Banned for doing the wrongest wrong that has ever wronged
Banned for not growing Banora white apples
Lol, thats okay. Probably faster than I would. My internet is cruddy and I can't watch youtube or red vs blue. Can't wait to see it
Chain - Back On
Someone babbling
Red Card. Banned for being aggresive
Pain- Three Days Grace
You're banned for having a stupid sig
Someone who snuck in on Roxas in the changing rooms
Banned for been a female Roxas
Preliator - Globus Epic
A random computer specification/setting
Banned for wanting to explode
Legend of Zelda Theme I love the tune
I kissed a girl - ??? I don't like this song
banned for being furry
Roxas as a streaker
Hollow Bastion- Kingdom Hearts
banned for having a username almost impossible to read
A very specific class for a RPG game that will be useful for a time then completely useless