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  1. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    "Good." He dismissed his weapon and the creatures came forward, without resistance. "Take my hand," he said and held out a gloved hand for her.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    The man looked torn. "I am known as Cilix but damn it if you don't hurry.." he trailed off and summoned his weapon, a kusari-gama and began to beat back the hoard. "Make your choice, live or die!!'
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    zomg!! really?!?! YAY :glomp:
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    *glares* I really dislike you
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    yay now can we start? oh and I forgot to mention, ShadowofRiku is my older brother so we will have to share a comp. Thats why we might be slow to reply
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Kyanru was wandering around this strange new place. She had been awake for about half an hour and a girl called Yuffie had given her some money and said that she should explore.

    Now, as she weaved through the throngs of people, she felt a knot in the pit of her stomach. She wondered if it was fear or excitement. She walked by a shop but the owner called out to her. "Hey I have the perfect thing for you, come here please," he shouted. She turned and walked back to the stand. He came back up from behind the wooden counter with a necklace. She took it and examined it. The necklace was a simple string coated in silver, and made so it could flex, with a deep blue stone with swirls of gold and black in it. The stone was in the shape of a wolf and she thought, immediately of Olcan, who had stayed back at Merlin's house. "I'll take it," she said smiling and reached into her bag which was slung across her shoulder. "Ah no its on me. I can see you really like it," the shopkeeper smiled and handed it to her. She was surprised and thanked him. "Well if I can't pay you then I'll 'tip' you." She reached into her bag and drew out some money. Giving it to him, she smiled and walked away, fastening it around her neck.

    A man in a dark blue coat appeared beside Magersun and Ichiga. "You must help me let you leave this place. A grave danger approaches quickly." Even as he said this a great white flash appeared and thousands of knee high white creatures began to approach slowly surrounding them.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    I request to be Riku
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    "Yeah." She brightened a bit and tousled his hair. "Oh I fogot to wish you happy birthday squirt!"
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Yuffie stood aside for them to see. "I know it sounds weird but they literally fell from the sky."
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    i have a friend who hasn't come here is a while but he is a great rper and he might be willing to play Sora/Roxas, I'll call him
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Yuffie had them both on cots and was looking worriedly at them. "Hurry Leon," she said to herself quietly. She paced around the room, waiting impatiently.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    The man dropped off the two, now unconscious children at Merlin's doorstep, where Yuffie found them.

    "woah," said Yuffie. She knelt down while pressing a button on the walkie talkie that Leon had given her. "Hey leon, get back here fast. We have visitors." With that she turned it off and pulled the kids inside. Two animals followed, one was a wolf and the otehr a monkey who was riding the wolf.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    The man took Kyanru from him and closed his eyes. An aura of darkness surrounded them and they were gone, traveling through the dark realm. "Whatever you do don't let go," warned the man ashe looked down at him.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    "No thats too dangerous, we cannot stay here," said a voice from behind him. the figure from before was there. "I will take you to someplace safe, but we must hurry or those creatures from before will overrun this place and you." he held out a hand. "Take my hand."

    A man appeared before Magerus and Yuka. "You are in danger, we must leave this place immedeatly "Come through the portal with me."
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    The figure vanished and Kyanru could be seen lying on the ground. She was knocked out when she hit the ground.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Riku and Tidus please
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    As she lay under the strange creatures she suddenly found herself screaming strange words that she didn't even know what they meant. "DERU TOMONARI!!!" A portal opened and a figure in a dark blue robe with a blade similar to Kyanru's. He quickly began to eradicate the creatures.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Kyanru had woken up and was sitting down on the beach, feet just above the wave line. Suddenly many flashes of white light appeared. She shielded her eyes and when she put her arm down a thousand or so white creatures about knee high were surrounding her. They began to crawl forward slowly. "Uh oh," she said. They swarmed her and before long she was covered and only her hand was viewable.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    He kept up his smile. "Yeah..well..Don't get used to it," he said softly.

    ((I g2g but will be back in about 3 hours))
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    "I'm not sure," she said thoughtfully. She heard the knock and turned. "yeah, Olcan, can you open that window?"

    olcan bobbed his head and bit the lever, pulling until it came open.

    ((hey, I gotta go drive in the car for about 3 hours to get back to my house, I'm at my grandparents. So I guess just pretend that she fell asleep because she was exhausted. bye))
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home