ooc:; >.< 'kay. We're gonna start now!
It was sunny, then it rained a bit, now it's overcast. Try doing something really fun.
ooc:; I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old man. T.T Not to be offensive to you, I just think of "Old man" when I hear Xigbar...
ooc:; Yay! Who wants to roleplay now? Say "I".
ooc:; One..OMGitssRiku! isn't online though. If you guys want you can pick one more character.
It's nine twenty nine here. Dang. That really bites. I hope you have a better day.
XD The Kill {in your pants}
Straightjacket Feeling...in your/my pants.
ooc:; You're gonna have to pick a different person. Sorry.
ooc:; Yay!!!! ^^ && sure. Three more and then we can start. ^^
Ello, Ello. ::Rules:: 1. Spell...your...words! Example: dood u is liek totly wickd. = NO! Dude, you are totally wicked! = YES! ::ALSO:: DONT ever have one line posts. Seriously. Such as: Riku sat down in the chair. 2. Chatspeak is only allowed in OOC. 3. Use an OOC. 4. Don't kill, steal other characters, or any other awful things like that. 5. Respect everyone, okay? 0. We, the owners of this spec of board {OMGitssRiku! && Me}, will regulate how many characters is too many. :: MEANING :: Choose wisely. ::*The List*:: Sora:: xiegin Roxas:: OMGitssRiku! Donald Duck:: Goofy:: Riku:: OMGitssRiku! Kairi:: Xiii Roxxas iiiX Namine:: Namine_of_KH2 King Mickey:: Tacole DiZ/Ansem The Wise:: Tidus:: Wakka:: Selphie:: Jack Skellington:: Sally:: Xigbar:: Xigbar Lexaeus:: Zexion:: Axel:: Xiii Roxxas iiiX Demyx:: AnimeGirl104 Luxord:: Marluxia:: Larxene:: Xemnas/Xehanort:: Tacole (If I forgot anyone important, tell me) ::!The Scenario!:: The characters we all know and love were going to their **Summer Home!!** when an accident happened: Kairi, Sora, Namine, Roxas, and Riku have been turned into toddlers..oddly enough, Saix, Vexen, and Xaldin were going away on their Alaska cruise. It is warm summer, but other characters are left with five rambuncious toddlers that won't change back until the next full moon!! Co-Owner: OMGitssRiku! Co-Owner: Xiii Roxxas iiiX
I gladly admit it's me who can't stop laughing. XD I was the one talking to her, FYI.
Axel Please!
I call Kairi then. :) EDIT: Here I'll do it too. name: Kairi -------- appearance: Kairi-ness weapon: She's a wimp..but she used the little sac on her hip or whatever hobbies: Hanging out, Shopping, Internet..uhm..girl stuff? other: Frikin Loves Sora..
OOC: I have this strange feeling they won't be getting along... >.>
Thanks. ^^ I promise, I will. :)
I know.. (:
That's really good for paint. I can't get it to work for me. 10/10!
I'm not taking that as an insult because it's not. I hadn't been drawing for a while and I started up on the Namine one out of the blue. Thanks. ^_^ Eh, I've never been good at eyes. But I'll try harder. {and Namine's arms are noodles. :P}