Did you recieve it?
nel spelt backwards Yeah, this was originally my runescape name.
Kryptonite - 3 doors down
A mystical university that has something to do with wind Odd...
I have sent the download link. It should be on a PM
Passion - Utada Hikaru
A person that I have to come up with thoughts for in multiple previous posts It always seems to be the same people to me
Giving in - Linkin Park
Something involving video input
A wolf on drugs
Cure for the Itch - Linkin Park YEah, it's an odd song. I only really like it after the "let's try something different" part
a lunatic. That wasn't very original, was it?
I've pretty much decided what to do, but I might take a couple more days to finish. I don't make videos really fast
Mortal Kombat Theme- Mortal Kombat Heard it with the music vid by Smosh. Those guys are funny
Broken Hearts Parade- Good Charlotte
"It probably doesn't matter for you. People see a fairy and think cute. Someone sees my race, and its all darkness and evil. I look like a normal human when walking, but the things that identify me for what I am are my wings," Reed muttered, looking at his feet. He raised his face and smiled. "So, everybody happy? Let's get going!"
A z modificarion of a zero model of a robot
Final Fantasy Victory Fan Fare You know you love it
"Well, I'm afraid people will freak out if they see me in my "winged form," Reed explained, using air quotes, "So I'm going to stick to the ground for the time been."