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  1. Mickey36
    A giant rainbow bird swooped down town square making a loud,earpiercing screech.That bird is called Dina Blade(from the Kirby series).It glanced at Mario,Luigi,Ike,and Pkm Trainer.It again screeched,then it attacked.
    Mario:Ike,you and Pkm Trainer take on "Big Bird",Luigi,you are gonna help the Toad Army!
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Mickey36
    Then S.S. Cruiser flew in the air and revealed laser cannon firing at the space pirates.

    The space pirates jumped of their "space boats" ready to attack.A toad army rushed after the space pirates.
    Luigi:This place is becoming a war zone!
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Mickey36
    Mario and Luigi took out their hammers as a threat if Mewtwo dare attack.
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Mickey36
    The S.S. Cruiser was headed for Toad Town square.
    Phil T.:We are ready to land,I repeat,we are ready to land!
    Luigi:How come we're at Toad Town?
    Capt. T.:We've heard about an evil threat called the Subspace Emmissary,and guess what, Bowser's part of it!
    Mario Bros.:SAY WHAT?!
    Russ T.:That's right,they picked the baddest of the bad,Ridley:a dragon like alien,Mewtwo:a defective clone of Mew and he's very deadly,Wario:well you get the deal,Dark Samus:an absolute mystery,Ganondorf:self-proclaimed "Lord of Evil",Ancient Minister:he drops time bombs that sucks up anything when it explodes,but their leader,I don't even know myself.
    Mario:Then we'll have to get on top of our game guys!
    Luigi faints out of fear
    Prof.:While you were gone,I we gave the town an "upgrade" to protect ourselves from those rapscalians!
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Mickey36
    Wolf:That was a pretty strong move from the portly plumber.
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Mickey36
    OOC:If Sonic was at the staidium then he got on the ship too.
    The Toad Brigade were an expedition squad,their ship was modifyed by Prof.E.Gadd (who's in the ship),now the ship is armed with laser cannons,turbo engines,super sonars,etc.
    Prof.:Thank goodness we found you all!
    Dexter T.:We had orders from the princess to come and save you.
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Mickey36
    Luigi could'nt help but notice that time was running out.That was when a giant mushroom arrived.That mushroom was the ship of the Toad brigade(from Super Mario Galaxy).The bottom door opened with ladder coming out.
    Leader Toad:Hurry up the bomb's about to goes off any second.
    Mario:Hey guys,the bomb's about to blow unless we go inside that ship now!
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mickey36
    Ultimate Chimera's weak spot was the rubber duck on it's head.Ike struck it and the chimera was down(and eventually blew up).Mario took out F.L.O.O.D and squirted ALOT of water into Petey's mouth and he tumbled down,Luigi made a Super Jump and ground pounded on Petey's belly causing maximim damage.
    Mario:anyone else wanna try?

    Everyone but Mario charged at Petey while Mario combats Wolf.Wolf was too strong,Mario failed and turned into a trophy, Luigi jumped on Wolf's head and ran holding Mario then taped the trophy's base and he turned to normal.
    Luigi:I've got an extra smash ball,hurry up and break it.
    Mario crushed the smash ball,then unleashed MARIO'S FINALE BAM!!!
    Wolf was blasted and turned into a trophy.
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Mickey36
    Wolf smiled devilishly
    Wolf:One down,five to go.
    Two giant primid appeared with a cage,the Ultimate Chimera bursted out the cage with a roar
    Mario:MAMA MIYA!!!
    Luigi screams but he trys to toughen up
    MarioBros.:LETSE GO!
    Everyone got into their fighting stance
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Mickey36
    Wolf jumped out of his wolfen to stop Link while his army surrounded the others.
    Mario threw his fireballs at the primid but more kept coming and Mario reverted to normal.
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Mickey36
    Mario rushed into the battlefield in fire form ready to confront the ancient minister
    Wolf starts to gather up his army at the base

    Wolf:I would never forget you my pet hahahahaha.
    A devastating roar came breathing out of the cage.

    Wolf opened the cage of the tamed beast,which was non other than the Ultimate Chimera!
    It was huge,had big sharp teeth,angry yellow eyes,and a....a....rubber ducky on it's forehead?
    Wolf put it back in the cage and head for the stadium
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Mickey36
    Luigi found sonic and explained to him what was going on
    Luigi:You seem strong wanna help us out?
    I also want to be wolf and mario but wolf will be somewhere else
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Mickey36
    Luigi springs into the action fighting alongside Link,PK Trainer,and ike

    Luigi:Say hello to my SECRET WEAPON!!!
    Luigi crushes his smash ball and activates THE NEGATIVE ZONE

    Luigi dances as the inverted blur puts a strange affect on the primid,giving Link,Ike,and PK Trainer, the perfect opprotunity to attack with an ease
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Mickey36
    Luigi starts to prepare for his battle. (if it's ok to put this)
    Post by: Mickey36, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Mickey36
    i think i get it now, this is just like an rpg right?
    Post by: Mickey36, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Mickey36
    Uhh.. how do you make those side pics?
    Post by: Mickey36, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Technology
  17. Mickey36
    How are we going to "fight" in the tournament?
    Post by: Mickey36, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Mickey36
    It's been a year since i've been a member on this site, though i dont know how to make an avatar:unsure:
    Thread by: Mickey36, Feb 15, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: Technology
  19. Mickey36

    Can i be Luigi?
    Post by: Mickey36, Feb 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Mickey36


    Donkey Kong
    Ice Climbers


    Zero Suit Samus
    Diddy Kong
    Pikmim & Olimar
    Pokemon Trainer
    King Dedede


    Toon Link
    R.O.B the Robot


    Post by: Mickey36, Feb 13, 2008 in forum: Discussion