A farely old video game character
Boys and girls? - Good Charlotte
Move your Body- Eiffel 65 Please, somebody shoot me. I'm in so much shame for my childhood music T-T
A nobody that has the letter ephos in his original's name
"Don't worry, you'll probably find them. What about you two?" Reed asked, tunring towards the others.
an eastern royal
Owls - Weebls stuff
A soldier/warrior
What's Up People - Death Note OP 2 Its weird
Just Lose Yourself- Eminem
A greek pyromaniac. All because of one symbol
Prisoner of Love- Utada Hikaru Only heard it in Karaoke when my friend sung it, but it was pretty good
A giant airship
Shura - Does
A large ship
Hollywise - Black Manhattan
A female fantasy character's name that is good with machines
"So, what are your stories?" Reed asked the group as the carts rumbled along. A phoenix swooped down and perched on his shoulder. "Intresting people have intresting backgrounds, and you guys are intresting people for sure."
Sorry about this, I misread your username...Fart
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen One of the weirdest songs I've heard