For now on, I will be giving you topics for SSBB coming out 3/9/08
i don't need to present my score because i don't have KH2 anymore T-T.
i finnaly owned sephiroth but sadly, my game might be broken
Winner and the winner is ......... ENIGMATICSOLDIER!:D thank you for voting everyone
a vote man a vote
for those of you who don't see it on adultswim (at 12:30pm)or on youtube don't reply until you do
would you keep kh1 if you buy kh:recom
hmmm......i guess this means KH2FM+ is already realeasd (kick @$$):D
have you seen vids about mushroom XIII
when i meant by "awarding" i meant havin a vitory or unlocking new keyblades
whether it's funny,awarding,etc.i don't care
have you heard of kh unlimited?
i know its alot but who cares anyway it's a vote (you'll get a cookie if you vote)
EXAMPLE:Sephiroth is a f**king cheater man!!!
:) show your NARUTO spirit
:D :D :D :D keyblade:) and
The ultimate kh battle thread (this thread includes donald and goofy).
Another battle thread like the last one and the KINGDOM HEARTS thread idiot:p
this is just for keyblade war
This Is A Fight Now!