xigbar had been watching everyone from inside he was bored so thought he'd have a bit of fun why make one child's life a misery when you can make more peoples lives miserys he summoned his laser gum aimed carefully and a laser bullet narrowly missed rain's head but demyx didn't realize that not everyone was outside he had seen sam out there and forgot about krystina krystina stared at xigbars gun and it smashed "hey you brat!"xigbar said using the other gun to shoot at krystina but missed krystina stared at the other gun which smashed too "leave them alone"she said "xigbar laughed "you really are a stupid brat" and he portalled away then came back behind krystina and threw her out of a window
this rp is about a little girl who's father had died when she was 3 now she's 5 and her mum's been stolen from her by some men in black she grew to 15 having searched every world and finally came to the conclusion her mummy is gone forever and ever she made friends who have also lost loved ones to men in black but they were older when they're loved ones dissappeared they didn't need anyone but eachother but this little girl who's name is aelita still has the feeling she's being watched by a loved one so is her mummy really gone forever and ever? here is the form for your characters played by: name: age: gender: appearence: happiness(are they totally crushed by the dissappearences or are they just opk with it?): characters: played by:naminestwinsister name:aelita age:15 gender:female appearence: happiness(are they totally crushed by the dissappearences or are they just opk with it?):crushed
"listen sam you wait there this prank will be awesom i'll carry you away after just wait here"krystina whispered sam nodded krystina took her cue and snuck up behind saix and yanked his hair kicked him and turned to run
can i have a simple sig please using this pic http://img5.xooimage.com/files/f/3/2/aelita_pret_med-1da9af.png but could you make the sides longer replace the text already there with "naminestwinsister sweet but silent" and use a purple and blue background think you could handle that pretty please?
well no actual boss from a real video game scares me but i had a dream once a new kingdom hearts game was brought out and there were zombie versions of organization XIII and they made sora donald and goofy zombies then they came out of the screen and took me to zombie land they were some bosses i would be afraid of
*namine seaks up behind sebax and starts strangling him* "a one-piece wearing blondie am i? then you are just a spasticated chicken"namine said still strangling him
sam peered round a door no sign of xigbar sammy was still frightened she thought she saw xigbar sneaking behing her and ran she closed her eyes and tried to go faster she could hear his footsteps and ran into someone she fell over from the force and screamed thinking it was xigbar she looked up and saw demyx and sighed with releif then she noticed the corridor she'd been running from was echoy she was really jumpy now she knew xigbar was evil and would probably steal her heart if he had the chance sam sat in silece looking around then slowly got up
Username:naminestwinsister Character: http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/3645/angelaelitauv9.png Color (Optional): can it be purple and blue please Text: naminestwinsister sweet and silent can you make that for me pwetty please
i pick namine sure she'd doodle all over it but in the games she seems so helpless she's like help all i can do is draw and erase people's memories i mean she's the shadow of the princess of hearts they could have made her a little more tougher
i've already lost this cotest the other two poems are sooooo good
"kairi i suffered being locked in rooms with the organization i didn't panic but while some of them are still sleeping somebody give me a weapon the organization will pay for keeping me in castle oblivion they will pay!"namine said
krystina returned "sam wouldn't do this especially out of temper she wouldn't leave the closest thing to family without even saying goodbye"she said and tripped over a brick "ST&UPID BRICK"she shouted angrily and it shattered "hey all i did was look at it" she stared at a window and it smashed maybe i can squeeze the truth out xaldin now" "oh your back now eh why isn't sam with you?"xaldin asked krystina stared at the wall next to xaldin and it crumbled away "don't play games where is she?" "oh all right she's in bed i'll go get her"xaldin said and made a little portal and put his hand inside and gragged sam out by her arm "there happy now get out of my face you brats" xaldin said grumpily "find some new friends to play with" "sam i was so worryed!"krystina cried and hugged sam "thats nice well lets make some new fwends"sam said smiling "catch me if you can"she said in a sing song voice and dashed off "don't you worry i can"krystina said running after her sam bumped into kiara and fell over "ouch oh hewwo are you new here?"sam asked krystina came round a corner "found a new friend already?"she sked
"oh ok come on then lets get going"krystina said leading the way to the door xigbar grinned as if christmas had come early three kids less to bother him soon he'd have all the kids out of his hair maybe he'd move on to getting rid of all kids everywhere
ooc:er sam's been locked in a cot and krystina's outside while xaldins inside so it's sort of complicated to say hi to three different people in three different places but just to forget about sam i'll bring krystina in and demitrix whats up with whole sufer-ninja-pirate i'm confuseled bic: "oh hi airkx i don't suppose you've seen sam around have you?"krystina asked "she went to the park in a bit of a depression"xigbar lied two birds with one stone free of two annopying little children at least for a while "thanks"she said and ran off to the park
"oh nothing i'm just in a good mood thats all xaldin nothing to worry about"xigbar said happily
sam stared at krystina without blinking krystina stared back and blew sam's face sam blinked "i win i win!"krystina shouted sam stayed silent "hey whats wrong sam something got you down in the dumps?"krystina asked "i think the people who work want to kick us out and well your the closest thing to famiy i've gotwhat if they get rid of us i have no where to go"sam said and ran away and climbed a tree so krystina wouldn't find her when she was sure krystina was gone sam ran straight to xigbar "sorry i can't take hearts i thing the other grown ups want to kick us all out and i can't find a new slave!"sam shouted "whoa sammy listen your not my slave but if you keep talking like that i'll have to use your heart"xigbar warned "no you should be fired!"sam shouted again "bed time"xigbar said ignoring the fact sammy could talk properly and that she understood everything he said he put her in a cot "'i'm not a baby let me out!"sam shouted xigbar suddenly made her silent by pointing a gun at her "shhh or i will kill you i don't even like my job but i did it i made sure you got to bed on time now pretend to be asleep if i find out you've been talking to anyone or that you escaped your dead and whats more if your smuggled out of here not only you but the snotty nosed brat that freed you will die aswell now just stay in there like agood little baby" xigbar said smirking and left the room he knew he didn't smile often but there was a reason to smile today
congrats spike nice poem and well done to everyone who tryed i read every single last poem well done everyone so i guess the new theme is travel i'll have a shot at it once aain i'm not sure if it'll even make sense my poems are normally random words thati fit together anyway thats not the point the point is this time i'm making it up properly no random words anyway i hope you like it ^^ travelling distance i have travelled far i have travelled wide i've seen the world and i've seen the heavens i've been by plane and train i've been by taxi and bus on foot or on boat i've seen lots of things justask me whats beneath the oceans ask me what humans have not discovered in the world for i know i have proof but yet there is one thing i am longing to see one thing that i would kill to see i would like to see your face again your eyes your face your smile your hair your body i'd give up everything i own just to not see stupid photo's of you but i want to see you in person to remind you even though i've travelled the world alone i still love you with all my heart
ooc: yup and yup your in bic:namine looked at everyone fighting "stop it if we all work together we might escape but first i want to know who locked us in here was it you?"she pointed at riku "or you or you or you or you?"she ended up pointing to everyone in turn
ooc: oooohhhh i see i told you it was frost but you kept saying it was ice tut tut tut lol
ooc: but remember that krystina is only 8 she's not gonna smash through ice with a stone