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  1. FancyStache
    Getting some characters for a storyline I'm starting soon.

    Name: Colonel Mustard
    Description: A retired military man, Col. Mustard was invited to a party at the mysterious Mr. Grey's home. Having been friends with Mr. Grey's father, Mustard accepted the invitation.
    Occupation: Ex-Military Personnel
    Series: Clue
    Other: Very crabby and stuck in his old ways.

    Name: Professor Plum
    Description: Plum was Mr. Grey's personal therapist, helping to work out his life's issues. Plum is invited to Mr. Grey's party for is service to the man's psyche.
    Occupation: Psychologist
    Series: Clue
    Other: Eccentric and quite touched in the head.

    Name: Mrs. White
    Description: An old family friend to the Greys. Mrs. White knew Mr. Grey since he was a young boy, and was invited to his estate for their long-standing friendship.
    Occupation: n/a
    Series: Clue
    Other: Very motherly and sweet, initially.

    Name: Miss Peacock
    Description: Young, classy and beautiful, Miss Peacock was madly in love with Mr. Grey. The two were a couple for some time, before Grey left her for another woman. He invited the bitter Peacock to his home, hoping to reconcile.
    Occupation: n/a
    Series: Clue
    Other: Somewhat pompous and prim.

    Name: Dean Winchester
    Description: Older brother of Sam, with an avid interest in supernatural phenomenon. He greatly enjoys Demonology and Auto Engineering, and hopes to one day start a Paranormal Investigation Club in the school.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Supernatural
    Other: An incident during his youth has allowed Dean to sense a nearby demons, albeit very weakly.

    Name: Sam Winchester
    Description: Dean's younger brother with an equal enthusiasm for the supernatural. Like Dean, he enjoys Demonology alongside Mythology, and shares Dean's dreams for a club.
    Occupation: Student
    Series: Supernatural
    Other: Unlike Dean, Sam cannot sense demons.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. FancyStache
    ~ Outside School ~

    Amy, Sammy, Vaughn, Eris, Tiny, Myriam, Crunch, Cassie and Sarah joined the rest of the students outside. Once the situation was handled, however, they all went to the cafeteria. "Umm, A-Amy?" Sammy asked her sister. "Is it okay if I sit with someone else today?" Amy looked at her sister a bit, before smirking. "You know what? I'm in a good mood today. You can sit with whoever you want, 'Sparemey'." Hearing her new nickname, Sammy's face fell as she walked off, with Amy walking over to Gaston. "I'd been humiliated to have a last name like GOOF. Am I right?"

    Eris, meanwhile, skipped up to Dick Grayson. "Well, well! We meet again, Ladies' Man!" She greeted warmly, leaving Myriam and Tiny by themselves. "So...Wanna have lunch with Tiny?" The large tiger asked Myriam, who graciously accepted.

    Cassie approached Max and Bulk. "Ah, just ignore those guys." He reassured Max, before extending her hand. "I'm new here. Name's Cassie Cage. I get a lot of flack for my name, too."

    ~ Outside Vector Building ~

    Noob was floored by the explosion, while Golden Freddy was blown to pieces. Seeing their assailant, Noob struggled to get up to confront her. "Y-You...will" He gasped a threat as he got to his feet. "Now, Noob." Golden's vice chided him, as the S-Type's parts reformed into the complete suit. "That's not the way to speak to a lovely young lady. Allow me." Golden Freddy slowly turned around to face the mysterious woman. "Now, pray tell, my dear. Why did you find it necessary to attack us? Assaulting visitors is quite rude, you know."

    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    Don stared at Silver for a moment, unable to register what he had said. "A...talking llama? You know what. I'll take what I can get. Could you tell me more about this talking llama?" He asked, trying to ignore how crazy he sounded.

    ~ Rassilon's Office ~

    A small feeling of dread filled Florent's body when heard his mission. 'Oh, dear god. As if a meeting with those bumbling idiots was bad enough...' He thought, but hid his feelings and nodded. "Of course, Rassilon. I will not fail." He left, ignoring Daniella's stare. The woman watched him leave, gazing coldly.

    ~ Jumpman's Home/Restaurant ~

    Maria flew into a panic when Galuf was shot, trying and failing to keep herself calm.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. FancyStache

    Name: Reptile
    Description: The last member of an extinct race from another world. Reptile immigrated to Earth to find haven from those who wish to end his species. A follower by nature, Reptile is quick to join the group that benefit his goals.
    Occupation: n/a
    Series: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Despite initially looking human, Reptile is actually a reptilian creature, and prefers to keep out of the sight of humans. He hopes to restore his people to former glory.


    Sam Winchester [Supernatural]
    B. Orchid [Killer Instinct]
    Dean Winchester [Supernatural]
    Carton Lassiter [Psych]
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. FancyStache
    ~ Flower Shop ~

    "It's perfect, miss. Thank you." Oliver commented on the white rose. "How much is it?'

    ~ JIA Headquarters ~

    "Nah. I should get goin'." Kano answered, declining the offer by Garret. "'Sides, Miss Blade would have a fit if she saw me here. See ya around, mate. Enjoy your new weapons."

    ~ Rassilon's Office ~

    "And according to this intel, Lavos has been hidden deep in the earth. This info has not reached our enemies' ears, which gives us a major advantage." Florent said.

    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    "Actually, I was hoping to ask some questions. Don Eppes, Police Department." Don said, showing his ID. "Have you seen this man?" He asked, showing Silver the picture of Kuzco.

    ~ Nintendo High: Headmaster's Office ~

    "Yeah, my dad already got me registered." Cassie answered. "You should look for the name Cassie Cage, daughter of the actor Johnny Cage."

    ~ Pokémon Battling Classroom ~

    Myriam approached Professor Oak. "Kek kek kek kek. Excuse me, Professor." She asked. "I was wondering if I could have a quick battle with you as well."

    ~ Nurse's Office ~

    "Ah, I see." Carlos replied to Fang. "Well, Ed. You don't seem to be in any pain. I'll still give you an ice pack just in case." He walked over and placed the ice pack on Ed's head. "Let me know when you're ready to head back to class, alright?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 4, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. FancyStache

    Name: Jago
    Description: A monk from Tibet, currently roaming the world to achieve peace of mind. He has a sister somewhere out there, but has never met her. He travels around, visiting various shrines.
    Occupation: Monk
    Series: Killer Instinct
    Other: He is possessed by the Great Tiger Spirit which guides him on his travels.


    Name: Arno Dorian
    Description: A young recruit for the Japanese Army. Arno enlisted at a young age to help a childhood friend of his uncover a mystery from her past, though he has lost contact with her.
    Occupation: Japanese Army Recruit
    Series: Assassin's Creed
    Other: Despite being a Japanese Army recruit, he has a friend in the Crystal Order, though neither he or she know this.


    Name: Springtrap
    Description: An old, decrepit security robot suffering from serious malfunction. It was locked away by staff long ago for unknown reasons, though supposedly Springtrap is dangerous.
    Occupation: Ex-Security Bot
    Series: Five Nights At Freddy's
    Other: Springtrap is still active and aware. It is locked in a secret room on school campus, known only to select staff.
    Post by: FancyStache, Mar 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. FancyStache
    ~ Nintendo High: Headmaster's Office ~

    "Cool." Cassie replied to Al Mualim, following him into his office. "I'm new. I'm here to pick up my stuff for school?"

    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    Don stood, waiting at the docks for the ferryman.

    ~ JIA Headquarters ~

    Kano laughed. "Heck, I wish I had some o' this stuff back in my mercenary days! Coulda made my job a lot easier, lemme tell ya!"

    ~ Rassilon's Office ~

    Florent smirked at Rassilon's comment. "Well, what I have for you should improve your mood." He replied, handing the folder to him. "This folder I've received from those imbeciles, the Ozzie Trio, contains vast details. Details of a powerful creature named Lavos that sleeps beneath the earth, and a device known as the Mammon Machine that can harness Lavos' power! If the Order can utilize these..." Nearby, Daniella was listening to Florent's report.

    ~ Robotics Classroom ~

    Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy were already shining up to the students, watching them work. Mike entered the room and greeted Dr. Eggman. "Hey there, Doctor. I see the bots arrived safely." He commented upon seeing the Fazbear gang interacting with the students.

    ~ Auto Engineering Classroom ~

    "Well, alright." Nick replied hesitantly, not wanted to make Kairi keep working in her condition. "It's my job to watch out for you guys." Suddenly, Goofy came through the roof, rear on fire. Nick watched the scene in shock as Goofy ran out. "Right...that just happened." He turned toward Kairi. "Well, I have to keep track of the class. I'l ask Dick to keep watch over you, so if you start feeling worse, let him know, okay?" Turning to Dick, Nick spoke up. "Hey, Dick! Can you watch over her for a while?" Dick shrugged and took a seat nearby. "Ah, don't worry. Something happens, I'll bring her straight to the nurse, alright?" The bus driver answered.

    ~ Nintendo High: Ginyu Tokusentai ~

    Max was also dumbfounded by the scene before him, before deciding to break the awkward moment. "So...about that Spacey's..." He said to Ginyu. DHD, meanwhile, had gone off somewhere else, weirded out by the scene that had occurred.

    ~ Outside Vector Industries ~

    "Ah, Golden. You've returned.' Noob greeted. "I trust your indoor recon was fruitful?" "I'm afraid I have nothing much. They seem to have amassed a large collection of S-Type crystals, but for what, I do not know." The golden suit reported.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Having caused enough trouble today, Mayhem decided it would be best to head home. As he walked back to his place, he noticed something that interested him. Four teens were preparing to take their dad's car out for a joyride. After hearing that none of them had a license, Mayhem decided to have one last bit of fun. Teaching clueless drivers a lesson was always hard to pass up.

    ~ Outside Nintendo High ~

    Dr. Veronica sighed due to her car giving her trouble. "First, I wake up with a headache, then I arrive too early for the debate, and now this." She complained. She kept trying to start her engine, until she was interrupted by loud footsteps. Looking around, she saw George, Lizzie and Ralph approaching her.

    ~ Jumpman's Home/Restaurant ~

    Eating her pizza, Maria smiled, watching the customers going in and out. "I've never seen so many people at once before." She thought to herself. "Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing people at all before."

    ~ Nintendo Elementary ~

    Sitting in class, Jr. Troopa was fuming. Every second he was not getting his (one-sided) revenge on Mario, the madder he was getting.

    ~ Nurse's Office ~

    Watching Ed play with the depressors, Carlos approached. "So, Ed. How are you feeling? Any pains? Headaches? Dizziness?"

    ~ Pokémon Battling Classroom ~

    Myriam applauded Richie's battle with Professor Oak. "Sss sss sss! That wasn't a bad battle. Wonder how m Pokémon would've done." She mused.
    Post by: FancyStache, Feb 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. FancyStache
    ~ JIA Headquarters ~

    Kano chuckled. "This should give you guys an edge, eh? And they'll probably be more powerful stuff where that came from. Long as your group lets my boys continue our arms trading, we'll get you all the weapons you need."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Mayhem grinned to himself as a nearby officer arrested the drunk driver he stopped. "Idiot." He muttered to himself. Walking down the street, he was surprised to see three monsters walk right by, heading toward the school.

    Mayhem just blinked. "Well, that's not something you see every day."

    ~ Gym Class ~

    Deciding practice was done for the day, Amy dismissed the cheerleaders and began watching the flag football game. She reminded herself to make her announcement after class.

    ~ Outside Headmaster's Office ~

    With a bored look, Cassie Cage took a seat outside, waiting for the Headmaster to be available.

    ~ Tokyo Harbor ~

    Don had finally gotten a lead. Someone claimed to have overheard a voice claiming to be Kuzco talking to the ferryman. Taking this info to mind, Don went to find him.

    ~ Edenia Palace ~

    The courts had agreed to put Mileena under Sindel's custody, and after the proper documents were handled, Kitana, Jade, Mileena and Sindel returned to the palace where Mitsurugi rejoined them. "So, Queen Sindel." Mileena spoke. "I suppose I am confined to servant duty as punishment for my crimes?" Sindel shook her head. "No. Despite your upbringing, you are clearly a cunning, strong warrior. And yes, while your crimes were severe, to leave you to menial tasks would be a waste of your talent. No, I have more planned for you, child." She went to her throne and retrieved a pendant from behind it. "I wish to give you a chance to redeem yourself. It will not be easy. however. It will require you turn your back on everything you've known up to this point. Shao Kahn, Outworld, your war against Edenia. You must be willing to cast aside the past and be willing for the future if I am to trust you." She paused, before continuing. "We have...received word that Outworld is planning yet another tournament for control of the realms. We've lost many allies in the last one because we were unprepared, and I will not have more lives taken by Outworld." Sindel gave the pendant to Kitana. "Kitana, please take your father's pendant. It is Edenia's Dimensional Key, passed down many generations to him. Take Mileena, Jade and Heishiro with you and go to Earth. You must find allies for this fight. No doubt Outworld will be plotting the same."

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~

    Florent nodded and followed Rassilon, clutching the Lavos file tightly.
    Post by: FancyStache, Feb 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. FancyStache
    ~ Library ~

    Taking Albert's words in mind, Elise nodded. "I'll seek out this son, and find out tre truth. Perhaps even find out what happened to my father. Thank you for helping me."

    ~ Flower Shop ~

    Oliver thought over Aerith's inquiry. "Well, she's a bit of a bookworm, and outspoken when she wants to be. Oh, and she likes dogs." He said with a smile.

    ~ Nintendo High: Guard Station ~

    Jeremy noticed Mike heading out. "You got somewhere to be, Mike?" "Kind of." Mike answered. "The Robotics professor is expecting some robots today, and I'm heading there to see if they arrived safely."

    ~ Space Engineering Classroom ~

    Ignoring the stunned silence of the class, Yuri Cosmos began the lesson. "Now, I know many of you are nervous about the class, so we shall start with an easy, relaxing subject." He began writing on the board. "Lesson one! Rockets: how they work, and horrible things that occur when they don't!"

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~

    Noticing Xaldin, Florent gave the man's hair a rude once-over before replying. "I have some interesting info for Rassilon."

    ~ Nurse's Office ~

    Carlos saw Fang and Ed enter the office, and shook his head. "So, what has he done to himself now?"

    ~ JIA HQ ~

    "Nah, no tax dollars spent on these babies, mate." Kano replied. "Just a few, ehh, 'undocumented arms' I got from a foreign contact of mine. Said these could blow a guy to bits with ease."
    Post by: FancyStache, Feb 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. FancyStache
    ~ Nintendo High: Ginyu Tokusentai ~

    DHD sweatdropped as Max struck an evil pose and leapt from the bleachers, landing on top of King.

    ~ Flower Shop ~

    "Yes, I'd like a flower for a date today." Oliver replied to Aerith. "She likes white ones. What kinds do you have?"

    ~ Library ~

    Elise jumped a bit at Albert's appearance. "Oh. I was just reading up on our organization's history." She explained. She was a bit upset, having lost a chance for answers. However, this was a prime opportunity to get an opinion from another Order member. "Actually, there is a personal question I'd like to ask. Do you ever find some of our organization's methods...questionable?"

    ~ Auto Engineering Classroom ~

    Overhearing the banter between Peach, Bowser and Daisy, Nick chuckled. He noticed Kairi's condition however, and went to check on her. "Hey. You feeling okay?" He asked as Dick parked his bus outside and entered the class.

    ~ Demonology Classroom ~

    "Hmm? Oh. Those? Sorry, 'Vergey-Wergey'. I have NO idea! I DO know how conjure up a purple unibrowed ostricorn, though! Wanna see?" Eris asked in an obviously fake innocent tone as she pulled out her Apple of Discord.

    ~ JIA Headquarters ~

    Kano, leader of the Black Dragon gang, entered the JIA HQ with a large crate. He was here to deliver a few weapons.

    ~ English Classroom ~

    Sammy was trying to read the English textbook, but her mind kept on those two guys from the auditorium, Thor and Loki. She was puzzled on how two siblings could get along so well.

    ~ Gym ~

    Amy looked down at the other students from the top of the cheerleaders' human pyramid, smirking. "See? Aren't you glad Spare-mey's not on the team to mess things up?" Amy asked, before gasping. "Spare-mey! Oh man! That's perfect! I am totally telling everyone to call her that now!" She loudly proclaimed, though the other cheerleaders didn't seem to approve.

    ~ Belli Residence ~

    Fiona smiled as she finished getting dressed for her date.
    Post by: FancyStache, Feb 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. FancyStache
    ~ English Classroom ~

    Nodding, Sammy sat at her new desk. She pulled out her new schedule and smiled. Three whole classes without Amy terrorizing her.

    ~ Mathematical Sciences Classroom ~

    Charlie was teaching the class in Robotnik's absence, and had the students reviewing last week's lesson.

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~

    Florent L'Belle had opted to deliver to file given to him by the Ozzie Trio staight to the Order. He had already, against the three's orders, read over the file, deciding this 'Lavos' or whatever the beast was named would be a great asset.

    ~ Wheel Of Labor Set ~

    Max watched with great joy at the scene before him, eager to see who would win. "I do love me some Spacey's!" He chimed. Next to him was Duck Hunt Dog, who was also watching eagerly. Both had Wheel Of Labor shirts for some reason.

    ~ Flower Shop ~

    Oliver Queen entered the shop. He had a date with Fiona and was hoping to buy a nice flower.

    ~ Edenia Royal Court ~

    Mileena stood before the judge, awaiting her sentance. "Young lady...You have, in the past, committed many crimes against Edenia. Murder, attempted terrorism, impersonation of the princess? These can very well lead to death." Mileena shook a bit, just knowing she would be executed. "And yet, the royal guard and family have requested you be given a chance under the queen's custody. This is highly unexpected, yet against my better judgement...I shall grant their request."
    Post by: FancyStache, Feb 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. FancyStache
    Name: Kano
    Description: A black-market arms dealer, providing weapons to the JIA. A cybernetic heart keeps him alive. Known to be very dangerous.
    Occupation: Arms Dealer
    Series Character Is From: Mortal Kombat
    Other: His motivations for helping the JIA are unknown.

    Name: Cassie Cage
    Description: Daughter of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage. She has inherited her father's powers and attitude, and her mother's looks and interest in the military.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character Is From: Mortal Kombat
    Other: Cassie hopes to join the military when she graduates.

    Johnny Cage [Mortal Kombat]
    Sonya Blade [Mortal Kombat]
    Post by: FancyStache, Feb 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. FancyStache
  13. FancyStache
    ~ Space Engineering Classroom ~

    Looking over his students with delight, Yuri Cosmos stood on his desk. "Greetings, my aspiring astronauts! I am Yuri Cosmos, instructor of this class. You shall refer to me as Chief, and I shall refer to you all as Cadets. As you gain experience in my class I shall raise your rank!"

    ~ Auto Engineering Classroom ~

    "Okay, guys and girls." Nick addressed the class. "Seniors will be working on cars. The others study parts. I'll be making rounds, so it's alright to ask me for help."

    ~ Library ~

    Finally finding the book she wanted, Elise opened it with hesitation, fearing what she would find.

    ~ Outside Vector Building ~

    Golden Freddy had decided to do some further recon inside the building, leaving Noob Saibot alone. As the shadow watched the building, he began seeing strange things in his mind. He saw two kids playing near a snowy temple. This was confusing, but oddly familiar to Noob, yet he dropped the thought when he saw his partner return.

    ~ Demonology Classroom ~

    Eris entered the classroom, even though she was very late for class. Sitting at her desk, Eris tried to act like she did nothing wrong.

    ~ Gym ~

    While the others were playing flag football, Amy and the cheerleading squad were practicing cheers.

    ~ English Classroom ~

    Entering the room, Sammy approached John Smith. "Hello? Erm, my schedule got changed due to the strikes. I'll, um, be taking English from now on. I should be on your class list. It's Samantha Pendleton."

    Meanwhile, Tiny proudly passed his homework to the student in front of him, who sweatdropped at all the bad spelling and grammar it had.

    ~ Government Classroom ~

    While Miss Tyler was handling the class, Ahmet began grading papers, deciding to shave a bit of work off of her first day.

    ~ Streets ~

    Walking by the coffee shop, Mayhem detected Discord's chaotic energy. Shrugging it off, he noticed a man driving erratically. Grinning, Mayhem channeled his own power into the man's car, causing his engine to fail. The car stopped before it could hit a nearby store, causing the clearly drunk driver to step out and open the car hood. Mayhem snapped his fingers, causing the hood to fall on the man's head, knocking him out. "Now that's some of my best work right there." He mused.
    Post by: FancyStache, Feb 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. FancyStache
    Hey, guys. Stache here. Haven't got the new laptop yet so I'm using our game console to post until then. For now, I'm just banking some people.

    Sub-Zero (Older} [Mortal Kombat]
    Cassie Cage [Mortal Kombat]
    Kano [Mortal Kombat]
    Reptile [Mortal Kombat]
    Shao Kahn [Mortal Kombat]
    Jago [Killer Instinct]
    Arno Dorian [Assassin's Creed]
    Post by: FancyStache, Feb 8, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. FancyStache
    FancyStache here! My brother AP_Epikyur and I are going to be taking a hiatus for a few weeks. Our computer's been on the fritz lately, so we'll be getting a new one in February, meaning we won't be on until then.

    While we're gone could we ask you all to:

    a) Put any story lines we have with you on hold.


    b) Handle our characters for us while we're gone.

    Either one will be appreciated and we'll see you when we get back!
    Post by: FancyStache, Jan 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. FancyStache
    ~ Nintendo High: Auditorium ~


    Seeing that her sisiter has occupied with Gaston, Sammy took the opportunity to start crawling across the floor, hoping to find another seat. After crawling around for a moment, she found an empty seat and took it. Turning, she saw herself next to Vanillope's group. "Oh!" She gasped. "Um, is it okay if I sit here? I promise not to bug you."


    Myriam sat with the press, discussing topics the debate would bring up, and which candidate they supported. She didn't really favor either over the other, so her article would be unbiased.

    ~ Auditorium Stage ~


    While Jeremy took his position on the stage, Mike approached Saxon and Cosmos. "Alright, so we got all the entrances guarded." He explained. "Some of the other guards handled some loud kid screaming about how he'd join the Crystal Order, and we got a few guys on the roof just in case."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~


    Eris was led to a nearby car crash, where two cars were embedded into each other. Nearby, she saw the drivers standing aside, bickering. Her attention went back on the cars, where she saw a familiar face sitting inside one of them. Whoever it was recognized her as well, because he imediately rushed over.


    "Uncle Mayhem!" Eris greeted. "What are you doing here?" The man laughed and patted Eris' shoulder. "First, I'm not your uncle, kid." He teased playfully. "And second, your old man sent me down here to keep an eye on you. He heard about your little war on your first day. I spent a while looking for you." He then gestured toward one of the drivers. "Then I got caught up in being this guy's faulty GPS. I made him crash into a bunch of stuff. It was fun. Anyway, shouldn't you be at school?" "Oh, pff!" Eris snarked. "I'm skipping the debate. Politics bore me." Mayhem sighed and began leading her back to the school. "Can't let you do that, kiddo. Your pop and older brother would never let me hear the end of it if I let you skip school. Come on."

    ~ Murphy's Nightmare ~


    Murphy slowly approached the figure to get a better look. As he got closer, he heard the voices of children reciting a poem.

    Poor little Steven Skelter,
    Even the chaplain won't forgive you.
    "Forever lies!" your pleading cries.
    But Suzy knows you felt her.

    Nowhere left for you to run,
    Every fault laid bare in the open
    Along with your skin, splayed out from within
    Once the monster has his fun

    Take heed, it's not too late.
    Mistakes needn't haunt you forever.
    Though you have regret, you can't just forget
    You alone decide your fate.

    Once the voices went silent, Murphy found himself able to see the figure completely.


    The large hooded figure stood silently, holding a large hammer. It looked at Murphy for a while, before knocking him down. Murphy was parlyzed with fear as the large hammer was brought down on him.

    Murphy jolted awake inside his home.

    ~ In a Park Somewhere ~


    Florent frowned and wiped the folder with a cloth. He left to give the folder to Al Mualim.

    ~ Celadon Gym ~


    Erika smiled as she gave out her third Rainbow Badge that day. She was very glad that there were so many great trainers in the world. It would keep her very busy until Spring came, when the flowers would be at their finest.

    ~ Outside Vector Industries ~


    "Remember, shell." Noob told Golden Freddy coldly. "We are only to scout the building. Do not try to attempt your usual way of doing things." "Oh, Noob, you underestimate me greatly." Golden Freddy responded. "I will keep my mindbreaking tendacies aside, I promise you."

    ~ Rassilon's Office ~


    Daniella finished making a cup of tea and placed in on Rassilon's desk. "Your tea, sir." She stated.

    ~ Edenia Royal Court ~


    Jade was dismissed, and the court took a few moments to consider her testimony. A while later, they called Kitana to the stand. "Princess Kitana." The judge greeted. "You also wish to testify on Mileena's behalf?" "That is correct." Kitana replied. "I truly believe she is worthy of the chance to redeem herself." "And do you swear upon your father's soul that your testimony is honest?" "I do so swear, Your Honor." The judge nodded. "Proceed." Kitana began to speak, hoping her testimony would be enough. "As Jade previously claimed, I have been able to visit Mileena without incident as of late. I will not lie. Our first visits were very rough, but over time, I have come to understand Mileena's envy. She has simply wanted what all of us want, I am sure. A home, a family, those who do not look down upon her. Respect is something she yearned for, and is no crime. Something I was blind to at first. I believe that if Mileena were to be put in Mother's custody, she would come to earn those things."
    Post by: FancyStache, Jan 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. FancyStache
    ~ Nintendo High: Auditorium ~


    Seeing the guards, Max stood up. "You heard me!" He yelled. "I will be the most feared being in the world! I will be unstoppable! I am EVI-" The guards grabbed Max and began dragging him out of the auditorium. "Ouchie! That hurts! Lemme go!" He whined.


    Seeing a seat closer to Gaston's group open up, Amy immediately grabbed Sammy's wrist and dragged her over. Taking Max's seat, Amy pointed at the floor. "Sit right there, Samey." She ordered. "But, umm, wouldn't it make more sense for me to have stayed over there?" Sammy asked, pointing to her old seat. "Oh no." Amy snapped. "You're staying where I can keep an eye on you!" Sighing, Sammy sat on the floor while Amy began swooning over Gaston.

    ~ Outside Crystal Order HQ ~


    Elise left the HQ, deciding to go to the nearest library to read up on the Crystal Order, if what King Candy said was true.

    ~ Teacher's Lounge ~


    "Yes." Ahmet replied. "I will be coming with you two. Charlie? Nick?" "Oh. No, I'm afraid I can't." Charlie answered. "With Dr. Robotnik not here yet, I'll probably have to take over the Math Sciences class for a while, so I'll be reading up on today's lesson." "And I got some business back at my classroom." Nick added. "Well, then. I suppose it's just me." Ahmet said, following Sully and Rose.

    ~ Auditorium: Stage ~


    Mike and Jeremy watched a few other guards dragging Max outside. "Kids these days." Mike said, shaking his head slowly. "This Crystal Order's a major threat to the country, and they treat it like a new video game or something." "Well, kids are pretty impressionable." Jeremy replied. "And that Max kid isn't exactly the most normal."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~


    Eris began running, following the trail of chaotic energy until it had become stronger. It felt powerful and somewhat familiar. With an idea of what it was, Eris smiled and began running faster.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. FancyStache

    Name: Riccardo Belli
    Description: An ill-intentioned alchemist from England. He seeks to achieve eternal life by stealing the Azoth from Fiona.
    Occupation: Alchemist
    Series: Haunting Ground
    Other: n/a


    Name: The Bogeyman
    Description: A mysterious figure tied to Murphy Pendleton.
    Occupation: ???
    Series: Silent Hill
    Other: ???


    Name: Daniella
    Description: A servant working in the Crystal Order HQ. Despite her position, she is heavily dedicated to the Order. Despite showing no emotion in her face and voice, she is merciless when it comes to the Crystal Order's enemies.
    Occupation:: Servant
    Series: Haunting Ground
    Other: Daniella has an unexplained phobia of mirrors.


    Name: Mayhem
    Description: The essence of mayhem in human form. He is Eris' guardian, appointed by her father, while she is on Earth.
    Occupation: Guardian of Eris
    Series: Advertising
    Other: Despite being hired to keep Eris in check, he encourages her chaotic behavior and even partakes in a bit himself.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jan 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. FancyStache
    ~ In A Park Somewhere ~


    "Ah, if it isn't the Tweedles." Florent greeted rudely. "Well, let us get it over with, and quickly! I cannot have the public eye see me with your ilk."

    ~ Crystal Order HQ: Dungeon ~


    "I appreciate your sympathies." Elise replied. "And I suppose you being against the Order's goals is somewhat understandable, if what you say is true." She then stood up and began to leave. "I must be leaving. I will read those books you've spoken of. Thank you for your help, Your Majesty."

    ~ Edenia: Royal Court ~


    Once Jade took the stand, the judge looked down at her. "Now, Lady Jade." He said. "You have come to testify on the behalf of the accused. Is this correct?" Jade nodded. "That is correct, Your Honor." "I see. And on the late King Jerrod's soul, you swear your testimony truthful?" "I do." Jade replied. The judge nodded. "Then you may speak." Jade looked around to address the crowd. "Mileena's crimes against Edenia, and her service with Shao Kahn will not be forgotten. However, perhaps against my better judgement, I do believe she needs no longer to be imprisoned. I have overseen Kitana's recent visits to her cell. During these times, Mileena has shown great improvement in her demeanor. She has not been aggressive nor threatening to the Princess, who has been able to enter her cell on two occasions without incident." After a pause of thought, Jade spoke again. "However, taking caution, I believe Mileena should be put under the Queen's custody rather than completely released, yet not left imprisoned."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~


    George, Lizzie and Ralph were seated in front of a building with a large screen on it. The debate was being shown, and the three monsters decided to watch it.

    ~ Nintendo Elementary ~


    Jr.'s parents dropped him off at the school. Annoyed, the little koopa stomped into the building.

    ~ Scum Labs: Testing Facility ~


    Eustace entered the facility, and found his researchers crowding around one of the containment cells. Going over, he saw what had drawn their attention: a purple, winged gargoyle-like creature with sharp teeth. It was the size of a large building. "What is this?" Eustace asked. "This, sir, is the result of long periods of work. We have perfected our formula, and as you can see, the results are more than exceptional!" A scientist explained, gesturing toward a vat of glowing, purple liquid. "And that is not the best part! Give it a command!" "Hrm, very well." Eustace said. "Er, scratch your head." The monster did as it was told. "Roar." The monster let out a loud roar. "Excellent!" Eustace praised his men. "You've all done very well! The experiment was a success!"

    "That's right, sir! And if we can capture another S-Type, we can use the formula to mutate it and create another!"

    ~ Nintendo High: Auditorium ~


    Amy and Sammy entered the auditorium, followed by Vaughn, Tiny and Crunch. The twins took a seat near Gaston, Trixie and Vanitas. "Now listen up, Samey." Amy said to her sister. "Don't embarrass me in front of Gaston and them, got it?! Just because you humiliated yourself at that party last night doesn't mean I'm going to look stupid, too! So, don't do anything you-ish! Otherwise, I'll start calling you Spare-mey again!" Sammy meekly nodded, before sighing and setting her eyes on the debaters. One day, she thought, she would stand up to her.


    Tiny, Vaughn and Crunch sat down at another part of the auditorium, when Tiny noticed Myriam seated with the reporters. "Myriam?!" He called out. "What you doing over there?! And where's your box?" Myriam looked at Tiny, and smirked. "Kekekekeke! As reporter for the school paper, I get to sit with the press!" She gloated. "And since I'm not doing any undercover work today, I didn't need my box."


    Max stormed into the auditorium, tired and angry. He took a seat near Vanitas and scowled. "That ungrateful bus driver!" He fumed. "No one treats evil that way! Just wait until I join the Crystal Order! I will make it my life's mission to...break his windows!"


    On the stage, Mike Schmidt and Jeremy Fitzgerald were helping with security.

    ~ Pendleton Apartment ~


    Murphy's sleep was being disturbed by a nightmare. He was in an abandoned building. It was dark, and he noticed a large figure off in the distance, and though it was hard to see who it was, he could see them holding a large object in both hands.

    ~ Belli Residence ~


    Fiona saw the debate being covered on the news and decided to watch.

    ~ Nintendo High: Space Engineering Classroom ~


    Fay entered the classroom, where she found a few students waiting for Yuri Cosmos. Taking her seat, she waited for him as well.

    ~ Sanctuary Of S-Types ~


    "Aww." Golden Freddy playfully said. "I was hoping to break a few minds today. Oh, well We shall have fun, won't we, Noob?" As the two left to their mission, an annoyed Noob Saibot replied deadpan. "I severely doubt it."

    ~ Jumpman's Home/Restaurant ~


    Maria's thoughts on her vision were interrupted by an overwhelming hunger. Seeing Jumpman's place nearby, she decided to get a meal and got in line.

    ~ Nintendo High: Robotics Classroom ~


    Freddy and the animatronics entered the classroom and began admiring the machines inside.

    ~ Teacher's Lounge ~


    "Well, anyway." Yuri said. "I must be off to my classroom. Lots of brilliant future astronauts to teach!" "Do you need one of us to open the door for you?" Charlie asked, starting to get up. "No need, dear boy! I'll take the shortcut!" With that, Yuri drove his segway through the wall again, leaving another hole in the exact same spot as before! "And he smashed through the wall...AGAIN!" Ahmet sighed in exasperation. Nick had just noticed John Smith watching Dante and Rose. "Hey, man." He asked. "Something bothering you?"
    Post by: FancyStache, Jan 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. FancyStache
    ~ Teacher's Lounge ~


    "Professor Cosmos." Ahmet scolded Yuri, waving his finger. "How many times has Headmaster Mualim told you NOT to use the walls as your own personal door?" Yuri just let out a hearty laugh. "Now, now! The problem's been dealt with! Mr. Felix fixed the hole quite easily!" Ahmet sighed. "Yes, and eventually, he's going to get tired of fixing your little 'entrances'."

    Meanwhile, Charlie and Nick were listening to what Peppy had to say.
    Post by: FancyStache, Jan 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home