You missed one. "Stay in School." && Thanks. =)
Yay. ^^ I know you don't know me but I'm happy for you. =3
It Ends Tonight in my pants
"I wish." She said to Tacole. Then she saw C ride up on his motorcycle. "Uh..Okay." Karae said, picking up her backpack.
Axel just looked at them for a moment. "Hey, did you guys go in Saix's room last night? Or Vexen for that matter?" Kairi rubbed her little head, trying to remember anything past this morning. "I tink so. Awe Naminey and Woxas awake?" She said in her small voice. Then she looked at Sora, who was on his floor. "Wha happen?" She asked him. ooc:; Figured I'd show you guys something. That's what Namine, Sora, and Riku look like as "kids."
Kairi hopped out of bed and sifted under her bed for a hand mirror. Her hair was almost pink. She screamed too. Axel walked out and into Roxas's room to see if he was still his same age. He saw his hair sticking out from under his blanket so he figured he was.. Then he went into Sora's room. Kairi was holding Axel's hand and screaming. When she saw Sora had been turned into a toddler, she giggled. "Your haiw is awl fwatty." Meaning: "You're hair is flatter!"
"I dwnnow." Kairi said. She looked at her room.. It seemed huge. -------------------------------------------------------- Axel walked over to the grill and flicked it. A fire started burning. "I shall now be referred to as 'Axel, the god of fire.'" He said, walking out of the room and into Kairi's room. --long pause-- "What the h***?!?" He exclaimed when he saw Kairi the Toddler sitting on her bed wiggling her legs. She looked up at him with big, innocent eyes. "Eye hwaef no ideaw." She said cutely.
You're obsessed when you... -Gather together thirteen people and make an "Organization XIII 2" -Go around poking people in the heart and telling them you have their heart. -{if you're a guy}Call your girlfriend Kairi and your best friend Riku -Go around saying "Dance, Water, Dance!" (I do!) -Start a youtube account based off of Kh2 (I have..) -Get spurs from wheels then go around hitting people with them and saying "BURN!!!!" -Buying a sitar and making it look like Demyx's -Chop off flower petals and use them when you enter a room (like throw them around and such) -Become obsessed with turning your friends into dice. That's all I can think of. XD
"Oh. Cool." She replied. She put her mechanical pencil in her backpack and then her scetchbook. "Do you know what time it is? I left my watch at my dorm." She asked.
Axel rubbed his mess of extremely unnatural hair. He had woken up due to Xemnas calling for him. He slid on his slippers and put his Organization coat on over his pajamas. "Yeah, Xemnas?" He asked, yawning ---------------------------------------------------- Kairi was wriggling in her sheets. Since when was my bed so big?? she thought. Her hands were small, but they grabbed the covers and pulled them over her head. "GWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Was basically the only thing she could say, which basically meant "OHMYGOD!!!". She was small and her clothes didn't fit her. She seemed to be a toddler.
I believe whoever made that is a geniusface. =3 But there's so many subliminal things in kingdom hearts && kingdom hearts 2 that are unnoticed. Like the Sanctuary and Simple & Clean backwards.
...... Hi. ^^ I'm Maya. I <3 Roxas. I'm an advanced rper for reasons known. I like chocolate..kh2....uhm..chillin'? That's really all..Really.
Hearing a voice, she looks up. "'s nothing much. Just freehanding some manga I picked up yesterday." Karae replied. "Whats up?"
I realize. :3 Freakish..?
....... Just figured I'd let you know that the whole series is of that concept. Remember Sanctuary? Showing from COM the scenes of running up and down the stairs. In the manga, Riku starts at the bottom and Sora starts at the top. Sanctuary backwards is talking about how Riku was Ansem. "I hear I was Ansem, I Hear I was Ansem" "and he was Ansem, and he was Ansem"...... "I need true emotion" & "I need more affection than you know" sound like something he would say. and another part.. "I cannot kill them" <--- Sora battling the heartless reversed. It even has the lyrics. kthnxbye.
ooc:; I guess the first step is having gamemaster be online.
ooc:; Mmkay. bic:; On a bench, a scetch pad on her lap, sat Karae. The sun, shining brightly on her dark hair and light skin, was fueling her ideas for drawing. The sky was blue, with few scattered clouds.. ...But she's not the weather person. She smirked at the picture she was drawing. It seemed to be going along pretty good.
Lol. Those were the two funniest things I've seen today. XD Herbal Essence conditioner is probably the best though.
Thinks they are the true keyblade master and/or Luke Skywalker...
ooc:; Name: Karae {pronounced like Kara} Looks: Black hair, bleach blonde tips, button nose..occasionally wears makeup. Medium tan skin. 5'7". Looks a bit like Kairi.. Wears a double key neclace {a two sided key} around her neck and varied accesories. Gender: Female Vehicle: 1976 Spitfire, baby blue and black. Age: 17 1/2