Heey, Nothing xD Lol
"Yeah. You FINALLY made it. Your welcome." Namine smiled and rested her arms on the seat in front of her. "And please don't make being late a habit." She laughed. "First day and the driver is already making me go crazy. If it DOES become a habit, then I'll be in a asylum by the end of the month." Then, Namine looked to see Tidus sit beside her. "So what did you do this summer Tidus? You were barely around, so it was only the 5 of us. Me, Sora, Riku, Kairi and Selphie. But I'm gonna ask Roxas later. If he goes to school." Namine sat waiting for his response. She looked around to see if she can spot Kairi. Nope, early as always. "And by the way Sora. Your buying me lunch today." The blonde giggled and looked to Tidus again.
Someone whispered into Namine's ear. "He better be on time, 'cause even if he did make it on time. He owes me!" She turned to Tidus. "Oh, hi Tidus." Namine smiled. "And I'm not worried!" Yes I am, she thought. "I just don't think its very cool being late on the first day." Then, Namine turned her back to him and looked at the driver. "Now, you! Okay, this is my first day of school again and your already pissing me off!" she yelled. "I want you to wait for my friend! Got it? Now, we're going to sit and wait-" Namine noticed a spiked hair boy came on. "Never mind!" she yelled again and turned to sit down. Yes. Everyone has their powers. They can fight, only outside of school hours and away from any citizen buildings. [Houses, Offices, Stores ect]
Namine ran to the bus stop, and just managed to catch it. She jumped on and looked around. Sora is late too? "Um.. Driver. Can you wait a minute for my friend?" Namine asked as nicely as she can. "Young lady, if I wait any longer. All of you are going to be late." He replied. Namine needed to act fast, she can't let Sora be late! No way in the world does she want him being a late bug like herself. "Oh My God. Is that a new T-shirt? Its so awesome!" Namine smiled. "Why Thank yo-. Hahaaa, nice try there blondie." He said. "Ahem. My name is Namine, excuse me! So much for trying to be nice." She glared. Okaay, I'll sure to add them tomorrow :3 Yeah I thought about that, buuut I'm the type of person who doesn't really like or want music classes. It makes me feel like I'm in grade 6 xD
Suuure (: Lol Namine finally made if downstairs and sat at the table. "Morning, Mom." said Namine. "Good Morning, dear. Eat up quick, don't want you being late for school again." replied her mother, placing a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her. "I know, I have a bad habit of being late. But that was grade 9! I'm in grade 10 know, and I'm being a mature adult- Oh my God! Mom, look at that puppy. He's soooo cute. Who's the cutie, you are, you are." Namine called. She turned to look at her mother who was staring at her in a weird way. "Very mature." said her mom. Namine blushed in embarassment. "Curses! I wish I wasn't so dumb!" whined Namine in her head. Then, she started munching down her food. "Your dad had to go to work early this morning, but he wishes you luck on your first day of school." her mother said as she stood up. Nami moaned in response, to let her mom know she was listening. "And Namine?" the mom asked. "Hmmm?" replied Namine. "It's 7:55." Quickly, Namine looked at the clock to see that she did only have 5 minutes to get to school. "Shoot!" She said as she forced down all of her breakfast. "Bye Mom! See you later!" Namine yelled as she ran out the door.[[Guys (and girls), please do it like this when your OOC (out of character). Red, Comic Sans, "[[ ]]" and size 3. Thanks]]
Yes start. Yeah, sorry for not being on for a bit D: I was out of town for a volleyball tourn. and couldn't get on..
Aww D: *hugs you* (RP open now. Just to update)
Sure :3 Lol xD Kairi is taken now. But you can have Luxord (: Sorry Yeeeeppers :3 Oookaay :3 Namine woke up to an annoying buzzing. "5 more minutes." She groaned. Then she covered her head with a pillow. "Goooood Morning, Destiny Islands! Mix Up Michael here and what a beautiful day outside, aren't I right? Well, its 7:00, September 1st and do you know what that means? You've got it! Time for those meddling kids to go back to school! Hallelujah, right parents?" Namine then started whining "Shuuuut up, Mix up Michael! No one likes you..!" Out of no where, She started to smell the yummy scent of bacon. "Naaaamine! Time for breakfast!" Her mother called. Nami jumped out of bed, "I'm up!"
Good, and you? :3
Hii :3 Lol
Okaaaay (: Of course its okaay (:
Kaay :3 Lol Yeah^^ Its pretty kool here That'd be great (: Thanks
Sure^^ Lol
LOL xD I can so see that
You got it (:
Sure^^ I dont mind a slight change (:
All I need is a few teachers and we can start the rp^^
Mhm :3 Lol Lol, Of Course xD
Lol, Thanks^^
Of Course^^