William turned and this time his smile was genuine, small but real. "Nothing really."
She nodded. "We all came here but a little earlier." "Careful, you kinda hit your head when I caught you." She Smiled and took out a small compress that she had made on the island. "Here put this on your forehead." ((BTW I LOVE that pic ^_^))
((well William is on the roof again so she can come up there))
((just William found another vampire and asked if she would like to join the coven but she declined and said she would be out of their way soon and wouldn't cause trouble.))
Kyanru was sitting on a strange tree that went out straight and then curved a bit. She sighed thinking about the blade she had summoned. "I wonder," she said. Holding out her hand, she tried to think of how to summon it. Suddenly a word came into her mind Golden Dawn "Uh..Golden Dawn, come forth," she said, feeling like an idiot. There was a bright flash and she shielded her eyes with her free hand. A new weight came into her right hand and as the brightness dimmed she saw the blade from before had appeared in her hand. She held it up so the last glimmers of sunlight caught the blade, making it shine. She dismissed the blade and walked back to the shack. Sitting down beside the boy, she saw that he couldn't be any older than her. A thought suddenly came. What if all the birthday people had been taken away and no one else?
Kyanru laid the person down gently on the sand and stood up. She grabbed him and let him drape over her back. She had to work a bit to lift him but then she set of for a little shack she had seen. Once inside she laid him down and aksed if Olcan would watch him. Of course, if it makes you happy.
Suddenly a hand raeched out and grabbed Tkaeshi , knocking him out and draggin him in. Kyanru gasped as a portal opened above her a someone fell out. She caught the person and the force of it made her sit down hard. She looked in wonder at the person in her lap.
He thought of something and dug through his pack for his cd player. "Music always helps me when I get scared." He put on a Linkin Park cd and let it play as background music. ((I g2g))
((I think we should stop for the night because most of our people are off and now I have to go too, so you can wander around the islands or make your character go to sleep or whatever, but I g2g bye))
kyanru closed his eyes and drew out some of Clyix's power, changing his apperance.
Kyanru extended her hand and the blade flashed out of the stone and into her hand. She held it up and examined it. The handle and handlegaurd were a deep black while the blade itself was gold. It had black with gold swirled into it at the top of the blade. It was designed beautifully. it fits my hand perfectly.
Kyanru stood up slowly, wincing as her knees popped. She looked around and saw a raised platform, on it was three blades and one pair of guns. The blades were lodged in the stone and so were the guns. She slowly began to walk towards them. ((This is how you get your keyblade))
Kyanru nodded. "But where are we?"
William rested his head on the roof, staring up at the sky.
((TDGW:Very soon)) Olcan nudged Kyanru and whined when he saw the cut over her eyebrow. Slowly Kyanru stirred and rose, gripping the side of her head. Concerned Olcan asked Whats wrong? Headache.
ok just pretend they dragged you in to and you wake up on Destiny Islands but you don't know it.))
Suddenly a group of people came out of a portal of darkness. They knocked out the 2 girls and boy and dragged them through the portal into the darkness. The gaurdians had no choice but to follow. ((okay, now when you wake up you are on Destiny Island but you don't know it.))
Kyanru's eyes widened. "Wow, yeah I guess that counts as big," she said. She turned as Magersun spoke. She just grinned and petted Olcan. I sense...something....but I don't know what it is.
William sighed and flipped his hood back up. He seemed to flicker again and then he was gone, back up to the church's roof.
((yeah thanks))