" I dont know all I know is that my parents hate me " Christie said Junior was fast asleep " Sorry Moses I best be off because I want to walk around for a bit " Christie added and left
" err....I dont think others feel like me I mean like my parents whip me with a sharp belt every night" Christie said she started to cry Junior fell asleep while reading occ: I have to leave soon darkheart see you tomorrow sorry got mass to attend...lol
occ: sorry I completely forgot about him oopsie hahahahhaha lol dont worry about it sorry " no kidding my parents hated me for some reason" Christie said in a very sad voice Junior was busy reading up about algebra in his dorm
Christie giggled " Wow I havent laughed this much ever since I was 4 " she added
" no Its just that well......I did not know you were watching so what powers did I use" Christie said
" Well I have to go I have a school to run" Michelle said and left Christie smiled and laughed
Michelle laughed and laughed until her face turned red " hi" Christie answered
Christie sat down in the bench and began to read then she sighed and asked herself ' What is love" " Hi Maggie" Michelle said and smiled then she said " I think they can be our new sisters"
Can I join Name: Christie Age: 15 1/2 Gender: Female Race: Vampire 1/2 Human Good/Evil: Good Appearance: Weapon: A bow and Arrow Past: none Bio: She was a raised in a small town and when she grew up everyone got scared and sent her away Other: She is the silent kind she loves to read and sing but hates being annoyed cuz shes got a high temper Played By: Tina_^_^
0cc: lets start! pls *begs*
She saw Erin looking at her but just continued to fly and do tricks
Christie was walking around looking for people too defeat but got tired of looking so got her book and began to read
Christie hid in the water and made whales made out of paper then told them to attack Sharix but before they could Ms.Michelle came in " What do you think your doing ......fighting I see well.... continue it next week the rules havent been implemented yet so............start next week .......sorry" Ms.Michelle said and left " Oh well...." said Christie then she left too
" Nothing wrong with fixing the battlefield my way , right? " she said and laughed then made strong gust of wind " thats not my best" she then made beasts of paper protect her and surround the area
occ: I have to go im sorry I am going to watch the golden compass sorry cu " Ok " she said Christie flew up in the air and filled the area with holes that were very deep and filled them up with water
Christie disappeared and appeared behind Sharix and wet her ....Christie giggled " lets make this a fun friends fight" she said while laughing
" hi" she said to Sharix " you want to do a fight before class starts? " she asked
Christie opened the doors of fighting class and got ready occ: lets tie!
Christie, strangely got a extremely long quiz where she got an A++++++ in Junior was reading the whole time but got an A in the quiz
next Morning!