((heehee no not heartless.....or nobodies...)) Kyanru was silent through the whole conversation. I haven't told them about that other language yet..... ((brb))
He nodded once and then he seemed to relax. "I hate having to act like that but now I'm done with that," he said in a cool tone. He flipped his head up, and the hood fell, revealing his face. It was young, almost the same age as the girl. He had blue eyes and black hair.
"Trying to help you, but if you don't want it...." he trailed off, eyes dancing under his hood.
William's eyes danced and he flickered down to the inside of the church. ((I'm going by Twilight's vampire myth))
"Hello," said a voice. It was the dragon rider that had warned them of the danger. "To a place called Radiant Gardens."
Kairotu laughed and flung himself off of Exuro's back, into the water. He opened his mouth and sucked in some cold water, swallowing. He finished drinking it and headed back to the surface for more air. His head broke the top of the water, sending water droplets flying like little diamonds. The sky was a nice pleasant blue and for a while Kairotu floated on his back admiring them. Suddenly something pulled him under.
Kairotu saw a river ahead and from the looks of it was deep.Hey Exuro..wanna... Exuro bobbed his head. Of course!! Exuro folded his wings and dove down. Kairotu gripped with his legs, since he had no saddle, and let out a loud whoop. He preferred to not have a saddle, it felt more natural that way. He put his arms above his head and let out another whoop just before they went into the water. The impact sound was like thunder, and could be heard for miles around. If that wasn't enough, Exuro gave an earspliting roar when they broke the surface again.
She wondered why Leon was so surprised. "I pulled it from a stone with runes on it back at that island." she said. Dismissing the key, she watched as Nehi barred the door and giggled. He noticed her tighten her grip and smiled. He pulled back his hood with his free hand to reveal bronze hair and brown smiling eyes.
Kairotu sat astride Exuro. They were up fairly high but he had his mind merged with Exuro's so seeing wasn't a problem. He was content and they gazed over the landscape.They spotted another pair of dragons but those weren't uncommon so he took no notice.
She was startled by Leon's question. "Uh..yeah...like this?" She stuck her hand out and in a flash of pure light Golden Dawn appeared.
Kyanru nodded. "We, that is there were more people, used to live on a planet called Xion but last night something took us through a black portal and we were thrown on those islands, then the craetures attackked and we werer here.
OOC: yep ^_^ Kyanru smiled and then turned to answer the older man, Leon as Nehi had called him. "Well I'm not sure. A man in a cloak saved us from these weird white things and then we ended up here." She turned as she heard the boy move and smiled as he offered her the chair. Not wanting to be rude she took it gratefully and said,"Thank you."
Kagashii shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing really. You?"
A young man soared through a portal in the sky and began to fall. He let out a piercing whistle and a black dragon, black as the dark side of the moon, came swooping down and caught him. He soared alongside Hikaru and Muzuki. "YOu need to leave this place, the Shironi come by the thousands!! "You must leave this place," said the dragon to Mizuki.
Kyanru looked down and Olcan. He thinks he is dreaming. Help? Olcan nodded and concentrated on the monkey. Hey monkey, see if you can talk to your friend and convince him that he isn't dreaming.
"You weren't dreaming," said Kyanru softly as she stepped through the door. Olcan padded up to her. Did you have a good time at the market? Yes, thank you.
((attacked me?))
*drags ShadowofRiku over here* ....ok he said that he will be Shikamaru from Naruto
me and my brother(ShadowofRiku) will wait
Cilix smiled and pulled back his hood, revealing his blonde hair to about mid cheek and shockingly blue eyes. He whirled when he heard the boy's voice. "UGH!!" He crouched and released energy which formed a barrier between the humans and the creatures. "What am I supposed to tell you!! I have no time to tell you now because in case you haven't noticed we're kind of being attacked!!' he said gesturing to the hordes now banging against the barrier. "And that barrier won't hold much longer!!"