Ok ******s, I didn't make this just to show how I improved :l Whole point is we all show each other our ****** improvements over the course of our horrible graphic design lifetime. duhhhhhh
I can't tell if this serious or sarcastic.
1) Ew scanlines. 2) Ew typography. 3) That bright and overly contrasted area makes me go >:l
Old stuff -> newer stuffs. This is about 5 years of improvement. Well no, I went on and off for a total of 2 and a half years. So about 3 years of improvement rounded up.
ok so this is my OLD TO NEW **** BRODUDES T-T-T-TIME SKIP
:l This current generation of anime fans disappoints me. KAZUMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RYUHOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU suddenly it's fucen Scryed.
Well I'm not doing anything with the inverted ones. I **** around with the regulars and then just invert it because it doesn't look too bad. ****ing around with the negative one hurts me eyes.
Black and white/grey scale/lacking in saturation/etc. Centered the text. I think it looks a lot better than before.
KHI had this and it was ****ing AWESOME.
The last good Soul Calibur was Soul Calibur 2.
Don't ever do transparent tags. It creates too much of a separation between the background and stock, such that it looks like you slapped some crappy stock onto a monochromatic background and stopped there.
Horrible. If I had to give a numerical rating for both of your things, it'd have to be: G/10, where G is the gravitational constant.
******ed ****** post limit rule.
wip for khi's sotw Two new versions: Keepin' this **** simple.
You. Go here: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=69200 Read it before you make another tag >:l You too.
Trust me, I probably won't :l
****** >:l
Of course you're grateful to me, I'm awesome.
I don't accept friend invites. I have like, 3 pending on KHI.