabbled in Alchemy..." Elise mused. "That's right. They are one of the few alchemic families with living relatives. The Belli family also practiced, although the current descendant doesn't posses knowledge of her family's art." Arno explained. "It's said that both families developed the key to eternal life itself. The Bellis studied carriers of the Azoth, or life force, that could be forcibly taken by someone to restore their youth, although that knowledge has since been lost. The Flamels, on the other hand, produced a less sinister result: The Philosopher's Stone."
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. FancyStache

    Name: Castiel
    Description: A non-hostile S-Type taking possession of a deceased JIA agent's body. Very serious, yet knows little of human culture. Castiel's blunt way of speaking tends to rub others the wrong way. Partner of B. Orchid and appointed guardian of Sam and Dean.
    Occupation: S-Type/JIA Agent
    Series: Supernatural
    Other: Normally docile, yet his S-Type impulses take over when heavily angered.


    Name: B. Orchid
    Description: A focused, goal-oriented JIA agent. B. Orchid is intent on getting the job done as efficiently as possible. She tends to close herself off from people, save for her fellow agents. She has a missing younger brother, and is Castiel's partner.
    Occupation: JIA Agent
    Series: Killer Instinct
    Other: Has power over fire-based transformations.


    Name: Fulgore
    Description: Robotic being working in the mysterious Vector Industries. Fulgore shows no mercy toward enemy S-Types and has made it it's goal to bend all S-Types to it's leaders' whim.
    Occupation: ???
    Series: Killer Instinct
    Other: Wishes to 'assimilate' all enemy S-Types.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. FancyStache
    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Sammy smiled and her eyes began tearing up over the group's words. "That...that's really beautiful. You described perfectly the sisterly bond I want with Amy. I'm glad I asked you guys, and I'll be sure mention this to her after school. Thank you two so much. Really. This means so much to me."

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Sam and Dean finished their lunches and got up to leave. "Anyway, we got our homework done." Sam said. "Wanna hang out in the dorms until class?" Dean nodded. "Yeah, sure."

    ~ Movie Studio ~

    Johnny was now in his regular clothes, having finished practicing when his phone rang. "Hello, Johnny Cage here." He answered. It was his wife, Sonya Blade. "Hey, Johnny." She greeted. "Listen, the JIA's sending me and a few of my men on an important mission later. Could you pick Cassie up after school?" "No prob, babe." Johnny answered with a grin. "I'm free. Filming won't be 'til later, so I got the time."

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    "Anyway." Myriam said, stretching. She finished her lunch and got up. "I better get going! Gotta get things ready before next class! Sss sss sss sss. Those devices aren't going to find themselves!"
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. FancyStache
    Name: Ini Miney
    Description: A somewhat-ditzy student at Nintendo High. Ini has a great interest in the occult and the supernatural. Her sister is a nurse.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saiban
    Other: Has an immense fear of fire.
    Name: Mimi Miney
    Description: Ini's older sister and a nurse working for the hospital. Unlike her sister, Mimi is strict and not fond of the supernatural.
    Occupation: Nurse
    Series: Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saiban
    Other: Is quite the enthusiast about British cars.


    Name: Matt Engarde
    Description: Johnny Cage's co-star in 'Super Sentai: The Movie'. The actual actor playing the Red Ranger (in contrast to Johnny playing Blue Ranger). Energetic and friendly, yet somewhat dense.
    Occupation: Actor/???
    Series: Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saiban
    [​IMG] The real Matt is cruel and cunning, with no regard for others. Despite starring in a movie about them, Matt hates the Rangers and what they stand for, determined to ruin their name.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. FancyStache
    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    A Lin Kuei ninja blocked the way of Kitana and the others, demanding to know what they wanted. "We've come to speak to Sub-Zero. Troubled times are coming, and we may require his aid." Kitana answered firmly. The ninja glared at her for a while, before his expression softened and he let her and the others pass, though he and the others met Mileena's gaze with contempt. "Now, Mileena." Kitana spoke to the half-Tarkatan-half-Edenian. "The last time Sub-Zero saw you, you fought on opposite sides. He may react to your presence with aggression. I ask that you do not fuel it." Mileena nodded. "If he does not invoke violence, then I will not antagonize him. I expect you to aid me should he go to far, however." Mileena replied, crossing her arms. Kitana smiled behind her mask. "Very well." All in agreement, they, Jade and Mitsurugi entered the temple to speak to Sub-Zero.

    ~ Back Alley ~

    "Ah, I see." Golden Freddy responded. "Until we know what we are dealing with. Actually, that reminds me. Noob?" He addressed his partner. "I came across something rather interesting during my recon within the building. There is a temple in the snowy region, where a clan of warriors train in the art of cryomancy. Apparently, they are quite the threat to us S-Types. Noob, I believe it would be in our best interest to send you there to destroy it." "I see." Noob answered. "I take it I must take this mission alone?" "Correct. I have a few things to discuss with Lord Astral, and I would likely slow you down." "Then I shall go." Noob stated and disappeared through a black void. "Ah, poor soul." Golden Freddy mused once Noob was gone. He turned to Astral. "I simply needed him away for a while, for I have a few concerns about our dear Noob, Lord Astral. Something rather alarming happened during our mission."

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Sammy gave Thor a look of concern over his shaky response. "Umm, anyway." She said. "You two...are brothers, right? How do you do it? How do you two get along so well?"

    ~ Café ~

    "Well..." Elise began. "...I was hoping you could tell me about any surviving members." Arno nodded. "Certainly. A boy named Harold lives here. I'm afraid I don't know too much about him. whether he has knowledge of his family's knowledge of alchemy or not." "Alchemy?" Elise asked, puzzled. Arno began to explain. "Yeah. Supposedly, the Flamels were skilled alchemists."

    ~ Twinkle Park ~

    Oliver and Fiona arrived outside their destination: Japan's own Twinkle Park. "Wow! Look at all the couples here." Fiona noted, looking at the people. "Yeah." Oliver said with a chuckle. "Nighttime is when it really gets packed, so I thought we'd enjoy ourselves more not getting cramped up, even though the park is prettier at night. Anyway, after you."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Florent looked annoyed, wondering where he would find the Ozzie Trio at this hour.

    ~ Movie Lot ~

    Johnny Cage was doing some martial art exercises, preparing for his leading role (despite the fact the casting department thought he was too old to play it, his good shape landed him the role at the last minute) in "Super Sentai: The Movie". He was wearing his Red Ranger costume without the helmet, and was practicing a few kicks.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. FancyStache

    Name: Kotal Kahn
    Description: A sun-powered warrior, strong but reasonable. Kotal hopes to take advantage of the conflict between the JIA and Crystal Order to unify the world under his rule.
    Occupation: n/a
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: n/a


    Name: Erron Black
    Description: Kotal's right-hand man of few words. Erron is a gunslinger who know his way with a weapon. Who he actually is remains a mystery.
    Occupation: n/a
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: n/a


    Name: Sonya Blade
    Description: Cassie's mother and a commanding officer in the Japanese army. Sonya takes her position seriously and is determined to do Japan proud.
    Occupation: Japanese Army CO
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Has a deep grudge against the Black Dragon.


    Name: Johnny Cage
    Description: A popular, but cheesy action movie star in Japan's cinema scene, and Cassie's father. Johnny is a major jokester, but he Is very capable of holding his own.
    Occupation: Actor
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Despite being an actor, Johnny aids the JIA and Japanese Army on occasion.


    Name: Bartemius Crouch Jr.
    Description: A politician's son turned criminal. He went mad in prison before being broken free by Kano, in return for swearing loyalty to the Black Dragon.
    Occupation: Black Dragon Member
    Series: Harry Potter
    Other: Kano chose him for his skill with magic.


    Name: Bloody Mary
    Description: Female Black Dragon member. Mary is sadistic, cruel and, above all, frightening. Despite this Kano and Bartemius don't seem to mind her company.
    Occupation: Black Dragon Member
    Series: The Wolf Among Us
    Other: Kano chose her for her ruthless brutality.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. FancyStache
    ~ Earth: Near Lin Kuei Temple ~

    Having used the Dimensional Key, Kitana, Jade, Mitsurugi and Mileena appeared near the Lin Kuei temple. "Well, we've arrived." Kitana noted, giving the portal back to Edenia a glance. "I pray by the Elder Gods that the portal stays open long enough..." "Look." Mitsurugi exclaimed. "It's snowing." Kitana looked, and sure enough, snow covered the ground, with small flakes falling. "Snow! We must be near the Lin Kuei Temple." She said. "We need to gather allies, yes?" Jade asked. "Then Sub-Zero will likely be of help." Kitana nodded. "Very well. We shall speak to him." The four proceeded toward the temple, where men and women wearing blue ninja attire were already noticing their arrival.

    ~ Back Alley ~

    "Of course." Noob replied to Astral. "We have no intention of saying anything." "Our lips our sealed, Lord Astral." Golden Freddy added. "And what is this about Testaments, if I may ask?"

    ~ Ferry ~

    "Oh, very well. I am Professor Peter Plum." The man spoke. "I was Mr. Grey's therapist for a while. He had a traumatic youth that I had helped him through. Been working with him for years, you see. I assume that is why I was brought here: as a reward for my years of service." "Years? Really?" An older woman in white asked. "I've been with the Grey family for quite a while myself. Ever since Mr. Grey was a young lad. I'm Wanda White, by the way." Plum shook her hand. "Yes, Mr. Grey spoke fondly of you during our therapy sessions. Pleasure to meet you."

    Everyone's eyes fell on Mr. Green and Miss Scarlett. "Well?" Mustard barked. "Everyone's been introduced but you two."

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    "So, how you gonna get one of those things anyway?" Tiny asked Myriam. "Easy!" She replied. "I've heard rumors that some of our own Nintendo High Alumni have them. If I can learn more from them, I might know how to get one!"

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Sammy sat quietly for a moment before speaking. "Um, so...Could I ask you two something?" She asked Thor and Loki.

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Vaughn smiled to the others. "So, any of you guys going to that concert tonight?" Fay and Crunch nodded. "Yeah." Fay replied. "Miyu and I already had it planned." "Me and Tiny are goin' too." Crunch added.

    ~ Nintendo High: ?????? ~

    Standing up. Springtrap approach the sealed door and began banging on it.

    ~ Café ~

    Elise sat at a table and waited for Arno. He arrived shortly after, and offered to buy the coffee. Once he got them, Arno joined her at the table. "So, what do you to know about the Flamels?" He asked.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. FancyStache
    ~ Ferry ~

    Everyone's attention turned to the woman in blue. She was young and very pretty. "My name is Miss Peacock. I'd rather keep my first name to myself, thank you." She began. "As for my relation to our host, Mr. Grey...oh, we were a couple once. So many happy years together, you know." Another woman, wearing white, looked at Peacock's hand. "You don't have a ring." She noted, and Peacock began to explain. "Yes, well...he ran off with another woman one day, the scoundrel. Just up and left, no explanations or excuses. But now, after all these years, he wishes to apologize. Hmph! I can't wait to hear his excuse!" She shook her head angrily. "Well, that's all I have to say. Who's next?"

    A middle-aged man in yellow military attire stood up. "Well, I suppose I am next." He spoke. "My name is Colonel Morgan Mustard, former Japanese Military." Mr. Green raised an eyebrow. "Former?" He asked. "Yes." Mustard answered nervously. "I was discharged for my, erm, 'explosive temperament, dear boy. I served alongside Mr. Grey's father: a brave man, who's death was a great casualty in the war. I suppose Mr. Grey has invited me to his estate to hear the daring stories of his old man and pay his respects, no doubt! But, I'm rambling." He turned to the man in purple. "What about you?"

    ~ Back Alley ~

    Having regained their bearings from being thrown, Golden Freddy and Noob Saibot were resting in an alley. "Well, that was an interesting way to be dismissed." Golden Freddy casually remarked. "However, we now have some idea as to who these people are. The Blue Testament, eh? Well, we have more information than we came into with." Noob remained silent, still examining his still-cold palms, and it did not take long for his partner to notice. "Noob, we lost one battle, my friend. It happens. Don't beat yourself up over it." "No..." Noob answered. "It's not that. During that fight...I summoned the cold from my own hands..." "The cold? Are you sure?" Noob nodded. "I was able to extinguish Shadow Mario's fireball. I did not have these powers...not before that vision I saw while you were gone, anyway." Golden Freddy's tone changed to pure concern. "Vision? What sort of vision? I did not use my powers while indoors. What did you see?" "There were two boys. One older, one younger. They seemed to be playing near some snowy area. A temple, I believe."

    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    "Thanks." Don smiled. "I appreciate it."

    ~ Belli Residence ~

    Fiona heard a knock on her door and went to answer it. It was Oliver, smiling with a white rose. "Fiona, I hope I'm not late. I bought this for you. The girl at the flower shop told me it suited you." Accepting the rose with a smile, Fiona placed it in a vase. "It's very pretty." She said. "Thank you. And no, you're right on time. I just finished getting ready. So where are we going?" "Actually, some new park opened up a few weeks ago." Oliver answered. "And I heard they let couples in at a discount." Nodding, Fiona grabbed her handbag. "Well, I'm ready when you are." She turned toward Hewie. "Be a good boy and watch the place until we get back, okay Hewie?" The dog barked happily and saw the two out.

    ~ Outside Library ~

    "So, what were you doing here?" Arno asked, glancing at the Library. "Oh. I was researching for a college paper." Elise lied. "I'm doing a report on the Flamels and their history." Arno smiled. "Really? I was reading up on them myself. You know, a Flamel lives in town, actually. Maybe you could ask him a few questions for your paper." "That's a good idea, Arno." Elise said. "Thank you." Arno nodded. "Sure. Say, while we're here, would you like to get a drink with me? We could share our research over coffee." "I'd like that." Elise accepted with a small smile. "Great!" Arno said. "Let me just go home and get my wallet. Meet me at the local café, okay?" Elise nodded and left. Once she was out of sight, Arno brought out a small communicator. "This is Dorian. I've got a member of the Crystal Order asking about the Flamels. I'm going to be keeping an eye on her until I know her intentions."
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. FancyStache
    ~ Nintendo High: Hallway/Tokyo Harbor ~

    "So?" Charlie asked, once he found himself alone. "is it a case?" "Sort of." Don replied. "I'm looking for a missing person. Problem is, he's in Japan anymore. He was arrested in Porta Vista." Charlie was confused. "Alright. Well, is there anything I can help with?" "Yeah." Don answered. "Let Dad know that I might be gone for a while. Make sure he doesn't worry." "Are you kidding?" Charlie laughed. "Knowing Dad, he'll be more jealous than worried that you're going to Porta Vista. You go ahead, Don. We'll be fine."

    Once he hung up, Don went to Silver. "Hey, could I catch a quick ride to Porta Vista?"

    ~ Ferry ~

    The six strangers looked around in silence, until one man in a purple suit spoke up. "Well!" He huffed. "If no one is going to 'break the ice' as they say, then I suppose I shall! We've all been invited to this man's estate..." He waved his invitation. " we should start becoming acquainted!" No one spoke for a while, until a woman in a peacock blue dress replied. "Oh, very well. I suppose one of us should start introductions."

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Myriam grinned. "Sss sss sss sss! Is that right? Well, Mr. Naysayer. What if I told you that I'm going to try to find one myself?" Tiny blinked a few times before replying. "Tiny would think you gone crazy."

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Dean shrugged. "And besides, we've dealt with these things before. Don't get me wrong, I love the class. But we already know how to deal with this stuff." Sam crossed his arms. "Maybe because eventually, our way of doing things will stop being effective. Mr. Vergil is teaching us new methods. Ones guaranteed to work."

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Nick smiled at John Smith. "Hey, you never know until you try."

    ~ Nintendo High: Hallway ~

    Cassie nodded. "Sounds like a plan." She grinned at Bulk's suggestion. "Now we're talking!"

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Dr. Veronica sighed. It was obvious that these three weren't letting her go anytime soon. She managed to free an arm and get her phone out.

    ~ Outside Vector Industries ~

    Golden Freddy teleported around, trying to dodge T-Elos' attacks. "You do not get many tourists, I take it?" He teased. Still weakened from the explosion, Noob struggled to stand. Unable to dodge the fireball from Shadow Mario, he tried to feebly stop it with his hand. To his surprise, a cold blast erupted from his palm, extinguishing the flame. "W-What was...?" Noob trailed off, staring at his hands.

    ~ Outside Library ~

    "Oh, it was nothing." The man replied. "My name is Arno, by the way." He smiled, extending his hand. Elise shook It, deciding to give a false name out of caution. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Alisa." Arno nodded, noticing the Order brand on her hand, but decided against mentioning it.

    ~ Outside Flower Shop ~

    Oliver got in his car, carefully setting down the rose, and began heading to Fiona's.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    "Thanks. You've helped more than you know." Don smiled, shaking Silver's hand. "If I have anymore questions, I'll let you know." He brought out his phone and began making a call.

    Nearby, another boat was docked. Six strangers boarded together, all holding a similar letter, yet unfamiliar with each other.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Now being held in Ralph's hand, Dr. Veronica was regarding her situation with more annoyance than fear. She wondered where the three monsters were taking her, and what they were going to do with her. The wolf had already tried multiple times to hit on her, getting a few rolls of the eyes from the scientist, and a stomp on the foot from Lizzie and George.

    ~ Flower Shop ~

    "Very well." Oliver paid for the rose and thanked Aerith. "Thank you, miss."

    ~ Edenia: Royal Palace ~

    Kitana clutched the pendant closely. "I won't fail you, Mother. I won't fail Edenia." She said with firm resolve. Sindel couldn't help but smile. "I know you won't. Now go, and gather allies again Outworld." She gestured toward the pendant, Edenia's Dimensional Key. "Be sure to remove the stone from it. We will be able to keep in touch, even across worlds." Kitana did so, giving the vibrant green jewel to Mitsurugi. "Goodbye, Mother." "Goodbye, my child."

    Sighing, Kitana stood with Jade, Mileena and Mitsurugi, ready to use the Dimensional Key.

    ~ Nintendo High: Hallway ~

    "ROTC, huh? They still signing people up?" Cassie asked, interested. "And yeah, I'll hang with you guys."

    ~ Nintendo High: ????? ~

    A dark, unkempt room, pitch black save for the flickering lamp hanging from the ceiling. Springtrap sat on the ground, sparking and twitching. The sound of the fire alarm had finally woken him out of his long shutdown.

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    "So, how have things been?" Eris happily asked Grayson.

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Tiny and Myriam were seated together. Tiny noticed her typing furiously at her laptop. "Working on school paper now?" He asked, a bit surprised. "Didn't you get article for debate done?" Myriam continued to work, but answered. "I'm following another scoop, actually. Rumors of strange devices with fruit designs being spotted around the world. Sightings are very rare, but it's very intriguing!" Tiny, however, looked unconvinced. "Myriam shouldn't trust rumors. Rumors nothing but talk, no proof."

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Sammy sat down, thankful for the Amy-free moment. She noticed Vanilope's group nearby, smiled and waved. "Oh, hey. It's you guys again."

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Vaughn, Fay, Crunch and Sarah were busy discussing the Festival of Snowflakes. "So, they're holding it a month early?" Fay asked Vaughn. "Wow. Looks like you and Sarah have some work to do." Vaughn shrugged. "It's alright. Knowing Yen Sid, he'll help us pick up any slack we have, What about you? How was Space Engineering?" "Insane. Our first lesson was about rockets and shuttles..." "Well, that doesn't sound so bad." Sarah replied with a smile. "...And how many ways they can kill you." Fay said bluntly, causing Sarah's smile to drop.

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    The Winchester brothers sat by themselves, going over their Demonology homework with a fine-toothed comb. "Right." Sam began. "So we went through our chapters. You took notes, right?" He asked his brother, who waved them in his face. "Yeah. I got all the important bits down." Dean replied. "I still don't understand how some of these methods are so effective against demons." "Right. Because hitting them with your car is really effective." Dean smiled at Sam's comment. "Hey, it worked one time, didn't it?"

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    "So there we were! No fuel! Communications down! No way back to Earth!" Yuri was telling a story to some of the other teachers. "Was I frightened? Nay! I boldly suited up, got out of the shuttle and pushed it back to Earth myself!" Charlie was listening to Yuri's tale, about to question it's validity when his phone rang. "This is Charlie." He answered. "Charlie. It's Don. I need your help with a case." Nodding, Charlie got up to take the call somewhere private.

    ~ Nintendo High: Other Hallway ~

    "Taco Bell, huh?" Amy asked. "Think I'll tag along! Anything to get away from my lame-o sister!"

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Elise held Albert's encouraging words to heart as she began searching for clues to find Nicholas Flamel's son. She began to cross the street, unaware of the car approaching. "Look out!" A voice yelled as she felt herself pulled back, the car narrowly hitting her. Gasping, Elise turned toward the person who pulled her out of the way. He was a young man about her age, long hair tied into a ponytail. "That was close." He noted. "Thank you." Elise said. "I appreciate the help."

    Inside the car that almost hit her, the four teenage boys were confused. Their GPS had been leading them in circles for a while. Mayhem sat triumphantly in place of the GPS, smirking. "Turn left here." He spoke as the driver did so. Another few laps wouldn't hurt, Mayhem thought.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home