Search Results

  1. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo University ~

    "I'm afraid I don't know where else you could search." Alyssa replied. "I hope you find her soon."

    ~ Outside Silver's Home ~

    Don approached Silver's home, bracing himself for whatever had happened to Kuzco.

    ~ Courtroom ~

    Barty and Mary watched the trial, amazed at the intensity. "Looks like Queen Elsa's been trapped good." Mary commented, grinning. "Wonder how she's gonna get outta this?"

    ~ Auto Engineering Class ~

    Nick smiled. "Bowser's right. As long as you design some form of vehicle, it'll do. In fact, even combining vehicle concepts is okay." He approached the tarp-covered object and unveiled it. "If you all do good enough in my class, I'll teach you how to combine parts to make things like this!"

    ~ Warehouse ~

    D'Vorah went inside and checked on her larvae. They were growing at a slow rate, but she noticed an outstanding difference from a few days ago. "In due time, my children." She whispered. "In due time."

    ~ Vector Building: Fulgore's Factory ~

    Fulgore watched as the S-Type he had placed into the machine emerged, now fully robotic. They turned to him and stood, awaiting orders.
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo University ~

    "Well, yes. I'm a good friend of hers." Alyssa replied. "Fiona hasn't been around for a few days, but I didn't think she was missing! Let me see if I can remember anything." She thought a bit. "Well, she did say a few days ago that she had a feeling someone had been following her for a while. I started walking her to her classes after that, but I never saw anyone. I wondered if it was another student, but Fiona said it wasn't."

    ~ Headmaster's Office ~

    Dan shrugged at Al Mualim's apology over his parents. "Eh. It's not that big a deal." He said as he signed the form and took the excuse slip. "Guess I'll get to class then."

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    After the Crystal Order left, Shinnok & Quan Chi teleported back to the former's Spire. "How shall we restore the amulet's power, Lord Shinnok?" Quan Chi asked. "I have a particular idea." Shinnok replied. "Something I've waited years to do..."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    As Johnny Cage drove to the set of 'Super Sentai: The Movie', he couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen soon.

    ~ Outside Nintendo High ~

    Klaus couldn't shake the feeling something omnious was on the horizon.

    ~ Department Of Public Planning ~

    After her conference, Leslie entered her office and sat at her desk. She gave a long, tired sigh. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it.

    ~ Belli Castle ~

    Fiona sat on the bed she was presented and looked out a nearby window. She wondered if Oliver was alright, or if her friends were worried. As she thought this, her eyes fell on a distant figure outside. Whatever it was, it looked like it was tethered to a large tree nearby. Her eyes widened as she began to recognize the shape. "Hewie?"

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Kuai, Kitana and Mileena watched in utter shock as George, Lizzie and Ralph were now battling a giant purple gargoyle-like creature in broad daylight. The three wrestled with the purple creature, while trying to avoid hitting any buildings.

    ~ Nightmare Apartments ~

    Murphy and Rosie wandered through the decaying halls of the apartments. They honestly had no idea where they were going. As they reached a door labeled '206', Rosie took out a key she found earlier with the same number etched into it.
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo University ~

    Alyssa Hamilton was walking to a lecture, when she noticed Kiriko and Shintaro in the area. "Excuse me, officers?" She called out to them. "Do you need something?"

    ~ English Classroom ~

    Opening their books, Sammy and Sam began to follow along as Xion read.

    ~ Headmaster's Office ~

    Dan frowned. "I don't have parents. Or a guardian. How do I get this thing signed?"

    ~ Tokyo National Museum ~

    Shinnok frowned. "My amulet has been seperated from me for too long. It's powers have weakened! In this state, I cannot open the way to Lavos for you. I will have to do a few things to restore it." He looked at Shay. "I am a man of my word." He assured them. "Once I've restored it's power, I will open the way to Lavos for you as promised."

    ~ Governmental Department Of Public Planning ~

    Reporters crowed around, hoping to ask a few questions to the department's head, Leslie Knope. "Now now, people!" She spoke up, silencing them. "In regards to the abandoned district that we planned to tear down and rebuild, but didn't because it was destroyed a few days ago by giant monsters." She smiled. "You don't see that everyday, huh?" She chuckled, but the reporter's didn't seem to see the humor in her joke. "Ahem. Anyway, because those circumstance have saved us money which was going to be spent for the demolition of the district, we can now use it to further improve the quality of the homes and businesses we plan to build there! As the head of Japan's Public Planning Department, I want my country to have only the best public facilites!" She smiled when the crowd broke out in applause. "Now, any questions?"

    Owen Grady, owner of the local Pokemon reservation, raised his hand. "Is this new district going to accomodate Pokemon?" "Of course!" Leslie replied. "We're planning to build a large park at the center of the new district where people and their Pokemon can enjoy themselves. We're even going to include a small battling area for Trainers!" Hearing this, Owen smiled. He liked the sound of that!
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. FancyStache

    Name: Alyssa Hamilton
    Description: A History student at Tokyo University and Fiona's best friend. Her favorite hobby is archery.
    Occupation: College Student
    Series: Clock Tower
    Other: Alyssa possesses the Peach Energy Lockseed.


    Name: Owen Grady
    Description: A young man who runs a Prehistoric Pokémon reserve. Occasionally a guest speaker for avid Pokémon trainers.
    Occupation: Reserve Owner
    Series: Jurassic World
    Other: Owen is very good at communicating with his Pokémon.


    Name: Leslie Knope
    Description: Head of the Japanese Government's public planning committee. Naïve and stubborn, but optimistic and good at what she does.
    Occupation: Head Of Japan's Public Planning Committee
    Series: Parks and Recreation
    Other: Despite having to be impartial, she secretly supports Cosmos.
    Post by: FancyStache, Aug 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. FancyStache
    ~ English Classroom ~

    Sammy and Sam began to take notes on Charles Dickens.

    ~ Tokyo National Museum: 2nd Floor ~

    "Lavos, of course." Shinnok nodded. "Now that I have the amulet back, I will fufill my end of the deal. The Crystal Order will have possession of Lavos within a few moments." He eyed the amulet again, when his eyes fell on the dull green gem.

    "Wait a minute...No...NO!!" Shinnok screamed in rage, eyeing his amulet. "It's been seperated from me for too long! It's power has weakened!"

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    As Florent was close to giving up on his search for the Ozzie Trio, he noticed a nearby monitor which was playing Calypso's Twisted Metal announcement. "Any wish the winner desires, hmm?" He mused. "Oh, the Crystal Order will definitely benefit from this. I must infom Lord Rassilon immediately!"

    ~ Headmaster's Office ~

    "Oh, FINALLY!" Dan snapped as he entered the office, sat down and crossed his arms. "I have been WRONGED!"

    ~ Belli Castle ~

    Fiona followed Riccardo into a bedroom, where he stopped. "This is where you will stay for the time being." He said. "I'm afraid for now it's just you, I and the servants of the estate." "I didn't know my family had a castle..." Fiona responded, looking over the room. "And you say I'm the last of my family?" "Well, yes." Riccardo nodded and answered. "The Belli's practiced the art of alchemy for many, many years. We were one of the few successful families to master it, though the Belli methods of the art were...less than ethical. So they decided to seclude themselves from the world, and thus explains why Belli Castle is far from civilzation." He paused a bit before speaking again. "If I may give a small history lesson?" Fiona nodded, and he spoke.

    "The Belli family were renowned alchemists in the Italian and English areas. As stated before, they used very dark methods to master it, much to the world's displeasure. Some say they even made an attempt on creating homunculi: manmade life forms to serve them. Their main goal, however, was something called the Azoth. The Azoth is a very mysterious life force, one that even the most prodigial alchemist would kill to have. They say in the right hands, it can be made into the key to eternal life, endless youth, the ultimate medicine!" He looked at Fiona. "What the world didn't know was that the Azoth wasn't simply a thing. It lived, it thought and had will. It hid itself from the world, knowing the sort of people who would come after it. And where does it hide?" He smiled.

    "The Azoth hides within the body of a woman. Never a man. Women who have the Azoth within then seemingly never die, though they can be killed by unnatural means. And the Belli women, you see, seemingly had long lifespans, usually outlasting their brothers, sons and fathers. For the Azoth chose the first Belli woman to be it's host. And when she died, it passed itself on to her daughter and so on. As you are the last Belli left, it is possible the Azoth could be within you." He leaned toward Fiona with a dark grin, causing her to back away. Quickly, he straightened up and shrugged. "Oh, I jest. Those are all simply fairy tales. No one really knows what the Belli's did in life. They were a very low-key family." He began to leave. "Anyway, I will leave you to yourself. Dinner shall be served soon. I will send one of the maids to you when it is time."

    ~ Battle In The Pacific ~

    Joe sailed through the water, blissfully unaware of the fierce sea battle taking place just a short distance away. His eyes caught on one of the pods which was wedged in between some rocks. He got it out and pocketed it. "Dude, this is awesome!" He said with a grin. "These things are so cool-looking!" Joe began to go elsewhere, barely avoiding a torpedo being fired at him, which he somehow failed to notice even when it exploded.

    ~ Chemistry Class ~

    Max was at his desk, getting his things ready for class. "Chemistry is a very important subject." He said to himself. "It is a key to my plans of WORLD DOMINATION!"

    ~ Pokemon Battling Class ~

    Myriam was eagerly awaiting to see Richie and Oak battle. She already knew Type advantages and disadvantages for her Ghost types, but learning about others wouldn't hurt.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "My, the Earthrealm is quite large." Kitana commented as she looked around at Tokyo's buildings. "Indeed." Kuai replied. "Japan is the leading nation of the realm. Most world developments, scientific discoveries and military power were instituted by Japan." "it certainly seems impressive." Jade commented, clearly impressed. As the group walked on, they froze upon seeing George, Lizzie and Ralph (with Dr. Veronica sitting on Lizzie's shoulder) stomping through town, fending off tanks and helecopters sent by Scum Labs. "Is this a common occurence?" Kitana asked, stunned. "It's...not uncommon." Kuai asked, oddly calm about the sight.

    ~ Courthouse ~

    Crouch Jr. and Mary were watching the Flamel trial diligently. Kano, on the other hand, was fast asleep.

    ~ Nightmare Hotel ~

    Murphy and Rosie quickly shut a door behind them and leaned against it to keep it shut as something tried to ram the door. "wh-what were those things?!" Rosie asked, gasping. Murphy shook his head. "I don't know?! Monsters?!" The two continued to block the door as whatever it was continued trying to get in.
    Post by: FancyStache, Aug 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. FancyStache
    ~ Park ~

    Rock and Spud, who had managed to stay awake due to their music, watched Jigglypuff scribble on the crowds' faces. "Whoa!" Rock exclaimed. "Free face paint? Why didn't we think of that?!" Spud grunted and shrugged.

    ~ Triskelion ~

    Sonya stared at a television that was on nearby, seeing Calypso's burnt face and him introducing the Twisted Metal competition. "Twisted Metal?" She asked. "Sounds dangerous."

    ~ Battle in the Pacific Ocean ~

    Team Earth Hope sped through the ocean in their dolphin-shaped submarine, speeding past Joe Skullion who was heading in another direction. While Jack Keon and Armstrong were firing torpedoes at each other, Carly noticed a faint green glow and ordered Conrad to head toward it. When they reached it, they found a large, green, egg-shaped pod. "That must be one of those alien things!" Conrad noted, pointing at it. "Great! We got to it before those nature-haters did!" Carly said with a grin. "Quick, grab it up before someone sees!" Conrad pressed a button and a hatch on the sub opened, letting a mechanical claw come out and snatch the pod. "Yes! Score one for Mother Natu-"

    "YOU GIVE THAT TO ME, YOU LITTLE BRATS!!!" The shrill voice of Dana Nadel was heard, screeching as her submarine sped toward Team Earth Hope's. Conrad steered them out of way just as Dana fired an explosive at them. The environmentalists sped off as the CEO gave chase, launching torpedo after torpedo in a crazed attempt to get the pod from them.

    Elsewhere, Armstrong and Keon were fighting over another pod they found. The two enemies were firing all of their weapons at each other. "Scoundrel!" Armstrong screamed at his rival. "Has-been!" Keon retorted!

    The two were so busy fighting, they failed to notice the French oceanographers swoop in and snag the pod from right under their noses. "Hoh hoh!" Jaqcues laughed. "Take zat, Japan!"

    ~ English Classroom ~

    Sammy and Sam entered the room, laughing at some story they were telling. "Good morning, Mr. Smith." They both greeted the teacher. Seeing two empty seats next to each other, they sat down, smiling.

    ~ Auto Engineering Classroom ~

    Dean rushed into the room, almost knocking Nick over as he ran over to where a black 1967 Chevy Impala was parked. "There's my baby!" Dean said, patting the hood.

    ~ Outside Headmaster's Office ~

    Dan was asleep in his seat, dreaming not-so-sweet dreams of revenge on all the people he didn't like.

    ~ Tokyo National Museum - 2nd Floor ~

    Quan Chi held the amulet tightly. "Ah, finally." He said. "I finally found Lord Shinnok's amulet. And of course, we shall fulfill our end of the bargain." Looking at the amulet one more time, he noticed "Oh dear...The gem in the center, it's not as vibrant as it used to be. I must speak to Lord Shinnok of this." He turned to Shay's group, before bringing the red gem he used to speak to Shinnok earlier out. "I believe it's time you met him." He began chanting as the stone began to glow a bright blood red. A red portal formed itself nearby and slowly, Shinnok emerged, looking over the group. "Ah, Quan Chi, my servant." He acknowledged him. "Why have you called me?"

    "The Crystal Order has found the amulet, as I assured you they would." Quan Chi answered, bowing. "They have? Excellent!" Shinnok exclaimed, taking the amulet and looking over it.

    ~ Mythology Classroom ~

    Eris entered the class and sat down with Mayhem not far behind. "You know, everyone's going to think you're a creeper if you keep following me." She said, hoping that would make her guardian go away. "If your hoping that will make me, your guardian, go away, it's not." Mayhem replied, deadpan.

    ~ Gym Class ~

    Chris found his girlfriend Elise and wrapped her in a tight hug. "Okay, Chris." The brunette said, not surprised. "What did Dan do now?" "He wants to kill the Crystal Order because he thinks they scratched his car." Chris answered, still hugging. Elise's eyes widened. "Chris, doesn't Dan know the Crystal Order is one of the most dangerous organizations in the world? They have some of the most craftiest assassins and strategists as members, including some ex-JIA members. They also have the assistance of the S-Types. It's heavily rumored they might be after some advanced weaponry as well." Chris nodded. "Yeah, Dan kinda doesn't care."

    He suddenly set Elise down. " do you know all this stuff?" "Uhh, w-well..." Elise stammered. " can, uh, find anything on the internet. Yeah, let's go with that." Chris looked at his girlfriend before shrugging, believing her excuse. As he walked off, Elise sighed. 'One day, Chris. I'll tell you I work for the JIA...' She thought.

    ~ ??? ~

    Fiona continued walking until she saw a man. He appeared to be wearing a brown hood, but Fiona ignored that fact. "Excuse me?" She called out, causing the man to turn. "Erm, where am I?"

    The man smiled and walked toward her. "Ah, Mistress Fiona." He greeted in a charming British accent. "You have awoken. Welcome to Belli Castle, estate of the Belli family in England. I am Riccardo, humble servant of the family." Fiona gasped. "England? You mean I'm not in Japan anymore?" She asked. "But how? I don't recallever leaving Japan. I was knocked unconcious and..." "This way, please." Riccardo cut her off, walking away. Hesitant, but wanting answers, Fiona followed him.
    Post by: FancyStache, Aug 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. FancyStache
    ~ Porta Vista ~

    "Little problem?" Don repeated, then sighed. "Well, guess I'll meet you there, then."

    ~ Park ~

    As Jigglypuff sang, Rock and Spud were oblivious to the crowd slowly starting to drift to sleep from the song. The two were busy playing music to fit the song.

    ~ Tokyo National Museum ~

    "Good, good." The sorceror replied, smiling. "Lord Shinnok will be most pleased, and he will make sure you get Lavos."

    ~ Biology Classroom ~

    Chris smiled as he turned in his test and began gathering his things. "Yes!" He spoke aloud. "Gym class! My girlfriend Elise, and NO Dan!"

    ~ Outside Headmaster's Office ~

    Dan stomped up to the door, not noticing Sunset Shimmer emerging nor caring that Vergil entered. "Stupid Crystal Order..." He grumbled. "...wrecked my Chris is working for them. Just they wait..."

    ~ Demonology Class ~

    Sam and Dean stood up, ready to head to their next classes: English for Sam and Auto Engineering for Dean.

    ~ Gym Class ~

    Amy pushed her way out of the gym to get to her next class. As she walked, thoughts clouded her mind. 'Why have I been so nice to Samey lately?' She thought. 'Ugh! Must be an epidemic or something!'

    ~ Hallway ~

    Sammy was on her way to English class, when she bumped into someone, knocking them both over. "Oh, no! I'm so sorry!" She blurted out, looking to find she had knocked over Sam. "Urgh. It's alright." He said, getting up before offering her a hand. She took it and was pulled up. Both gathered up their things and looked at each other. "Well, I better get going to English." Sammy spoke, before Sam smiled. "Oh, cool. I'm heading there, too. Wait, I recognize you." He said. "You're that girl with the uptight sister that got her schedule changed due to the strikes, right?" "Oh! You've seen me and Amy around?" Sammy asked. Sam rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Kinda hard to miss with all the yelling I hear her do." "Y-Yeah. Uh, I'm Samantha Pendleton. But I prefer Sammy. N-Not Samey! I-I mean..." Sammy stuttered, extending her hand. Sam smiled and shook it. "It's cool, Sammy. The name's Samuel Winchester. People usually call me Sam, though."

    The two began to talk as they walked to their classroom, discussing themselves and their siblings, Amy and Dean.

    ~ Auto Engineering Classroom ~

    Nick couldn't wait for his second period class. He had something cool to show them.

    ~ Modern History Classroom ~

    Eris eagerly got ready to head to her next and favorite class, Mythology. Her excitement died when she remembered Mayhem was there. "Ugh! You are SUCH an old man sometimes!" She whined. "Daddy lets you make people crash their cars all the time." "Correction..." Mayhem said with a frown. "I only crash people who don't take precaution. You try to blow up everything."

    Eris winked. "First rule of Chaos, Uncle Mayhem: EVERYONE'S a target."

    ~ Dr. Fennhoff's Office ~

    "Actually, there is something I've always wondered." Castiel spoke, turning to Orchid. "You mentioned a long time ago that you knew him better than anyone else. So Orchid, may I ask what my host, Jimmy Novak, was like when he was alive?"

    Orchid sighed. "He was a good agent that I was honored to be partnered with." She replied. "Wasn't much of a fighter. He left that to me. He was the brains and mouth of our duo. Could talk his way out of any situation, and if not, he could figure a way out. He didn't talk much with the other agents, and he didn't have any family that I know of. We kept to each other, sort of like you and me, Cas." Orchid smiled at the memory. "Oh, if only you could have met him, you'd probably think he was your long-lost brother or something. Jimmy and I were quite the pair. We were sure we going to take on the all the bad guys in the world together. We were going to stick together as long as we could..." Her smile faded and she stared off into the distance. "Shortly before he was killed, we were even planning to..." She trailed off, not finishing her sentence, though Castiel could guess what she was about to say.

    The S-Type stayed quiet, before commenting. "I see. I'm sorry for your loss. Do you mind if I ask what happened to him?" Orchid nodded and spoke again. "An assassin that once worked for the JIA...Tanya was her name. She betrayed us in Iraq. She killed Jimmy. But I'm going to get her back one day..."
    Post by: FancyStache, Aug 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. FancyStache
    ~ Modern History Classroom ~

    "Oh no." Mayhem said, looking at Eris. "No chaos for you today. Your old man is having me hold on to your Apples Of Discord and you're not getting them back until the end of the day."

    ~ Tatadohama Beach ~

    Beachgoers were watching in amazement as many submarines were floating in the water, with their respective captains getting ready to take them under the sea. The French and Dana Nadel had already somehow reached the area and brought their own submarines. Miss Nadel was giving an interview, putting on the fakest smile she could and lying through her teeth about why she was going after the artifacts. The French, meanwhile, were whispering and plotting amongst themselves. The event was so big, a big shot TV producer even offered to send underwater drones to televise the search.

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    "So, I guess you two are going to have a battle, then?" Jade asked, but was surprised when Mileena frantically shook her head. "I'm not having this adorable thing be hurt! No battle!"

    ~ Vector Industries: Fulgore's Factory ~

    After agonizing hours in the machine, the S-Types emerged, morphed into grotesque machines. Fulgore eyed them all. "You obey us now." He said as the S-Types obediently stood at attention.

    ~ Dr. Fennhoff's Office ~

    "Agreed." Orchid said, taking a sip. "The world's going through a hard time right now. With all that's going on lately, we all need those things."

    ~ Biology Class ~

    "I KNEW it! It's all a conspiracy to get me!" Dan screamed in rage, his face gradually getting red. He turned toward Chris and jabbed a finger at him. "I KNEW you were a snake, Chris! You're working with the enemy! It's all a conspiracy against me! And you four! You're going on the LIST!" Dan took out a notepad and wrote Thor, Luna, Sora and Vanellope's names in it, before leaving to the Headmaster's office with a red face from anger.

    Once he left, Chris looked at Mr. Coulson and his classmates, absolutely mortified. "Once again, everybody, I am SO sorry about Dan! I don't even know why I'm still friends with him!" He apologized again, before turning to the other four. "And don't worry about that stupid list. Dan forgets half of the people he adds on it."

    ~ Hallway ~

    As Dan stomped toward the Headmaster's office, kicking a few objects (and stubbing his toes) on the way, he began swearing profusely. Duck Hunt Dog, hearing Dan's plight through his expletives, emerged from a nearby trash can and decided to give his opinion on the matter.

    "SHUT UP!!!" Dan screamed at the top of his lungs!

    ~ Nintendo High: Front Entrance ~

    Klaus was in the middle of a one-man game of chess when he heard someone screaming in rage. Ignoring it, he went back to his game.

    ~ Park ~

    "Alright, cool!" Rock said with a grin. "You can start singing now! Ready, guys? And...ROCK OUT!!" He and Spud began playing, but just loud enough so the crowd could be able to hear Jigglypuff sing.

    ~ Porta Vista ~

    After talking with a local, Don heard his phone ring. Answering it, he spoke. "This is Don Eppes speaking."

    ~ Demonology Classroom ~

    Sam and Dean watched the scene between in silence. 'She does have a point though.' Dean thought to himself. 'We met some pretty helpful demons during our time...'

    ~ Police Station ~

    "Thank you!" Oliver said, shaking the two officers' hands. "I'm going to continue looking around some of our other favorite places."

    ~ ??? ~

    Fiona soon found a door that led her out of the room and up some stairs. She ascended them and found herself in a long hallway. The hall was beautifully decorated. Wherever she was, whoever owned it certainly took care of the place.
    Post by: FancyStache, Aug 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. FancyStache
    ~ Modern History Classroom ~

    Mayhem chuckled as Eris pouted. "Nah, don't sweat it." He said with a grin. "I got her here on time. And don't point that at Eris, please. You're giving her ideas." To emphasize his point, Mayhem pointed at Eris, who had a large grin as she eyed Ebony with a mischievous look. "No, Eris." Mayhem scolded. "No more chaos for you today." Eris crossed her arms and pouted.

    ~ Police Station ~

    "Of course." Oliver replied, turning to Kiriko. "Her name is Fiona Belli. I have a photo of her here. As for the last place I saw her...we went on a date to Twinkle Park around three days ago. She had to run some errands, so we parted ways. I didn't hear from her for a while. She's a Literature student at Tokyo University, so I figured she was busy. This morning I went to her place to check up on her. It looked like someone had broken in and her dog, Hewie, was missing."

    ~ ??? ~

    Fiona looked around the room until she saw a table in poor condition, with some kind of map rested on it. "This is...a map of Europe!" She stated, picking it up. "But why would there be a map of Europe here. I should still be in Japan, shouldn't I?"

    ~ Demonology Classroom ~

    "Dean! You heard that, right?" Sam whispered to his brother. "We should definitely take notes if we really want to up our demon-hunting skills!" Dean nodded. "You think he knows a few tricks our dad doesn't?" He asked Sam, who shrugged.

    ~ Biology Classroom ~

    "I am so sorry, Mr. Coulson." Chris apologized profusely. "I was trying to focus on my test, but Dan insisted. I'll get back to work now, sir." As Chris focused on his test, promising to block out his friend, Dan scowled. "If you MUST know what we're discussing Mr. Coulson, I'm going to blow up the Crystal Order for scratching my car." He explained as if it were a simple chore.

    ~ Park ~

    Seeing the Jigglypuff, Rock grinned. "You wanna sing with us, little dude? Sure! What do you think, Spud?" The brunette nodded, smiling at Jigglypuff. Both put on their headsets, plugged in their speakers and invited the Pokémon on stage.

    ~ Dr. Fennhoff's Office ~

    "Thank you." Orchid said as she smiled and took two glasses, handing one to Castiel. The S-Type gratefully took the glass.

    ~ Porta Vista ~

    Don left his hotel room, ready to start another day of searching. "Better not call Charlie right now. He's probably teaching some of that advanced math stuff."

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    Kuai, Kitana and Mileena entered the temple and quickly found Jade. The three helped her up and into a nearby chair. "Jade!" Kitana addressed her friend with concern. "Are you okay? What happened?" Jade shook her head. "It's...nothing. I suppose I passed out a bit. Nothing serious, princess." She noticed both Kitana and Mileena holding a Pokéball each. "Ah, I see Kuai has finally brought you to catch one of those things, did he?" "I did." Kuai responded. "I am sorry it took so long to get around to it. Blizzards aren't very common near the temple. This is a bad omen." He shook his head. "But anyway, how about you show her your first captures, ladies?"

    Kitana nodded and threw her Pokéball, follwed by Mileena.

    Kitana: [​IMG] Mileena: [​IMG]

    Jade eyed Mileena's catch. "That's certainly not what I'd expect you to get. Something with sharp teeth would fit better." Kitana laughed. "Yes. But Mileena saw it, thought it was cute and wanted to catch it."

    ~ Tokyo National Museum ~

    Watching with satisfaction as the visitors began to leave, Quan Chi quickly caught two guards rushing for the security room. He stood in their way and reached out toward them. Green aura flowed through his hands as the guards suddenly stopped. Their eyes changed to an unnatural green color as they willessly froze. "Now then." Quan Chi spoke. "Be dutiful guards and send the visitors on their way." Under Quan Chi's control, the guards did as he said and began escorting people out of the museum.
    Post by: FancyStache, Aug 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. FancyStache
    Character for a Dan plot.

    View attachment 42824

    Name: Dan*
    Description: An imposter who steals Dan's identity one day and takes his place at school and outside. Other than a few small differences, no one can really tell them apart.
    Occupation: ???
    Series: Dan Vs.
    Other: Unlike Dan, who is rude and off-putting, Dan* is nice, polite and considerate to others.
    Post by: FancyStache, Aug 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. FancyStache
    ~ Police Station ~

    Oliver nodded. "Yes, I'd like to file a missing persons report. It's my girlfriend, Fiona." His voice was shaky. "She...she's been missing for the past few days."

    ~ Near Tokyo National Museum ~

    Quan Chi nodded. "Understood. Then when that time comes, I will show you some true sorcery."

    ~ Modern History Classroom ~

    Noticing a few eyes on him, Mayhem sighed and turned toward the teacher. "Sorry about me being here." He said apologetically, pointing to Eris. "Eris here made her breakfast attack her family, so her old man wants me to supervise her today."

    ~ Government Classroom ~

    "Miss Tyler is right, Mario." Ahmet said with a smile. "Just give it some time, and I'm sure you'll develop a great understanding of our government. Maybe it won't change your opinion, but at least give it some time before you make a final call."

    ~ Biology Classroom ~

    Dan looked at Chris with a deep anger. "The reason I need that stuff is simple." He said matter-of-factly. "This morning, my car was vandalized by the Crystal Order. An act of pure, unadulterated malice that caused me to be late for school! It's like they're personally out to get me!" Still focused on his test, Chris whispered back. "Dan, I think the Crystal Order has more deplorable things to do than destroy your car. And I doubt they're 'out to get you'. You're just being paranoid. So why do you need napalm, anyway?" "Simple." Dan replied. "I'm going to find the Crystal Order's base and use the napalm to blow it up."

    ~ Vector Building: Fulgore's Processing Room ~

    Fulgore grabbed the S-Types he captured and began to force them into a strange machine.

    ~ ??? ~

    Fiona walked around the mysterious room she awoke in. "Where am I? And where is here?" She examined the room's structure. "This doesn't seem like any building I'd find in Japan."

    ~ Dr. Fennhoff's Office ~

    "You think so?" Castiel asked. "Very well. I recall the day she took me home...It was...rainy. I was wandering around Japan, soaked. Orchid walked by and stopped to talk to me. I told her what I knew of my past, and she revealed she was an agent. We talked for a few hours in one of the parks, until the rain began to come down more, so she offered to give me shelter at her home for a while."

    ~ Park ~

    Crowds of people were walking away from a part of the park, looking at each other in confusion. "Who are these guys?" "'Devil Frog'? Never heard of 'em." "Man, what a bunch of weirdos..." Two young men were playing music in the park: a tall man with long blonde hair playing the guitar and a chubby brunette with long wavy brown hair playing drums. Once they were done and noticed no one was listening, the blonde, Rock, looked at the guitar case he left on the ground. It was empty. "Aw, man." He muttered. "No tips again? Dude, we gotta find our big gig! How are we supposed to get famous like this?" The brunette, Spud, shrugged and began lazily reading a rock and roll magazine.

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    As Jade walked the halls of the temple, she felt a sharp pain in her head. It was intense, and soon she fell onto the floor. A blue light enveloped her and flew from her body, taking the form of a woman in a cloak. The blue woman looked around, eyeing her surroundings. "So, this is the Earthrealm." She spoke softly. "I must seek HIM out." Looking down at Jade, the blue woman shook her head and walked away.

    ~ Tatadohama Beach ~

    "I see. Well, this certainly has been a very...informative interview." The reporter said as Jack, Armstrong, Carly and Conrad went their seperate ways. "Erm, now let's talk with some of the beachgoers to see what they think." She looked around until she saw a man wearing black and yellow surfing gear. "Excuse me! What do you think of this whole alien artifact craze." The surfer smiled. "Well, it's totally radical that we like, found these things." He replied in a heavy surfer accent. "My bros were all like 'Joe, dude, you have to, like, go get some of those artifact things'! And I was all like 'No way, dude! That's totally way too much work'! And they were all 'Dude, it would be so totally radical if you did'! And then I was like 'It would be so radical if I did, so I'll do it'! So, I'm gonna be taking my underwater rider and go hunting for those things." Grinning wildly, Joe made a 'hang loose' sign with his hand. "Well, seems like everyone is going to hunt for these mysterious artifacts." The reporter said. "We'll keep you updated on any new developments."

    ~ Mordrid Corp.: CEO's Office ~

    Dana Nadel, CEO of Mordrid Corp., watched the report at Tatadohama Beach. Greed shone in her eyes as she thought of the alien artifacts. "Boys!" She addressed two businessmen nearby. "Go prepare the company submarine! We're going hunting for those alien artifacts! Think of the power they have! Think about how we can exploit that power to make glorious, glorious money!"

    ~ Oceanographic Laboratory in France ~

    Three Frenchmen watched the report with interest. "Ah ha!" One spoke. "Do you see zis, gentlemen?! Our chance!" "Chance?" Another replied, shaking. "F-For what?" "For too long, Japan has been ze focal point of most scientific discovery! But if we, ze French oceanographers, find those artifacts and discover ze secret to re-establishing contact with ze Cephalopods, then France will be credited! Think of what sort of glory that would bring! France would outshine Japan!" He pointed at his two partners. "Come, gentlemen! We make haste to Japan, and bring ze submarine, too!"
    Post by: FancyStache, Aug 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. FancyStache
    @WhiteRose-Aki: Don't worry. I've been watching Life Is Strange playthroughs extensively, so I'm aware of the limitations and effects Max's powers have on her. She'll only be using them when she really needs to.

    Anyway, time for a quick comic-relief reserve!


    Name: Spud
    Description: A freelance musician who travels around with his best friend, Rock. He's dim-witted and doesn't talk much. Often loses track of where he's going and even his own mind sometimes. Without Rock, he can't do much of anything.
    Occupation: Freelance Musician
    Series: Total Drama/The Ridonculous Race
    Other: Spud does speak, but prefers to let Rock do the talking.

    Name: Rock
    Description: Spud's best friend and fellow musician. Rock is the brains and mouthpiece of the duo and aims to make their two-man band called "Devil Frog" Japan's new top musical sensation! Once people know who they are, anyway.
    Occupation: Freelance Musician
    Series: Total Drama/The Ridonculous Race
    Other: Rock wants to raise enough money to move out of his parents' house.
    Post by: FancyStache, Aug 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. FancyStache
    ~ Dr. Fennhoff's Office ~

    ", none of those." Castiel said, closing his eyes in thought. "It's...something else. Something I can't quite pinpoint. Maybe it's the safety? The fact that with Orchid I can have healthy human interaction? That I won't lose myself to my rages when she's there?" He gave a small, rare smile. "Maybe it's something I can't quite understand yet."

    ~ Treleskion ~

    "I have been pretty busy lately." Sonya replied. "Maybe I missed when they told the rest of you about him."

    ~ Biology Classroom ~

    Chris was quietly taking the test given to him, when Dan leaned over to him. "Listen Chris." Dan whispered. "I need a truckload of napalm and directions to the Crystal Order Headquarters." Chris, still writing on his test, looked at Dan with a frown. "Okay, first: how the heck would I get tht stuff? Second, why do you need it? And third: I'm trying to take this test, Dan. Please be quiet."

    ~ Demonology Classroom ~

    "You hear that, Sam?" Dean said to his brother. "There are ways to open portals to here from Hell. That...could be bad news if some really of the really high-ranking demons ever do that." Sam nodded in agreement. "I know. We should check out some of Dad's old demon-hunting books to see how to dispel them. Could help us out."

    ~ Courthouse ~

    Kano and the Black Dragon approached the courthouse to watch Flamel's trial. As Kano scanned the area, he saw a familiar face. "Sheeva?" He called. "What th' heck are you doin' here?" The female Shokan looked at him, frowning upon seeing the thug. "I am employed as a baliff in the courts." She replied. "I have not seen you since Outworld invaded Earth years ago. I assume you are on trial?" "Pah. Nah, Barty came to see th' Flamel trial." Kano said, rolling his good eye. "Honestly, I find this stuff boring." Sheeva nodded. "Yes. I have heard of the Flamel trial. Whether or not I will be serving in it, I do not know. Given the trial is diplomatic in nature, they will likely have a higher baliff on it. However, I can take you three to the courtroom where it will be held."

    ~ Police Station ~

    A worried Oliver Queen entered the station, looking for help.

    ~ Tatadohama Beach ~

    Both were wearing white t-shirts with a picture of Earth on it, under yellow plaid shirts. Over the picture were the words 'Team Earth Hope' written. "Oh! Um..." The reporter said, not expecting this intrusion. She then noticed the shirts and looked at the two young adults. "A-And here, um, we have two members of the controversial environmental group Team Earth Hope. Wh-what do you two think of the current events?" Of the two, the girl replied. "Conrad and I think that the alien objects should be left alone! They belong to Mother Nature, not these greedy creeps!" Conrad nodded and added his own thoughts. "That's right, Carly! All these evil corporations and nature-haters are trying to take what belongs to Mother Nature! Well, Team Earth Hope is taking our own submarine to protect the artifacts!" His expression grew dark. "And we'll kill anyone who tries to take from Mother Nature!" Carly nodded. "We mean it!" She added. "Team Earth Hope isn't afraid to get rid of a few nature-haters to help the Earth!" The reporter became uncomfortable from this statement. "W-Well, erm..." She stuttered. ", uhh, seems like a lot of people are going into the ocean for these artifacts." She turned to Armstrong and Jack. "How about you gentlemen?" "Of course!" Jack replied. "I've got my own submarine! It's the best money can buy!" Armstrong frowned. "Well, I happen to have my own subnautic machine, generously donated by Japan's scientific community."

    ~ Near Tokyo National Museum ~

    "There appear to be a few guards outside." Quan Chi said, observing the building. "I can deal with them."
    Post by: FancyStache, Aug 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. FancyStache
    Good to know they'll be in great hands! And yes, Life Is Strange is going to join the HSD world, so this should be fun! I'm not going to take every character, so they're up for anyone who wants them.


    Name: Maxine 'Max' Caulfield
    Description: A young teenage girl with a love of photography and all things retro. Quiet, introverted and usually sticks to her friends. One day after a traumatic event, Max discovers she has an extraordinary gift...
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Life Is Strange
    Other: Max is a self-proclaimed 'hipster'.


    Name: Chloe Price
    Description: Max's punkish, rebellious childhood friend. Chloe loves defying authority and being her own person. Chloe learns Mac has an extraordinary gift after a traumatic encounter on the streets.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Life Is Strange
    Other: Chloe is one of the few people who know of Max's powers.


    Name: Frank Bowers
    Description: Once a bully who harassed Max and Chloe, over the years the three have come to be good friends. Despite being a known dealer in town, he is actually a decent man with a love of dogs.
    Occupation: N/A
    Series: Life Is Strange
    Other: Was expelled from Nintendo High during his senior year for behavioral problems.


    Name: Kate Marsh
    Description: A shy, sweet religious girl who occasionally hangs out with Max, Chloe and Frank. She leads the school's religious club and welcomes anybody with open arms.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Life Is Strange
    Other: Despite being kind, Kate is heavily subject to bullying.
    Post by: FancyStache, Aug 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. FancyStache
    Good to have you back, bro!

    Hey guys, Stache here. I've been suffering from some serious writer's block lately regarding most of my characters. After some thought, I've decided that some of my characters just aren't going anywhere, so the best course of action would be putting them up for whoever wants them. These will include characters I feel I haven't been able to come up with anything else for or characters that revolve around said characters I'm stuck on. Here are the people I'm putting up for grabs:

    Daniella [Haunting Ground] - Other than serving the Order, there's not much I can do with her.
    Elise De La Serre [Assassin's Creed] - I'm stuck on how her turning on the Crystal Order will go from here. I've had ideas, and none really that great.
    Arno Dorian [Assassin's Creed] - His story revolves around Elise, which means he's stuck too.
    Freddy [FNAF] - Since he's active at really late in the night, I haven't had the chance to use him.
    Bonnie [FNAF] - See Freddy.
    Chica [FNAF] - See Freddy.
    Foxy [FNAF] - See Freddy.
    Golden Freddy [FNAF] - He's already betrayed Astral, so I'm really stuck on what to do with him now.
    Mike Schmidt [FNAF] - Because his story revolves around Freddy and friends, I can't use him if I can't use Freddy.
    Jeremy Fitzgerald [FNAF] - See Mike.
    Phone Guy [FNAF] - See Mike.
    Trevor Dawson [Cold Case] - I orignially took him for a plot with Sammy, but what I had planned is being covered even better by Kai and Kairi.
    Laurie Dunne [Cold Case] - See Trevor.
    Carlos [Walking Dead] - I actually forgot I had him and Sarah until I looked at my full list.
    Sarah [Walking Dead] - See Carlos.
    Randsborg [Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds] - He was originally going to be a big part of an extensive Don Eppes plot, but directions changed.

    I am, however, keeping my other ones since I actually have a clear and concise direction with them.

    And with AP_Epikyur returning, I've also discussed with him taking two of mine:

    Springtrap [FNAF]
    Jr. Troopa [Paper Mario]

    With that out of the way, I'm making a few reserves for another plot I have been writing on: probably the biggest, most long-running plot I'll have!

    Maxine Caulfield [Life Is Strange]
    Chloe Price [Life Is Strange]
    Frank Bowers [Life Is Strange]
    Kate Marsh [Life Is Strange]
    Post by: FancyStache, Aug 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. FancyStache
    ~ Triskelion ~

    Sonya nodded. "Yes, I was informed by him on the helicopter ride back about his situation. It's...just a bit strange to have an S-Type so willing to help." The woman sighed. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course."

    ~ Dr. Fennhoff's Office ~

    "Well..." Castiel began, trying to remember. "I do not remember anything before I was placed in this body or the day I was. The memory of when Orchid here found me are still there, though..." He paused, thinking. "I suppose my earliest fond memory was day she allowed me to live in her home until I can control myself."

    ~ Alleyway in Tokyo's Chinatown ~

    "Really?" Quan Chi asked. "Well, if a heist is your plan, I can certainly help with that."

    ~ Gym Class ~

    Amy entered the gym in her uniform and began doing stretches. Part of her was wondering what Sammy was doing now, but she quickly shook it off.

    ~ Demonology Classroom ~

    Sam and Dean began attentively taking notes on Vergil's lecture about Lucifer and the Grim Reaper. "Who knows." Sam whispered to Dean. "Given our hobbies, this will definitely come in handy one day."

    ~ Algebra 2 Classroom ~

    Sammy sat at her desk and smiled, ready to start the day.

    ~ Biology Classroom ~

    Chris gasped when Dan stormed into the classroom during attendance. "This is an OUTRAGE!! I demand vengeance!" The short student growled. He stopped when he saw his friend and sat next to him. "Oh, hey Chris." Chris frowned. "Dan! Mr. Coulson is taking attendance!" He whispered sharply. "And you're late for class!"

    ~ Creative Arts Classroom ~

    Kung Jin sat down and began sketching.

    ~ Modern History Classroom ~

    Takeda entered the room with the other students, ready to begin the day. He looked surprised to see Eris enter the classroom with Mayhem, wondering what the grown man was doing here.

    ~ Martial Arts Classroom ~

    Hearing what they were going to learn today, Cassie and Jacqui grinned eagerly to each other.

    ~ Tatadohama Beach ~

    "Well, well, well." Jack said, arrogance tinting his British accent. "If it isn't my old mentor, Armstrong. Here for those alien things, are you?" "Keon!" Armstrong spoke with anger as he jabbed a finger at him. "What are you doing here?! How dare you show your face around here!" Jack smirked. "Looks like old age is getting to you, Armstrong. As for what I'm doing, I'm after those artifacts myself. They'd fetch quite the prety penny to the right buyer." "Buyer?! You can't sell those things!" Armstrong yelled, approaching Jack. "They could be the clues to finding out how we lost contact with a whole alien race!" "'re point is?" Jack replied with a chuckle. "It's not like the Cephalo-whatevers are going to need them, yes? Might as well get some use out of them!" Jack let out a taunting laugh, until the reporter noticed two blonde young adults approaching her. They both shoved Armstrong and Jack out of the way and forced themselves in front the camera.

    ~ Auto Engineering Classroom ~

    Nick smiled and greeted the students. "Alright." He began. "Let's take attendance."

    ~ Mathematical Sciences ~

    Chalrie watched quietly from his desk as students poured into the classroom.

    ~ Space Engineering Classroom ~

    Standing on his desk, Yuri Cosmos grinned as the students entered the room. "Good morning, cadets!" He greeted with energy. "Ready to learn more of the wonders of space technology, I see!"
    Post by: FancyStache, Jul 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. FancyStache
    ~ Triskelion ~

    "Right." Castiel said with a nod as he and Orchid followed Dr. Fennhoff into his office.

    Elsewhere, Sonya was reporting the mission in Tibet a success. "That's correct." She spoke to a superior officer. "We managed to remove S-Type threats in Tibet and prevented civilian casualties. Agents Novak and Orchid were exceptional help."

    ~ Alleyway in Tokyo's Chinatown ~

    "Very well." Quan Chi replied. "As for how we can track this amulet down, I've no idea. Perhaps I will consult Lord Shinnok." He pulled out a dark red gem from his pocket and began chanting, causing the stone to glow with a menacing red aura. "Lord Shinnok..." Quan Chi spoke. "...I have people willing to help look for your amulet. However, we have no means to track it down."

    Shinnok's voice emanated from the stone. "I see. That is a problem. Give them a description of the amulet. It will make it easier for them." Quan Chi nodded and turned to Shay. He reached into his coat and handed him a picture.

    "This is the amulet we are seeking."

    ~ Nintendo High Parking Lot ~

    Cassie grunted as she was knocked to the ground by a kick from Johnny. The actor grinned and helped her up while she glared at him. "Not bad at all, Cass!" He said with a grin. "Almost as good as your old man. Almost. You got the making for a great fighter." "Almost doesn't count." Cassie replied with disappointment. "Don't beat yourself up over it! Besides, your friends are here." Cassie turned to see Jacqueline, Takeda and Jin behind her. "Yeah. See you later, Dad." She said and waved goodbye.

    Amy and Sammy arrived at the parking lot. Splitting up, the sisters went their seperate ways. Amy went off to join the rest of the cheerleading squad. With a bright smile, Sammy began heading to the main building, waving at Loki's group as she passed. She was feeling more confident than ever.

    Dick's bus pulled up and the second the doors opened, Max was thrown out. Dick muttered an expletive-ridden comment about the boy as the other passengers got off the bus.

    Mayhem pulled up and both he and Eris got out. "I am not a baby!" Eris whined, stomping her foot. "Why does Daddy have to have someone supervise me today?" Mayhem shrugged. "Hey, you make a person's breakfast attack them, you pay the price. Now come on, you can't be late for class, and I gotta explain the situation to your teachers." Eris sulked as he dragged her toward the main building.

    Ready for another day of undercover work, Ferra and Torr tromped toward the school building, Ferra riding on Torr's back as usual.

    ~ Tatadohama Beach ~

    A female reporter stood on the shores of Japan's Tatadohama Beach, where hundreds of beachgoers were excitedly scrambling around. The reported smiled at the camera and spoke.

    "I'm reporting live from Tatadohama Beach, where excitement is filling the air. Government researchers recently discovered strange extraterrestrial technology deep beneath the ocean floor. Although the researchers were found dead of unknown causes, information recovered reveals that the technology belongs to a race of aliens known as the Cephalopods, a group that was once in contact with Earth years ago, before we mysteriously lost contact with them." She turned to where a middle aged man in a fedora was next to her. "I'm here with Professor Armstrong, one of Japan's most respected archaeologists, who says he plans to journey to the ocean depths and recover these artifacts himself. Professor Armstrong, are you really going to go on this excursion?" Armstrong nodded, adjusting his fedora. "Yes, I am. Japan lost contact with the Cephalopods, many years ago, and these artifacts should give us the clues we need to-"

    Before he could finish, Armstrong was interrupted by the excited screaming of many women. When he turned to see the source of the noise, his eyes narrowed upon seeing his rival, Jack Keon, approaching while surrounded by many beautiful women.

    ~ Vector Building ~

    Fulgore entered the building, dragging a large energy net filled with struggling S-Types.

    ~ Teacher's Lounge ~

    Ahmet and Charlie got up to head to their classes along with the others.

    ~ Nintendo High Entrance ~

    Klaus von Reinherz was quietly tending to the plants near the entrance as the students passed. Some gave the large man intimidated looks which he simply brushed off.

    ~ Apartments ~

    In the dirtiest, uncleanest apartment in the building, Dan slowly got up. Whether he didn't realize he slept in or just didn't care, Dan got dressed and began heading out, stopping to give his scruffy pet kitten a small pat. Once outside, he went to the parking garage and went to get his car to drive to school. When he arrived, he found an odd sight. Three small S-Types were attacking his car for seemingly no reason. Dan growled and ran to the scene, where the S-Types fled upon seeing his enraged face (which was quite frightening even for them).

    Dan scanned the damages on his beat up red car. "Wait a minute." He said, examining a scratch on the left side. "Scratches which look eerily similar to that Crystal Order logo that was shown on TV a few days ago? Random monsters attacking my car?!" Dan ran out into the street and screamed in pure rage to the skies, shaking his fists madly! "CRYSTAL ORDEEEEERRR!!!"
    Post by: FancyStache, Jul 25, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. FancyStache
    Wow. Didn't expect this today.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jul 25, 2015 in forum: 2015
  19. FancyStache

    Name: Dan
    Description: A short, mangy, angry fellow who will swear vengeance on anything for any minor indiscretion. Goes to great lengths to get his revenge. Dan is rude and mean-spirited, with an irrational hatred of almost everyone.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Dan Vs.
    Other: Though often brash and foolish, Dan's revenge plans are dangerously effective.


    Name: Chris
    Description: Dan's best friend and sometimes unwilling cohort in his schemes. Sometimes dim-witted, but always tries to do good. Chris is a huge eater and will eat almost anything with any sense of edibility.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Dan Vs.
    Other: Is banned from the Cooking Club due to an unknown incident.


    Name: Elise
    Description: Chris' long-time girlfriend and voice of reason among Chris and Dan. Oddly disappears during non-class hours. Neither Chris nor Dan really know where she goes during these moments.
    Occupation: Student/Spy for the JIA
    Series: Dan Vs.
    Other: Is secretly a spy for the Japanese Intelligence Agency.


    Name: Hortense
    Description: A girl who Dan is attracted to. Somewhat geeky, and works at the local burger place after school. One of the few people Dan is genuinely nice to, a luxury not even Chris and Elise get.
    Occupation: Student/Cashier/Volunteer Lunchlady
    Series: Dan Vs.
    Other: Sometimes volunteers at the school cafeteria during lunch.

    Name: Dr. Adam Pocolypse
    Description: A mad scientist who wishes to destroy the human race as a whole, so he and his wife may repopulate it with his supposedly superior children.
    Occupation: Scientist
    Series: Critical Depth
    Other: N/A

    Name: Evelyn Pocolypse
    Description: Adam's non-vocal and quite pretty wife. Encourages Adam in his goals.
    Occupation: Scientist
    Series: Critical Depth
    Other: N/A
    Post by: FancyStache, Jul 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. FancyStache
    Sure thing, Nut! It'll give me time to plan out some of my stuff more! Anyway, gonna take this time to knock a few reserves out.

    Name: Jack 'Lock Jaw' Keon
    Description: A smug, self-centered treasure hunter. Once the student of Professor Armstrong, he betrayed his mentor for vast riches.
    Occupation: Treasure Hunter
    Series: Critical Depth
    Other: Jack values money and attention above all else.

    Name: Professor Armstrong
    Description: Well-respected archaeologist in Japan. Dr. Armstrong hunts priceless treasures not for wealth, but purely for academic reasons.
    Occupation: Archaeologist
    Series: Critical Depth
    Other: Unlike his student Jack, Armstrong values knowledge.

    Name: Klaus Von Reinherz
    Description: Tall young man with a love of gardening, who tends to the greenery at Nintendo High. Despite being large and intimidating, he is very gentlemanly and enjoys interacting with students who can approach him.
    Occupation: Caretaker For Nintendo High
    Series: Blood Blockade Battlefront
    Other: When he is not tending to the school, Klaus enjoys games of chess.

    Name: Jacques
    Description: One of a trio of French oceanographers who hope to outshine Japan in the marine science field.
    Occupation: Oceanographer
    Series: Critical Depth
    Other: Jacques is the brave and somewhat dense leader.

    Name: Pierre
    Description: One of a trio of French oceanographers who hope to outshine Japan in the marine science field.
    Occupation: Oceanographer
    Series: Critical Depth
    Other: Pierre is meek and somewhat cowardly.

    Name: Arnaud
    Description: One of a trio of French oceanographers who hope to outshine Japan in the marine science field.
    Occupation: Oceanographer
    Series: Critical Depth
    Other: Arnaud is rude and condescending.

    For later:

    Dan [Dan Vs.]
    Chris [Dan Vs.]
    Elise [Dan Vs.]
    Dan* [Dan Vs.]
    Hortence [Dan Vs.]
    Dr. Adam Pocalypse [Critical Depth]
    Evelyn Pocalypse [Critical Depth]
    Post by: FancyStache, Jul 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home