thanks and i already know what you mean by errors i think is it the fact i didn't use punctuation?cause if it is i have a perfectly good reason i haven't been taught the appropriate times to use punctuation at school yet
oooo I remember SvA sortta i thk he was always offline like an hour before i got online but i saw a few of his posts
oh screw it i'll be donald
larxene sighed she was having fun torchering demyx perhaps they'd let her throw demyx off of the ship while they were still in orbit she followed onto the ship and immediately went to the main weapon controls "ok i'm ready for a game of take down space ship style"she said then tapped demyx on the shoulder and waited till he turned round then mimed picking demyx up and throwing him then pointed out the window and laughed aelita looked at the traail riku had left and was about to follow him when she remembered he's an insensitive jerk she turned the other way stepped through some bushes and saw an egg then it started cracking then she saw a baby triceratops emerge it looked like a yellow puppy with horns "awwww you are so cute where's your mummy?"aelita asked the triceratops just walked to aelita and rubbed it's head on her leg "oh all right you can tag along"aelita said putting the baby in her jumper so it's head was sticking out "i'm gonna name you thorn say it the long way and it says three horn"aelita said then heard a low roar and then through another set of bushes the adult triceratops appeared aelita turned and ran the footsteps of the adult triceratops was making the ground shake aelita shot an energy ball at the triceratops and it didn't do anything aelita then had a plan she ran to the path riku had took and followed it to the museum then burst in tp see riku, a dog and a funny dinosaur "riku you wanted to kill a dinosaur right now's your big chance and i don't mean this baby i mean the mother outside"aelita said as another humungous roar erupted and three holes appeared in thbe door "make it snappy"aelita said "and whats up with the dog and the dinosaur dogs aren't prehistoric and they don't talk to dinosaurs" ooc: this is what the baby looks like in case you care it's the little thing at the front
i think i'll allow up to three roles just to make sure this doesn't get complicated and your in we can start as soon as we have ben and sora
she's not on the list but can i have namine oh and just saying but you forgot zexion in the list
larxene stared at demyx dodging luxords attacks and laughed then threw kunai at him aiming to hit his clothes to keep him pined to the wall "riku aren't you even going to bother seeing if you're friends are o.k?"aelita asked
chip and dale have been searching for new worlds in case the organization resturn and have located a world named earth and there have been signs the organization has been resurected so sora and everyone else ands in a large city and see battle between a green person made of diamonds that looks a little like a heartless so sora jumps into battle and destroys the nobody with ease as an emblem on the green things body flashed red then a bright red flash appers and the green guy is gone and left a boy standing there characters: sora-Wisdom Form Guy roxas-BamaSebastian riku- kairi- namine- ben-Wisdom Form Guy gwen-naminestwinsister grandpa max- donald- goofy- king mickey- leon-BamaSebastian yuffie- cid- aerith- merlin- yuna- rikku- pain- xemnas- xaldin- xigbar- larxene- axel- zexion- lexaeus- luxord- marluxia demyx- saix- vexen- malificent- pete-BamaSebastian anybody else from any other worlds you want and malificent and pete are also causing havoc amongst this new world rules: godmodding powerplaying killing without permission from the owner of the character 4.if you are in-active for a few days i'll have to get someone to take over your character if it continues for a month i'll give it away all together but this will only happen if you have not given reason
namine stepped out of the tower then screamed "what was that?" riku asked running outside "namine where are you!? riku shouted then noticed a strange orange bubble that was'nt there before he walked up to it and saw namine inside "namine!"he shouted then he grabbed his sword and started slashing at the bubble but nothing happened so riku ran back inside the tower and shouted up to the platform above "aelita quickly come back down here somethings happened to namine!"riku shouted outside 5 mega tanks arrived on the scene to protect the bubble
"foolish girl don't you realize you're father programmed me to be able to hack security camera's this is live footage from hidden security camera's and as for making it stop not until you can be a good girl and help me take over the world i need a host but it has to be you so i know you won't double cross me aelita now surely you will say yes?"XANA said ooc:i gotta go now sorry but it is soooooo past my bed time see ya tommorrow
*whispers "shut up you'll blow my cover"*
the image of aelita's mother awoke "aelita wait!you scum XANA!"she shoutedand ran after aelita XANA made a simulation bubble around aelita and the image of her mother "aeliat i know exactly what happened to your mother she was held captive so as to capture your father who had dissappeared into here then it just so happened that these men in black had no need for you're mother but now she knew too much so they killed her if you refuse to help me enslavee humanity i will just have to keep you stuck in here viewing the tragic scene ofyour mother dying again and again and again "no! don't do it XANA please i-i'll be your slave just don't make aelita watch that you made me with all my memories and i don't want aelita seeing the most horrible one after all they did more than murder me"the image of aelita's mother said "sorry but aelita has to do this if you tryed you'd be automaticly questioned everybody knows you died and besides your under the name of hopper where as aelita goes by "stones" so it would not raise awareness to me if aelita did it besides the amount of times she tried to destroy me i gave her the easy option of ruling the world side by side but if i must do it alone"XANA said then burst laughing a high cold laugh
"ah superior sir i just finished preparing the ship it has all defences possible plus a few extra weapons that just so happen to be ultima guns"larxene said "we're ready to leave as soon as demyx is finished i mean how long does it take to move food from one place to another?"larxene said rolling her eyes
"why deny it? aelita i can hear you're thought's stop fooling yourself into thinking this is a trap you, me and franz together we can rule the world together we can build a better place worthy of being called earth no more graphiti no more homeless no more little girls without mothers"XANA said "and also do you know why you're father made this world and me he did it for you he wanted to make the world a better place he wanted to create a replica of you're mother to make you think she had just gone on holiday but his transfer to lyoko went wrong and those meddling men in black arrived therefore the supercomputer was turned off this is why i tryed to destroy humanity but i forgot that not all humans are bad like you and you're father but i remember so thats why i want to enslave humanity to stop all the bad people surely you understand my logic and to fulfill one of you're fathers wishes"XANA said then some pixels appeared resembling a body then the colour filled it and it was aelita's mother who fell on the ground unconcious "don't worry she'll wake soon we can run the same program that takes you to earth to get her to earth just think about it aelita"xana said
"aelita you don't understand it's no lie he's down there why else would i be ordering my monsters not to destroy you but you're friends because i want to see my creator again he doesn't see the logic of my plan but- this is something you must see"XANA said then turned into mist and vanished into the digital sea then he came back up with a struggling ball of light XANA placed it up top "go on franz" XANA said "show yo're daughter you really are you and my monsters leave the hot head he isn't worth it and you boy don't even think of ruining their re-union"XANA said to axel
come on peeps join join join even if you think it sounds sucky it's not only appearences that can deceiving
larxene put the ship on charge then went back to xigbar and did a funny looking salute "i've finished with my duties now can we go destroy sora and his pals?"larxene asked hopefully
"almost had it killed you're supposed to be a good guy one of the legendary key warriors of light"aelita said she had heard rumours about the guy with silver hair and a key with a red haired girl with a key and spiky haired boy with a key "wait aren't those you're friends that are unconcious you haven't spared a second thought for them that's not what friend ship is about!"aelita said
s-*points keyblade at car which then turns into kairi's keyblade* d-awwwww uh-oh riku it looks you're in trouble kairi riku has you're cookies k-*looks at riku's pocket then her own*theif!*she grabs her keyblad then points it at riku then takes the cookies back if anybody try's that again they will die d-hippopotamus lady! k-i heard that! d-i didn't say it riku did k-rikuuu r-*runs away* k-ok now he's one i blame donald d-*runs after riku* s/g-*follows*
"stand back just cause i hid doesn't meani do't have a few tricks up my sleeve energy field"aelita said casually getting out of the cockpit with a pink ball of energy in her hand then she threw it at the T-rex and it fell over on the ground not moving "help me move this rex if it wakes up and finds us we'll be on the lunch menu"aelita said moving the T-rex at about a milimeter per 10 seconds"so think you can trust me yet?"aelita asked larxene got to work taking all the defence gummi's she could find then boarded a regular nobodie gummi ship and started blasting heartless ship's and started using the nobodie ship to collect more defence systems then larxene returned and installed them and added a bit more weaponry just in case she felt like touching some butons