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  1. FancyStache
    ~ Yzma's Penthouse - Secret Lab ~

    Don gasped as Arcanine reeled from the attack, before recovering. "You alright?!" Don asked as the large canine gave him a nod. "Good. Use Flamethrower! Roast 'em!" Fire began forming in Arcanine's mouth as he charged back into the battle and spewed a jet of fire at Ursaring.

    ~ Tokyo's Chinatown - Crystal Order Hideout ~

    "Hmm, I see. Perhaps I shall see if he's made any progress." Tanya replied, before quickly running off.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Wearing her Rider armor, Alyssa kept out of sight as she looked for any clues on Fiona's fate. 'I don't understand. She just disappeared!' She thought. 'Could she have been taken? But why, and by who?'

    On the other side of town, Oliver had finished asking around about Fiona's wherabouts. The only clue he had gotten was that a man in a hood had been seen following her around.

    ~ Paranormal Club ~

    As Sam and Dean introduced Luigi to the club, Dean's phone rang. Answering it, he spoke with the person on the other end and nodded. "Uh-huh. Okay, gotcha." He said as he hung up. "Hey, Sam. We gotta go. We gotta deal with a 'you-know-what'." "Alright, guys." Sam spoke up, addressing the rest of the club. "Dean and I have someplace we need to be, so club is dismissed for today. Luigi, welcome aboard."
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. FancyStache

    Name: Royal Guard 01
    Description: A strong rabbit guard working at Belli Castle as the guardian of the gates, who soon befriends Fiona. He talks like a typical 'dude'.
    Occupation: Guard
    Series: Undertale
    Other: Has secret romantic feelings for Royal Guard 02.

    Name: Royal Guard 02
    Description: A tough dragon guard working at Belli Castle as the guardian of the gates, who soon befriends Fiona. He is very soft-spoken.
    Occupation: Guard
    Series: Undertale
    Other: Dislikes warm weather.
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo's Chinatown - Crystal Order Hideout ~

    "Is something troubling you, Shay?" Tanya asked. "I couldn't help but notice your discontent."

    ~ Muppet Theatre ~

    "Sure! I can do that!" Rock replied, grinning. Then he gestured to Spud. "Uhh, not sure about him, though." Spud stopped playing air-guitar and was staring at his hands as he wiggled his fingers. "Woah...I never noticed how wiggly my fingers were before!" He said, as he continued staring absentmindedly.

    ~ Yzma's Penthouse ~

    Seeing the Crystal Order brand, Don glared. "Crystal Order, huh? Now I'm DEFINITELY using force!" Don reached for his gun, only to find an empty holster. "Damn it! I forgot my gun again! Why do I always do that?!" He yelled, before reaching to his belt and pulling out a Pokeball. "Arcanine, help us out here!" He called as he threw it, the large canine emerging.

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    "Yes, Chef Ramsay." Takeda replied, nodding. As he closed the door behind him, he turned to find his father Kenshi approaching. "Oh, Papa-san! What are you doing here?" He asked as the blind man smiled. "I simply came to see how Cooking Club went. And to see how my son is doing."

    ~ Pendleton Apartment ~

    "Hmm, too bad I can't invite Sam and Dean too." Sammy said. "They said they were going to be busy tonight. Wonder what they're doing?" "Ugh! What do I look like, their babysitter?" Amy said, frowning. "I barely even know them. They're YOUR boyfriends!" Sammy sighed and looked at her sister. "We're just friends, Amy."

    ~ Nightmare Streets ~

    Murphy and Rosie approached the church and knocked on the large doors. The listened as small footsteps began to approach.

    ~ Belli Castle ~

    Fiona was led into the dining room, where she saw a young man seated with many servants, including Riccardo. Standing nearby were a few guards. The man, spotting Fiona, smiled and gestured for her to sit. "You must be Fiona." He said as she sat down. "I am Lorenzo, master of the castle. I apologize for the circumstances for which you got here." "But how did I get here?" Fiona asked. "As Riccardo told me, you were attacked in an alley and knocked unconcious. Riccardo fended off your assailants and brought you here for safety." "Here? But according to a map I saw earlier, this is all the way in Europe!" Fiona replied with shock. "I was attacked in Japan! Why was I brought all this way?"

    Lorenzo smiled again and answered. "Dinner is about to be served!" He said, ignoring her question. "Do you like spaghetti?"

    ~ Tokyo University: Alyssa's Dorm ~

    Alyssa began to think. "I should be actively looking for Fiona! But I shouldn't go unarmed." Sighing, she reached under her bed and grabbed her bag. Opening it, she withdrew a Lockseed with an image of a peach on it. "Oh...Mother only told me to use this for emergencies. And possible kidnapping IS an emergency!"

    ~ Queen Residence ~

    Oliver paced around the room. "What if she's been taken oversees?! I need to find her! But I shouldn't go unarmed." Nodding, he entered his walk-in closet and approached a locked trunk. "If she's been kidnapped, I'm going make her captors pay for this."

    ~ Chris' House ~

    "Elise, get back here! Don't be a brat!" Dan called out over the game as Elise ignored him, taking out a member of the enemy team. "Great, Dan!" Chris said, glaring at his friend. "Now I have to wait until the round is over so I can play again! You are a serious jerk! Why can't you be nicer? More pleasant and...I dunno, not you?" Dan crossed his arms. "Chris..." He said, pointing at his shirt. "What does my shirt say? 'JERK'. People just have to accept that they get what they see! Besides, the problem isn't me! It's everyone else who's lame!"
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. FancyStache

    Name: Lorenzo Belli
    Description: The scholarly master of the Belli Castle, who dabbles in alchemy. Has the same last name as Fiona, but the relationship between the two is unknown. Very pleasant and polite.
    Occupation: Alchemist
    Series: Haunting Ground
    Other: Despite looking like a young man, Lorenzo is hundreds of years old.


    Name: Debilitas
    Description: A failed experiment to create human life. Debilitas is a large creature with the mind of a small child who works as the Belli castle groundskeeper.
    Occupation: Groundskeeper
    Series: Haunting Ground
    Other: Thinks Fiona is a small doll instead of a human.


    Name: Scissorman Ralph
    Description: The brother of psychotic twins working at Belli Castle. Very eccentric, but his purpose for being there is unknown.
    Occupation: N/A
    Series: Clock Tower
    Other: Despite being murderous, he loves his sister dearly.


    Name: Scissorwoman Jemima
    Description: The sister of psychotic twins working at Belli Castle. Sadistically playful, but her purpose for being there is unknown.
    Occupation: N/A
    Series: Clock Tower
    Other: Despite being murderous, she loves her brother dearly.


    Royal Guard 01 [Undertale]
    Royal Guard 02 [Undertale]
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 8, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. FancyStache
    ~ Muppets Japan Theatre ~

    "Spud?" Rock called as Spud continued 'singing'. "SPUD!! Dude said only Muppets are performing!" However, Spud ignored Rock and kept playing air guitar. Turning to Jack, Rock sighed. "It's cool. We just came to see what's up. Maybe help out a bit."

    ~ Yzma's Penthouse ~

    Nodding, Don got on Salamence's back and hung up his phone. 'Sorry, Charlie.' He thought. 'But I gotta do this one on my without your help.'

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    Max and Takeda waited for their dishes to be judged.

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    "Quan Chi, have I ever told you of an incident many years ago?" Shinnok asked, looking at the sorcerer, who shook his head. "I do not believe you've mentioned any incident, Lord Shinnok. May I inquire? What happened?" "Did know that many years ago, I attempted to rise from the Netherrealm and attempted a full-scale attack on the world?" Seeing that Quan Chi had no response, he continued. "I was at full power then. The ones who banished me here thought they could trap me, but I brought my amulet and charged it with the souls here. I was stronger than ever! I was powerful! Nearly immortal! I almost had the world in my grasp!" "But...but what happened?" Quan Chi asked, as Shinnok turned away before glancing back with anger. "A man named CAGE happened to me!!" He shouted in rage! "He humilated me! Defeated me in battle...all with that...that idiotic smirk upon his face! Then the Thunder God Raiden released the souls! I lost all my power! And what's worse, he cursed my amulet to no longer harvest souls before hiding it away! I was powerless to do anything, and so I was banished back here." He frowned. "For years I've been searching for my amulet, and thanks to those Crystal Order fools, it is back in my grasp."

    After some silence, Quan Chi spoke up. "Forgive me for inquiring, Lord Shinnok, but how are you to restore your power without souls? If the curse prevents it and if we cannot find a way to break it..." Shinnok turned to face him, before speaking. "And that, sorcerer, is where Lavos shall come in. However, before we can open the way. We need Cage." Seeing his apprenctice's confused expression, he elaborated. "He is vital in opening the way! The Cage family has history with the seal that prevents Lavos' escape!"

    ~ Tokyo's Chinatown - Crystal Order Hideout ~

    Tanya watched Shay and Jadeite tie up Aerith. "You gentleman certainly know how to treat a lady." She said, laughing. "I'm simply joking. Just lightening the mood, as it were. These could very well be Miss Aerith's last moments, after all!"

    ~ Orchid Apartment ~

    "Cas, you alright?" Orchid asked, noticing that Castiel had a grim expression. "I'm sorry." He suddenly replied. "I can't shake this feeling that terrible things are on the horizon...

    ~ Outside Courthouse ~

    Kano, Mary and Crouch Jr. picked themselves up off the floor from Jadeite's attack and regained their bearings. "What th' heck was that all about?" The Black Dragon leader asked, coughing. "Looks like a kidnapping!" Mary chimed, grinning. "This day certainly is starting off on an interesting foot isn't it?" "Feh! Like I wanted to start my day by coughing up my lungs!" Kano complained, before noticing that Crouch Jr. had been quiet. as he watched Harold. "Barty? Hey, Barty! Quiet gawking and come on! The trial's over and I'm bored!" Kano barked at him.

    ~ Twinkle Park ~

    As Owen Grady put up a poster for his Pokemon reserve, Froggy hopped by, followed shortly by Big. "Wait! Come back, little buddy!" Big called out. "Why are ya running?!" Owen watched the two hop off before shrugging.

    ~ Diner ~

    "Hang on, Max!" Chloe spoke up. "Before we head off to Frank's, I gotta get me something to eat! Mom and Step-Jerk are out of town and I don't feel like cooking!" She grinned as she entered a nearby diner and gestured for Maxine to follow her, which she did. The two girls sat down and read the menu, before Maxine looked at Chloe. "Hey Chloe, can I talk about earlier?" She asked, causing her friend to look around. "Looks like the waitress is busy. Sure." Chloe replied. "Okay. Remember when we crossed the street? Well, I..." Before she spoke, two people approached.

    "Max! Chloe! I can't believe we ran into you here!" Both girls looked to see two of their friends, Kate Marsh and Frank, standing nearby. Kate smiled and hugged Max. "I was reading when Frank came in. We saw each other and decided to chat." "I was on my way to pick you two dorks up and stopped for a quick bite." Frank added. "Figures we'd all end up here. You mind?" "Not at all." Maxine replied, before she and Chloe moved to make room at their table. "I can't believe we all ended up meeting here today!" Kate spoke, laughing. "Isn't that strange?" "Hey, it's a small world, Marsh." Chloe joked. "You know, like that one ride at that amusement park. How'd that song go again?" As Kate, Chloe and Frank laughed, Maxine looked at them. "It's about to get stranger. Listen, I'm about to tell you something. Something really weird that happened to me today. Promise me you won't think I'm crazy." "Of course." Kate replied. "Can't be crazier than this." Frank added. "Max, I already think you're crazy. Trust me, whatever you have to say can't top your weird photography thing." Chloe joked.

    Maxine sighed. "Okay...Chloe and I were heading to Frank's place..."
    Post by: FancyStache, Dec 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. FancyStache
    ~ Muppets Japan Theatre ~

    Hearing the word rehearsal, Spud grinned at Rock. "Dude!" Spud exclaimed. "You hear that, Rock? Rehearsal! We should, like, try singing and stuff!" "You can sing?" Rock asked his friend. "Yeah, totally! Before I met you, my old band 'Next To Vomit' had this wicked song about heartbreak! Check it out! One! Two! Three! Four!"

    Spud began to sing in a high, off-key tone. "HEARTBREAK, STAGE ONE!!" He began air guitaring while singing the notes (but not the lyrics) as Rock watched, confused. "Uh, Spud? What are you doing?" Spud stopped and shrugged. "I gotta sing the song 'cuz otherwise I can't remember the lyrics." He replied before continuing to sing.

    ~ Yzma's Penthouse ~

    Don pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "No one said this was easy..." He muttered, before nodded. "Alright. Guess we have to find another way. Place like this has to have other secret areas, right? Maybe I should give my brother Charlie a call." He said, pulling out his phone and dialing.

    ~ Hallway ~

    Yuri nodded and gave Sara written directions to the Gym. "There you go. The Gym is a fair distance from here, but just follow these directions." He said cheerfully.
    Post by: FancyStache, Nov 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "Froggy! Where are you?!" Big called out, looking around. His call was answered by a few screams and purple lights in the distance. Big ran to the source of the noise and found himself at Twinkle Park, where a large crowd was running away and screaming as the corrupted Froggy fired energy blasts at them before hopping into the park!

    ~ Courtroom ~

    Crouch Jr. and Mary shook Kano awake. "Muh, wuh? Whazzit...?" He mumbled, waking up. "Who won?" "No one, yet." Crouch Jr. replied. "But we'll be finding out soon. And it really isn't a matter of 'winning' per se."

    ~ Department Of Public Planning ~

    Leslie Knope just stared at the television as the Colbert Report cut to commercial. "I didn't know Miss Cosmos was 5-foot-7. Wow."

    ~ Outside Muppet Theatre ~

    Rock smiled and stepped aside for Diantha to enter the theatre, before grinning at Spud. "I guess this is the place! Let's check it out!" As Rock went inside, Spud stood there for a few minutes, before his delayed reaction kicked in. Turning to the empty spot where Diantha was earlier, he smiled. "Oh, am I in your way? Sorry 'bout that!" Spud took a step back before noticing that no one was there. "Uhh, where is everybody?" He asked dim-wittedly, before shrugging and entering the theatre.

    ~ Arena: Dean's Locker Room ~

    Dean Ambrose and Reptile were engaged in a conversation. While the sight of a grown man talking to a man-sized lizard would've been jarring to outsiders, the two spoke casually.

    "I'm concerned with Lord Kotal's mentality as of late." Reptile spoke, frowning. "Am I the only one who thinks his grudge against the Japanese Government is clouding his goals of uniting Japan?" "Yeah, he's been seriously irritable lately. And D'Vorah's been MIA a lot." Reptile raised an eyebrow at Dean's comment. "Is that so? I wasn't aware of this. I shall have to keep further eyes on her." Dean shrugged. "I guess. So what about those two kids you rescued?" "They've recovered and we've sent them to a safe place." Reptile replied. "Cool. I guess Mac helped with that?" Dean asked. Reptile nodded. "Ermac, yes." "What's the deal with him, anyway?" The wrestler asked out of curiosity. "Like, the freaky glowing green eyes. What's up with that?"

    ~ Space Engineering Classroom ~

    Yuri's smiled grew wider. "Stellar!" He exclaimed! "Wonderful! Yes, of course I'll tell you! Please, come inside!" He led Rosalina inside before gesturing toward Cortez. "This is Steve Cortez, by the way! He'll be running the Space Club!" Cortez waved. "Hello." He greeted. Yuri's eyes fell on Sara and he smiled politely. "Hello, young lady!" He greeted. "Is there something you needed?"

    ~ Chris' House ~

    Dan, Chris and Elise were playing Call Of Duty (on another server from where Kai was playing). "Alright guys..." Chris began, preparing to take charge. "...I say we stick together and-" He was cut off when Dan's character shot his straight in the head, killing him. "DAN!!!" Chris screamed in rage as Dan began laughing, standing over his victim and squatting repeatedly. "We're on the same team, Dan! Why'd you do that?!" "Because you were being a bossy know-it-all!" Dan replied smugly. "Alright, Elise. It's just you and me, so shut up and do what I say!" Dan looked at the screen to find Elise was gone. "Elise! Get back here!"

    Elsewhere, Elise was stealthily making her way to her first target...
    Post by: FancyStache, Nov 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. FancyStache

    Name: Velma Dinkley
    Description: A very bright girl who is a friend of Fred and Shaggy. While she believes in the paranormal, she also believes some instances have a scientific explanation.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Scooby-Doo
    Other: She is a member of the Science Club.


    Name: Daphne Blake
    Description: A fashionable young lady who is friends with Velma and the others. Daphne comes from one of Japan's richest families, but aspires to find a career in journalism.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Scooby-Doo
    Other: She is a member of the Journalism Club.


    Name: Scooby
    Description: Shaggy's best friend, despite most people assuming him just a pet. Scooby can speak English very well, but has strange speaking patterns. A bit cowardly like his friend.
    Occupation: N/A
    Series: Scooby-Doo
    Other: Scooby is the Paranormal Club's mascot.


    Lorenzo Belli [Haunting Ground]
    Debilitas [Haunting Ground]
    Scissorman Ralph [Clock Tower]
    Scissorwoman Jemima [Clock Tower]
    Post by: FancyStache, Nov 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. FancyStache
    ~ Outside Muppet Theatre ~

    "Dude, this is it, Spud!" Rock said, looking at the building. "...This is it, right?" "Oh yeah! Rock, I'm totaly good with directions! "Spud replied, smiling. "Plus I used to go here all the time as a kid. At least, I think I did." Rock stared at his friend blankly. "You said that already, man."

    ~ Yzma's Penthouse ~

    Don looked aound the room, inspecting everything. "Man, rmind me never to call whoever decorated this room..." He muttered, before noticing Silver and Chikorita eyeing a fish statue with fangs. "You guys got something?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Nov 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. FancyStache
    ~ Space Engineering Classroom ~

    Hearing a knock, Yuri leapt over his desk (and Cortez) and ran to the door, opening it quickly. Seeing Rosalina and Sara, he beamed! "Hello, young ladies!" He greeted loudly. "What brings you to my little corner of the galaxy?!"

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Snapping out of her shocked state, Maxine turned to Chloe. "Uh, hey Chloe?" She asked. "C-Can we cross the street? I hear this part of town's pretty bad." "Sure, Max." Chloe said, smiling. "Dunno what you're worried about, but alright." As the two crossed the street, Maxine looked at the alley from earlier and saw the same shady man lurking in it. 'Holy s**t...'

    ~ Paranormal Club ~

    "Nice to meet you, too." Fred replied. "Well, you pretty much met all of us. Make yourself at home." Sam said warmly.

    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    Hearing Big, the transformed Froggy turned to face him. Letting out a menacing, raspy noise, Froggy stared down Big as the orbs on his jaw began to glow. With a sudden twitch, two bolts of dark-purple energy shot out of the orbs and toward Big. The cat barely dodged out of the way as the frog took the chance to hop away! Big recovered and looked around. "Froggy? What was wrong with my little buddy? And where did her go?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo Streets - Next to Building Where Yzma Resides ~

    Don nodded. "Alright, let's do this."

    ~ Paranormal Club ~

    "I understand." Sam said, patting Luigi on the shoulder. "Ghosts and things like that are pretty hard not to be afraid of. We'll make sure to help you. Here, let me introduce you to our other members! Fred, Shaggy! Come here for a bit!" Two guys approached them. "This is Fred." Sam started with a tall, blonde young man. Fred smiled and shook Luigi's hand. "Nice to meet you!" He said, grinning. "I joined this club because I wanna start my own paranormal investigation team one day!"

    The next guy was tall and had messy brownish hair. "And this is Norville. But everyone calls him Shaggy." Sam introduced him. "Like you, he was a little hesitant to join the club." "Like, how's it going?" Shaggy greeted.

    ~ Vector Building ~

    Receiving his orders, Fulgore turned to his new robotic servants. "You have the orders. We are to capture the target with little attention from others. Now we bide our time..."

    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    The crate suddenly exploded with a purple light as Big fell back from the shock! The remains of the crate smoked and smouldered as he looked at it, trying to see what had happened. As the smoke cleared, he could make out Froggy's form...but something was wrong. Once the smoke cleared, Big had a full view of his friend and was horrified. Froggy's once green skin had turned black, and purple veins ran along his body. His eyes were black with red irises and purple horns portuded from his lids. Two purple orbs were imbedded in his jaw, which was lined with sharp teeth. This was not the same Froggy Big knew.

    "L-Little buddy...?"

    ~ Space Engineering Classroom ~

    "A Space Club, you say?" Yuri Cosmos asked, looking interested. "A stellar idea, Mr. Cortez! And how are you qualified to run the club?" Steve smiled. "Well, I work as an engineer for the government's space program. I haven't really done anything progressive, but I did witness a few galactic discoveries. I figure a Space Club could teach some of it's members a thing or two in case they have an interest in an astronomical career." "EXCELLENT!! You're hired!" "But shouldn't we bring this up with the-?" "You're hired, my friend!" Yuri exclaimed, grabbing Steve's shoulders. "Now come, young man! Let us endulge in the glorious bounties of space! Did I ever tell you about the time I stopped a rocket with my bare hands?"

    "I'm...sure you did."

    ~ Pendleton Apartment ~

    Sammy and Amy were relaxed after a day of school. "Hey, Amy?" Sammy asked her sister, who responded snippily. "What, Samey?" "Okay, look. I'm going to a friend's party tonight. I asked Sam and Dean but they said they'd be busy, and even though you can be, do you wanna come?" Amy looked surprised, before regaining her frown and shrugging. "Sure, whatever. It's not like I'm going because I'm starting to like you. I mean, that's so not it!"

    As the two girls decided to get ready, they were unaware of the nightmare their uncle was now going through...

    ~ Nightmare Streets ~

    Murphy and Rosie were tired, covered in mud and the remains of the monsters the two had fought off. Their eyes fell on a run-down church, and Rosie saw the figure of a woman in one of the windows. "Murphy. We can rest there. I saw somone inside..."
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. FancyStache
    Hi, Magick! :)


    Name: Fred Jones
    Description: Member of the Paranormal Club. Fred is one of the more braver members of the club, ready to take on anything the club faces, even though they don't really fight anything.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Scooby-Doo
    Other: Fred dreams of becoming a paranormal investigator.


    Name: Norville "Shaggy" Rogers
    Description: An easily frightened young man and member of the Paranormal Club. Shaggy joined reluctantly at the suggestion of Fred, as he wanted to join the Cooking Club instead.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Scooby-Doo
    Other: Shaggy loves eating with his best friend, Scooby.


    Name: Steve Cortez
    Description: A skilled space engineer and pilot who went to work with the Japanese Government when the man he loved was killed during an S-Type attack. Also oversees the Space Club at Nintendo High.
    Occupation: Engineer/Space Club Leader
    Series: Mass Effect
    Other: When not teaching, Steve is an engineer for the Japanese government's space program.

    And reserving:

    Velma Dinkley [Scooby-Doo]
    Daphne Blake [Scooby-Doo]
    Scooby [Scooby-Doo][/SPOILER][/SPOILER][/SPOILER]
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. FancyStache
    ~ Paranormal Club ~

    Ini Miney heard the door open and saw Luigi and Rosalina. "Like, hi!" She greeted cheerfully. "Like, totally welcome to the, like, Paranormal Club!" She smiled at Luigi. "Oh, wow! I totally, like, had a dream that we'd get a new member today! Isn't that, like, totally spooky?" Sam and Dean approached Luigi as the former shook his hand. "What Ini means is, welcome!" Sam said. "So you want to join the club, huh? Hey, we've been looking for a few new members!" "Yeah. Lemme introduce you to the group." Dean added, grinning. "I'm Dean, and this is my brother Sam. And you just met Ini. Don't worry, not all the people in this club are weirdos. Just everyone who isn't me or Sam! ...Okay, maybe Sam is a LITTLE weird." "I am NOT weird!"

    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    Big and Froggy approached the strange crate and began looking at it. "Huh. Doesn't look strange." Big muttered, poking the crate. He looked around quickly, and then back at it. "Wonder what's inside? A quick look won't hurt!" Grabbing the crate, Big was surprised to find it had not been locked. Opening it, his eyes fell on a strange gem-like object. It was a very dark purple, and crackled with red energy. "What's that? Looks kinda...weird." As Big continued to eye the gem, Froggy stared at the gem with longing, as if compelled. Suddenly, the frog leapt into the crate and swallowed the gem whole! Startled, Big fell back, causing the crate to close! He watched as it emanated an eerie purple glow.

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~

    "Hmph!" Florent scoffed, scowling. "Figures those three would turn traitor!"

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    Max's confidence disappeared when he eyed the list. 'Oh no!' He thought fearfully. 'I didn't practice those!' As he began sweating nervously, Takeda carefully looked over the list, before deciding on 'Frîsk-Dee Fiishee-Fiishy', 'Pånkåkkør Witte Lingønberry Jåm... wît dee lémønee zestée un vanéella sugár' and 'Sürstrømmin' Cøsrerool'.

    ~ Don's Car ~

    Don looked at the building. "Yeah...that's....that's something else."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    *Note: Maxine's rewind powers will only affect a small area around her. Any other characters aren't affected.*

    "Are you still shaken up about that dream, Max?" Chloe asked. "Just forget it! Girl, nothing like that is gonna happen, okay?" "I know..." Maxine replied, sighing. "But it was so real..." The two girls walked down the street for a while, before stopping. "So, Chloe...what is it we're going to Frank's place for?" Maxine asked. "Well..." Her friend said with a grin. "...he managed to land us tickets to a concert out of town! Cool, right?" "Yeah." Max agreed, smiling a bit. Perhaps Chloe was right. Maybe her dream meant nothing! As the two continued down the street, they passed an alleyway. A shady-looking man got in their way and growled. "Wallets!" He ordered, causing Chloe to frown. "Hey, beat it!" She retorted, but froze when the man withdrew a gun. "I said give me your wallets!" He yelled at them!

    "Whoa! Hey, man! Back off, alright?!" Chloe exclaimed, backing away. But the man approached and began to close the distance between him and Chloe. Maxine tried to approach, but Chloe didn't let her. "Stay back, Max!" She ordered, before turning back to the man. "You better get away from me! I'll call the police!" The man pointed his gun at Chloe's stomach and jabbed her. "Shut up and give me the wallet before I put a bullet in you!!' He shouted, getting aggressive! "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU PSYCHO!!!" Chloe screamed and tried to force the man away!

    The ensuing struggle caused the man to pull the trigger, and a loud gunshot echoed through town. Chloe stood silently and looked down, where a bleeding hole was in her chest. The man had already run away as Chloe gasped and began to collapse. "NO!!"

    As Maxine held out her hand in a desperate attempt to help her dying friend, something began to happen. Everything began to slow down...and then began moving backwards, as if rewinding. Before Maxine could grasp what was happening, she found herself walking down the streets with Chloe beside her. "Well..." Her friend said with a grin. "...he managed to land us tickets to a concert out of town! Cool, right?" Maxine didn't reply, as she was still stunned from what had happened...

    ~ Belli Castle ~

    Fiona sighed in relief upon finding a telephone. She picked it up and tried to dial the number for Tokyo University, but found the line dead. As she lamented the fact, a voice came from behind her. "Dinner is served, miss." Fiona turned to find a lifeless-looking servant staring at her. "Oh, um...Thank you." She replied, before following him.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. FancyStache
    ~ Cooking Club ~

    Max and Takeda entered the room with different emotions. Max was confident and ready to impress, while Takeda was calm and ready to learn.

    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    Don nodded. "Sure. I think my car can fit us. Let's get going."

    Meanwhile, as Don and the group were getting ready to leave, Big was moving a few crates until a fellow shoreworker approached him. "Yo, Big! The boss needs you to help with something! There's some cargo on one of the docks, but it's not authorized! He wants you to get rid of it!" "Huh? Oh, umm, okay then." Big replied, nodding. "Thanks, big guy!" The shoreworker grinned and left. Big looked on his shoulder, where a large green frog was perched. "You heard 'em, Froggy. Let's go." He said, before stopping to think. "Unauthorized cargo? Uhh, that's kinda weird..."

    ~ Outside Nintendo High ~

    "Hey, Max." Chloe asked, noticing her friend had not spoken for a while. "You okay? You've been silent for a while. Did you even hear what I just said?" Maxine jolted up. "Wh-what? Oh, sorry. I'm...fine. I mean..." She sighed. "I dozed off during third class. I had a nightmare. The town was being destroyed by monsters and the sky was red. There were people everywhere! Everyone we knew were...were dead!" Her voice shook and Chloe, noticing this, tried to comfort her friend. "It's alright, Max! It's just a nightmare! It's not real! Now come on! We gotta get to Frank's place!" "Oh. What about Kate?" Maxine asked. "Nah. She said she's busy. She has to skip this one."

    Eris watched Connor's group leave and went off somewhere else, but bumped into Mayhem. "Are you still here?" She snarked, pouting. "Yes, I am." He replied calmly. "Come on, we're going home."

    Amy sighed dreamily and watched Gaston walking away, before her eyes fell on Sammy, who was walking with Sam and Dean. "Whoa! Sis!" She exclaimed, before grinning slyly. "Someone's popular! Can't say you have good taste, though! These guys are NOWHERE near as hot as Gaston though!" Dean rolled his eyes at her comment.

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~

    Florent L'Belle entered the area and looked around. "I came as SOON as I heard we had a TRAITOR!" He exclaimed. "Discord, hm? Never DID like him much anyway!"
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    "Well, if it's the only way..." Don said, listening to Silver and Kuzco. "Alright then. You got my approval!"

    ~ Cafeteria ~

    *Due to having 2 characters named Max, I'll be referring to the Life Is Strange Max as Maxine from now on.*

    Max watched Star's cheeriness from his lone spot at the far end of the room and scowled. "Ugh!" He grunted. "She radiates such...GOODNESS! It's offensive! I embrace EVIL!!"

    "Hey, you said earlier you had a hard time sleeping?" Chloe asked. "Why's that?" "Well..." Maxine said, pausing. "...I dunno. It''s just I have this weird feeling something major, maybe even bad, is going to happen to me soon. Stupid, I know." Her friend patted her shoulder. "Hey. Relax, Max. You're, like, one in a bajillion people on Earth!" Chloe exclaimed, grinning. "What's the odds something big OR bad is gonna single you out?"

    ~ Vector Building ~

    Fulgore nodded. "Understood."
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. FancyStache
    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    Don looked at Kuzco, then Silver, then Kuzco again, then Silver. After a while, he shrugged and sighed. "You know what?" He spoke up. "This actually isn't the weirdest thing I've had happen on the job. Right, so what do we do about this, then?"

    ~ Cafeteria ~

    Takeda laughed. "Actually, Dad gets around well enough by himself. He's not really normal..." Jin chuckled and playfully punched his shoulder. "Which means you ain't so normal yourself, Takeda!"

    "Hey, Chloe." Max greeted her friend with a smile. "Good to see you, too." "Isn't it always?" Chloe joked, patting Max's shoulder. "So, you doing alright?" Max shook her head. "Not really. I didn't get much sleep last night. I've been fighting sleep off all day, so I really hope I don't nod off during third class..." Chloe frowned. "Well, that's no good." Then she smiled. "So anyway, Frank called. He's got us tickets to a concert tonight!" "Oh, that's cool. We should see if Kate wants to go."

    "Well my day was annoying." Eris pouted, before pointing to where Mayhem was standing. "See that guy over there? I got in trouble so Dad's making him supervise me for the rest of the week. All I did was a little harmless chaos..."
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. FancyStache
    ~ Vector Building ~

    "I understand." Fulgore replied with a nod. "Is force authorized?"

    ~ Auto Engineering Classroom ~

    Nick eyed the Koopa Clown Car with a smile. "This is very well-built, Bowser!" Nick said, approving. "I'm impressed! I'm starting to see why you're doing well in my class!"

    ~ Cafeteria ~

    Eris sat with the group and smiled. "So aside from that awkward moment with Connor a little while ago, how is everyone today?"

    "Cool." Cassie said, sitting down with her friends. "Jin here's in Archery Club and is the biggest pain in the butt I know. And Takeda is in Cooking Club. He lives with his dad, who's a blind swordsman. Cool, huh?" "Hey." Jin said with a small nod. Takeda smiled and waved. "Nice to meet you."

    "So, umm, what do you guys do after school?" Sammy asked the Winchesters. Dean smiled. "Well, it's actually pretty cool! Sam and I hunt demo-Ow!" He cried out as Sam elbowed him in the side. "What Dean was about to say is that we study supernatural entities because we're try to open a Paranormal Club." "Oh." Sammy said. "That's pretty cool. My uncle Murphy loves supernatural stuff." "So what do you do after school?" Sam asked her. Sammy began thinking about her time joining Kai's group, and decided against saying so. "Oh, nothing much."

    Chloe Price sat by herself when her friend, Maxine Caulfield, came into the lunchroom. The blue-haired girl grinned and stood up. "Hey!" She called out to Max. "Mad Max has arrived!"

    ~ Belli Castle: Courtyard ~

    Fiona traversed the halls of the castle until she reached the courtyard. She gasped when she saw a horrible sight: Hewie was tethered to a tree and in terrible condition. "Oh, Hewie!" Fiona gasped, rushing over to undo the bindings. "Are you okay?! Who did this?!" After untying her friend, who gave an appreciative bark, Fiona gave him a hug before looking around. "We've got to get out of here, Hewie. Oliver must be worried sick! I wonder if we can find a telephone?"

    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    Don finally made it to the harbor, trying to get to Silver's place as fast as he could. He passed by a shoreworker named Big as the latter was fishing in the ocean.
    Post by: FancyStache, Oct 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. FancyStache

    Name: Big the Cat
    Description: Large cat who works as a shoreworker at Tokyo Harbor. Uses his strength to lift cargo and lives nearby with his pet and friend Froggy.
    Occupation: Shoreworker
    Series: Sonic the Hedgehog
    Other: A little dim-witted, but kind.


    Name: Froggy
    Description: Big's pet frog. Is normally friendly, one day he eats an S-Type Crystal and goes through a frightening change.
    Occupation: N/A
    Series: Sonic the Hedgehog
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. FancyStache
    ~ Cafeteria ~

    Dean entered the room and saw Sam and Sammy seated a table. He walked over and sat down next to them. "Hey, bro!" He greeted, turning to Sammy. "And who's this pretty thing?" "This is Samantha." Sam said. "We met on the way to English." Dean grinned and wrapped his arm around his brother. "Ah ha! Got a girlfriend now, huh? Nice!" Sammy gasped and spoke. "G-girlfriend?! Oh no, we just met! W-We're not dating!" Dean smirked at her. "Even better! So, wanna go out with me then?"

    At that moment, Ini Miney joined the three at the table. "So, like, I just got finished setting up flyers for the, like, Paranormal Club!" She said, sitting next to Sam. "And something totally, like, spooky happened! I was in the girl's bathroom and saw someone who looked totally like me!" Sam frowned and raised an eyebrow. "You weren't standing in front of a mirror, were you?" Ini smiled. "Like, I was! How'd you know?"

    Meanwhile, Eris heard Dick's conversation and quietly crept over, before suddenly wrapping her arms around him! "Suprise!" She said loudly! Mayhem watched and sighed. "This girl..." He muttered to himself.

    "No need to worry, guys!" Cassie said to Max and Bulk, followed by Jacqui, Jin and Takeda. "I'm right here. Hope you don't mind if I brought a few friends. Jacqui's in ROTC as well, and this is Jin and Takeda."

    Max sat by himself at a far end of the lunchroom. He didn't seem to bothered by the isolation. "Ha! Evil does not need friends!" He said with a grin.

    ~ Taco Bell ~

    Amy ate her meal. Normally, she would be watching other customers with distain, but today she was watching Gaston's group, occasionally sighing as her eyes fell on Gaston himself.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    As Rock and Spud walked through the streets, they overheard two men talking about the Muppet Theatre. "I hear a few people are helping save the theatre!" One said. "Really? With all the bad news around lately, it's nice to see some good being done." The other replied. Hearing this, Rock smiled. "You heard that, Spud? Some dudes are helping out at the Muppet Theatre!" Spud sat there for a bit, before smiling. "Ohhh, yeah!" He said enthusiastically (well, about as enthusiastically as Spud could be). "Dude, I used to go there all the time as a kid. At least, I think I did. My memory's kinda fuzzy." Rock grinned at his friend. "Wanna head over and check it out?"

    ~ Nintendo High: Courtyard ~

    Klaus was seated at a table, when he saw Myriam approach with her lunch. "Good morning, Mr. von Reinherz." She greeted. "Good morning, Miss Scuttlebutt." He replied. "What are you doing here?" "Sss sss sss...Eris is at lunch and I don't know where Tiny is, so I came out here to eat and see if you were up for a game of chess." "Ah. Came to avenge your loss yesterday, then?" The large man joked. "Very well. I will get the board."
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. FancyStache
    ~ English Classroom ~

    As Sammy got up to head to lunch, Sam stopped her. "Hey, Sammy!" He greeted. "Do you want to sit with me and my brother today? We don't really sit with anyone else, so we have room!"

    ~ Park ~

    Leaving the park, Rock and Spud were trying to come up with new ways to promote their band.

    ~ Porta Vista ~

    Don began driving as fast as he could toward the harbor.

    ~ Auto Engineering Classroom ~

    Dean patted his car affectionately before leaving to head to the lunch room.
    Post by: FancyStache, Sep 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home