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  1. Tina_^_^
    Christina hummed a song ....silently
    " Who are my parents anyway" She whispered to herself
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Tina_^_^
    " I told you I feel at home at the sea its the only place I belong ......... I dont have friends or a family so I cant have people to talk to when I feel like it I havent talked to a person for 1 month now and......I am sorry for saying it just within 5 minutes....." Christina said
    She got up and walked away and sat at the other end of the ship looking at the water....
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Tina_^_^
    Christina took a deep breathe
    ' To tell you the truth the sea is the only place I belong because I dont have parents... " She said and sighed
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Tina_^_^
    Christina smiled and went back
    " pleased to meet you Lyra " She greeted and took a seat beside Lyra
    " i love looking at the water it feels so good and it relaxes me" she added
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Tina_^_^
    " I am sorry for bothering both of you and sorry Hiero for bothering you I really did not have to answer my question earlier ........... sorry again" Christina apologized and went somewhere else in the ship and looked at the sea and started to think...
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Tina_^_^
    Christina spotted two pirates and headed to them
    " Hi.....err...names Christina..." She introduced
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Tina_^_^
    Christina looked from side to side and examined the pirates around her...
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Tina_^_^
    ooc: are u ppl on a ship well I have to find a way to get there

    Christina saw a ship from afar and swam all the way there then she boarded the ship for no reason at all and shouted
    " Hello .............fellow pirates.....err......I will join the crew of this ship...err....if its ok.."
    Christina giggled..
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Tina_^_^
    Christina was sailing checking her compass every 5 minutes
    " The waters are getting rough" She said to herself
    Christina jumped off the boat and made sure there were no holes underneath
    She eventually landed on dry land
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Tina_^_^
    thank you ^_^
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Tina_^_^
    name: Christina
    age: 16 1/2
    gender: female
    parents: she is an orphan
    apperence: [​IMG]
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Tina_^_^
    I just want to do this for fun ok I just wanted to post it hahahahahah this is how I kinda look in rl :


    I do not have a unicorn or a polar bear or a cloud the hair the eyes and skin tone match mine though lol .......In rl I do not look like
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: The Playground
  13. Tina_^_^
    occ: your in lets wait for others to join..
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Tina_^_^
    Many Centuries ago The Empire of the Unknown was at peace and everything was in order . Sadly, Darkness took over the whole empire and nobody dared to try and stop it - they were too scared. Now, There is a school which raises the best fighters to defend this Empire . Yuki and Cyrille were the top students who graduated early because they did extremely well . Only it only up to them to save the Empire


    No swearing if you want to swear use this : * ex. S**t
    Only OCs Please
    Romance is allowed but keep it PG-13

    Name: Cyrille
    Age: 14
    Power: Sorceress of Air
    Weapon : Wind Blade
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio: She is an orphan . Her family died when she was 5 ever since then she was a loner

    Name: Yuki
    Age: 14
    Power: Master of Water
    Weapon: Water staff
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio: He met Cyrille in the orphanage . He is a silent boy who loves to read . He secretly likes Cyrille

    Name: Salem Katsu
    Age: 15
    Power: Earth Breaker
    Weapon: None, bare fists or stones. Big stones.
    Appearance: Brown-red neck length untidy hair, a full black and red pirate type outfit, covered with a light brown and white over robe and black boots. Standing at about 5'5" and deep green eyes.
    Bio: Salem originally came from the small forgotten town of Mej, about 100 miles away from the empire. He moved to he Empire and took up a position as Martial arts teacher. Of course, there were some problems with him being the youngest teacher, but they eventually got over it. Salem quit the teacher job and took up a life as a fisherman instead. Salem is currently deciding on whether to move back to Mej or not, as his brother, an Archer named Terra, called him home via letter.

    Thread by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Tina_^_^
    Cyrille walked around the Ravenclaw common room and recited the Words of Rowena Ravenclaw " Wit beyond all measure is man's greatest treasure " She left the common room thinking of the words and reading her books to potions class
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Tina_^_^
    Christie was already awake flying around the school

    Junior was still sleepy but pushed himself to wake up but ended up reading

    oss: I have to go sorry darkheart
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Tina_^_^
    NEXT DAY! ~ Neener!
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Tina_^_^
    Christie was fast asleep dreaming

    Junior decided to go back to his dorm and sleep too he looked at the stars for 2 minutes and left
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Tina_^_^
    Christie fell on her bed tired and in a very bad mood because she still did not know what love was so she punished herself by locking herself in her dorm ...... She thought hard the only problem was how can she find out if her parents did not love her ......She gave up and fell fast asleep

    Junior was still reading and watching silently
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Tina_^_^
    Christie got so bored of waiting that she left and walked back to her dorm

    Junior walked around reading and suspiciously staring at the big fat boy who kept on punching people
    Post by: Tina_^_^, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home