Which ever team has Sirlin as a surprise guest will win. :l It's ****ing Sirlin.
Ahahah jesus christ my eyes. Ow.
If you were smart, you'd realize: 1) Who the **** is Cin and why should I care? I don't know if you've noticed, but I care about this forum (and its community) as much as I want to eat horse feces. That's not saying much. 2) Toke Jopic failed. 3) PC is better than both of those anyway.
I don't know if you noticed but: I think you need to learn how to read. Make sure you read this too: Lrn2read. Get off your high horse boy, you're nothing special.
induring ******ed xbox 360 fanboy ******s.
Xbox 360 cheaper? Not really. PS3 (80 GB): $399.99 Online: Free Wireless Adaptor: Free Bluetooth Headset: $19.99 --------------------------------- Total: $419.98 Xbox 360 Pro: $299.99 Online: $49.99 Wireless Adaptor: $99.99 Xbox 360 Headset: $19.99 ---------------------------------- Total: $469.96 Granted, you don't have to get the wireless adaptor for the Xbox 360, but it'd still be fairly expensive, raising up to about $369.97. If you plan on keeping your Xbox 360 for more than one year and continue to use Xbox LIVE (Gold), then keep adding $49.99 to your budget. Of course, XBL does have a slightly better GUI and a more active community, but PSN is pretty active regardless. On the other hand, the PS3 is also a much better multimedia device, and is great since it can upscale DVD's as well as play Blu-Ray discs.
No idea :v
I would like to know the answer to this.
Too bad Twilight sucks.
Ahaha, you're a ****ing idiot. That's like telling me that there's no Guilty Gear XX Accent Core, King of Fighters XI, or Street Fighter Anniversary Collection on the PS2.
Left side is ****ing boss dude. I think you should scrap the right, it's the uggos. ****'s pretty nasty. But at least it isn't brushing with downloaded brush packs. @vexen - smudge tags are supposed to look messy :l The basics are there, and I can point to you where the flow, depth (although it's not very apparent), lighting and colour usage is if you want. @Xidonnnnnnn - left shoulder hnnnnnngh at first I wasn't going to smudge it but I was like fuk dis shiet lets do it anywayz Also number ratings are pretty homosexual.
It's a pretty bad vert tag then.
Then what is supposed to be? If this is a vert tag then it's pretty bad because it's:
tada Because I can smudge like a fucen nigra dood. Notice how it isn't total crap.
Can't see **** captain.
It's like I'm staring at nothing. This is not a compliment.
It's a guy. A line. And some text that says "Feelz Good". I don't think this would be something anyone would call album art.