Played by:naminestwinsister Name:Aelita Age:15 Weopen:she has two daggers Appearence: Powers:she can summon balls of light and use them as sheilds or weapons Bio:she decided instead staying home watching the war she'd become a part of it by lying and saying she was 17 which is the age you have to be to battle Side:Eternia Other:none can i join please
this is based on the short animation the sandman he tries to take a kids eyes but doesn't realize he's the kids having a sleepover and the sandman got over powered but now his chicks are fully grown they have to work together to get human eyes form: played by: name: age: gender: personality: or you can be one of the sandman's chick's just give a name otherwise it gets confusing appearence wise
What's it like to die? Is it hot ? Or is it cold? Do you even realize you're dead? Do you just die and that be that? Or do you come back and share the misery of loved ones? If there is a god why does he let people die? Would the coffin be comfy is you became the living dead? Do you think you'd be more likable t0 everyone if you died?
nice poem and sure i'll join you to seek the answers lol
thanks but i don't really care about winning its just that it's fun letting everybody see what you can pull out of the blue
ok can i have namine and an outsider Name:aelita Age:15 Gender:female Weapon/Power:she can create hills and boulders and things from nowhere and she can summon little balls of light called energy feilds Apearence: Personality:shy yet really brave
hi is anyone online?
"XANA? no why? has she dissappeared or something and bye the way i'm namine where are you? and what is that thing it looks a bit like a i don't know how to discribe it a cube with an eye in the middle and also a thing that looks like a robotic spider also with an eye anyway who are you and where are and where am i?"namine said "what is this thing?"riku asked and walked back to the elevator then went down again and saw a room with small booths he walked inside one and saw a wire he just touched it and it snapped and the botth doors shut and he felt some strong wind pushing up the next thing he knew he was in a place covered with ice "whoa a teleporter but how do i get back is anybody out there?!"riku shouted
sam thought about axels advice then pointed at whoever was in krystina's body "how are we related and what do you think of me?"sam asked "we are sisters and you're a little br- erm sweetheart"was the reply "get out of her body you big meanie!"sam said knowing he wouldn't so she move the sperate bubbles put them together then seperated them at different sides sam then let the bubbles pop "thanks sam you freed me that was so gross"krystina laughed
"i know and guess what the girl ditched school and iheard rumours she became a fashion model instead anyway i'm gonna go to bed now even though i'm wide awake mum wants me to go to bed i'll probably talk to you again tomorrow so in the famous words of tigger ttfn ta ta for now
namine looked around she heard a voice talking to a girl called aelita "hello! is anybody there?"namine shouted she could see a gigantic forest next to a huge red tower "hello is anybody in there?"she shouted but saw there was no entrance "strange"she muttered riku ran from the room and saw a factory "hey maybe theres something i can use in there" riku said and ran as close as he could to find a wall "heh easy i'll just scale this wall"riku said and jumped over it then ran into the factory he pressed down on the eleevator and he saw a few buttons with numbers on "hey i can work this out"riku pressed a few random numbers and the door opened he saw a funny computer "hey what is this supposed to be?"he asked stepping out of the elevator "riku? riku is that you?!"namine shouted she had definetly heard his voice but from where? ooc-i gotta go have a nap now see ya later
ouch oooooooooo that reminds me we had an evl teacher in year 6 he actually made people cry and once a girl in my class was batting and our teacher(who happened to be male)was bowling so he bowled the ball she hit it no biggie right? wrong the ball hit him you can guess where he literally fell on the ground in pain while this was going the girl scored our team a point or 20 lol
SNOW?! you lucky devil it never really snows here in england and when it does its still to warm and you can't even make a snowball but then i'm not complaining that you missed school after all i missed p.e today but at a painful price *rubs my eye* some kid whipped me with his jumper and the zip hit me just below the eye and fluff went in my eye i've never felt pain like it i was literally on the floor crying and screaming it was such a high pitch and was giving me a head ache but i couldn't stop it hurt to much so from now on i'm either with friends who can protect me or in the library on a computer
what you have no school tommorrow how come? oh and if you check my location it says i live in a cupboard thats actually half true
wwwwhhhhhoooooo tttttttiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmeeeee hhhhaaaaasssss ppppprrrrrreeeeeeettttttyyyyy mmmmuuuuuucccccchhhhhh ssssssttttttttooooooooppppppppeeeeeeddddd oh wait no my clocks broken i thought i looked funny with the second hand moving to the 9 then going back down to 6 lol so anyway whats up?
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssss sooooooooooorrrrrrrrryyyyy ffffffffffooooooooooooorrrrrr theeeeeeeee unneccasssssary loooooong wooooooooordddss iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttssssss jjuuuuuuuuuuust kiiiiiiiiinda fuuuuuuuuunn speeeeeeeeeaaaakkkkkkkinnnnng iiinnnn ssllooww mmmmmmmoooooooooo
"so axel will you hewp me?"sam asked
sam saw axel "axel i need to talk to you i need a little hewp both of these two are saying they are kwystina but their both saying the other is lying so i don't know what to do so can you hewp me pwease?"sam asked "axel that is xaldin in that bubble he didn't use a mind swap!"the one in krystinas nbody said "yes he is please get me out of this i promise you its me krystina"the one in x aldins body said "no me" "no me" "no me" "see what i mean"sam said
ooc- i can start if you want oh and if its ok can i keep riku sometimes two heads are better than one ic:namine woke feeling strange she looked around and saw she was standing next to a school "where am I? i thought i was gone forevfer when i merged with kairi"namine said and looked around she saw a strange blonde haired boy with glasses running towards a park "hey you there boy with glasses wait up!"namine called "can you tell me where I am please?"namine called riku woke up in a class room with everyone staring at him "whoa what happened"he said and saw a window and didn't recognize the scenery and he had been to alot of places trying to stop the nobodies "where am I?"riku asked "calm down i'm a teacher here your in kadic junior high one minute you weren't here the next you are now do you remember anything out of the ordinary happening before you got here young man?" "my name is Riku! and no i don't one minute i was on my home islands the next i woke up here"riku said "emily take riku to the infermery(sp?) please i think he may have hit his head after all he appeared out of nowhere in mid-air then fell to the ground"the teacher said "yes miss. come on newbie"she said "my name is riku and i'm fine i just want to go home but i live on another world!" the whole class just laughed at him
"yup boring but its better than being lectured by some old lady for half an hour"aelita said staring at her sister who laughed even harder