Aww.. I wanted Namine >.< Every RP I look in, Namine is taken. Buuut I guess I'll be Kairi please :3
Okaay (: Lol
Soon^^ I'm just waiting for a bit more people (: Sorry. I meant to change it xD
Yeep^^ Lol xD
Love is giving somebody the power to break your heart; But trusting them not too <3
Of Course (: Of Course xD Yep^^ Yay, a teacher :3 Lol Duuh its okaay^^ Lol Uh Huh. xD
Story: After Sora and his two companions big journey, they returned home. Unforunatly, they are still forced to go to school. BIG bummer. Rules: -Pretty much what Kh-Vids has for their rules. -Swearing is not wanted. -Romance is allowed. Must be kept PG-13 -Can Fight. But outside of school. -Just tell me who you want to be and you got it. (Unless they are taken) -You can be more then 1 character if you want. Max. 3 -Please post atleast once a week. If you dont, your expelled. I don't wish to do that D: -Write in 3rd person. I dont want want "I did this.." I want "Namine did this.." Students/Username: Sora - Maxix Kairi - keybladewarrioroflegend Riku - Nexah Namine - NamineMuffinCakes Roxas - Roxas81334 Hayner - CloudStrife2k9 Pence - Alpha Sonix Olette - Key master Sora Axel - Shadow55551 Xion - OneSky_OneDestiny Yuffie - Shadow D. Zexion - Broken Wakka- Ego Imperium Tidus- Ego Imperium Teachers/Username: Xemnas (Principal) - AmericanSephiroth Saix (Vice Principal) - .:Xigbar:. Marluxia (Other Vice Principal) - Broken Ansem the Wise (Superindendant) - Ego Imperium Tifa (Secetary) - kingdomhearts530 Aerith (Art Teacher) - Cat<3 Sora Luxord (Math) - Rexa Larxene (English) - Rexa Lexaeus (P.E) - TheDeadGuy Vexen (Science) - keybladewarrioroflegend Zaldin (Social Studies) - Broken Xigbar (Drama) - Nexah Demyx (Janitor xD) - Mvalentine Mickey (Substitute Teacher) - TheDeadGuy Schedule: 1st Hour - Science [8-9am] 2nd Hour - Math [9-10am] 3rd Hour - Art [10-11am] 4th Hour - English [11-12am] 5th Hour - Lunch [12-1pm] 6th Hour - Social Studies [1-2pm] 7th Hour - P.E [2-3pm] 8th Hour - Drama [3-4pm] Class Starts Exactly 8. Ends 4.