Well it's obvious people post in hopes of getting praised as such. If they can't even take a little bit of **** from someone, they won't ever take criticism properly.
I said the first and last point in my second god damn post attempt here, but someone had to ****ing baleet the **** out of it. And just for the heck of it, I still think the tags suck.
Holy **** you guys are ****ing ******s, stop deleting my posts. Jesus christ, learn to ****ing read you ******* moderators. Legitimate crit guys, look: 1) Tags are monochromatic (one colour, ergo it looks boring and flat) so put some more god damn colours in there. 2) It's chaotic and way too busy, ergo the tag doesn't have a sense of flow and isn't visually appealing. Stop brushing everywhere randomly. Think about some freaking composition. 3) Canvas size is way to big for the placement and size of the stock. 4) Six versions for a simple change in the way the stock looks and typography? Those changes aren't significant enough to constitute a new version.
delicious hamsters oh god get out of here MINATO ARISATO These are pretty ******.
This is true. Much bigger fan of the second one. Personally I think you should have done a "Sin City"-esque effect to the first.
(she thinks it sucks, but she's just being nice)
In anycase, actually back on the topic of why I do destructive crit rather than constructive? Because 90% of the members who post in the threads are like: "OMG DATS SO GOOD" or "10/10 i love code gayass and i'm a gigantic homosexual" That is not very good if you want to improve. It's great encouragement, but it makes the person getting praised CONTINUE to do ****** things with their tags. However, if they can properly suck up someone telling their **** is horrible, then that might make them want to prove that person that, "no I can be better and I will show you." I'd post constructive if you guys weren't giving such horrible ****ing criticism in the first place.
What a ****ing ****** symmetrical tag. Suddenly, attack of the ****** Metroid tag:
Stocks are ****ing sprites, jesus christ learn how to ****ing tag. No thanks. You think I don't know this? This stuff is worse than what I did a few years back. I don't know why, but during the early 2000's, everyone on the god damn internet was making tags, wallpapers or just using photoshop in general. Back then, people were actually good at making tags and ****. Now? Unless you're on a forum dedicated to graphics (See: tagmonkey, NSL), then most of the stuff you see is going to be pretty shitsux.
Yes there is. I posted destructive criticism, ergo, telling someone what's wrong with what they posted in a rude and hateful manner. This way, he/she should take what's wrong about this particular sig (everything) and try and make it better (ahahah good ****ing luck with that).
******ed ****** post limit rule
It's bright, neon pink, monochromatic, busy, horrible typography, bland effects, with absolutely no flow. I hate it and I think it sucks.
no wait I like you, let's play some ****ing K' Despite the fact that these are all horrible and ******, they're still (unfortunately) better than 98% of the crap I see here.
Yeah, but these kids are expecting **** like homosexually bright, and large lighting.
Monochromatic, bland effects, no depth or flow, background doesn't correspond with the stock in any way.