"Anyway," Reed said, becoming slightly more serious, "There has been trouble to the north. The people are generally a peaceful group, but there has been some unrest concerning a new leader. We don't need another war like the last one. Also, he seems to be "purging" the land of non-humans."
Black wind. Im not really a fan of Sephiroth. I just think he is one of the best villans.
A road leading through green hills during night. (BTW, it's vocabulary. Grammar has to do with the way words relate and how to write/say them and Vocabulary is to do with the words themselves. Hits timeless with a Vocabulary hammer)
"Nah, I'm okay. You have it. You seem hungry," Reed declined. "I can go for weeks without food anyway," he continued rapping his knuckles against his head in a idiotic way.
morning. I know, plain
Reed caught up to the others. "Searching for food?" he asked, looking at them standing in the trees.
Hero's comeback - Naruto theme song
Reed walked to the market place, feigning intrest in a few items. "I head civil war has broken out to the north," a nerby voice whispered to another listening. "Hmm.... They use to be a peacefull group up there," another replied. Reed walked to the market place, feigning intrest in a few items. "I head civil war has broken out to the north," a nerby voice whispered to another listening. "Hmm.... They use to be a peacefull group up there," another replied.
World- It was made by a friend and her brother
Display picture artic wolf. BTW, I know it is mispelled, but it was too late after I finished it the first time.
a french moogle
Road Trippin' - Red Hot Chilli peppers
"Thats were people talk. When someone goes to a market place, tehy can be sure to here gossip. I don't know much about dragons, but I have heard they are usually peacefull beings that tend to stick to themselves. Best we find out what stirred that one up because we might see them again," Reed explained.
"You guys can stay here if you want. I'm going to check the market place," Reed told them
a orangy colour
Reed stepped back around. "He's asleep right now," Reed informed them. "That's odd, he was talking non-stop a second ago," then doctor muttered. Reed shrugged. "Anyway, at least he's okay. That's what I really came here for," Reed said. He pressed a small stone into the doctor's hand and some money. "The stone is just incase he wants to find us. The money is for your trouble. I'm sorry that I brought such a troublesome patient," Reed told the doctor. He then walked out the door while tapping Sharix and Saya's shoulders.
By The Way - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
a small grain
Californication - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
I hate everything about you - Three Days Grace Can someone suggest a band because I'm running low on songs