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  1. FancyStache
    Hey everyone! So I have something to say. A couple of days ago, we had some storms that knocked out our internet connection for a few days. It's working right now but I don't know if it'll stay that way.

    So I just want to let you all know that I'm going to try to work on a post today if it stays working, but if it doesn't and I'm out for some time, you'll all know why!
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. FancyStache
    View attachment 49196

    ~ United States - News Broadcast ~

    "...And that is why we at Energyne will be working with our new world government, and providing whatever resources we have for their use." Energyne CEO Claire Wyden spoke as she stood in front of the Energyne HQ, speaking to a large crowd of reporters and bystanders. "This decision was made with the unity of the world in mind. We will use all of our genetic engineering assets to help them maintain this newfound order. And I, Claire Wyden, openly state that anyone who aims to disrupt that order will be considered enemies of Energyne!"

    Once the crowd reacted to her speech, Claire began to answer their questions.

    View attachment 49198 View attachment 49199 View attachment 49197

    ~ Nintendo High School ~

    "This is so dumb! Why do we even have to go to school, anyway?! Isn't there, like, a war going on or something?!" One Damien LaVey asked as he and his two friends entered the school building, the demonic teen growling as he gave his locker a small kick. As Oz tried to calm him down...the largest of the boys, Scott, grinned and waved at the other students entering the building.

    View attachment 49200 View attachment 49201 View attachment 49202 View attachment 49203

    ~ Ocean - Glomgold's Ship ~

    Flintheart Glomgold and his employees were on the rich duck's ship, heading slowly but surely to the Drake Barrier Reef. "Alright, look alive, all of ya!" Glomgold began. "Here's how this is going t' go. We're going t' head in and snag all the treasure! With that money and the status that'll come with it, I'll get in good with th' government! Maybe even get m'self a nice little seat of power! And with that power, I'll finally show up Scrooge McDuck...ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!" At this, he let out a loud, evil fit of laughter. Then he stopped, giving a small sigh of content. "Ahhh...just th' thought of it's got me practically beamin'! I'm gonna go to my cabin and celebrate prematurely!"

    Once he left, Hack, Slash and Gabby went over their plan. "So here's how this will go. Once we get to Atlantis, we have to do our absolute best to mess up the expedition as much as we can." Gabby spoke. "Do everything we can to make sure Mr. Glomgold does not get that treasure. Perhaps, if we do 'poorly' enough, he may fire us. And we'll be free to pursue more...pleasant employment."

    View attachment 49204 View attachment 49205

    ~ Aether Foundation ~

    The Aether Foundation was housing a sizable number of people seeking shelter, all of who were being well-taken care of by the Foundation employees. Lusamine, her highest-ranking researchers and Leon were doing their best to both juggle their work and tending to the people they were sheltering. Leon had been among the students who would not be attending Nintendo High today.

    View attachment 49206

    ~ Room ~

    It had been a while since Mileena started working with Vito, and by now she had completely adjusted to her new life. While her family and friends were still very much in her heart, now she used them as motivation to keep going.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. FancyStache
    Nice! Can't wait to get started! Gonna nab two more guys before things get started! I'll likely do more in the future but for now these are it for me before the new RP starts.

    Name: Jack Morrison AKA Soldier 76
    Description: Leader of a small group of mercenaries. Once an esteemed soldier in the Japanese Army and a high-ranking official in the JIA, he was targeted during the Great Purge and managed to escape. A man in his older years, Jack is somewhat of a gruff and bitter individual. Despite this, he treats his group with respect and concern.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Overwatch

    Name: Damien LaVey
    Description: A demonic, fire-loving exchange student and best friend of Scott and Oz. Damien has a nasty habit of setting things alight, and it usually falls to his friends to clean up his messes. Despite this, he seems to have a hidden passion for hairdressing. Unlike his friends, who want to stay neutral for now, Damien is completely behind working with the Rebels, due to a dislike of authority.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Monster Prom
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 8, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  4. FancyStache
    Okay, it's sorted itself out. Thank you for the suggestion anyway, Nut!

    Name: Genji Shimada
    Description: Younger brother of Hanzo. Once a former JIA agent, he was targeted during the Great Purge. Despite a brutal attack that left his body torn apart, Genji survived the attack and was given a new cybernetic body. While he struggled with his humanity due to his new body at first, Genji has since come to terms with his new body.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Overwatch

    Name: Oz
    Description: A strange, shadowy young foreign exchange student. Oz is the boyfriend of Scott Howl. A shy and meek young man, he tends to not speak his mind on things. Like Scott, Oz doesn't really pick sides in the New World Order/Rebel conflict, preferring to stay off the radar to anything big that may come of it.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Monster Prom

    Name: Sindel
    Description: The queen of Edenia, a realm relatively untouched by the reach of the New World Order. A benevolent and capable ruler, Sindel rules her land under a rule of peace and prosperity. Though normally not one to come to Earth, concern over her children leads her there.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Mortal Kombat

    Name: Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera
    Description: An intern for the now shut-down Gadd Sciences as well as an accountant for Scrooge McDuck. Fenton is eager to please, always doing his best to impress his peers. Despite this, he's incredibly clumsy and prone to causing problems on accident. When he's not helping Scrooge with his finances or aiding Professor Gadd even without the Labs, Fenton dons the hero persona of Gizmoduck, a gadget-packed hero assisting the Rebels.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Ducktales
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 7, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  5. FancyStache
    For some reason it'll only let me use 2 pictures per post, so I'll have to knock these out two at a time.

    Name: Jesse McCree
    Description: A gunslinger who is part of a group of travelling mercenaries. Once a skilled JIA agent, he and a few others were targeted by and survived the Great Purge. Though his closest ally Hanzo seems to be neutral to the conflict, McCree is completely and utterly on the side of the Rebels.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Overwatch

    Name: Leon
    Description: A young intern working for the Aether Foundation. He's said to be from a far-off planet. Very good with kids, Leon is mainly in charge of running the Aether House, a large shelter for people and Pokemon. When he is not performing his duties, Leon is either attending Nintendo High or taking part in the racing scene. He's rumored to be sided against the New World Order.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: F-Zero
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 6, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  6. FancyStache
    Okay, time to get some character info done, and make a few reserves!

    Name: Hanzo Shimada
    Description: A member of a small group of travelling mercenaries. Hanzo is a Japanese native who is very skilled with a bow. He seems to have no interest in helping the New World Order or the Rebels, though he will if the group is asked to. He's very close to fellow mercenary Jesse McCree, and the two make a great team in battle.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Overwatch

    Name: Scott Howl
    Description: An usually hairy foreign exchange student attending Nintendo High with his boyfriend and fellow exchange student Oz. While Scott may not be the brightest bulb in the box, he makes up for it with unending kindness and enthusiasm. He doesn't have the best grasp of the New World Order and Rebel conflict, so it makes it hard for him to pick a side.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Unknown
    Series Character is from: Monster Prom

    Genji Shimada [Overwatch]
    Leon [F-Zero]
    Post by: FancyStache, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  7. FancyStache
    "Down with the New World Order! For the Rebel Alliance!"

    This is gonna be fun! Looking forward to working with you all again! Also, my character list is just right, though you listed Sindel and Fenton twice. XD
    Post by: FancyStache, May 29, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  8. FancyStache
    Looking forward to working more with you all! Excellent job on this, by the way!
    Post by: FancyStache, May 19, 2018 in forum: Written Works
  9. FancyStache
    Thanks for filling us in! I'll up everything for my characters nicely in my next post. Can't wait to see where things go!

    I guess I'll reserve some people for the next RP!

    Sindel [Mortal Kombat]
    Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera [Ducktales]
    Hanzo Shimada [Overwatch]
    Jesse McCree [Overwatch]
    Oz [Monster Prom]
    Scott Howl [Monster Prom]

    Four of these are probably gonna play big roles in the next RP, while the last two are more for slice-of-life stuff.
    Post by: FancyStache, May 14, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. FancyStache
    View attachment 48955

    ~ Inside Vito's Car ~

    Mileena regarded Ezio with a nod. "The pleasure is mine, Ezio..." She greeted, before settling down in a seat. 'Jade...Heishiro...Kuai...Sister...' She thought to herself. 'I...I promise you...revenge...'

    View attachment 48960 View attachment 48956

    ~ Outside Electronics Store ~

    Hack nodded. "That is right. Mr. Glomgold is planning trip to Atlantis when snowstorms hit. Wanting to find treasure and become richest duck in the world." He crossed his arms. "We are telling you this because...we do not like working for him. He wastes our skills and treats us poorly. But we are under contract for one last expedition. That is why we need you."

    As Hack spoke with Scrooge, Slash watched the report on the TV. His eyes widened when he heard about the S-Types that would be roaming around. S-Types? Friendly?

    Now the wolf knew something was wrong. Even he knew that was far from the truth.

    View attachment 48961

    ~ Glitch City ~

    Pauline stayed in her seat. "I'm not leaving either. I said I'd fight alongside my family, and I meant it."

    ~ Tibet ~

    View attachment 48958

    Watching the broadcast, Jago couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knew from experience that calling the S-Types 'friendly' was a complete lie. Why the Japanese government were lying about this, he did not know. However, it made Jago think.

    'Orchid...I wonder what she's thinking about all this...'

    View attachment 48954

    ~ Energyne HQ: CEO's Office ~

    Claire also watched the broadcast with interest. "So, the S-Types are running free now...Excellent." She mused. "My precious pet project is about to pay off. I think it's time to make some calls."

    As far as Crystal Order affairs were concerned, Claire had mostly kept her distance. Now that the S-Type were coming into play, the CEO was all too ready to contact her fellow members and let them in on her top secret project.
    Post by: FancyStache, May 14, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. FancyStache
    View attachment 48952

    ~ Glitch City ~

    Pauline looked over her family, before nodding with determination and speaking up. "If the rest of my family is going to help out, then I want to as well." She said, looking at Peppy, then at Jumpman and Fujiko. "I can't just sit by and do nothing. If I need to fight alongside my family, then I will."
    Post by: FancyStache, May 9, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. FancyStache
    Have a nice vacation, friend!

    Name: Claire Wyden
    Description: CEO of Energyne, an American corporation specializing in genetic editing. Clever, cunning and intelligent. Rumored to be involved in shady business practices.
    Occupation: CEO of Energyne
    Series Character Is From: Rampage
    Misc.: A valued member of the Crystal Order, Claire hopes to use her skills with genetic editing to make the S-Types stronger.

    Name: Jago
    Description: Younger brother of JIA agent B. Orchid. Currently living abroad in Tibet and in training. The current host of the Great Tiger Spirit.
    Occupation: N/A
    Series Character Is From: Killer Instinct
    Misc.: Despite being younger than her, Jago is very protective of his sister.
    Post by: FancyStache, May 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. FancyStache
    View attachment 48942

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Mlieena climbed into the car, though still with slight hesitation. However, she had to trust these people. Right now, it was all she could do. "Mileena." She spoke. "My name is Mileena..."

    View attachment 48940 View attachment 48943

    ~ Outside Electronics Store ~

    "That is right. Unfortunately." Hack muttered, before speaking up again. "Listen, we are not having much time. Do you know anything about storms in some place called the Drake Barrier Reef?"

    View attachment 48941

    ~ Glitch City ~

    Pauline took everything in, before nodding. "Then...I want to help too." He spoke with determination. "If there's anything I can do to help everyone, then I want to do it."
    Post by: FancyStache, May 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. FancyStache
    View attachment 48917

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Mileena thought over Vito's offer, her eyes watching the car as it slowly drove toward the STOP sign. She still found herself not completely trusting the man...trusting anyone in the state she was in. Part of her was tempted to let them go...but she sided with the other part of herself. Being around someone she didn't completely trust was better than being alone. And maybe...maybe he could help her get revenge on whoever took everything she loved from her.

    So, when only 3 seconds remained, Mileena approached the car and tapped at Vito's window. "I...accept your offer." She spoke.

    View attachment 48914 View attachment 48916

    ~ Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    Glomgold and Gabby watched Saxon's speech about the New World Order, the former clapping with approval. "Now ya see that, McStabberson?!" He pointed at the TV, looking at the henchwoman. "That's how you run a country! I can't wait to see this in action! It's about time someone showed the rest of the world who's boss! Am I ever glad I voted for a genius like him!" Gabby seemed less enthused about the idea. "Are you not worried this could lead to the rest of the world uniting to retaliate against Japan?" Glomgold simply gave her comment a dismissive wave. "We're a world superpower! What could a bunch of lowly clumps of dirt like the rest of the world do to us?" He asked, giving a taunting laugh at the thought. Gabby sighed and responded. "Maybe so. I still think this is a very, very foolish idea...that'll likely lead to serious consequences."

    View attachment 48913 View attachment 48918

    ~ Outside Electronics Store ~

    Once Hack had finally caught up with Scrooge, his brother rejoined with intently watching the speech about the New World Order.

    "Haaa....H-Hey you! Mc...McDuck!" Hack called out to Scrooge, out of breath.

    View attachment 48915

    ~ Glitch City ~

    Pauline was stunned by everything happening. The truth she learned, the appearance of Missingno. And now this. When she saw Mario and Luigi return, like Peach she immediately ran over and pulled both of them into a hug. "I'm glad you guys are okay." She greeted them, before turning toward Peppy. "Mr. Hare...should we tell them what you told me?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 25, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. FancyStache
    View attachment 48904

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Mileena stared at the man for a moment. She was still very much wary of the man...of anyone, really. But...she felt, in an odd way, it might be good to get it off of her chest. " sister. She's dead..." Mileena finally spoke, lowering her weapons. "She, and her bodyguard and her bodyguard's husband were killed. We were staying with a family friend on the outskirts of the city. Some...things showed up and attacked everyone. They...killed everyone but me and the family friend, Kuai." She looked down. "And...I don't know if he's still alive now. He stayed behind to fight them off..."

    View attachment 48908 View attachment 48909

    ~ Outside Bookstore ~

    Hack and Slash arrived at the bookstore just as Scrooge had started to leave. While Hack, who spotted the old duck leaving, started to go after him...Slash stayed behind. He spotted a copy of the 'The Crystal Order Commission Report' someone had apparently left around. The henchman, curious, picked it up and began to read through it. As he did, his expression became more and more suspicious.

    As much as he came off as a mindless henchman, Slash had always prided himself on his intuition. And now it was telling him that something about this book

    View attachment 48906

    ~ Star Haven ~

    There was silence for a brief moment, before a stunned Pauline found her words. "...Me?" She asked, utterly shocked at this revelation. "I'm...Mario and Luigi's...sister?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 18, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. FancyStache
    View attachment 48889

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Mileena kept her eyes on Vito, not putting her sai down...though she lowered them a bit to come across as non-aggressive. "I'd rather keep them held, if it is fine." She answered. "After what I've been through, I'm not exactly trusting of strangers..."

    View attachment 48891 View attachment 48888 View attachment 48890 View attachment 48886

    ~ Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    As Gabby mulled over what Hack had muttered, an idea came to her. "Maybe..." She started to say. "Maybe I have an idea to free us from this awful employment." She beckoned Hack and Slash closer, so Glomgold would not be able to hear. "You two will go out on a 'supply run' while I stay here and make sure Mr. Glomgold suspects nothing. Find Scrooge McDuck, and tell him about Atlantis and the storms on the Drake Barrier Reef. I'll explain the rest once our expedition begins."

    The plan put into action, Hack informed Glomgold of their supply run. After being told to keep it 'as cheap as possible', he dismissed them. Hack and Slash immediately ran out of the shop, searching for Scrooge.

    View attachment 48887

    ~ Star Haven ~

    Pauline followed behind the three, smiling at the kind words Peppy gave Rosalina. Then, she remembered something. "Ah, Mr. Hare?" Pauline spoke up. "When I met with them earlier, Mario and Luigi told me they were told by their parents to look for me. Would you happen to know anything about that?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 11, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. FancyStache
    View attachment 48867 View attachment 48865 View attachment 48866 View attachment 48869

    ~ Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    "Lookin' forward to it!" Glomgold exclaimed as he took the business card, taking note of the number on it. As he began thinking over his new partnership, Hack came back into the room with the two ice creams. Noticing the Taco Bell Dog had gone and being given a dismissive wave by Glomgold, he growled and took the ice creams back to the kitchen for him, Slash and Gabby to handle. "Stupid, wasteful little..." He grumbled to himself. "We would be better off working for McDuck..."

    View attachment 48868

    ~ Star Haven ~

    "Yes, they should be alright. I hope." Pauline added, as she watched all of the other students arrive. Whatever called them all here, it was major.

    View attachment 48870

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Mileena looked around, finding herself in an unfamiliar town. It didn't matter to her though. At this point she just wanted to find someone. Anyone. "Kuai...please, please be okay..." She whispered as she drew her sais, noticing the overwhelming sense of danger in the town.
    Post by: FancyStache, Apr 3, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. FancyStache
    View attachment 48839 View attachment 48837 View attachment 48838 View attachment 48835

    ~ Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    "Of course! A wonderful idea! I can imagine the look on McDuck's face when he sees me become the new richest duck in the world!" Glomgold gave a loud laugh. "You have a deal, Mr. Taco Bell Dog! I'll make preparations! That way, the moment the time comes, we can set off as soon as the time is right!"

    View attachment 48836

    ~ Toyko Streets ~

    Pauline nodded in agreement. "It's definitely not the best idea to stay out here for long. Especially given everything that's happened as of late."

    View attachment 48840

    ~ Tokyo Outskirts ~

    Mileena ran and ran, her face blotched red and wet with tears as she let out primal sobs.

    Gone. They were gone. Kitana, Jade, Heishiro...all gone, taken from Mileena by a surprise attack on the Lin Kuei Temple. Kuai Liang had told her to run, and she did, so she had no idea if he was even alive now. It didn't matter to the half-Edenian though. In this moment, she was alone. Alone again, just like she had started.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 25, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. FancyStache
    Since things are going to be slowing down with Lusamine, I figure I'd take up a new character. It's a character I had played a long time ago, but since they've gone unused for a while I decided making a new bio for them would be best.

    Name: Mileena
    Description: Once a fearsome enemy of the realm of Edenia, Mileena is now one of their most powerful allies. While relations between her and her 'sister' Kitana are still slightly strained, there seems to be no animosity.
    Occupation: N/A
    Series Character Is From: Mortal Kombat
    Misc.: Beneath her mask lies a mouth of sharp, flesh-tearing teeth. She is not afraid to use them in battle.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 25, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. FancyStache
    View attachment 48825

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "Mario, Luigi and Rosalina...yes, I've heard of you three. I've seen you around the school but we've never spoken..." Pauline replied, nodding with understanding.

    View attachment 48820 View attachment 48821 View attachment 48824 View attachment 48822

    ~ Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    "A pleasure t' meet ya!" Glomgold spoke, taking his hat off briefly with a bow. "And of course I am interested in your proposition. Anything to knock McDuck down a few pegs!" He quickly looked at his three henchmen. "You three! Make yerselves useful and go make me and this fine gentleman some of out finest ice cream! And quickly!"

    Hack, Slash and Gabby glared at the duck, before making their way to the backroom to make their ice cream, grumbling to themselves as they did.

    View attachment 48823

    ~ Tokyo Cathedral ~

    Noticing what Yang had said, Lusamine walked over and took the paper from the bin. "I suppose I should see what nonsense the tabloids are saying no-" She was cut off as soon as her eyes lay on the creature pictured in the article. Her grip on the article tightened as she took a seat, beginning to read it with full attention.

    'Strange Creature Sighted Over Hong Kong'

    A strange, alien being was sighted months ago flying above the skies of Hong Kong. Witnesses described the creature as 'a jellyfish-like being with graceful, drifting movements'. One witness managed to snap this picture of the creature as it made it's way across the city sky. Although no reports of the creature attacking citizens were made, the Chinese government has still advised it's citizens to exercise caution around it...and to report any future sightings.

    Many speculate the creature's appearance may be related to the strange 'hole' spotted in the sky shortly before the creature's sighting.
    As Lusamine read through the article, she read the mention of the strange 'hole' with interest.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 18, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home