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  1. FancyStache
    ~ Triskelion ~

    "Not very well." Castiel replied to Fennhoff, gesturing to Orchid who was next to him. "Orchid and I returned from our mission in Tibet. We made acceptable results, but there were some complications." Orchid leaned toward Fennhoff and whispered. "Cas went into one of his uncontrollable rages..."

    ~ Nintendo High School: Security Office ~

    Mike nodded. "No problem." He turned to Jeremy. "We gotta do our morning round of the school anyway."

    ~ Alleyway in Tokyo's Chinatown ~

    "Correct." Quan Chi replied. "I am glad I have the Order's cooperation in my task."

    ~ Teacher's Lounge ~

    Ahmet and Charlie smiled at the sight of John and Rose. "Well, that was nice." Charlie said with a smile, as he turned back to Ahmet. "Glad John finally asked her out." "Indeed." Ahmet replied as he smiled, reflecting on his younger days. "Ah, I remember how I met my first love. Now we just need to find the right woman for you!"

    ~ Nintendo High: Parking Lot ~

    Cassie and Johnny arrived on the grounds in Johnny's car. "Looks like we're a bit early, Cass." Johnny said, looking around. "Should've thought of that before you rushed me out of the house, Dad." Cassie replied with a smirk, which Johnny quickly returned. "Well then, Miss Big-Shot...I guess you won't mind a quick spar while we wait." Cassie raised an eyebrow at his response. "You're not serious are you, Dad?" Johnny nodded. "Remember the old Outworld wars, Cass? I used to risk my life fighting those guys to protect this place. One day, you might have to do the same thing." "It's not that, Dad. I'm worried I'll hurt you so much that you could break a hip or something." "Oh! It's on now." Johnny said with a chuckle as he and Cassie got out of the car. "Now remember the rules. No hard hits and no low blows." "Right, right..." Cassie muttered as she and Johnny got into fighting stance. "Hey, dad?" "Yeah?"

    Cassie smirked. "Cage Match." Johnny's eyes widened. "You did NOT just say that!" "I am your daughter." Johnny thought over this for a bit, then shrugged as he and Casie charged at each other.

    ~ Nintendo High: Hallways ~

    Duck Hunt Dog stretched and woke up in the janitor's closet/room. He yawned and got up, deciding to get something to eat from outside.

    ~ Bus Depot ~

    Dick drank his morning coffee and started up the bus, ready to pick up any students who were riding today. He groaned in slight annoyance. He had a feeling that Max kid was going to be ever more annoying than usual.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jul 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. FancyStache
    ~ Pendleton Apartment ~

    Amy finished making breakfast and sat down with Sammy to eat. "Oh, yeah." Amy spoke up. "Uncle Murphy isn't feeling good, so we're gonna be walking to school today." "Oh, alright then." Sammy replied, nodding. Amy chuckled. "Yeah, so stick close to me so you won't get lost." "Uh-huh. Sure." Sammy replied, giggling. Ever since she had joined Kai's group, Sammy was feeling more confident than ever.

    ~ Hospital ~

    Nurse Miney went to Rosie's room to see how she and Toya were doing. Seeing both asleep, she smiled and quietly closed the door.

    ~ Vaughn's House ~

    Vaughn slipped on a tanktop, went into the kitchen and sat down for breakfast.

    ~ Teachers' Lounge ~

    Ahmet and Charlie were sitting, discussing recent events. "Yes..." Ahemt said, with a heavy sigh. "Galuf's death was quite hard to take. I never spoke with him personally, but I've seen that he was a respectable man." He gestured toward the black ribbons he and Charlie wore. Charlie frowned sadly. "Yeah, he was. Can't believe someone killed him. Hope they catch the guy."

    ~ Nintendo High: Security Office ~

    Freddy and Foxy were loudly banging on the doors to the office, trying to break them down as Mike and Jeremy tried their best to keep them shut. Once the sun began to rise, the noises stopped. The two guards opened the doors and found nothing there. "Weird." Mike spoke. "Those things have been acting up for the last three days!"

    ~ Nintendo High: Shop Classroom ~

    Nick emerged from the tarp, having spent the last three days working on his surprise machine. "Alright." He said with a grin. "All done. Can't wait to let the students see this one."

    ~ Sam & Dean's Dorm Room ~

    Both Winchester brothers woke up and ate breakfast. "So, I was thinking we could make some posters for the club. Get some people interested." Sam spoke up. Dean nodded. "Good thinking. Nothing sells something like aggressive advertising."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Mayhem drove Eris to school in his own personal vehicle, with Eris in the passenger's seat pouting. "Eris, as much as I like senseless chaos, you knew better than to make your dad and brother's breakfast come to life." "Oh, come on! It wasn't that bad!" She argued. Mayhem frowned. "You made it do the Thriller dance and them explode! So now, I gotta keep an eye on you all day. I had plans, Eris. Plans! Careless punks don't teach themselves, you know."

    ~ Over JIA Headquarters ~

    The chopper finally arrived and landed on a helipad on the rof of the building. Sonya stepped out, followed by Orchid, Castiel and Jago. "Alright, I'll go fill them in on our mission. Agent Orchid, Agent Castiel, you got to your therapy session." She turned to Jago. "As for you, I don't know what to do with you." "It's no bother, Miss Blade." Jago shook his head. "I'll be visiting and meditating at some of Japan's shrines." Nodding, Soya and the group went their seperate ways.

    ~ Myriam's Dorm Room ~

    Myriam woke up to find herself still at the computer, where pages of sightings of the Riders and Lockseeds were up. Grunting, Myriam got up, put on her uniform and cardboard box and left to go to school, leaving the pages up on her screen.

    ~ Tower Of the Sun ~

    Ermac, Reptile and Dean Ambrose stood over the two girls Reptile brought back with him. The one who had hurt her arm was making incredible progress thanks to Ermac. "And you say their father did this?" Ermac asked. "Yes! I saw it with my own eyes!" Reptile snarled, recalling the memory. "Sounds like a creeper." Dean added. "We agree. But we must not dwell on that fool." Ermac replied. "Kotal Kahn has important taks for us today."

    ~ Tower Of the Sun: Top ~

    Kotal, Ferra and Torr were watching the day begin. "And how has your mission been, Ferra?" Kotal asked. The small woman grinned. "It real good. No one suspect Ferra and Torr am not students!" "Good. Now you two should be going. It would not do for you to be late."

    ~ ????? ~

    Fiona woke up to find herself lying on the floor in a dark room. She sat up, only to notice her outfit was gone, replaced with a thin, white gown. "W-What? Where am I?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Jul 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. FancyStache
    ~ Pendleton Apartment ~

    Sammy opened the door and went inside to find Amy sitting down, watching a movie. The older twin certainly looked calmer than earlier, so Sammy decided to take a risk and sat down next to her. "That's that romance that's all the rage right now, isn't it?" Sammy spoke, quietly. "I heard it's pretty bad though." "Tell me about it!" Amy replied, giving a small chuckle. "You should've seen when he proposed to her. Talk about corny acting! What a dork!" The two girls shared a short laugh as they watched the movie in silence for a while, before Sammy spoke up. "Hey, Amy?" She asked, causing her sister to look at her. "What do you want, Samey?" She asked, somewhat sharply. Sammy sighed and leaned back. "You know, it's been years since we've been like this..." A look of slight shock spread across Amy's face, before she leaned back as well, her expression relaxing.

    "I guess it has, huh?" Her eyes fell on Sammy's hair, noticing the new blue streaks. She smirked. "You know, red or pink would've looked way better. Blue just isn't your color." Sammy eyed her sister curiously. "Why are you being so nice to me right now?" She asked, somewhat wary of Amy's statement. "Because as much as I hate to admit it, you're actually starting to grow a spine." She shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, you're still my annoying little sister and talking back to me earlier really ticked me off. But I gotta admit that it took guts, and that's enough to upgrade you from 'Sparemey' back to Samey." What Amy said shocked Sammy further. Did Amy just give her a complement, backhanded as it was? "Uhh...Thanks?" She replied, causing Amy to quickly turn away. "W-Well, whatever! Enough of that mushy stuff!" She turned back to Sammy, this time with a small, mischievious grin.

    "So, I heard you sat with those guys, Loki and Thor, at lunch today! What's your deal with them, huh? Is little Samey playing the field?" "A-Amy! Th-That's not...They're just accquaintances! I've only known them, like, one day!" Sammy huffed. "And that's really inappropriate!" "Whatever!" Amy taunted. "Let's go to bed. You're being a grouch and I'm tired!"

    ~ German Wilderness ~

    "Excellent." Quan Chi replied to Shay. "Then tomorrow, I will introduce you to my master. But yes, I do believe a rest would be nice."

    ~ Powerline/Daft Punk Concert ~

    Eris screamed at the top of her lungs and began to dance along with the music...horribly. Her friends looked somewhat embarrassed, but soon found themselves focusing on the music played onstage. The concert continued on through the night...

    ~ Lounge ~

    "L-Look..." Mustard addressed the others. "...perhaps we should figure out what happened tomorrow. It's getting awfully late, and likely the police will not show up tonight." "After today? I could use a deep sleep!" Plum replied. The others nodded and looked around for the guest rooms. "Let's hope someone doesn't tamper with the bodies again."

    ~ Porta Vista ~

    His search over for the day, Don rented a hotel room and decided to continue his search tomorrow.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jul 8, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. FancyStache

    Name: Laurie Dunne
    Description: Trevor Dawson's best friend and member of his small social group. Although sometimes picked on for her appearance, Laurie is a friendly, positive girl.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Cold Case
    Other: An incident at her old school cause her to develop a fear of fire.


    Name: James Sterling
    Description: A British Interpol agent who has made it his personal goal to capture the Leverage team. He will follow them all over the world to catch them, even disregarding other international cases to do so.
    Occupation: Interpol Agent
    Series: Leverage
    Other: Once was good friends with Nathan Ford before a falling out.

    Now for some characters for a plot I've literally spent months writing on.

    Name: Joe Skullion
    Description: Lazy surfer who spends his days either relaxing or surfing.
    Occupation: N/A
    Series: Critical Depth
    Other: N/A

    Name: Carly
    Description: Female member of Team Earth Hope, an environmentalist organization known for their drastic and somewhat violent methods to get their message across.
    Occupation: Environmentalist
    Series: Critical Depth
    Other: N/A

    Name: Conrad
    Description: Male member of Team Earth Hope, an environmentalist organization known for their drastic and somewhat violent methods to get their message across.
    Occupation: Environmentalist
    Series: Critical Depth
    Other: N/A

    Name: Dana Nadel
    Description: CEO of the Mordrid Corporation, one of Japan's most profitable and expensive power companies.
    Occupation: CEO
    Series: Critical Depth
    Other: Puts on a friendly, cheery face for the public, but secretly greedy and self-serving.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jul 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. FancyStache
    ~ German Wilderness ~

    Quan Chi was somewhat surprised by Attila's offer, but refused. "I've eaten quite well already, thank you. Give it to one of your comrades. The Japanese military is unaware of my existence. They will likely prioritize your group's capture, so you will need the energy."

    Tanya looked at the others. "I will scout the area. See if there is anything nearby of use to us." She flashed a quick look of distrust to Quan Chi, before quickly entering the surrounding woods.

    ~ Line To Powerline/Daft Punk Concert ~

    Vaughn's group moved with the line, their tickets ready. Eris trembled with excitement, which Tiny noticed immediately. "Eris not get too excited!" He warned her. "Eris remember what happened last time you did." Eris smiled with false innocence. "I seem to have forgotten, dear Tiny!" Vaughn sighed. "The last band we saw, remember? You got so hyped, you turned their bassist into a duck. You were lucky they had a sense of humor and gave you an autograph instead of a restraining order." Eris pretended to pout, bringing out her Apple Of Discord. "Ohh, you're no fun, the lot of you! Can I at least blow something up? i haven't caused any chaos lately and Uncle Mayhem isn't here to nag at me!" "NO!!" The group yelled in unison, causing Eris to put the Apple away. "Oh, well. There's always school tomorrow."

    ~ Kai's House ~

    Sammy nodded, before giving a small apologetic look toward Kai. Sighing, she left the house and stopped a nearby taxi. 'I can't believe it.' She thought as she got ing. 'I'm actually a part of something now...' She reflected on the evening's events as the taxi quickly drove her home.

    ~ Pendleton Apartment ~

    Amy was watching TV while eating popcorn, shooting an occasional scowl at the cheesy romance film that was showing. She seemed to have calmed down quite a bit.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "There's some old buildings near the outskirts of the city." Dr. Veronica told Lizzie. "Tokyo's officials have been wanting to tear them down to build some important businesses there. Hospitals, shelters, the like. Tomorrow, you guys should go there, smash the buildings. Draw attention and maybe save the officials some work. Scum Labs will have to react." She noticed Ralph let out a small yawn. "But first, maybe you guys should get some sleep." She yawned as well. "And I do, too. You've all got a lot of smashing to do tomorrow."

    ~ Phone Room ~

    Hearing the scream of the motorist, the six guests rushed into the room to find his body. "He's dead too!" Plum gasped, while Scarlett sighed and shook her head. "What a shame. He was quite handsome." She said. The six lifted the body up to take him back to the Lounge.

    ~ Lounge ~

    Upon entering, the six saw Mr. Grey's body was missing. Again. "Dear me!" Mrs. White spoke up. "For a dead body, Mr. Grey certainly gets around, doesn't he?" Peacock snorted and rolled her eyes. "You have no idea..." She muttered with venom.

    ~ Tokyo Outskirts ~

    Kenshi Takahashi and his son Takeda made their way towards the city. The blindfolded swordsman turned to his son and spoke to him through telepathy. 'Now that we've finished our training, you are able to hold your own when you start school tomorrow, yes?' He thought. 'I've heard rumors of S-Type attacks, and I want you to be prepared.' Takeda nodded and thought a reply. 'I'll be fine, Papa-san. Besides, Cassie, Jacqui and Jin will be there, too. You, Mr. Cage, Mr. Briggs and Mrs. Blade don't call us the Fearsome Four for nothing.' Kenshi chuckled at his son's bravado.

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    Having gathered Mileena, Jade and Mitsurugi, Kuai Liang led them and Kitana to their rooms. "We'll be heading into Tokyo tomorrow. If you are seeking allies against Outworld's invasion, you will need to know the area. Then i'll be taking Kitana and Mileena to the fields behind the temple to help them catch their first Pokemon." Jade nodded. "And while you're doing that, Heishiro and I could train with the Lin Kuei. As the Royal Guard of Edenia, we need to keep in top shape." As the others nodded and left, Jade started to move before she experience a strange feeling in her mind, but shrugged it off.

    ~ Sanctuary Of S-Types ~

    Noob looked around and sighed. He was very confused on what to do. Part of him was very curious about Shinnok's claims. However, the other part was suspicious. How did this man know those things? 'This is a lot to take in.' He thought. 'Perhaps it's best I dwell on this tomorrow. I wonder what Kuai would say...' His eyes grew wide. 'Wait? Kuai? Who is that? Why do I know this name?' Clearly in shock, Noob went to go rest, unaware that his pure black armor, for a split second, flickered blue.

    ~ ?????? ~

    Small S-Type grunts were patrolling the area, unaware that Fulgore had taken cover behind a large stone structure. His red eyes narrowed as he looked them over, ready to strike. He emerged quickly from his cover and fired at them with dark blue energy beams. The S-Types were helpless as the energy bound them and Fulgore began gathering them up.

    ~ Nightmare Town ~

    Murphy and Rosie looked around at the seemingly vacant town. "It's so barren..." Rosie said with a heavy breath. "...And this fog. I've never seen fog this thick before." Indeed, the town was covered in a thick, visually-impairing fog. It was going to make navigating very difficult. "I doubt a map would help much in these conditions." Murphy replied. "We could probably see if we had some light." Rosie nodded, before looking at a nearby building! "Oh! A bar!" She pointed out. "Maybe we can find something in there!"

    ~ Under Bridge ~

    Reptile fell into the water below, immediately catching his sights on the two girls. One was struggling to stay above the water, while the other was unfortunate enough to land on a rocky surface protruding from the water. She appeared to be unconcious and injured, but alive. Quickly, he scooped both up and ran quickly into Tokyo's waterways. 'Foolish humans, treating each other like this!' He thought through gritted teeth. 'No wonder I once wished them all dead!'

    ~ Black Dragon HQ ~

    "If it's alright, Kano." Crouch Jr. turned to the leader. "Likely, Flamel will be put on trial. I'd like to go to the proceedings." "Barty, Barty, Barty..." Kano teased. "You know th' court isn't my sort of thing. Ah, but we got nothin' to do, and we won't be havin' any jobs to do until next week. Alright, we'll go." "Perhaps we'll be audience to an execution, if we're lucky." Mary added, causing the men to give her strange looks.

    ~ Chopper ~

    As the chopper was making it's way back to Japan, Sonya sat near Castiel and Orchid. "So..." She began, gesturing to the S-Type. " exactly is this working? Shouldn't Agent Novak's body be decomposing by now?" Castiel shook his head. "Not in this instance. Although he is gone in spirit, I am using my powers to keep his body functioning, so his body is aging as if he is still alive. I also have access to all information stored in his brain. I know he was a mid-ranking agent, has no known family and was killed by an ally in Iraq." Sonya looked quite impressed. "Wow, you've really been taking note of these things." She looked at Orchid. "And how did you meet her?" "I met Agent Orchid shortly after I was deemed a partial success in the experiment I was created from. I...went into a rage during a training exercise, and she was able to calm me down without problem. The JIA decided to pair us up together. She could keep my rage in check and I could help her with my powers. We have never been far from each other. In fact, I cannot even attend therapy sessions if she is not in the room with me." He turned to Orchid. "Speaking of which. I was told to take a session once we've returned to Japan..." Orchid nodded. "Alright then, Cas. Afterwards, we'll see what the brothers are up to."
    Post by: FancyStache, Jul 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. FancyStache

    Name: Rain
    Description: Noble from Edenia who is greedy and lusts for power. Once a suitor for Princess Kitana, who is unaware of his faults, Sindel discovered his true nature and banished him to Earth. He now plots to find a way back to Edenia to bring its downfall. Very charming and influential, which he uses to his advantage.
    Occupation: N/A
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Rain has control over water, a power that he does not know the origins of.


    Name: Sheeva
    Description: Sheeva was once one of Shao Kahn's greatest warriors, but left him once her people sided with Edenia and migrated to Earth. She now serves as a bailiff in Japan's courts, hoping to atone for her past actions.
    Occupation: Court Bailiff
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Sheeva has high regard for truth and honor.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. FancyStache
    ~ German Wilderness ~

    "You heard correctly." Quan Chi answered, nodding. "My lord Shinnok has built his Spire directly atop Lavos' resting place. Protected by an ancient seal that cannot be broken without sufficient power. If we are able to retrieve the amulet, Shinnok can open the way to Lavos for you with relative ease."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "So..." Ralph trailed off, eyeing Dr. Veronica. "You're gonna help us out, right?" Veronica shrugged. "Well, considering I don't seem to have much choice right now. That and I highly disapproved of people playing with mutation, I suppose I can." "Great! So, what do we do first?" George asked. Veronica smiled. "Well, three giant monsters would certainly stand out. If you can somehow draw attention to yourselves, Scum Labs might take notice." "That's actually pretty smart!" Lizzie praised the idea. "But how do we do that?"

    ~ Myriam's Dorm Room ~

    Myriam sighed as she closed her laptop. "Sss sss sss sss sss. Strange. There's not much info out there, but apparently those things are called 'Lockseeds'. Hmm."

    ~ Auto Engineering Classroom ~

    Nick walked over to a large tarp-covered vehicle and looked under the tarp. He smiled brightly before putting on his safety gear and getting to work.

    ~ Max's House ~

    Dick parked the bus and dropped Max off at home. The short boy cackled evilly and ran into his house to start cooking.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. FancyStache
    ~ Kai's House ~

    "P-Punch you?!" Sammy shakily replied. "I-I don't know about this..." However, after listening to Kai's reasoning, she reluctantly complied. "Ooh...Well, I guess you're right. I wanna start defending myself for once. ...Alright...I'll do it." Taking a deep breath. Sammy clenched her fist, reared back and swung as hard as she could.

    ~ Hospital ~

    Golden Freddy appeared by the puppet and turned to The Puppet. "Well, I'd say this meeting went well, hmm?" He asked, amused.

    ~ Set Of 'Super Sentai: The Movie' ~

    Eliot and Parker watched with surprise at Blue's powers, Parker being especially impressed. Johnny smiled brightly and clapped. "That was cool! Bravo, sir!" He said with sincerity as the man left. Turning to the cast, he grinned. "I know a couple of tricks myself. Watch this!" Focusing, the others watched as a green energy manifested itself within Johnny's left hand, forming a glowing ball. Johnny threw the energy ball at a nearby punching bag, leaving a large hole burning with green flames.

    While the others were watching Johnny, Matt snuck off to his dressing room.

    Sophie watched the scene from the distance, before contacting Nathan. "Well, Nathan." She spoke. "We've certainly landed an interesting job." Nathan answered with a laugh. "Me and Hardison saw the whole thing, Sophie. We certainly have landed one."

    ~ Phone Room ~

    As the motorist was about to pick up the phone, he heard something behind him and turned to look at whatever it was. A human figure stood in the room, holding something. "Ah, sorry." The motorcist said. "Do you need to use the phone. Let me make a quick call and-" Before he could finish, the figure quickly approached him and held up the object in it's hand.

    From throughout the house, the motorist's scream echoed.

    ~ German Wilderness ~

    "Excellent." Quan Chi replied, turning to Shay. "Well then, where shall I begin. I am Quan Chi, sorcerer and follower of Lord Shinnok. Long ago, he lost much of his power many thousands of years ago, and was unjustly forced to retreat deep beneath the earth." He sighed and continued. "His source of power, a magical amulet, was lost as a result of his defeat. I have been sent to find his amulet and require the aid of the Crystal Order, as I've heard your group is quite knowledgable of Japan's history." Tanya eyed him suspiciously. "And what, pray tell, is in it for the Crystal Order?" She asked. "In return, I can disclose the wherabouts of Lavos, a lost S-Type that could prove valuable to your organization."

    ~ Tokyo University: Line for the Powerline/Daft Punk Concert ~

    Vaughn, Fay, Crunch, Eris and Tiny all stood in line, excited for the show. "I can't wait for this!" Fay said, excitedly. "Me neither." Vaughn replied. "Hopefully this concert will give me some ideas for new tunes!"

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~

    Elise applauded Sunset Shimmer and Vince McMahon's initiations into the order, while Daniella watched silently, before turning to Elise. "Miss Elise." She spoke up. "There is something i wish to speak with you about in private after this is over." Elise was surprised. She had never spoken, much less interacted with the maid before. However, she nodded. "Alright then, Miss Daniella. We'll talk later."
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. FancyStache
    ~ Kai's House ~

    "Wow..." Sammy said while in the closet with the others. "This is...a lot to take in. I...I guess I understand. People might come after me? Wow..." She sat in thought. "But, if you're gonna help me defend myself, I think I'll be fine. And I wanna help others. So, um, this initiation. It's not gonna hurt, is it?"

    ~ Outside Secret Military Base In Germany~

    "Very well, Mr. Cormac." Quan Chi responded. "Then we will discuss important matters once camp is set."

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    "Excellent!" Kuai chimed, smiling. "Then tomorrow, I will take you and Mileena to catch your first one! There's a forest not far from here where many types roam."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "So you know where Scum Labs' testing place is, right?" Lizzie asked. "I'm afraid not." Veronica replied. "I'm simply a pharmaceutical researcher, so I don't have access to the secret labs. I've heard rumors about the mutation experiments around the office, but seeing you three has confirmed those rumors. To be honest, I'm surprised the news isn't all over this. For giant monsters, you three sure keep a low profile."

    ~ Set Of 'Super Sentai: The Movie' ~

    Sophie heard her phone ring and answered. "Ah, Nathan. Good to hear from you."

    ~ Leverage HQ ~

    Nathan Ford, leader of the thief crew called Leverage, replied. "Did you, Eliot or Parker have any problems getting into the set?" "None at all." Sophie said, confident. "Our auditions went smoothly, and the target has no idea who we are." Nathan nodded. "Good work, Sophie. Now, our target is some closet-sleazebag who has taken advantage of plenty of his stars. Unfortunatey, the guy's name is so golden in the cinema world that nobody believes his victims, which is why we've been hired to 'steal' his reputation." The group's hacker, Alec Hardison, was seated at is computer, faced Nathan and smiled. "Which is easier said than done, huh Nate?"

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~

    Elise sighed. She was worried that word of her questioning the Order had gotten around, and was not looking forward to confronting her superiors.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. FancyStache
    ~ Kai's Car ~

    Sammy nodded in agreement. "Yeah!" She spoke up. "It sounds like you're trying your best to help people who have no one else to help them. Kind of like me in a way." Her expression turned confident. "Well, if that's the kind of stuff this group of yours does, then count me in!"

    ~ Outside Nintendo High ~

    Mike Schmidt and Jeremy Fitzgerald stood at the front doors of the school, watching the students leave. "Well, Jeremy." Mike said. "You ready for another long night of guard duty?" Jeremy nodded. "Yeah. I got plenty of sleep today." He replied, but he gave a look of uncertainty. "I don't know, though. I have a bad feeling about tonight. Like...we're going to be in some kind of danger."

    Max strutted out of the school and got on the bus with a few other students. Dick gave him a curious look and grinned. "Oh, good enough to ride the bus now, huh?" He joked. "Bring me home, lowly serf!" Max shouted. "I have cooking practice to do! NON-EVIL COOKING!!" Dick snorted and, once the bus was full, drove off to take the students home.

    Ahmet, Charlie and Nick stood outside, watching the students. "Well, I suppose it's time I head off myself." Ahmet said, turning to his companions. "Are you two leaving as well?" "Yeah." Charlie replied with a nod. "With Don off on some special assignment, I need to look after the house." "I'm staying in the shop classroom tonight." Nick said. "I got something to work on. I was thinking of finishing it overnight and letting the students see it when it's done. Give them some ideas for their own projects."

    ~ Sam and Dean's Dorm Room ~

    Dean returned to the room after Ini left and sat on his bed. "I tell you what, Sammy." He said with a sigh. "Kickstarting this club is gonna be harder than I thought." His brother was lying on his own bed and replied. "Come on, Dean. We just have to build interest in the supernatural. Come across a genuine paranormal phenomenon and get the word out." "You mean that Ini girl's brain isn't already a paranormal phenomenon?" Dean joked, getting him a stern look from Sam.

    ~ Ice Cream Shop ~

    Jacqueline sighed and got up to go home, glad that another day went by without incident.

    ~ Nightmare Town Outskirts ~

    Murphy and Rosie saw what looked to be a small town nearby. Hopeful that they would find help, the two made haste to the town, ignoring the ominous air around it.

    ~ Bridge ~

    His patience run out, Reptile snarled and spat a stream of acid into the man's face. The man flailed around and cursed in pain, half-hazardly slinging his captives around. As he stumbled around, he lost his balance and tripped. Both daughters fell out of his grasp and screamed as they went over the bridge! Reptile's quick reflexes immediately led him to jump off of the bridge after them, leaving their father behind.

    ~ Lounge ~

    "It was just someone needing help?" Mrs. White asked Miss Scarlett. "Well, that's not much of a bother, is it?" "It is if he finds the body, you old crab!" Mr. Green snapped, causing White to stand up. "How DARE you!" She snapped back. "I did not come all this way to be insulted by a...a...a green-suited baboon!" As the two got in each other's faces, Plum squirmed in his seat, gaining Peacock's attention. "Yes?" She asked. "Erm...I-I need to use the..." Plum stuttered. ", you know...'facilities'." "Well, then go!" Peacock replied, but Plum shook his head. "Not with a murderer in the house! He could kill me next!" "Oh for goodness sake! Do I have to come with you?" She asked, exasperated as Plum nodded. "Fine, but I am NOT going in the restroom with you!" Sighing, she followed him out of the room. "Well, I for one have had enough of this rubbish." Mustard said. "I am hungry, so if anyone needs me, I shall be in the kitchen!" "And I could go for a smoke." Scarlett said. "I saw a ballroom here that looked rather nice." She and Mustard left, leaving Green and White. "I am NOT going to be stuck with this brute." White spoke up, pointing her nose in the air. "I shall be in the library, where hopefully he won't be!" "I'll stay right here, thank you!" Green shouted at her as she left.

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~

    Daniella approached other Crystal Order members. She proposed her plan to them: an ambush. "I will take Elise to a disclosed location, where you shall be waiting under the guise of insurgence. If her motives are against us, we shall stage an ambush and strike her there. If not, we let her go. I will find her and have her meet us at the warehouses."

    ~ Secret Military Base In Germany ~

    Quan Chi was released from Muk. "Very well, I shall accompany you." He answered Shay, as his group began to leave, and discreetly moved the rest of the bodies through the portal before closing it. "If you are heading back to your place of operations, then I must speak to your superiors." The sorcerer followed Shay, not wanting to waste time with the incoming military.

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    As the soldiers were transported to Shinnok's chambers, he watched Quan Chi's actions through his pool. "Of course! The Crystal Order has been around for some time! They may have knowledge of how to awaken Lavos. Quan Chi, he is much more clever than I thought." He mused. "Yes...the Crystal Order may be able to 'help' us."
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. FancyStache
    ~ Secret Military Base In Germany ~

    "Oh my." Quan Chi said with no fear in his voice. "The Crystal Order are far more competent than Lord Shinnok anticipated." He looked at Shay and answered his question. "And no, I am not affiliated with Japan's idiotic militia. My master has need of these fallen men, and I simply came to collect them."

    "Well, Shay Patrick Cormac." Tanya said, approaching him. "First of all, it's an honor to meet you at last. Your deeds back in Iraq left quite the impression, but proper introductions may wait. Rather, I am curious as to what this man means by 'his master has need of them'." Overhearing Tanya's question, a plan began to spin in Quan Chi's mind. "Hold. You implied earlier that you are enemies of the Japanese military?" He asked. "Then perhaps it is quite fortunate that we have met."

    ~ Rassilon's Office ~

    "Yes, Lord Rassilon." Daniella said with a bow. "If her intentions or not to our disadvantage, I will not harm her. But if she betrays us, I will show mercilessness worthy of the Order." Giving one last bow, Daniella left to promptly begin her task.

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    "Thank you, sirs!" Max said with a big grin. "I suppose I will start holding off the evil then!" Once the club was dismissed, Max gathered his things and began to leave.

    ~ Outside Queen Residence ~

    A man in a green hood quickly slipped into the cloud and began to take down the four criminals. They were blinded and could not fight back, and were handily subdued.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "Wait, you do?!" George asked, approaching the doctor. "As in, you hear what I'm saying now?" "Um, yeah?" Dr. Veronica replied bluntly. "Honestly, I'm a bit surprised myself. I knew Mr. DeMonic was experimenting with something, but I was under the impression he was talking about medicines. Scum Labs in mostly a pharmaceutical corporation." Lizzie cut her off. "Hold on. You didn't know about, well..." She trailed off, pointing to herself. "...this?" "Of course not!" Veronica replied. "I was quite steamed myself when I found out!"

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    "Perhaps in due time, you and your companions could try their hand at raising Pokemon." Kuai suggested. "Given your affinity for wind, I think you might like the Flying type." Kitana nodded. "Perhaps. These Pokemon could help with Edenia's defenses as well. I may have to bring this up to Mother. See about importing them to Edenia."

    ~ Set Of 'Super Sentai: The Movie' ~

    The director and his assistant, a very pretty, middle-aged brunette, entered the room as the cast gathered around them. "Alright, everyone!" The assistant spoke up. "We are going to begin filming in a few minutes." She turned to Johnny and Matt. "We'll begin your scene first, and then..." Suddenly, her eyes fell on Eliot and Parker. "Oh...oh dear. Ahem, excuse me. 'Kenny'? 'Stacy''?" She said, using their fake names. "Could you follow me? Those costumes are a tad bit loose on you. I believe we have smaller ones in the back." The three left the set and went to a secluded part of the studio.

    "Right then, you two." The assistant, now revealed to be Sophie Devereaux, a fellow thief, said. "We should be expecting contact with Nathan in a while. While the director is filming the others' scene, Hardison is going to hack the security equipment." She held up a photo of the director. "And remember not to let our target catch on to our deception, hmm?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. FancyStache
    ~ Cooking Club ~

    "Yes!" Max announced, holding up three crepes which looked much more appetizing than his ratatouille. "I tried not to add any evil this time."

    ~ Secret Japanese Military Base In Germany ~

    Tanya entered the room where Shay's group were and watched with amusement as the soldiers burned. "Hmm hmm. Who knew these guys were capable of such brutality?" She mused to herself, unaware of a portal opening behind her. Silently, Quan Chi stepped out and began transporting the few intact bodies back to the Spire. As he began to move Liam's body toward the portal, he bumped into something and made a noise. Alarmed, Tanya turned and spotted the sorcerer. "An intruder!" She screeched and rushed at him.

    ~ Chopper ~

    Watching the news about Germany, Sonya clenched her fist. "The Crystal Order's going to pay for this." She growled and turned to Castiel. "I knew some of those soldiers. Good people who didn't deserve this." She sighed and looked down. "I hope others got out alive." "I'm sure some did." Orchid answered. "They may have gotten Germany, but we saved Tibet."

    ~ Rassilon's Office ~

    "If I may suggest a plan? One that may test her loyalty to our cause with high success." Daniella replied. "I will pretend to act against the Order, and pass on my 'intentions' to her. If she acts against our interests, I will deal with her appropriately."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "Honestly!" Florent groaned as he fixed his hair in annoyance. "It seems whenever you NEED those three imbeciles, they are IMPOSSIBLE to find! HOW are we supposed to find Lavos if we CAN'T even find THEM!"

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    As Kitana and Kuai Liang went to find Jade, Mileena and Mitsurugi, Kitana peeked into a room and found many Pokemon training in an icy room.


    "What are these?" She asked, and Kuai smiled. "These, Princess, are Pokemon. Creatures native to our world. All of these are mine." "Amazing. I don't think Edenia has them!" Kitana exclaimed and entered the room. "They make very good companions. Some people simply like to raise them. Some like to groom them for contests. Others, like myself, prefer batlling with them." Kuai explained. "Battle? Not to the death, I hope!" "Oh no no." Kuai cut in, chuckling. "Pokemon enjoy engaging in non-fatal battles. It may result in a few bumps and bruises, but they are very resilient and usually are back to form shortly after."

    ~ Black Dragon HQ ~

    As the Black Dragon were in the middle of...another poker game, they watched the report on Germany. "Lookit that." Kano said with a snort. "Seems like we ain't th' only pains our government has to deal with. All the more reason for them t' keep arms dealin' with us, eh?" He elbowed Crouch Jr., who simply shrugged. "I'm more interested in the other news." "Ya mean that missin' Queen? What's 'er name...'Elma'? Feh! I don't have interest in stuff like that." Crouch Jr. sighed. "First of all, it's ELSA. Second, it's the mention of Flamel that's grabbed my attention. And third, you should probably turn that off. You know the sight of people dying gives Mary...ideas." The two men turned to their female friend. Bloody Mary was watching the burning soldiers with a wide, crazed grin. She was clenching the table hard enough that her nails left deep scratch marks. "I find myself in the mood to grill something...'unmissable' for dinner." She said, still grinning.

    ~ Outside Queen Residence ~

    Before one of the men could attack their victim, an arrow flew into his hand, causing him to drop the knife. As he and the others tried to pull the arrow out of his hand, another arrow hit the ground beneath them, creating a cloud of dark green smoke.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    George, Lizzie and Ralph stopped to rest. "Well..." Lizzie began. "We have no idea where we're going, no clue where Scum Labs is and no one can understand what we're saying. Any ideas?" George sighed and shook his head. "None here. Ralph?" The wolf snapped his head toward the two and smiled nervously. "Actually, I kinda forgot what we were doing." Before Lizzie could smack him upside the head, Dr. Veronica spoke up. "Wait. No one can understand you?" She asked in disbelief. "But I understand you three just fine!"

    ~ Nintendo High: Robotics Classroom ~

    Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy shut themselves off for the day, unaware that they had a strange night ahead of them.
    Post by: FancyStache, May 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. FancyStache
    ~ Set Of 'Super Sentai: The Movie' ~

    Just as Johnny was about to go look for them, the other Rangers showed up, though the actress playing the Yellow Ranger went straight to the set. "Sorry about that." The man wearing the Green suit said. "Me and the others were just getting to know each other. Name's Kenny." Little did Johnny know, the man was actually Eliot Spencer, an international thief posing as an actor. Eliot gestured to the actress in the Pink suit, his partner Parker. "This is Stacy. Get this: she's doing her own stunts." Johnny shook their hands. "Nice to meet ya." He said with a grin. "I'm doing my own stunts, too. And my own special effects." Eliot and Parker shot confused glances at each other at that statement just as Matt spoke up. "Oh, hey! Looks like the director and the crew are here.

    ~ Vector Industries ~

    Fulgore watched his comrades pass by and leave. "You have tasks? Good." He stated. "I have my own affairs to attend to." He left the building with them, only to go off on his own.

    ~ Tibet ~

    Sonya quickly ordered her soldiers to put down their weapons, approaching Castiel and Orchid. She turned to the former. "Did you know about this, Agent Orchid?" She asked, causing Orchid to flinch. "Yes. I knew." She replied in a low voice. "But, Commander Blade. You have to listen to Castiel's side of the story." "No." Sonya cut in, shaking her head. "I think I know the 'story'. He's an S-Type in the body of a dead JIA agent, which means he's potentially dangerous. Whatever that was he unleashed on that large one, he almost killed us as well." Castiel kept quiet, until Soyna continued. "As far as we know, he can infiltrate and sabotage our operations at any time. Under normal circumstances, I would order him to be killed right now. But, I do admit, that if he hadn't done what he did, we'd probably all be dead and the mission would be compromised. So, while that isn't enough for me to trust you, Agent Nov-" She stopped and corrected herself. "...Agent Castiel, it's enough for me not to kill you on the spot. Now, everyone get these villagers back to their homes. We're heading back to Japan."

    ~ Kai's Car ~

    Sammy nodded. "I think I get it." She spoke. "I'm not really looking to be, um, 'badass', really. Just a bit more confident and assertive. I don't want to be better than anyone else, I want to be better than who I am now." At the invitation into Kai's group, she shrugged. "Well, I really don't want to jump into any big commitments blind. What do you guys do?"

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "Gotcha." Erron nodded. "I'll meet with him then. See if I can contact Reptile and have him meet with us. Kill two birds with one stone." Kotal nodded, while Ferra shook her head. "It no nice to kill birds with stone. Ferra am wonder if you cut out for Kotal group." She scolded Erron, who glared at her. "It's a figure of speech, short stuff."

    ~ Hall ~

    Scarlett opened the door to find a young man wearing a biker jacket and jeans, most certainly not a cop. "'Scuse me, miss." He spoke. "My motorcycle just died out outside your house. Could I get some help?" "Oh, sure." Scarlett replied. "There's a phone over there." The biker entered the manor and grabbed the phone to call someone. Scarlett immediately went to the Lounge. "Well, it's not the police." She sighed. "It's a motorist." "Driving out in this dreadful weather?" Plum asked, bewildered. "Anyway, he's calling for some help with his motorcycle. He should leave soon." Scarlett continued. "In the mean time, we should make sure he doesn't see the bodies." At that moment, the biker entered the Lounge. "Hey, I just called a freidn to come pick me up. Think I could use your bathroom?" He asked. "Oh, sure." Scarlett answered. "It's somewhere upstairs." Nodding, he left.

    ~ Bridge ~

    When the man didn't do as Reptile ordered, the Zaterran inched closer, causing him to tighten his grip on the girls. Reptile growled as he began channeling acid in the back of his throat.

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    Shinnok pulled out a ratty book and began to read. "Once I get my amulet back, thanks to that imbicile Bi-Han, my plans will slowly come to fruition." He spoke to himself. "My attack from thousands of years ago shall continue where it was impeded. Now, all I need is for some fool to awaken Lavos."
    Post by: FancyStache, May 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. FancyStache
    Making these reserves for one of my current story plots.


    Name: Eliot Spencer
    Description: Member of a well-known band of international thieves under the name 'Leverage' who only target the corrupt and evil. Eliot is their physically strongest member, being a great fighter as well as a master of disguise. Eliot is usually the joker of the group, though he gets serious when the situation does.
    Occupation: Thief
    Series: Leverage
    Other: Once a fighter for the Crystal Order's Chinese branch, he has joined Leverage to redeem himself.


    Name: Parker
    Description: Member of a well-known band of international thieves under the name 'Leverage' who only target the corrupt and evil. Quick, agile, acrobatic and nearly as tough as Eliot, Parker is the group's main thief when agility is needed. Because she was isolated from making friends as a child, Parker is socially awkward and comes off as a bit crazy.
    Occupation: Thief
    Series: Leverage
    Other: Parker's life of thievery began at the young age of eight.


    Name: Sophie Devereaux
    Description: Member of a well-known band of international thieves under the name 'Leverage' who only target the corrupt and evil. While all members of Leverage are excellent masters of disguise and acting, Sophie is top notch, never failing to deceive a target when the others may. When not pulling the wool over others' eyes as a thief, Sophie is a stage actress. She is currently in a relationship with Leverage's leader, Nathan.
    Occupation: Thief
    Series: Leverage
    Other: While Sophie is an excellent actress during a heist, in plays and movies, she is horrible.


    Name: Alec Hardison
    Description: Member of a well-known band of international thieves under the name 'Leverage' who only target the corrupt and evil. Hardison is the group's hacker, able to break into almost any piece of technology. While he usually operates from Leverage's home base, he is skilled on the field as well. In his free time, Hardison is quite the media nerd and gamer.
    Occupation: Thief
    Series: Leverage
    Other: Hardison once worked for the JIA, but left to join Leverage, seeking adventure.


    Name: Nathan Ford
    Description: The leader and mastermind behind 'Leverage'. Regardless of whether they are good or evil, Nathan always targets people who are corrupt and unjust. He has slight skill in all of his groups' fields, and he treats his team like the family he lost before becoming a thief. He is currently in a relationship with Sophie.
    Occupation: Thief/Leader Of Leverage
    Series: Leverage
    Other: Nathan was a former salesman, but became a thief to bring down the corrupt.
    Post by: FancyStache, May 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. FancyStache
    ~ Secret Japanese Military Base in Germany ~

    Having followed Shay's group out of interest, Tanya was lying in the shadows, observing Shay, Starlight Glimmer, Attila and Hun's attack. Her eyes widened at the mention of the Arab revolutions, furious that her homeland could have been taken from the Order.

    ~ Rassilon's Office ~

    Daniella quietly swept and listened to the report. Upon hearing Rassilon mention Elise, she spoke up. "Perhaps there is another way to test her loyalty, weak as it may be."

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    Max looked just as surprised at the tentacle as everyone else! "I don't remember putting THAT in there. All I did was just cook the normal recipe...EVILLY!" He whispered to Yoshi. "Perhaps my evil alone was too much for it to handle!"

    ~ Tibet ~

    "Commander Blade, I-" Orchid began, but Sonya cut her off. "Not you." She snapped, turning her glare to Castiel. "Him. Agent Novak, explain yourself." Castiel stayed quiet, before standing up and facing her with a calm gaze. "My name is not Agent Jimmy Novak." He began. "He died long ago in an operation in Iraq, killed by a JIA assassin who betrayed us. I was part of a JIA experiment involving lost agents, which I will not go into details of for the safety of myself and Agent Orchid. I now inhabit Agent Novak's deceased body." Sonya glared at him, but her hard expression soon turned to one of confusion. "Inhabit?" She asked. "I don't get it. Those wings, that strength. What are you?" "My name is Castiel, and I am an S-Type." His reveal was immediately joined by the sound of every soldier, save for Sonya, Orchid and Jago, aiming their weapons at him, ready to fire.

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    Deep beneath the earth, built atop Lavos' resting place was Shinnok's Spire: a grand construct that stood tall, where revenant soldiers created from the deceased patrolled, serving under Shinnok. The fallen god sat upon his throne, watching the events of the German military base through a mystical pool. "Quan Chi." He called, gesturing toward the fallen Liam O'Brien. "Wait until those Crystal Order dogs leave, then fetch this man's corpse. A revenant of him will make a useful soldier for my own armies. Meanwhile, I have my own business to attend to." "Yes, Lord Shinnok." Quan Chi answered and conjured a portal using magic. Without pause, he stepped inside.

    ~ Shibuya ~

    "Wait." Sammy spoke up. "You guys are only sixteen? Wow! I'm seventeen!" She smiled and chuckled a bit. "But you guys are way more tougher than me. I don't even meet half of those standards. Well, I mean I am a little athletic from cheerleading." She got in the car and rode off with the others, staring into space and deep in thought.

    ~ Tokyo Bridge ~

    Climbing to the top, Reptile leapt toward the man, who was holding two blonde girls in his arms and standing near the edge. Upon seeing the reptilian beast, the man froze while the woman let out a scream and fled. "Release them, human!" Reptile spat, pointing a claw at the children.

    ~ Queen Residence ~

    As Oliver was laying down to rest and reflect on his date with Fiona, a shout was heard outside. When he looked outside, he saw a man surrounded by four others who were holding him at knifepoint and demanding money. Hastily, Oliver stood up and rushed into a nearby door.

    ~ Hall ~

    Everyone approached just as Mrs. White hung up the phone. "It is alright." She sighed. "I've called the authorities! Luckily, there's a police station nearby, so an officer should be here very soon!" Green slapped his forehead. "No, you idiot!" He snapped. "We were trying to keep the cops OUT of this!" "But why?" White asked, puzzled. "Because, as long as that blackmail is missing, we don't know who has it or where it is! If the cops find it, we're ALL done for! Even the murderer!" Peacock spoke up, arms crossed. "We'll just have to act natural when the officer gets here, and make sure they don't suspect anything. Then they'll leave and we can continue." "Right." Mustard added. "Well, back to the lounge to gather our thoughts." Before they could move, however, a knock was heard at the manor door. "That was certainly fast." Scarlett said, surprised. "Quick! You five get back to the lounge. I'll deal with the cop." The others ran back to the lounge as Scarlett went to answer the door.

    ~ Mudka's Meat Hut ~

    The ruckus at Yzma's table startled Don, and he jumped up and reached for his holster, only to find it empty. "Oh, damn. I forgot my gun again." He muttered, before looking to the source of the noise, calming down when he saw what it was. "Eh, it's just too crazy here. I need to get back to work. Guess I'll just drop by a fruit stand or something." He said, getting up and leaving. Once outside, he pulled out a map and began reading it, looking for a new place to investigate.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "I see..." Kotal muttered. "Astral and his beasts are being more active as of late. Clearly, we must take action soon. Ferra, Torr. Tomorrow, you will infiltrate Nintendo High as students. Gather information. Erron, I want you to meet our upcoming recruit Mr. Ambrose at his next event. Let him know we must initiate him sooner than we thought. Once D'Vorah and Ermac return to the Tower, I will give them their missions."

    ~ Flower Shop ~

    "Ah, I suppose I should be leaving then." Elise said as she stood up.

    ~ Unofficial Paranormal Investigation Club Meeting ~

    After a long, awkward silence, Dean got up. "You know what? This really isn't going anywhere." He said, and left. "Um, so, like, does that mean I'm, like, in?" Ini asked, puzzled. Sam smiled. "Ah. Well, I guess three members is better than two. Sure. Welcome to the club, Ini." He replied. "See if you can tell others about our little club, huh?" "Totally!"

    ~ Hospital ~

    Mimi entered the sleeping mother's room, seeing that her daughter was much calmer now. "Well, I had a few exams run." She told the girl. "As far as we know, you're mom is just sleeping. We'll keep her here, just in case." "Oh." The girl replied, nodding. "Okay. Mama hasn't been sleepin' a lot. Maybe she's just takin' a big nap." "I bet that's it." Mimi replied with a smile.
    Post by: FancyStache, May 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. FancyStache
    ~ Flower Shop ~

    Elise was shocked when the police entered the Flower Shop. Cautiously, she adjusted her sleve to hide her brand.

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    Max gasped at the Mario's comments, smiling brightly as he clasped his hands. "'Take over the world'?! You really think so?!" He said with glee. "That is the nicest thing someone has ever said to me! I suppose I did add too much of my secret ingredient: pure, concentrated EVIL!!" When Mario added his Secret Family Recipe to Max's dish, Max watched with anticipation to see what would happen.

    ~ Mudka's Meat Hut ~

    Just as Don sat down and grabbed a menu, he saw Yzma get up to enter the kitchen. He slapped his forehead in annoyance and began reading his menu, trying to ignore the impending chaos.

    ~ Vaughn's House ~

    "i'm glad we caught this interview! Good thing my TV has great reception!!" Vaughn spoke as he, Fay, Crunch, Eris and Tiny were watching Powerline's interview with Stephen Colbert. They began cheering wildly as Powerline sang, Eris' being very shrill.

    ~ Set Of 'Super Sentai: The Movie ~

    Once the cast were dressed, they were given a few minutes before filming to meet. Johnny approached the actor playing the Red Ranger. "Yo." He greeted. "You the new lead, huh? Name's Johnny Cage." His co-star, Matt Engarde, smiled politely. "Nice to meet you, dude." He replied, shaking Johnny's hand. "Name's Matt Engarde. This is, like, my hugest role yet!" "Cool. Hey, where's the others?" Johnny asked, noticing the Pink, Yellow, Green and Black Rangers were missing.

    ~ Pendleton Apartment ~

    Having calmed down a bit, Amy came out of her room and looked around. "Huh." She grunted. "Guess Uncle Murphy went to bed." Shrugging, Amy sat on the couch to watch some television.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    As Erron left the Jumpman Residence, he bumped into a passing Kotal, Ferra and Torr. "Erron! Have you finished your errands?" Kotal noted with surprise. "What are you doing here?" "Nothin' much." Erron replied, shrugging. "Did some lookin' around. Get this: Jumpman and his wife were kidnapped. I took a look around. My guess is S-Types took 'em."

    ~ Tibet ~

    Unable to control his rage, Castiel grabbed the S-Type's throat and forced it off of him. Two large black S-Type wings protruded from Castiel's back, and he used them to vault himself up to his feet. Pure malice radiated off of him as he began tearing the beast apart, letting out bloodthirsty roars. The smaller S-Types retreated once the larger one was torn apart completely. Once he finished, Castiel simply stood still as Sonya, Orchid and Jago slowly approached him. Though his back was turned the others, he turned his head to look at them, pure killer intent in his eyes and ready to kill them as well. "Cas." Orchid spoke up softly, slowly approaching him. "Cas. It's me, Orchid. Calm down. Don't let the beast win. Don't let it win, Cas. I'm here." Castiel remained silent for a bit, before his gaze softened, and the wings retracted into his body. Orchid smiled and sat him down. "Someone better explain to me..." The two turned around to see Sonya standing over them, giving them a look that nearly rivaled Castiel's earlier one. "...what the **** just happened. NOW."

    ~ Shibuya ~

    Sammy left te building with Kai and Kairi, smiling as she admired her new blue highlights. "That was pretty cool what you did earlier." She told Kai. "i wish I could do those kinds of things for people."

    ~ Lounge ~

    "Wait a minute." Scarlett spoke up. "That folder with all the blackmail! It's gone!" Everyone turned to the table it was on earlier. "Why, yes! It is!" White confirmed. "Whoever killed Mr. Grey must have taken it. Goodness, they could be miles away by now." Slowly, Plum came to a realization. "No! Whoever took it is still in the house!" At the confused looks of the others, he sighed. "The murderer is not some unknown third party! The murderer is one of us!" "Poppycock!" Mustard exclaimed. "What utter nonsense!" "Really? I must admit, it sounds reasonable." Peacock said, taking Plum's side. "We all have motive. The blackmail is missing. All the killer needs to do is wait out this storm, leave with the others and get rid of the blackmail. He or she gets away. Easy." "Well." Scarlett said, crossing her arms. "We can't let that happen, now can we? Even if Mr. Grey was a conniving weasel, one of us is still a murderer. Which means the rest of us could be next. I suggest we look for the killer ourselves." "Hmm. Maybe." Green added. "We'd have to keep the cops out of this until then." Everyone nodded, agreeing with the plan. It was then that they all noticed one of them was missing. "Where's Mrs. White?" Peacock asked, but was quickly answered by the sound of a telephone ringing. "Gah! Blasted old bat!" Mustard snapped as he and the others ran toward the sound. "She's calling the police!"

    ~ Under Bridge ~

    Normally, Reptile would not involve himself in human affairs. However, even he found them harming their young disgusting. Snarling, Reptile began climbing the beams of the bridge to deal with this man himself.

    ~ Nightmare World: Forest ~

    "So, um, Murphy?" Rosie spoke up after some silence. "Do you have any family?" "I have two nieces. Their parents passed when the two were very young." Murphy answered. "So I took 'em in. I love them like daughters. I had a son, but he..." Murphy stopped talking and looked down. Rosie sighed. "Oh, I see. Um, what about your wife?" "She didn't take Charlie's death so well. She left me and to this day, she thinks the blame is mine. We...don't talk much. What about you?" "I have a daughter, Toya. She's only six. My husband passed away a little before she was born. My mother left my dad. He and I don't get along too well." Rosie replied.
    Post by: FancyStache, May 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. FancyStache

    Name: The Blue Woman
    Description: Leader of the S-Types in Edenia. She commands the S-Types and uses them to attempt to reign control from Queen Sindel and find the lost Dimensional Key to the Dream Realm. With the ability to enter a person's thoughts, she comes to Earth to aid Astral, hoping for its aid for her goals.
    Occupation: Leader of Edenian S-Types
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: She has chosen a select target for her powers.


    Name: Tanya
    Description: Once an assassin for the Japanese Military, Tanya betrayed them when they operated in her homeland. She joins the Crystal Order, with the idea that they will lead Japan into a new era of peace.
    Occupation: Assassin (Former Japanese Military)
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Quick-witted and sly, Tanya is adept at her trade.

    View attachment 42049

    Name: Trevor Dawson
    Description: Nintendo High student who is part of an outcast trio of friends. He likes classic rock and tends to stick with his own social group, only reaching out to people who need it.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Cold Case
    Other: An incident at his old school has given him a fear of heights.
    Post by: FancyStache, May 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. FancyStache
    ~ Mudka's Meat Hut: Kitchen ~

    "Oh." Don said, hearing Kronk's story. "Alright. I'll just go back out then." As he left, Don turned back. "Good luck with the, err, first day on the job."

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    Max saw the three chefs before him and quickly averted his gaze. "DO LOOK UPON MY FAILURE!!" He yelled out. "I have failed at a simple ratatouille! There is NO excuse for this! I will not stop until I make it RIGHT!! One that will knock the socks off of YOU! And YOU!" He pointed at the Swedish Chef. "Yes, even YOU!!" Eyes wide with determination, Max began feverishly working on his next ratatouille.

    ~ Kai's Car ~

    "Same here." Sammy answered Kai. "Even if Amy did something that she didn't mean to or was blamed for something she didn't do. I'd help her out, too." When shown the cigars, Sammy laughed. "Don't worry about me, you guys. Uncle Murphy would freak if he found out I was smoking. Now, how about we have a nice trip in Shibuya, huh?"

    ~ Abandoned Building ~

    Nodding in return, Golden Freddy turned to The Purple Man. "Ah, so you remember me, then?" He said with amusement. "Excellent. Then this shall be much, much easier." His eyes began to glow as Golden Freddy turned against his fellow S-Types to aid The Puppet. Once he saw The Puppet vanish, Golden Freddy immediately followed.

    ~ Under Bridge ~

    Listening to the argument further, Reptile surmised that it was a husband and wife arguing, judging from the way they spoke. From what he gathered, the husband had been abusing his family. The wife was trying to leave, and he was trying to threaten her to stay. Reptile was about to dismiss them, until he heard how the man was trying to coerce his wife: threatening to toss their children off the bridge!

    ~ Hospital ~

    Mimi was surprised to see a little girl run in, followed by two men carrying an unconcious woman. The girl's mother, she figured. The child ran up to Mimi, looking very worried. "My mama won't wake up!" She cried out. "She went to sleep and now she won't wake up!" The nurse called a few others to take the girl's mother to a room. "Alright. We'll see what we can do." She said, looking at the girl with a smile. "Don't you worry. Your mommy will be okay."

    ~ Nightmare World ~

    Murphy followed the voice through a misty, dark forest until he reached a clearing. He was met by another figure, a woman near his age with dark collar-length hair. "E-Excuse me." She stuttered. "I'm sorry, b-but have you seen my daughter? She's only six years old." "What? Oh, no." Murphy replied, shaking his head. "I-I'm actually not sure where I am. I went to sleep and woke up with no recollection of how I got here." "You too?" She asked, sounding surprised. "Same here. I was taking a nap after picking my daughter Toya up from school. I woke up outside a house, near a broken window." She paused a bit before extending her hand. "I-I'm Rosie. Rosie Miles." Murphy nodded, shaking her hand. "Murphy Pendleton. So, we should probably stick together for now. It'd be easier on us both." He smiled to her. "So, any ideas?" Rosie thought for a bit. "Well, I saw what looked like a small town over that way." Nodding, Murphy lead the way as he and Rosie went to find some help.

    ~ Hall ~

    After extensive searching, the six guests reunited in the Hall. "Alright. Anyone find the Butler?" Green asked, irate. "The sooner we find him, the safer we'll be until this storm passes. I checked the Kitchen. He wasn't there." "Well, I searched the Study." White announced. "Nothing." "He wasn't in the Library." Plum added, and Peacock spoke up. "Nor the Ballroom." "Checked the Dining Room. Neither hide nor hair." Mustard stated. "He wasn't in the Conservatory either. Perhaps we should return to the Lounge." Scarlett suggested and began to move, the others following.

    ~ Lounge ~

    The six gasped when they entered. Mr. Grey's body was now sitting on a loveseat and next to him, with a wound on his head, was the Butler: dead! "Oh, good heavens!" White gasped, being caught by Green as she fainted. "How did he get here?" Plum asked, clearly shocked. "I believe the real question is, who killed him?" Mustard spoke up, chiding Plum. "It seems he was not our guilty party."
    Post by: FancyStache, May 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. FancyStache
    ~ Kai's Car ~

    "O-Oh." Sammy said quietly, hearing Kairi's words, before giving her a small smile. "I know how that is. My sister Amy doesn't exactly make things easy on me either. But Kai seems like a good person. I'm sure whatever she's a part of has good intentions. And don't worry. I won't tell anyone." After a while, she turned back to her. "So, I guess we could get to know each other. You mind telling me a bit about yourself, Kairi?"

    ~ Under Bridge ~

    Reptile sat near a sewer pipe under a bridge in Tokyo's busy streets. He was excited at the prospect of being recruited into The Followers Of the Sun, although being recruited alongside a human was a bit irritating to him somewhat. As he mulled over his thoughts, the sound of an argument on the bridge caught his attention.

    ~ Pendleton Apartments ~

    Murphy felt overwhelmed by a strong sense of exhaustion. He trusted Sammy enough to come home before night, so he went to his bedroom. Laying down, Murphy closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep, and soon disturbed, sleep.

    ~ Nightmare World ~

    When Murphy opened his eyes, he found himself sitting near a crash site. A large prison bus was deeply embedded into a large rock wall nearby. Murphy struggled to stand, a sharp pain coursing through his whole body. He stumbled over to a nearby pond and splashed the cold water on his face. Sighing deeply, he began to take in his surroundings. He seemed to be in a dense, foggy wooded area in the middle of 'who-knew-where'. Before he could process all this, he heard a woman's voice calling out nearby. Curious, Murphy followed the sounds.

    ~ Hospital ~

    Mimi Miney was doing her rounds when she noticed a group of people approaching the entrance of the hospital.

    ~ Mudka's Meat Hut: Kitchen ~

    Don was shocked when the actual chef shoved past him and left the restaurant grumbling about the customers. "Never easy, these cases." Don sighed and barged into the kitchen. "Alright. Police." He barked, pulling out his badge. "What's going on here?"

    ~ Abandoned Building ~

    Fading into the building, Golden Freddy watched the battle between the Puppet and the others. "Oh dear." He sighed. "Is it time to reveal my intentions already?" The golden bear emerged from the shadows and stared at the Puppet silently.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Still feeling it, Fiona quickly slipped into a dark alley to avoid her possible pursuer. Unknown to her, he silently went to another part of the alley and quickly approached. As Fiona turned around, she was struck in the back of the head and fell, quickly blacking out.

    ~ Ice Cream Shop ~

    Jin smirked. "Good to know. So, I'll see you tomorrow, then?" He asked, getting up. "Count on it." Jacqueline said, waving as he left the shop.

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    Once the finished speaking, Kitana stopped communication with Sindel and shook her head. "A tournament in Earthrealm." She muttered. "Then we must gather many allies." Her thoughts were interrupted by her stomach growling, making Kuai glance at her. "You've not eaten in a while, Princess?" "I...suppose I have neglected myself on the way here." She smiled sheepishly and confessed. The Grandmaster laughed and helped her up. "We have plenty of time to gain numbers. For now, I suggest you and your companions rest here. You will be no good to others or yourself, tired and hungry like this."

    ~ Movie Studio ~

    Once Johnny dropped Cassie off at their home, he returned to the movie studio and saw other actors in Red, Green, Pink, Yellow and Black Ranger outfits, leaving him the Blue one. "Huh. Guess they changed the casting a bit." Johnny said with a shrug, before grabbing his costume and going to change.

    ~ Tibet ~

    Sonya and Castiel were not doing so well against the S-Type brute. Smaller ones were holding a badly bruised Sonya up as she tried to fight them off. As Jago and Orchid were busy fighting others, Castiel was on his own against the beast and losing badly. It grabbed him tightly by the throat and slammed him into the ground. It held him down, slowly choking him.

    Amid Sonya's faded yelling and sounds of gunfire, Castiel began to feel an overwhelming anger rise up within himself.
    Post by: FancyStache, May 4, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. FancyStache

    Name: Rosie Miles
    Description: A young mother Murphy Pendleton meets in his Nightmare World. Like him, she can see the Bogeyman. Rosie is a down-on-her-luck parent like Murphy, having only her young daughter as her remaining family.
    Series the Character is from: Cold Case
    Occupation: n/a
    Other: Rosie was called to the Nightmare World due to a traumatic incident in her past.


    Name: Toya Miles
    Description: Rosie's daughter and only remaining family. When her mother doesn't wake up from a deep sleep, Toya begins to worry.
    Series the Character is from: Cold Case
    Occupation: Student
    Other: Toya and her mother almost died in the past, leaving them protective of each other.


    Name: Maura Mulvaney
    Description: Twin sister of Vivian. Maura and her sister were almost killed by their abusive father when he threw them off a bridge. The two somehow survived the fall, although Vivian injured her arm, and wind up taken in by an unlikely person.
    Series the Character is from: Cold Case
    Occupation: n/a
    Other: The two share a close bond, looking for their mother together.


    Name: Vivian Mulvaney
    Description: Twin sister of Maura. Maura and her sister were almost killed by their abusive father when he threw them off a bridge. The two somehow survived the fall, although Vivian injured her arm, and wind up taken in by an unlikely person.
    Series the Character is from: Cold Case
    Occupation: n/a
    Other: The two share a close bond, looking for their mother together.


    Carrie Swett [Cold Case]
    Trevor Dawson [Cold Case]
    Laurie Dunne [Cold Case]
    Raiden [Mortal Kombat]
    Post by: FancyStache, May 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home