ooc-no duh i knew that i was just testing you....... ic: stef turned a page reading her book "you stef i'll get you back one day"aelita said walking in stef grinned "how'd it go?"she asked innocently ""you young woman should be ashamed letting my cat out like that a car ran over its tail you need to learn about respect bla bla bla"she went on and on all this time giving me a lecture about how important it is to stop pulling pranks"aelita said "i hope your happy"[/COLOR] "look aelita i didn't mea- i'm sorry i tried i can't help it"stef said and started bursting with laughter
no i did that wrong i pressed the wrong button i've edited my post now
name;stef stones age:20 gender:female apperence: about them:appears like a book worm but in fact she loves pranks and even if she's still there when somebody comes people don't think to blame her for anything and her sister always gets the blame name;aelita stones age:18 gender:female apperence: about them:she always gets blames for everything just because her sister never seems guilty ever she'll never commit a crime oh nooooooo
sam walked upstairs followed by krystina "has xigbar finawwy given up i haven't even seen him for days"sam said "no he'll be back we have to be carefull sam"krystina said xigbar burst into the room "games up xigbar! listen sam i know this doesn't look good but its me krystina xigbar broke into vexens science lab and made a body swap potion and put some in a drink i was havng you gotta beleive me!"xigbar? said "what sam stay back and make a bubble around us he's up to something!"krystina? said sam looked to each person "i need some hewp to decide whos telling the twuth"sam said and looked up and down the corridor "fowwow me"sam said but made two bubble and took krystina and xigbar in seperate bubbles ooc:sorry i haven't been active the computer was going spazzy on me and then i got grounded i was let off yesterday
this family is dying where is everyone*looks around* HELLOOOOOOOO!*hears the echo* HEY THIS ROOM IS ECHOY*hears the echo again* I'M STUPID! *listens but the echo changes slightly to "your'e stupid"* DID YOU JUST CALL ME STUPID?!*the echo changes again to "mayyyyyyyybe"*
omg that is so awesom thanks i totally love it and actually when i think about it i used to watch totally spies it used to be my all time fave show but now i think it's just a little babyish
"sooooo sam let me get this straight sam i'm black your white any cures for it d'ya reckon"krystina asked "maybe"sam said and made a bubble which formed around her then around krystina the bubble then turned black and white "not any more" sam said grinning xigbar shot a wall with a laser bullet "i was so close"he said as the bullet bounced back and narrowly missed his head
the heartless and nobodies chased sam and krystina into the heart of some woods far from the day care a nobodie attacked sam who didn't change at all except she turned white and the nobodies dissappeared a heartless attacked krystina who just turned totally black with a black aura around her "i look freaky you look freakier"both sam and krystina said at exactly the same time together sam made bubble and made it shrink around krystina and her and instantly they were back at the day care
"well i suppose if your that desperate i can make you older"sam said making a bubble which grew around xigbar thensuddenly his hair turned white and he had wrinkles sam gave him a walking stick then let him go "bye xigbar see you later"sam shouted and ran outside to play in the snow "i'll get you kids i'll use my youth in a bottle"xigbar said getting out a potion and he reverted to his normal age "thank you vexen"xigbar said and summoned his guns then changed his mind he summoned nobodies and heartless and sent them to attack krystina and sam and thenobodies and heartless dashed out xigbar went upstairs whistling "uh sam those black things are back except there must be 500 and there are white things too and there must be another 500 we are officially doomed"krystina said
thanks but if its too much trouble i don't mind you using this pic instead http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/3645/angelaelitauv9.png i don't mind same person is it not? but i just seem too realize that most people i know have never even heard of code lyoko most people i know haven't heard of code lyoko and those people who have hate it
"sorry did i say bad haired woman i meant erm"xigbar shuddered "good looking woman there i said it" "ok so what what if this is mr xig isn't he just freaking you out larxene?"krystina asked grinning
"well bruno lets introduce you to the staff you don't want to then thats too bad sam make a bubble"krystina said "no don't i'll leave you alone"xigbar or bruno (i forget which is which) begged sam just made a bubble and dragged bruno inside then sam put warmer clothes on then bumped into larxene "oh sorry about that we have a new person here he's weally shy and i think he's heard of xigbar "don't listen to them it is me xigbar look i've got the eye patch and the cloak"xigbar/bruno said "we found him playing in the laundry room"krystina said "he told us he was shy your evil bwuno"sam said laughing "come on bad hair woman tell them to restore me to my normal age ask me a question only i would know"xigbar begged
"wait you can't leave me as a a child i look so different like i'm just playing dressup"xaldin said "really bruno just because your new here doesn't mean you should try and replace the staff"sam said making the bubble pop a 9 year old xaldin that just looks as if he's any old kid playing pirates fell out
hello all is there anyone left in this family? i mean by the looks there haven't been any posts in 3 days that means that everyone has lost themselves three days of cookie goodness
xigbar heard xaldin land"ah xaldin how are you today? i'm bored" "so am i"sam shouted and trapped xigbar and xaldin in one bubble "well see you guys later then and only i can pop the bubble and xaldin is free to leave just not with any part of xigbar anyway good bye and xigbar don't worry i'll get you meals three times a day and snacks in between"sam said and walked off "i hate that snotty nosed little brat"xigbar shouted "oh and something new i learned"xalding was automaticly thrown out from the bubble and the bubble shrank and xigbar became a kid "your one of us now"sam said grinning "your guns have shrunk you have all your powers but all your weapons other than your laser guns have vanished"
sam dashed outside wearng shorts and a t-shirt with no sleeves and almost immediately started shivering krystina followed wearing three coats "what do you think you're doing?"krystina asked sam made a bubble and jumped inside "wow i can even control the temperature of these things and look i can control two at once" sam made another as she spoke "hop in its like flying" sam didn't wait but let the bubble swallow krystina and dashed off high in the air until the day care looked as small as an ant "look i can see other worlds" "can we please go back down?"krystina asked "oh sorry i for got you were afraid of heights don't panic as soon as the bottom of the bubble hits the ground it'll pop see you in a minute"sam said and shot krystina's bubble doewn to the day care sam then saw a curious looking world it looked like the sea sam floated in and looked arounfd when bubble like heartless appeared sam screamed "whoa take off your halloween mask and get off my bubble"sam floated back to the day care still inside the bubble "HELP ME SOME PERSONS DRESSED UP AS A BLACK TTHING WON'T GET OFF MY BUBBLE!"sam shouted krystina ran over as te heartless attacked her it seemed to be doing something to where her heart is "HELP!"she shouted "meh i suppose its for fun aim it aim it fire"xigbar said destroying the heartless "bullseye!" "thanks nasty pants"sam shouted "i didn't do that for you the snoty nosed little brat who has no parents theres nothing else to do"xigbar said "wait whats a parent?"sam asked "its-"krystina started but xigbar interupted "a mummy or daddy"xigbar said sam started shaking "look its ok if you want to cry"krystina said "cry? no how about throwing toys at him all his life or making him stay in a bubble and feeding him three times a day with a snack between each meal while he watches everyone else be free?"sam asked
"better idea!"krystina shouted and grabbed some rope and attatched it to xigbar's cloak then hung him upside down from a tree and took a baseballe bat from inside his cloak "pinata Time anyone who needs revenge on xigbar for being mean step right up!" sam stole the bat and hit xigbar right where it hurts "thats for trying to make me a big meanie like you!" she tossed the bat back to krystina "thanks i needed that!" ooc:i have to go sorry but if you want anyone can just take the bat and whack xigbar and you can make him talk and beg for someone to let him down i'll be back as soon as possible tommorrow laters taters
"larxene come on you've got to get me out remember all those years when i used to make fun of your hair do i was kidding about that i love it really and i didn't mean to throw that brat krystina out of the window she slipped from my arms i swear"xigbar pleaded "alright i'll let you out" samsaid and made the bubble float really high then popped it xigbar yawned and made a portal beneath him and casually stepped out next to sam "better luck next time you idiotic brat that can't even spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"xigbar said "you can't either"sam said "so! i was forced to spend my ife with that stupid hairdo woman larxene that flower lover marluxia that heart freak xemnas who else oh yeah that annoying guy who always sticks up for you brats the nerd the book lover and then keyblade boy and then fire boy and then me the weapon lover the only one sane enough nt to care about you kids you stupid smelly ugly kids your like the rest of the organization!"xigbar shouted "xigbar i'm so sorry i didn't know do you want me to sign you up for anger management?"sam said and started giggling "enough!i have had it with all of you now i shall rain soe doom upon you my doomed enemys"xigbar said krystina slapped xigbar "happy slap!"she shouted
xigbar took the kunai out of his arm "i shall do as i please to these things that go around destroying my property"xigbar said watching krystina fall "good bye menace"xigbar whispered to himself and smiled sam looked up to see krystina about to go splat on the ground sam flinched and covered her eyes waiting for a sign krystina was dead when sam looked krystina was floating in a blue bubble waved and the bubble moved in the same way "hey stop it and let me out"krystina said sam clapped thinking it was all some kind of trick and the bubble burst "hey i didn't do that you did"krystina said sam just stared at her "your a wiar sorry a wiar weplace the wu with a lu" "you mean a liar?" "that wight look"sam spread out her arms in the way she flinched and a bubble appeared krystina stared at it but it wouldn't burst "wow thats useful!"sam said creating lots of blue bubbles and bursting them then put xigbar in a buble and floated him down "time out for you mister xig sam said and got ready for swimming krystina got ready too "wait you can't leave me here while all you brats go swimming!"xigbar shouted and started trying everything to burst the bubble it didn't work