Max:Sir? OOC:He is asking Link.
Max watched Link. Max(mentally) :So....that's him...thats "The Hero of Time",and her,Princess Zelda,I thhought I'd never meet them in reality,amazing.....
Six more Darknuts rushed at Max as he conjured up a force field with enough strength to take them out with reflect. Max:How do ya like them apples?!
OOC:Max was hiding so he could get a chance to attack. BIC:Max consintrated on the six Darknuts surrounding him. Max:THUNDEEEERRRR!!! The six Darknuts became zaped.
OOC:Makes sense,but I did'nt there was more than one Darknut. BIC:Max:You don't mind if I come do you?
Darknut charged at Max again. Max:FREEZE!! Darknut became frozen solid,Max raised his hand up and started to glow,Darknut also started to glow,he clenched his fist and Darknut blew up.
Darknut swung his sword at Max,but he made a force field that countered Darknut's strike. Max:That was a close one. Then he was prepared to use his next move. Max:THUNDEEEERRRR!!! A huge bolt of lightning struck Darknut.
Max ran up to Link. Max: Dang,missed it all!
Max heard something up ahead. Max:There must be a fight going on,and I can still sense some dark energy. He ran up to see the fight.
Yeah,just as long if it's not in gossip form.
Max kept following his senses and ended up into Faron Woods Max:Wow,this place is beautiful,GAAAAHH!!This scent is getting stronger,it must be in this forest,this seems like dark energy,AAARRRGGHH!!
Max had then felt some sort disturbance from up ahead. Max:What's going on?Maybe I'll go check it out. Max ran down the road which lead to the forest as the his senses grow stronger.
Max was walking along the path.
Time's almost up! Okay everyone,you have until Friday to post your funniest joke.
That must make your evil clone then(MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)
Kirby wins! Battle 3 is:Fox vs. Marth(that should bring more voters)
Odamani:Max,may I have a word with you? Max:Yes. Odamani: Over here. Max: Do you need me for something Master? Odamani:I just wanted to tell you that you are ready to graduate. Max:REALLY?! Odamani:Yes,you have proved that you are ready for the real world. The conversation came to an end.Max waved to the students goodbye,with tears of joy coming out of his eyes.
Dyna Blade flew away.
Max is still training.
Max was at a temple at the bottom of a mountain.His teacher was Odanami(weird name is'nt it?),he was one of 15 students to master the art of PSI,which made all the others jealous.