when do we start and in the rp is it before or after they get trapped inside?
"Look demyx, I don't know what you're problem is but you know as well as I do that i can't exactly do anything to you, you know my weakness now don't you?"Larxene said "And don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question"Larxene added ooc-er i had a go at using commas are they all in the right places or are they just wrong
s-*chokes after laughing so hard* r-oh no! don't sit on me!*riku laughed so hard after he said that* r/d/g-*rolls on the floor laughing k-*suddenly the depression switched toanger*switch me back or i really will sit on you d-ok i'll try*lets out a burst of magic and kairi turns into an elephant*ok it irreversible *donald accidently made another burst of magic which turned kairi back*not alot of difference if you ask me r-*smashes his head against a wall after falluing over at donalds joke* d-bye bye*runs away* g-gawrsh don't forget to send a post card!
"Demyx, what is that thing?"Larxene askspointing at the strange creature
ooc-well you haven't been to my school we started punctuation last year plus we have two english teachers that teach us totally dfferent things which conuses us and slows us down we were about to do comma's when our exams came up plus the spare two weeks the dumb head of KS3 made us spend them as year 8's with different teachers who thought we'd learnt about punctuation bic- "What are you trying to hide Demyx?"Larxene asks stepping closer
ooc-not really but it can be in san francisco and "An ambulance is a big van that takes ill or hurt people to a hospital. Hang on a minute i'll dial one up"Gwen said taking a cell phone from her pocket and dials 911 "hello we need an ambulance in new street in san francisco please. Straight away. Yes. Ok fine thanks"Gwen hung up "Think you can last ten minutes without dying?"Gwen asked
ooc-ah well you see i don't quite understand punctuation fully i'm only 13 but i'll try "What?! Demyx went in alone i'll be surprised if this whole place doesn't suddenly collapse"Larxene said and went into the DNA lab "Ok Demyx what have you done this time?"Larxene asked ooc-is that a bit better
"are you alright do i need to call an ambulance for you?i'm sorry for distracting you"gwen said ooc-note that in hollow bastion and all that ambulances and hospitals don't exist so nobody from other worlds will know what one is
May I join please? Name:amy Age:20 Gender:female Weapon:a gigantic sword Class:ninja History:she never met her family properly because they were killed by scholars she vowed revenge and went straight to the ninja academy and tained everyday getting stronger and stronger until she was ready to leave but still not quite ready to take on scholars she kept training until she finally thought she was a match for the scholars Other:none Appearance:
yeah well since you can teleport teleport this thread to the spam zone and also is there even such number as 1000000000
"no we can help"gwen said "ben what are you waiting for go hero"gwen said
blake stepped out of the shadows he had been watching nami he was really just watching the heartless until the dark aura had appeared "hey there"blake said "i notice you have the power of darkness and the keyblade"he said then let a dark aura surround him and summoned his keyblade "snap"he said
aelita heard a big bang "sounds like a T-rex as well look you have strength in numbers i can stun T-rex's i'll go you stay and fight the raptors"aelita said running off and saw a guy with giant ears aelita summone a ball of light and threw it at the T-rex stunning it "are you ok?"aelita asked the strange big eared person
spring Spring at last a new begining for everything The earth begins it's journey around the sun once more. The rain clouds dissappear to be replaced by warm sunlight. Spring flowers will start to grow once more. The beach will once again be over crouded. The earth has another 365 times to spin. Lots of things happen in spring that won't happen in summer, autumn and winter. oh and congrats ~Sasumi~ i really stand no hope this time i haven't had time to work on my poems i have exams next week i've been spending most of my free time revising
"i heard that!"larxene said "obviously you do not have a full memory of castle oblivion a msall amount of water for example rain drops will make me melt large amounts of water say a bucket of water will make me explode causing alot of death's and it is not in my best interest to kill"larxene said aelita burst into the room "erm is this a bad time? anyway just so you know raptors are attacking"aelita said as the raptors entered
larxene sighs at sora "listen it's like this before we were just on a quest to get ourselves hearts which you stopped which ended in us being destroyed but when our somebodys started to get weak theie hearts released remaking us with about half a heart so now we have hearts so now we can feel emotion we know the difference between good and evil and we can make better choices like working with you instead of against right now we just want to stay alive but i just have one rule keep water away from me"larxene said aelita walked off and tried to explore the museum even further she stepped into a large room filled with fake dinosaurs she saw two raptor statues that looked more real than the other statues she touched one and it got off the platform this was no statue aelita ran
hi guys i'm in a good mood those jerks are finally gettting what they deserve mwahahahaha *blows up my worst enemys house*victory will be mine for i win i always win
ooc:fine i'll be kairi and by the way wheres that list of who who dies when you said you'd post that ages ago anyway brb i'll be about 10 mins bic:larxene walked into the museum and the smoke reduced "t-t-thank you d-demy e-even if you did make me suffer y-you still saved me i-i'm in youre debt"larxene said shivering she spotted an abandoned towel on the floor old and decayed but she immediately went for it and dried off "you know demyx i only tortured you because i was scared i knew you were a master of water so i tortured you to make you think that i was more powerful"larxene said she wandered weather she was lying or not aelita walked through laughing "rain doesn't melt people you moron's rain gets people wet unless larxene is made of wax or something" "you girl who exactly are you do you live here?"larxene asked "nope i stowed away on riku's ship"aelita said "idiotic girl i'm surprised you haven't "stowed away" in a T-rex's mouth by now"larxene said aelita dug in her pocket and drew out a gun "this is a water pistol it looks like a gun cause i was gonna scare away bad guy's anyway what was it you said rain melts you?"aelita asked then her triceratops showed up "hey thorn i wandered what happened to you"aelita said picking him up and putting him in her jumper again aelita shot at larxene though water didn't come out a bullet did "oh this must be my dad's" larxene quickly threw a kunai wich hit the bullet then narroly missed aelita's head "i don't know who you are but your pushing your luck"
"you don't quit do?"gwen asked swinging the pole at a heartless and the pole snapped "why do want us dead?"gwen demanded
"because you were ordering those things to attack my cousin!"gwen said angrily