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  1. FancyStache
    Hey, sorry for taking so long to post. I've been busy and haven't been able to come up with any ideas.

    I'm going to take a small hiatus to let things settle down and come up with ideas. Until then, whoever wants to manage my characters while I'm away are free to do so!


    I'm afraid I might have to extend my hiatus for a good while.

    I've been suffering from major writers block and lack of ideas. Also, I've gotten more things added on my plate so to speak, so I won't have as much time to spend making my posts and coming up with ideas.

    So until I'm able to come back, I'm temporarily leaving the RP.

    All of my characters are up for grabs, and if anyone takes them, they're yours. You don't have to give them back when or if I'm able to get back into the RP.

    So, that's that. I will still be around to read new posts (hopefully it'll help me get ideas), so I won't be gone completely.

    Until then, take care everyone!
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 8, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. FancyStache
    ~ Pendleton Apartment ~

    As soon as Amy and Sammy entered the living room, they were alerted to the message sent by C.C.. They read the message, before beginning to run back outside just as Murphy entered the room. "Oh! Hey girls." He greeted upon seeing them. "Heading out again al..."

    Before he could finish, the two girls were out the door. The sound of it closing cut him off as he stared blankly for a bit. "...Alright then."

    ~ Courtroom Lobby ~

    "I've heard of you." Phoenix replied to Murdock. "You are pretty well-known in the legal word! I've followed a few of your cases, and I'm a big fan!" While Phoenix was talking to Murdock, Maya smiled at Foggy. "Foggy is so cute!" She said cheerfully.

    ~ ??? ~

    Shinnok swung an arm, striking Cassie and sending her back a bit. But the girl quickly recovered and began to deliver paid punches to the 'god's' midsection. He tried to distance himself with a kick to her gut, but she dodged and landed on of her own. The two continued to trade blows, though Cassie was rapidly gaining the upper hand.

    ~ Arendelle Docks ~

    Kitana and Mileena smiled as they admired the sights. "Oh, Mother would have loved this." Kitana said to her sister. "One day we should see about letting her take a look here."

    Mileena nodded. "Yeah. I kinda hope Kuai takes his time shopping." She joked.

    ~ Train Tracks ~

    Maxine and Chloe sat down by the train tracks, enjoying their sea-salt ice cream. "So what do you think?" Chloe asked suddenly, getting her friend's attention.

    "Do I think what?" Maxine asked, confused.

    "What do you think you got your powers for?" Chloe added. "I mean, like, most people have a reason for getting superpowers, right? So there's gotta be a reason you became a walking time machine!"

    "I...don't really know." Maxine answered. "I guess I haven't found that out yet."

    Chloe grinned and wraped an arm around Maxine. "Well, good thing you have an awesome sidekick like me, then!" She exclaimed. "We'll figure this out together!"

    Her friend stared at her, before smiling.

    "Yeah." Maxine replied. "We will."
    Post by: FancyStache, May 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. FancyStache
    ~ Courtroom 4 ~

    As Gina stood at the witness stand, the Judge looked down at her. "Miss Lestrade, the court finds you not guilty for them murder of Redd White." He said. "You are hereby cleared of these charges."

    Gina shrugged. "Of course! I told you all I didn't do it!" She boldly stated. "Figures! You have a small history with pickpocketing and the police never trust you!"

    "Either way, you are free to go." The Judge then turned toward Phoenix. "Mr. Wright, this was one of the most intriguing debut cases of any lawyer I've ever seen in my courtroom. Acquitting the defendant AND finding the real culprit? I must say I'm impressed!"

    Phoenix looked a bit flustered as he rubbed the back of his head. "O-Oh! Ah, thank you Your Honor!"

    The Judge then looked at Winston Payne. "Prosecutor Payne, how is Mr. L'Belle?" Payne sighed. "He has been arrested and is being taken away as we speak." He explained.

    "I see. Then I hereby declare the court adjourned!"

    ~ Courthouse Lobby ~

    Phoenix, Maya and Gina walked out into the lobby, discussing Gina's trial.

    "Oy, Wright!" Gina said. "I gotta hand it to you, that wasn't too shabby. I thought I was done for." Maya laughed. "Hey! Don't forget me!" She joked. "I helped out, too!"

    Gina nodded. "Yeah, I owe you guys one. Maybe if the police can ever catch me during my pickpocketing runs, I might have you two defend me again!" Phoenix frowned. "We prefer to defend innocent clients, thank you."

    "Oh, I'm joking." Gina said, laughing. "Right, I better be off. See you two around."

    As soon as she said that, Gina ran off. Once she was gone, Maya turned toward Phoenix. "Crazy day, huh?" She asked. "You really cut it close!"

    "Yeah." Phoenix said with a sigh. "Still, we did good today, Maya. Couldn't have done it without you!" Maya laughed. "You know it!" She replied.

    ~ Prison - Warden Roland's Office ~

    Patricia watched the news report about Florent's arrest. Immediately, her soft expression faded into one of pure disgust. Pulling out her cell phone, she dialed a number. Once someone answered, she spoke to them in a tone far nastier than her formerly motherly one.

    "I need to speak to a member of the Crystal Order immediately."

    ~ ??? ~

    Shinnok absorbed every blow Johnny delivered, and each blow caused a jolt of pain to enter Johnny's body. The actor backed away, panting tiredly. " got tougher, Shinnok." He said, weakly. "Uglier, but tougher. Thought you' as weak as you were years ago."

    "That was then, and this is now." Shinnok bellowed. "Your powers have weakened, and mine have grown!"

    Johnny smirked. "Oh, yeah?" He retorted. "We'll see about that!" Clenching his fist, Johnny began to channel his own energy into his fist. He gasped in shock, however, when he saw his once vibrant green energy was dwindling into a weak wisp. "What the?!"

    Shinnok laughed. "Ah, your time is over. Don't you know once the Cage power passes on, the previous wielder loses it themselves?" He taunted. "And your pathetic child is probably too weak to inherit it. Now...I believe I shall take the blue-clad one's advice and 'redecorate' the room."

    Approaching Johnny, Shinnok lifted him by the throat and held him at Vergil and Savage. "You two shall be first witness to the demonstration of my powers!" Shinnok began to squeeze Johnny's throat, causing him to gasp for air.

    Cassie watched from afar, struggling to get up. Shinnok's words echoed through her head: 'your pathetic child is probably too weak to inherit it...'

    '...too weak...'

    ~ Cage Residence (3 Years Ago) ~

    "F***!!" A younger Cassie cried out as she held her hand, having attempted to punch through a thick stone block. Hear her swear, Johnny walked into the room.

    "What's up, Cass?" He asked. "I head you swear, so I guess something's buggin' you."

    Cassie frowned. "I've been trying to break this stupid block all day!" He explained. "You and Mom are so strong, and...and I feel like I'm letting the family down if I don't catch up." Johnny smiled. "Well, that certain is quite the goal." He replied, patting her shoulder. "Trust me, you'll get there. You're a Cage, and we Cages always get good at kicking butt."

    "...Yeah." Cassie said, somewhat upset. After a long pause, she looked at him. "Hey, Dad?"

    "Yeah, Cass?"

    "You think I'm going to inherit our family's powers one day? I mean, you have them, right?" She asked. Johnny nodded. "That's true. Our family kept Shinnok sealed away using these very powers. I'm really lucky to have inherted them. And one day, you will. When the time is right."

    "But!" Cassie began to tear up. "But what if it skips me?! What if I'm to weak to handle them?!" She showed her brusied and bloodied hand to her father. "Look! I can't even break a stupid block!"

    "Cass, listen to me." Johnny said, taking her hands. "You are a tough kid, and you're gonna do our family name proud. You're going to get our powers, and you are going to be the most awesome holder of 'em ever! Just be patient and work hard. When the time is right, they'll come to you. And you are going to do the family proud, Cass."

    He wrapped her in a hug.

    "You're gonna do us all proud."

    ~ Flashback End ~

    Shinnok tightened his hold on Johnny's throat, and laughed as the actor's face began to turn a light purple. "I believe I shall end your suffering here!" Shinnok said, laughing. "I've enjoyed your pathetic breaths enough."

    As Shinnok squeezed Johnny's throat harder, eliciting a small gurgle from his victim, Cassie's eyes widened as she rose to her feet!

    "Let me dad GO!!!"

    Turning toward her, Shinnok was blinded by a very bright flash of green! He was still stunned when he felt a foot collide with his chest, sending a sharp pain nto his body as he reeled back, releasing Johnny. The actor gasped for air before crawling toward one of the far ends of the room.

    When he looked up, he saw Shinnok reeling over in pain. And in front of him his daughter Cassie, enveloped in a vibrant green aura. "C-Cass...?" He rasped, before passing out.

    " hurts...?!" Shinnok asked, clutching his chest.

    Cassie glared. "It's about to hurt a lot more, a*****e!"
    Post by: FancyStache, May 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. FancyStache
    ~ Outside Gym ~

    Coming back, Sam and Dean saw the scene before them. Sam's eyes lay on the transformed Star, before he pointed her out to his brother. Dean spotted her, and the two brothers went to go help.

    ~ Outside Nintendo High ~

    Amy and Sammy left the building. "You think we should tell Uncle Murphy we're going to be out tonight?" The latter asked, causing her sister to give her a look. "Uh, no?" Amy said matter-of-factly. "We'll just sneak out. Trust me, I do it ALL the time!"

    "What a crazy day..." Maxine said as she looked at Chloe, who laughed. "Yeah." The blue-haired girl replied. "I hear that. Come on, let's go to Scrooge's place. Sea-salt ice cream sounds hella good right now."

    ~ Outside Nintendo Elementary ~

    Mabel and Dipper stepped outside, just as Stan pulled up in his old car. "There you kids are!" He called out. "They called me, telling me you had to go to elementary school." He laughed. "Funniest thing I heard all day! So how was school?"

    Dipper sighed. "It''s different. Not like American school." He shrugged. "I could get used to it." "It was really fun!" Mabel exclaimed. "We made some friends, the teacher was nice, we went on a field trip and I found a..."

    She stopped herself, thinking of the creature in her backpack. Thinking of how someone would try to take it away if they knew about it. "I....mean we had a great time!" She lied, chuckling nervously.

    Stan eyed her suspiciously. "I know a guilty laugh when I hear it. Normally I'd be worried about what you're hiding..." He grinned. "But I had a great day today, so I'm just gonna forget about all that! Come on, I'll take you two back to the Mystery Shack!"

    ~ Arendelle Docks ~

    The small boat carrying Kuai, Kitana and Mileena reached it's destination. "Here we are." Kuai announced, smiling. "This place gets lovlier every time I come here. They sell a lot of things here that I can't get back home."

    "It really is lovely." Kitana said, admiring the view. "It reminds me of Edenia..."

    "Well, I'm going to go buy some things. Feel free to explore the area if you wish." Kuai said. "But please don't go anywhere off-limits. I've been here enough times to know where those places are."

    Kitana nodded. "I understand." She looked at Mileena. "Come along, sister." The pink-clad woman grinned and nodded.

    ~ ??? ~

    Cassie rushed at Shinnok, and landed a strong punch to his jaw. Upon impact, pain shot through her hand as it felt like he had punched concrete!

    "You cannot hurt me now, mortal." Shinnok's now-demonic voiced bellowed. "I have the power of a god!" With a swing of his arm, Cassie was sent flying into the other side of the room.

    Quan Chi was in awe at the sight. "It is incredible, Lord Shinnok!" He said. "I can practically feel the power radiating from you! Truly you are the strongest being in the world! Perhaps if I am given some of this power, I can..."

    He was cut off by a taunting laugh from his master, illiciting confusion from the sorceror. "Lord Shinnok?"

    "You have outlived your usefulness, Quan Chi." Shinnok taunted. "I have ultimate power, and I do not intend to share it with you! It is time I dispose of you, as I had always intended!"

    With a raise of Shinnok's hand, a sharp pillar of molten rock rose from the ground. It quickly pierced Quan Chi's chest, causing the sorceror to cry out.

    After a few struggling gasps, Quan Chi went still.

    Shinnok laughed again, before turning toward Cassie. "And now, you. To insure another Cage cannot defeat me ever again."

    As he began to form a sinister red energy in his hands, Johnny ran into the room!

    "Hey, Shinnok!!" He called out! "I'm not letting you hurt my kid!!"

    ~ Courtroom 4 ~

    "Hmm. Mr. L'Belle, could I ask about the meeting in more detail?" Phoenix asked, being met with a frown from the witness. Florent, however, shrugged and replied. "Oh, very well! What is it?"

    "What happened...after the meeting?" Phoenix asked.

    Florent scoffed. "Well, if you must know, after the meeting I began to leave. I heard a scream, and went back. Then I saw that girl stab Mr. White! I was stunned for a maybe a minute or two, but then I called the police after that!"

    Phoenix nodded. "I see." He said. "And what time did you call the police?"

    "It was...oh, about 11:25! I am VERY good with remembering time, lawyer!" Florent bragged, smirking again. "11:25 EXACTLY!"

    Now that he had a time, Phoenix began to look through the evidence. Something told him that there was something that would contradict this statement. His answer came when he looked at the time of death on the autopsy report: 11:05.

    Phoenix smiled to himself. 'Gotcha.'

    "Mr. L'Belle, please let me be sure of one thing." Phoenix spoke. "You are absolutely sure you called at 11:25?" Florent looked annoyed. "Yes! I AM!" He snapped. "Ugh, do you think I'm lying about everything?!"

    "Not about when you called the police, no." Phoenix replied. "But you are lying about something else! The victim died at 11:05! There is a 20 minute gap!"

    Payne began stammering. "B-B-B-B-B-B-B-But! The witness clearly said he was stunned! Surely a 20 minute gap wouldn't be unreasonable!" He argued. "Of course it would!" Phoenix shouted back! "The witness also said he was stunned for 'a minute or two! That means that he must have been doing something during this gap!"

    The Judge looked at Florent, who had suddenly gone very pale. "Judging from the witness' condition, I believe the defense's claim is likely! Mr. Wright, you claim the witness was doing something during this gap. But what?" The Judge asked.

    "You sure you got this, Nick?" Maya asked, looking at Phoenix with a worried expression.

    "I'm sure." He replied calmly. "The moment that gap came up, one piece of evidence came to mind." He looked to the judge. "Your Honor. I present the hair found on the body. It is blonde, which matches Miss Lestrade's hair color. However, it also matches that of one other! I ask the court to look at Mr. L'Belle. Moreso, I ask they note his current hair color!"

    "Why, it's blonde!" The Judge exclaimed! "Just like that found at the scene!"

    "During the murder, Mr. White and his killer had a struggle. During that struggle, Mr. White tore some hair from the head of his killer."

    "Where is the defense going with this?" The Judge asked, though he knew very well.

    "I think I know what went down, Your Honor." Phoenix said. "That night, Mr. L'Belle and Mr. White met and talked about a loan. When Mr. White wouldn't loan him any money, L'Belle attacked and killed him. During the struggle, Mr. White tore some hair from Mr. L'Belle's head. This would be very incriminating evidence, so Mr. L'Belle spent the next 20 minutes trying to find the hair, but his search was interrupted by Miss Lestrade, who was coming over to investigate. L'Belle fled the scene and let her find the body. That was when he called the police to report the murder he had 'witnessed'." The Judge nodded. "This seems like a very likely scenario, given the way this trial has gone!" "I think it's time our witness told the truth himself!" Phoenix exclaimed.

    Phoenix stared down Florent, pointing. "Mr. L'Belle, you were the one who killed Mr. White!!"

    Florent began to breathe heavily as he was now sweating the most he had ever before. He screamed when he began to feel his makeup run. Gasping, he pulled out his perfume bottle and began to spray himself rapidly, creating a cloud of perfume around his head. With one last scream, he collapsed.

    After a bit of silence, the perfume cloud cleared, and Florent picked himself up off of the floor. His makeup was now completely gone, revealing a pale, wrinkly complexion. His hair, once dyed a vibrant blonde, was now a dull yellow...

    "I...I...I...I...c-confess..." He said weakly.

    At that moment, the phones in his shoulder pads began to ring. Looking hopeful, he quickly rose up and answered!

    "Florent L'Belle speaking! ...What?! The sponsors have dropped me?! They don't want to support my beauty products anymore?!"

    "Florent L'Belle speaking! ...What?! I'm being sued for air pollution from my perfume?!"

    "Florent L'Belle speaking! ...What?! I-I'm fired?! I'm not longer one of Mr. Saxon's aides?!"

    "Florent L'Belle speaking! ...What?! My debt has been tripled?! TRIPLED?!?!"

    As the phones stopped ringing, Florent began to have a fit. The baliff approached him and escorted him out of the courtroom.

    The Judge sighed. "What a trial. Baliff! Please bring Miss Lestrade here at once! I am ready to pass my verdict!"
    Post by: FancyStache, May 18, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. FancyStache
    ~ Pokemon Village ~

    Dipper and Mabel boarded the bus. Mabel smiled to herself as she thought of her new friend resting in her backpack.

    ~ ??? ~

    Recovering from being knocked down, Cassie looked up to see Shinnok's transformation had completed, and he now looked...different.

    ~ Highway in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. ~

    Nick nodded and parked the motorcycle near the crashed car. "They're all yours, Officer!" Nick said.
    Post by: FancyStache, May 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. FancyStache
    ~ Pokemon Village ~

    Mabel and Dipper woke up to find their faces drawn on in marker. While Mabel laughed about the whole thing, Dipper was less than amused.

    Mabel's attention went back to the strange creature, who was still sleeping. "Aww. You're cute." She cooed, picking it up. "i'm gonna call you Squishies!" She quickly put the creature in her backpack and went to join the others.

    ~ ??? ~

    The burst of energy knocked Cassie to the floor, and she looked up at Shinnok. His body was now fully enveloped in a blood red energy, and began to undergo a slow, grotesque transformation...

    ~ Cafeteria ~

    As Dan, Chris and Elise went over to their usual spot, Dan saw the imposter sitting where he usually sat. The imposter immediately smiled upon seeing his counterpart.

    "Oh! Hello!" He greeted cheerfully, causing Dan to scowl. "Nice to see you again, Not-Dan."

    Dan growled as his face began to turn a violent red. "I AM DAN!!!!" He screamed in rage, pointing at his copycat!

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~

    "It is fortunate you didn't lose your hand." Tanya spoke, looking at the cast. "I admit I was worried he had severed it."

    ~ Highway in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. ~

    Nick immediately took control of the motorcycle and tried his best to keep up the the car Judy was hanging on to.

    ~ Courtroom 4 ~

    "Did I hear correctly?!" The judge exclaimed. "The witness wrote a note wanting to meet the victim?! Mr. L'Belle, explain yourself!!"

    Florent scoffed. "This is..." He paused. "...Well, it means nothing! So what if I met him?! You STILL have no proof that I killed him!" Payne nodded. "That's right!" The prosecutor said. "The defense has added nothing to him argument!"

    Phoenix shook his head. "But I have! We know that Mr. L'Belle met with the victim." He pointed out. "As such, I demand he testify about the meeting!"

    After thinking, the judge nodded. "I agree. Mr. L'Belle, please tell us about this meeting." "Ugh. Fine! But you won't find anything!" Florent snapped.

    Florent frowned. "I went to the meeting that night, I'll admit that."

    "Mr. White and I had a little talk. He wasn't able to loan me the money I wanted, so we scheduled another meeting!"

    Clearly bothered, he began fiddling with the flower on his suit. "We talked, and that was all!"

    Then he smirked. "See? Nothing happened! Good luck finding anything incriminating!"
    Post by: FancyStache, May 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. FancyStache
    ~ Pokemon Village ~

    Mabel watched Clara fall asleep, before she too fell into a doze. The creature joined her.

    At another part of the area, Dipper was also fast asleep.

    ~ Lavos' Resting Place ~

    "My name's Johnny Cage. I'm an actor." Johnny Cage told Talzin. "But that's not important right now." He pointed to the tunnel where Shinnok, Quan Chi and Cassie had run into. "Shinnok went that way, and my daughter Cassie went after him! Sorry to cut this introduction short, but I gotta get to her before that monster kills her!" As he ran toward the tunnel, he called back. "I'll give you three an autograph later!"

    ~ ??? ~

    Shinnok stopped and stared at the sight before him. A large pillar of red aura rose from the center of the room, breaking through the ceiling. He was impressed with its otherworldly glow, and even more, the power radiating from it.

    "Quan Chi, stand guard." He told his follower.

    As the sorceror did so, Shinnok held his new amulet and stepped into the aura pillar. "This is...incredible!" He exclaimed, amazed at the power surging through his body. "Yes! This is it! It's all come into place!"

    The red glow that once covered his body was now a strong energy that filled the room.

    "Hey!!" A voice called out!

    "Ah." Shinnok spoke as he saw the source of the voice. "Cassandra Cage. Quite brave of you to have followed me here! And yet, quite foolish! Look before you, as I reclaim my status as a god!"

    ~ Highway in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. ~

    "Got it!" Nick answered. The plan was risky, dangerous and crazy. But years of knowing Judy was enough for Nick to know she could pull it off.

    ~ Nintendo High: Girls Bathroom ~

    "No questions here." Sammy said, with Amy nodding and adding. "Yeah, I think we get the plan!"
    Post by: FancyStache, May 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. FancyStache
    ~ Girls' Bathroom ~

    "This is so cool!" Amy said, grinning. "So we get to be, like, spies or something! And we get awesome outfits!"

    ~ Pokemon Village ~

    "I dunno!" Mabel told Clara, picking up the creature and placing it on her own head. "I walked over here and found this little guy!"

    ~ Path To Lavos' Resting Place ~

    As he ran, Johnny pulled out his phone and called Sonya. "Yeah, what is it, Johnny?" She answered, causing him to sigh with relief.

    "Sonya, listen! You remember Shinnok, right?" He asked. "He's got Cass! I'm going after them right now! I'm almost at Lavos' place!" "What?! Lavos?! Johnny, where are you?!" Sonya asked, panicking. "I'm in Shinnok's Spire! You remember, right? We were here once when we kicked his butt a few years ago!" He said, chuckling.

    "This is no time for joking! I'll be over there as soon as I can!" She snapped, hanging up.

    Doing the same, Johnny's eyes caught sight of the battle taking place.

    ~ Lavos' Resting Place ~

    As Tanya prepared to attack Vergil, a green blur slammed into her, sending her rolling back. Recovering, she was met with the grinning face of Johnny. "Nailed it! You just got Caged!" He said, pointing at her.

    She scowled and stood up. "Johnny Cage. Interfering in matters that are none of your business, as usual." Johnny shrugged. "i like interfering in things!"

    "Amusing." She turned toward the others. "One of you take the white-haired one for me? I'll dispose of this fool."

    Johnny raised his hands defensively. "Hey! I'm just here for my kid!" He then shifted to a fighting stance. "But if you're gonna be like that..."

    ~ Courtroom 4 ~

    Maya grinned. "Showed up just in time!" She said proudly.

    "Thank goodness you came!" Phoenix said. "I think the judge was about to end the cross-examination! Tell me you have something good!" She smiled brighter. "As a matter of fact, your Deus ex Maya is here to save the day!" She pulled out a note. "One of the detectives asked me to bring this to the trial. It's a note about meeting the victim that night to discuss a loan!"

    "Okay?" Phoenix was confused. "And how does this help?!"

    "They had to do a handwriting analysis-thing on it! And guess who's handwriting it is?" Her smile widened as she asked this. "Yep! Florent L'Belle's!"

    ~ Highway in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. ~

    "Oh, I'm fine!" Nick replied. "Not the first time I've been shot at! Probably not the last either!"

    ~ Boat to Japan ~

    Composing herself, Fiona stood up and reached into her bag, pulling out many alchemy books she had taken from the castle. Going through one, she found a passage on something called the Red Godstone. She recalled making such a stone during one of the many puzzles the Belli Castle, though it had been destroyed during a chase with Riccardo.
    Post by: FancyStache, May 1, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. FancyStache
    ~ Pokemon Village ~

    Mabel wanted to explore the Village. She eyed all of the tourists, wondering if there were any boys her age that were looking for love.

    She had made her way to a far corner of the field, waving at the Pokemon and admiring the flowers. As she came to a spot where no Pokemon seemed to be, which she thought was odd, she moved some flowers out of her way and found herself face-to-face with a strange creature.

    ~ Lavos' Resting Place ~

    Tanya joined Shay. "I have killed soldiers and agents alike. Fools like these should be no trouble!"

    Shinnok stared silently at the gem, before grinning. "I'm afraid..." He spoke. "...our partnership is over."

    He ripped the green gem from his amulet, replacing it with the red one. A vibrant red energy burst from it, surrounding Shinnok in its glow. "I have what I truly came for! This is what I wanted, and now I have it!" He turned to the others. "Do to each other what you will! I care not!"

    He ran to the other side of the chamber, where another tunnel was. Shinnok motioned Quan Chi to follow him. "Come, Quan Chi! It is time to claim what is rightfully mine!"

    As the two disappeared into the cavern, Cassie quietly got up and ran after them.

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    "Ngh! it!" Johnny grunted, before using his strength to break through the skeletal hand holding him. Landing on the ground with a grunt, he took a few seconds to breathe before running down the tunnel leading to Lavos' resting place. 'Heh heh, still got it, Johnny.' He joked to himself.

    ~ Girls Bathroom ~

    At that moment, Amy and Sammy entered the bathroom. "We got your message and came as soon as we could!" Sammy greeted.

    ~ Hallway ~

    Sam and Dean walked toward the cafeteria, before Sam stopped in front of the locker Star was in. "Uh, Dean?" He said, pointing at his brother's shirt. "I think you missed some of the you-know-what." Looking down, Dean noticed a stain of dry Wendigo blood on his shirt. "Aw, darn it!" He growled. "Gotta wash my shirt again!" Without a word, Dean took off his shirt and ran to the boys bathroom. Sam stared for a moment, before looking down on the floor and noticing purple heart-shaped things everywhere. He looked at them for a second.

    "I won't even ask." He muttered, before walking toward the cafeteria.

    ~ Cafeteria ~

    Jacqui and Takeda sat with Max and Bulk. "Yeah." Jacqui said as she sat down. "I haven't heard from her all day. I tried calling her parents too. Her mom hasn't seen her, and her dad won't answer either."

    As Dan, Chris and Elise entered the cafeteria, Dan's furious expression soon softened as he saw someone working the lunchline. "Helloooo, Hortense!" Dan called, smiling. "The only good thing to come out of this day!" Hortense giggled. "You're such a sweet-talker, Dan." She said, her braces causing her to lisp a bit. "Working the lunchline today?" Chris asked. "Yep!" She replied. "I already ate, and they needed some help. Plus we got a huge delivery of pudding for some reason!"

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    Kuai Liang was outside the temple, seeming ready to go on some sort of trip. Kitana, wearing a blue gown and her face uncovered, joined him outside. "Oh! Are you going somewhere?" She asked, receiving a nod in reply. "I am." Kuai responded. "I'm going to be making a trip to Arendelle to do some shopping. It's not far off, and they have many things there I cannot get nearby. Would you like to join me? You may bring the others if you like." "Well, Jade and Heishiro are busy with training. But I will ask Mileena if she-"

    Before she could finish, Mileena leapt from a nearby bush, landing on all fours before her twin. Even with her mask on, her eyes showed eagerness "Already heard. I want to go, too." She answered. "It'd be preferable to staying in that cold temple all the time!"

    "Very well!" Kuai said with a laugh!

    ~ Boat To Japan ~

    Clutching her chest and fighting back tears, Fiona was collapsed on the floor of her room. Hewie walked over and nuzzled her, and she replied with a weak smile as she gave the dog a hug. "We'll be okay, Hewie. We escaped that nightmare...I just hope Oliver is okay..."

    (OOC: Bringing back some of my old storylines since 3 of my characters are about to be written out permanently.)
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. FancyStache
    ~ Lavos' Resting Place ~

    Tanya glared at Savage and Vergil, crossing her arms. "That will not be happening." She stated coldly.

    While the confrontation was taking place, Shinnok had crept over to the pedastal where Lavos' had been. His eyes fell on a red gem embedded in the pedastal. Yanking it out, he looked at it, noting it's similarity to the gem on his amulet.

    In the middle of these events, Cassie had freed herself from Jadeite's hold and collapsed in a corner of the room.

    ~ Pokemon Battling Class ~

    Myriam raised her hand. "Already picked one!" She answered. "Since I have a Banette myself, I'll study it's Mega Evolution."

    ~ Highway in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. ~

    Nick grinned and got on Judy's motorcycle. "Alright, then. Lead the way!" He said, before chuckling. "About time you and I hung out again anyway!"

    ~ Courtroom 4 ~

    "WH-WHAAAAT?!?!" Florent screeched, horrified! "Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You suspect ME?!"

    "Mr. Wright! What is the meaning of this?!" The judge asked. Payne cut in. "I...I object!" He yelled. "Th-the defense has no evidence to support their claim! They're grasping at straws! There's nothing to imply what he claims!"

    Phoenix frowned. "Look at the witness' face!" He shot back, pointing at Florent. "If what I'm implying holds no water, then why is he acting so nervous?!"

    "Y-YOU!!!" Florent spat. "How DARE you accuse me, the beautiful Florent L'Belle, or MURDER! I should SUE you!"

    Taking deep breaths, Florent began to growl as his face went red with anger. The courtroom was silent as he did this...before suddenly, his demeanor went completely calm. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small bottle of perfume and began to spray himself with it, looking smug.

    "I am TERRIBLY sorry for that outburst!" He said, back to his smug tone. "Quite rude on my part!"

    'His mood...did a complete 180.' Phoenix thought, shocked. 'What's going on?'

    "I didn't think through things. That low-class attorney there hasn't shown EVIDENCE that I did anything!" Florent said. "You cannot prove anything without evidence!"

    Thinking things over, the judge nodded. "He is right. As questionable as his testimony is, we don't have the evidence to put him under suspicion. Unless the defense has definite evidence that supports his claim."

    "Err...well..." Phoenix stammered, now losing his calm. "I..." 'Darn it! I don't know of anything that could help me out here!' He thought. 'What do I do?!'

    The judge frowned. "Does the defense wish to present evidence to back his claim, or will you withdraw your accusation?"

    ".....Th-The defense wishes to..."

    Before he could finish, the doors to the courtroom burst open. "NIIIIICK!!!" A girl's voice called out as she ran into the room, toward the defense's bench!

    Recognizing her, Phoenix gasped.


    ~ Kai's House [September 7th 2013] ~

    Wobbling as she walked over, Amy approached the others. "So..." She slurred, still drunk. "Am I in th' club or somthing'?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. FancyStache
    ~ Path Leading To Lavos ~

    Cassie stayed silent as she scoffed and looked down. 'Damn it!' She thought. 'They're gonna get that monster, and I'm probably going to die down here!' Her eyes closed. 'Dad. Mom. I'm so sorry I removed the seal...'

    At that moment, Shinnok stopped at the entrance of a large room. "Here we are. Now follow me. Not even I know what awaits us."

    ~ Highway in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. ~

    Nick was surprised by Judy's question. "You want my help?" He asked, before smiling. "Well, you got it."

    ~ Nintendo Elementary - Parking Lot ~

    Mabel gasped. "You hear that, Dipper?!" She beamed. "France! This is perfect! France is where Lumiose City is! And Lumiose City is the city of looooove!" She drew out the world 'love' for emphasis. "And Mabel is totally down for some romance!"
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. FancyStache
    ~ Courtroom 4 ~

    'Wait...' Phoenix thought. 'Let me look at the knife again...'

    As he examined the knife, he noted the placement of the fingerprints. 'Wait a minute...The thumbprint is...'

    Everyone was alerted to the sound of Phoenix banging on his bench! "Mr. L'Belle!" He called out. "The fingerprints on the knife indicate that the knife was held in the right hand, not the left!"

    "Wh-wha?!" Payne exclaimed, shocked!

    "Mr. L'Belle, all of your testimonies have been full of nothing but lies!" Phoenix said, glaring at Florent. "I think this puts your stance as a 'witness' under heavy suspicion! It's almost as if you are trying to hide something!"

    "Mr. Wright!!" The judge gasped. "Are...are you accusing the witness of some sort of crime?!"

    "During the night of the crime, three people were present." Phoenix began to summarize. "Mr. White, Miss Lestrade and Mr. L'Belle. During the night, one of those two killed Mr. White. A witness claims to have seen Miss Lestrade commit the crime, yet his testimony so far has been untruthful. Why is that?"

    With a determined look, Phoenix sharply pointed at Florent.

    "The defense accuses Mr. L'Belle of the murder of Mr. White!"

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    Johnny glared at Savage and Vergil as they left, before struggling to break free from his prison. "Come...on!" He grunted, feeling his arm begin to get free. "If you wanna do something right..."

    ~ Highway in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. ~

    "Sounds like you're gonna be busy today." Nick joked. "Don't worry about it. I have somewhere to be anyway. Good luck with the bank thing!"

    ~ Path Leading To Lavos' Resting Place ~

    "Why do you guys want that thing anyway?!" Cassie asked, frowning.

    ~ Kai's House [September 7th 2013] ~

    Hearing what Kai said, Amy gave a weak, but still cocky, smile.
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 11, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. FancyStache
    ~ Path Leading To Lavos' Resting Place ~

    Shinnok led Shay's group down the tunnel, with Quan Chi behind them. "Just a bit further." He told them, before shooting Quan Chi a discreet, knowing glance. The sorceror responded with a subtle nod.

    Cassie grumbled as she looked at the others. "You guys are jerks, you know that?" She hissed.

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    Johnny rolled his eyes as he got the feeling Savage and Vergil weren't going to free him anytime soon. "Hey, you two!" He shouted. "If you're gonna be going after Shinnok, I should warn you. I've fought him before, he's nothing to sneeze at. He's got dangerous powers. Powers he's killed people with. And...make sure my kid gets outta there alive, alright?"

    Closing his eyes, he sighed. 'Please...' He thought. 'Please let Cassie's gift surface...She really needs it now...'

    ~ Class 63 ~

    "A field trip?! Yay!" Mabel cheered! Dipper couldn't help but smile, too. "I guess this could be fun, where are we going?" He asked.

    ~ Pokemon Battling Class ~

    "Here!" Myriam replied.

    ~ English Classroom ~

    Sam smiled as he took the stack and grabbed a copy for him and one for Sammy, who was sitting next to him. "Thanks." He told Vanillope as he passed the stack to the next student.

    ~ Highway in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. ~

    "Well, since you're offering!" He replied with a joking laugh.

    ~ Algebra Class ~

    Max glared at Star Butterfly. There was something about her, something that every 'evil' bone in his body didn't like. She reeked of...niceness.

    ~ Kai's House [September 7th 2013] ~

    "O-okay..." Sammy said before looking at Amy. "Uh...Choo Choo!" Immediately, Amy fell to the floor and vomited, groaning in disgust as she wiped her mouth.

    ~ Courtroom 4 ~

    Phoenix began to examine the evidence, looking for something that could contradict what Florent said.

    ~ History Class ~

    Maxine entered the classroom and sat down. She began to feel tired. 'Ah, right.' She thought. 'i didn't get much sleep last night.'
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 3, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. FancyStache
    ~ English Classroom ~

    Sammy and Sam entered the classroom, enjoying a friendly conversation. "Good morning, Mr. Smith." Sam called as he waved.

    ~ Pokemon Battling Classroom ~

    "Mega Evolution, eh?" Myriam asked, staring at Oak from under her cardboard box. "Sss sss sss sss! Now this I'm interested in!"

    ~ Courthouse - Courtroom 4 ~

    "The victim tried to run." Phoenix repeated. "So what happened then?"

    Florent scoffed. "Why! I gave chase, of course! ....AAAAHH!!! I-I mean the girl gave chase! That's what I meant!"

    "Please, Mr. L'Belle." Payne cut in. "The defense is simply trying to harass you. Just ignore him and continue." "Ah, y-yes." Florent said, wiping sweat off his forehead. "Yes, sorry. I'm still a bit shaken up by the scene I witnessed. After he tried to run, she caught him and stabbed him. The knife was in her left hand, I believe."

    ~ Nintendo Elementary - Class 63 ~

    Mabel immediately ran into the classroom. "Hi, everyone! I'm Mabel!" She shouted. "I'm looking for friends and romance!" Dipper sighed and slumped into the classroom. "This is so embarrassing..." He murmured.

    ~ Highway in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. ~

    Strolling on the side of the highway, Nick Wilde came across the scene with Judy. After Kanan and Finn had left, he smiled and walked over. Resting an elbow on her head, he looked at her. "If it isn't my favorite cop in the world! Those two in trouble again, eh, Carrots?"

    ~ Abandoned Warehouse ~

    An S-Type bug appeared before D'Vorah, but did not attack her, strangely enough. Upon seeing it, she smiled. "As you can see, progress is going well." She said to it, listening as it responded to her words with strange noises. She nodded.

    "Let Lord Astral know that he shall soon have more loyals, and that fool Kotal Kahn suspects nothing about me."

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    Cassie approached the sealed door. "So...what do I have to do?" She asked.

    "Simply touch the seal, girl." Shinnok told her. "Your accursed family has a unique power. One that sealed away Lavos and defeated me long ago. The seal will react to you, and remove itself."

    Slowly approaching, Cassie placed her hand on the seal. A bright green glow began to emit from her body as the seal began shining a bright white. Moments later, it vanished, and the door began to open, revealing a long hallway.

    The green glow vanished as Cassie staggered back. "Good. The way is open." Shinnok explained. He began to enter the hallway, motioning Shay's group to follow. "And one of you bring her with us." He said, pointing at Cassie. "I don't want her trying to free her pathetic father. I have plans for him once this is over."

    From his prison, Johnny shot Shinnok a hateful glare.

    ~ Kai's House [September 7th 2013] ~

    Sammy stopped chanting (though Amy did not notice) and turned to Kai. "Wh-what do you mean 'not good'? Should I let her stop?" She asked, concerned.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 28, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. FancyStache
    ~ Courthouse - Courtroom 4 ~

    Phoenix began to go over Florent's statement. There was something that was bothering him about it. It had to have been about the stabbing...

    'Wait!' He came to a realization. 'That's it!'

    "Mr. L'Belle, there is a contradiction in your statement." Florent look surprised. "Oh?" He exclaimed. "My my, 'contradiction'. Look at the THIRD-RATE lawyer using BIG words!"

    Phoenix frowned. "The victim was not stabbed in the back, but in the chest. That contradicts what you said!"

    "So what if it does?" Florent retorted. "It doesn't matter! She's the killer because the police said so!" "But you made a big error in your account. I don't think that's something we should overlook." Phoenix spoke. "Quite frankly, I find it a bit suspicious."

    The judge nodded. "I do believe I agree. Perhaps Mr. L'Belle should testify further on what he saw."

    "Hmph! Fine!"

    Florent scowled. "Okay, so I was mistaken, but I saw the girl stab Mr. White!"

    "She stabbed him once in the chest. That didn't kill him, of course."

    He crossed his arms. "With what little strength he had left. He tried to run."

    "Of course, considering what happened, it seems he didn't get away. Terrible, really."

    ~ Outside Triskelion ~

    Kotal shook Garret's hand. "Here's to a productive and powerful alliance."

    ~ Nintendo Elementary ~

    "My name's Dipper Pines." Dipper answered Jessibelle. "And I'm Mabel!" Mabel spoke up. "We're twins!"

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    "Indeed, which is why we need this girl to open that seal over there." Shinnok said. "The crystal holding Lavos is behind the door it is protecting." He pointed at Cassie. "Now then, it's time you made yourself useful. Remove the seal."

    "I...I'm not removing anything!" Cassie shouted. "I'm not removing any seals, and I sure as hell am not letting any of you get your hands on this 'Lavos' thing!" "I see." Shinnok said. "Then I suppose a little coercion is needed."

    Turning toward Johnny, Shinnok raised his hand and clenched it into a fist. The large skeletal hand holding Johnny began to tighten, causing the man to grunt in pain. Tightening his fist, Shinnok began to squeeze Johnny tightly. Cassie gasped and tried to rush Shinnok, only to be stopped by Quan Chi. She watched helplessly as the hand tightened even more, and Johnny's red face began to turn blue. Only then did she speak up.

    "W-Wait!" She pleaded. "Stop! I...I'll do it! I'll open the seal!"

    ~ Abandoned Warehouse ~

    D'Vorah arrived at the warehouse where she had been discreetly headed for the past few months. Inside, the captive people who once had larvae crawling on them were now replaced by large yellow cocoons. "Yes." She whispered. "Soon. Very soon, my children."

    ~ Martial Arts Classroom ~

    "Man, that was uncalled for." Takeda said as he watched Ron's fight, regarding what Connor's opponent had said to him. "'Terrorist boy'? What is he, five years old?"

    "Some people are just idiots when it come to stuff like that." Jacqui suddenly said. "...I know how it is."

    ~ Kai's House [September 7th 2013] ~

    Amy groaned and grabbed her stomach. Suddenly, she fell to the ground and vomited as the alcohol and cigars took their effect! However, her pride would not let her allow her sister to see her like this, so she held it in, Amy picked herself up and continued stumbling. "I'm...not...gonna stop...'till she...says...'Choo Choo'!" She slurred.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 24, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. FancyStache
    ~ Martial Arts Class ~

    Immediately after getting on the mat, Jaqcui and her opponent charged at each other, and many strikes between the two were traded. Her opponent landed a punch to her jaw, but Jaqcui quickly recovered and grabbed his leg before taking him down. He managed to kick her off and get back up. Jaqcui did as well and immediately rushed him, delivering punch after punch. He tried to block, but the force behind her punches made his attempts futile. While he was dazed, she grabbed him around the waist and hoisted him up, before dropping him to the floor with a powerful slam. "I learned that one from my dad." She said with a grin, looking at her opponent, who was on the floor, completely out of it. "Oh!" Jaqcui exclaimed, looking at him. "Uhh...I might've been a bit too hard on him..."

    Next was Takeda's match. Standing on the mat, he closed his eyes and stood silently, much to everyone's confusion. His opponent stood and watched with annoyance as Takeda stood completely still. Deciding not to watch and wait, he rushed at Takeda with a strike ready. As he swung his fist, Takeda gave a small smile. 'I hear you.' He thought, and quickly dodged the punch, eyes still closed. Shocked and annoyed, his opponent turned and tried to strike again, only to be avaded. This continued for for quite a while as Takeda's foe began to become more and more tired as his attacks were dodged. Once he was almost too tired to try again, Takeda opened his eyes and delivered a strong kick! The opponent was floored and, too tired to get up, conceded. Walking over, Takeda helped him up and carried him off the mat.

    (OOC: This post was made for Roxam's next post. Also, I'm bad at fight scenes.)
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 21, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. FancyStache
    ~ Martial Arts Classroom ~

    Jaqcui grinned as she got ready. "I'll be fine." She said, slamming her fists together.

    ~ Nintendo Elementary ~

    "We're from California!" Mabel replied with a big grin.

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    "Well." Johnny said, noticing Shay's group arrive. "I was kinda hoping for the rescue squad. Just my luck."

    "Ah, you've come just in time! I was just about to open the way to Lavos!" Shinnok said, turning toward Shay's group. "And the key is that girl over there!" He pointed at Cassie, who managed to break free from Quan Chi's grip.

    ~ Kai's House [September 7th 2013] ~

    As Sammy continued saying 'Chugga Chugga', Amy kept stumbling around the room. She groaned as she felt dizzy, her vision blurred and she felt sick. But she was determined to keep going!

    ~ Outside the Triskelion ~

    "I am well-aware of the history and purpose of your organization." Kotal replied. "Do you know of a man named Ketz? He was a soldier for the army. A proud and dutiful man who would lay down his life for his home and loved ones. Ketz was my father."

    "During a mission, his superiors made a bad call that got him killed. My father taken from me. My mother couldn't support us, and so she had chosen to abandon me to run away to a new life. I grew to hate and resent the Japanese government. I blamed them for everything bad that as ever happened to me."

    He paused. "And yet...these have been dark times as of late. The Crystal Order has been on the rise and, if not dealt with, could endanger us all. I realize the fate of my country is more important than my grudge against it's government. This is why I wish to ally myself with you. I set aside my pride for the greater good. My group and its resources are at your use. Our group consists of many individuals with unique abilities, such as healing properties, control over insects, strength..."

    Erron Black cut in. "You want someone who can shoot a dime from miles away, I'm your guy."

    (OOC: Sorry for the short post. Just woke up. I'll add more to the trial in my next post.)
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. FancyStache

    Name: Maya Fey
    Description: A spirit medium who often helps Phoenix with his cases. Skilled at her trade, being able to channel the dead through her body.
    Occupation: Spirit Medium
    Series: Ace Attorney
    Other: N/A


    Name: Nick Wilde
    Description: A fast-talking conman. Very clever and crafty in even the tightest situations. Sometimes a valuable source of information...when it pays well.
    Occupation: Conman
    Series: Zootopia
    Other: N/A
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. FancyStache
    ~ Courthouse: Courtroom 4 ~

    Within a few minutes, Florent had taken the stand. He adjusted the carnation on his suit as he regarded the courtroom with a disgusted look.

    "Witness. Your name and occupation, please." Payne spoke.

    "My name is Florent L'Belle." Florent answered. "I'm a political aide for Harold Saxon. But MORE importantly than THAT, I run a VERY luxurious and high-class cosmetics and beauty products company on the side." Payne nodded. "Good. And you were the one who witnessed the incident two months ago?"

    Florent smiled. "That IS correct! I also CALLED the police on that DREADFUL little girl!"

    Phoenix groaned. 'I have to cross-examine THIS guy? Man, this is GOING to be a pain....Ack! He's got me doing it now!'

    'Could you tell us what you saw that night?" Payne asked, prompting Florent to let out an arrogant laugh! "Why, I'd be DELIGHTED!"

    Florent smirked. "I happened to be taking a walk that night, and I stumbled across the scene!"

    "The little twerpy girl and that gaudy man were arguing."

    "Suddenly, she pulled out a knife and threatened him!" He exclaimed, beginning to wipe away (obviously fake) tears.

    "He turned and ran, but she rushed him and stabbed him right in the back! Oh, it was frightening!"

    ~ Biology Classroom ~

    The imposter gave a small nod. "I apologize, Mr. Coulson." He said. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have instigated anything." He smiled as he received his test. The real Dan scowled and sat angrily in his seat, glaring at his duplicate.

    ~ Triskelion - Main Entrance ~

    "Very well." Kotal nodded, just as Erron Black stood next to him. "Nothin' personal, but I'm going with you two." The gunslinger spoke. "Can't be too trusting these days."

    Kotal turned to D'Vorah and the others. "The rest of you stay here and do not do anything foolish." D'Vorah stood up. "Pardon, but this one has some important business to attend to. I will be heading out for a bit, if it is no trouble." "Of course. If it is that important." Kotal replied, before turning toward Ermac. "Ermac, please watch over the others." The glowing green being nodded. "We shall do as you ask."

    Turning to Garret, Kotal approached. "Then I suppose it is time for talk."

    ~ Martial Arts Class ~

    As Jacqui and Takeda continued talking, the former noticed Dick approaching. "Uh, do you need something?" She asked, frowning. Takeda shook his head. "Jacqui, be polite, please." He turned to Dick and smiled. "I'm sorry, is there something you needed?"

    ~ Modern History Classroom ~

    Hearing the mention of elections in the morning announcements, Chloe groaned and leaned back in her chair. "Ughh...Why did I have to turn 18 last month?" She asked, exasperated. "I don't know who to vote for. I haven't been following this election thing."

    ~ Gym ~

    Crunch grinned as he burst into the gym. "Aww, yeah!" He shouted. "I'm feeling pumped today!"

    ~ Creative Arts Classroom ~

    Kate smiled and sat down. She opened her sketchbook and began to draw.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. FancyStache
    ~ Courthouse: Courtroom 4 ~

    "Indeed!" The judge exclaimed. "If what the defense says is true, then the defendant did NOT steal the wallet at all! And that means she would have no motive for the murder!"

    "Exactly, Your Honor!" Phoenix said, nodding. "Now that you mention it, it is a little weird that we didn't find prints on the wallet." Don added. "Along with the other evidence we found, we didn't think to much of it."

    "Wait. Other evidence?" Phoenix asked. Don nodded. "Yeah, we found two other things at the scene besides the knife and the wallet." He pulled out a piece of paper and a small tuft of blonde hair. "We found some hair that looked like the defendant's, and a note that mentions having to meet the victim about money."

    'Huh. That's odd...' Phoenix thought. "Officer Eppes, why would that note be there?"

    Payne cut in. "Hee hee hee! Well, isn't it obvious?" He asked, much to Phoenix's confusion. "What are you getting at?" Phoenix asked, warily.

    "I believe that is something that the man who witnessed the very crime can answer. The prosecution calls our next witness to the stand!"

    ~ Biology Classroom ~

    Dan entered the classroom, with a spring in his step. Getting out of court early was a great victory for him. "Ah, time for another dull, yet fufilling day of-" He stopped when he reached his seat. Sitting at his desk was another guy who looked faintly like himself, but not unkempt like he was. The other Dan also had bright blue eyes, unlike Dan's toxic green ones. "Who the heck are you?!" Dan snapped.

    The other Dan looked at him, before smiling. "Wow, this is embarassing. Who are you, now?" "I'm Dan!"

    The imposter grinned and shook his head. "No, I'M Dan."

    ~ Martial Arts Classroom ~

    Jaqcui and Takeda entered the room. "Hey, Takeda. You seen Cassie today?" Jacqui asked him, getting a shake of the head in reply. "She's staying home." He answered. "Her dad went missing a few weeks ago, so she's staying out today to look for him." "Oh. Well, hope she finds him."

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    Shinnok waited for a few minutes, before a portal appeared and Quan Chi emerged, dragging Cassie behind him. "Hey!" She shouted in rage. "Let go of me you son of a..." Her eyes fell on her captured and bruised father. "DAD!!" She called out, running over to him.

    "I have brought the girl as you asked." Quan Chi said, bowing. Shinnok nodded. "Good. Good. Now we may begin with freeing Lavos!" He paused a bit and looked around. "Hmm. It seems we may be having a few...'guests' soon."

    ~ Nintendo High School - Principal's Office ~

    "Yay!" Mabel cheered! "Looks like we're in, Dipper!" "Yeah...great." Dipper responded, a bit unenthusiastic. 'Elementary school?! This is gonna be so embarassing...'

    ~ Kai's House [September 7th 2013] ~

    Sammy just stared in shock at C.C.'s suggestion. "That sounds sneaky and totally deceptive!" Then she smiled and giggled a bit. "I think you girls are becoming a bad influence on me. I'm in!" She jokingly said.

    She turned to look at her sister, who was already stumbling around, surrounded by empty bottles and with the cigars in her mouth. "Pssh! That's eaaaaaasyyy!" She boasted, hearing what C.C. told her to do.

    As soon as Sammy began to say 'Chugga Chugga' Amy began taking quick, clumsy laps around the room.

    ~ Triskelion: Main Entrance ~

    Kotal nodded and took the clipboard. "Thank you, miss." He said, before sitting down. He stared at the papers attached to it a bit, before looking at Erron Black. "Erron, do you know what an...erm, 'e-mail' is?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home