YAY! bic:Xigabr looked around "Ahhhh...Back at the holiday where everything shall go wrong!"He yelled smiling a big one"OHHH!..Ig I had emotions I would be so syched"He yelled,"Shutup It's not that fun"Zexion said pushing his hair back,"Well I think the casino would be my favorite"Luxord sayd wlaking in a sweet "Danm we have to share one big sweet !"He yelled madly and walked in Xigbar and Zexion looked at each other "OLD TIMES!"They yelld laughing and walking the sweet
Occ; a pokemon episode came on earlir I'MA GETTIGN A TWEVLE!XD bic:Some stop 45miles later at a river fall "OOOHHHH..Pretty"She said smiling,Momo eyes got big she then jumped off Some's back and ran to the water and jumpedi n"Momo!Wait up"She said taking her jacket off and her baggy pants off and put them on bike and put in front of the river and she jumped iin.
Xigbar Luxord and Zesion if I may??
name:Somey age:1 what animal:Wolf live:Pride lands attatude:she smart but mean shes over protected of her owner,she loves to play,and she can tlk in human bio:She was foudn as a cub by a human names some and was rised but got strong she now protects some name:Some age: 18 attatude:Smart strong,evil maybe apearonse: reason 4 being there:She just landed there crashed in her gummi ship,Somey wants to look aroudn awhile,she's trying to find things to fix her gummi ship,and she likes adventures bio:She got a cud wolf when she was only 5 and took care of it they landed in pridelands in a gummi ship shem ade cuase the heartless atacked it.
Some smiled and ate"I'am off dad got to get back onthe road COME PN MOMO"She yelled to momo and told her dad,"Ok dear call me andcome visit!"He said giving her her backpack,Some smiled as momo came down and got on some's back wagging her tail side to side and up and down"Ok lets go get some pokemon"She yelled rununing out to a labortory and went in the poke ball center "Ok I need sarah-bulbasuar then plus and mine-plusel and minus then suzie-pikachu and then iam set ok"Soem said,she grabbed the pokeballs and ran out to a bik put the balls on her belt and rode off
May I be goddes of fire I got the pic alredy please!!!!!and godes of wate maybe?!?!?I got that pic too
ooc:Yay me added!You my good frined has made my first rp to join!:3 bic:Some was at her home in palet town"Ahhh...Good morning momo"She said,she peted a monkey pokemon "ehhh..."It screeched in happiness.Some then got dressed ran down stairs to eat breakfast her father made,he was very muscler and had brown shinning hair short flat,then he were a jacked blue open to see his muscles,and black pants "Morning some"He said,as he gave her a kiss on her forhead.
I don't know you but sure bud your a buddy to me!
Guess my name tiome!!!!Yay nuh nuh nuh nuh!!! Ok you guess my word k heres my guesses! Attitude:I'am a kungfu fighter I'am scared to fight who am I? looks:I got shor black hair thatgoes in my face who am I? gender:Male Guess in poll!
k well its bed time for me k night peoples *hugs all then walks uot door*weee
lol!funnny! I might go to right now k!?!?!?!
ooc:You have Marluxia!LOL!XD No I"am not swordser-whatever and I just thought of that name actualy!My freind at homeworkcenter picked this name out for me!She said her friend has this name as her email at hotmail!
HES MINE!*takes out a bigger pluhi and hugs it and kisses its forhead*MINE! BISHES
night gatey!!!!!!:3 I"ama miss him! WAH!
ooc:I want rikus and GateKeepers chari babies cuaser htyere both look cute o me!
Name:Some Age:16 Biography:She has a regalar life being beutiful and such,but weird things been happening she can't feel love it's like she turned goth. Grade:umm...what ever 16 year olds are in Classes:Math,science,art advanced,computers advanced advanced1,and some more Apperence:
Lol I'am gonna draw a pic of something kh like lol
who?Lol thats a funny name why didn't I think of that I wouldv'e sound more mystial!Duh Duh Duh!Lol so may I join?And who is swordser2?
30850 Wow we high