One step closer- Linkin Park It's an okay song, but I just got it stuck in my head
binoculars. len...lens. Ok, that was completely random. Sue me
My Freinds - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Reed looked at Wes. "If you don't have anything you need to take care of, than we can go buy some horses or something. I don't particularly feel like running the whole way to the northen kingdom on foot," Reed suggested, "not after last time." He cast a glance at Sharix.
asian. They sometimes have short names begining with L. I love ffx and ffx2! Got both games
It always seems to be you that posts last. A file name
Easier to run - Linkin Park
OOC: We got second out of 10 teams. I'm quite pround myself especialy since I managed a goal "Then we should get packing. I bought a couple of supplies such as bread, water, cheese, but if there's something I'm missing please tell me," Reed decided.
Somewhere I belong - Linkin Park
A dark samurai. Something to do with the wolf I guess
a female kairi....wait
Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance It's just an awesome song!
"A very odd sword then," Reed agreed, turning his attention to Wes. "You seem like you might be a very companion, able to carry around a sword that would kill most in their sleep. So, we were going north, weren't we?" (OOC: Sorry I was gone so long, but I was on a 5-day soccer tournament)
Reed stared at the now lifeless sword. "Odd..." he muttered, going to pick it up.
Tonight Tonight Tonight - Beat Crusaders The opening for bleach during the bount arc
OOC: Welcome back! "Maybe that's why he fell from the sky," Reed theorized, studying him. "Well, you came with us this far, wouldn't be right to go our ways here. Besides, you know how heavy you are?"
A nobody. Its the x thing
"Thats what I was thinking, but we don't have to go straight away. I'm ready when you are," Reed said
Star fox, theres a character called wolf on it I think
Mama- My Chemical Romance