Namine happily followed Kairi and Sora to the Science class, running. As they made their way to the class, the blonde looked around. She definitly see the changes that had been made. "You guys..!" Namine yelled from behing them both. "Waaait." she complained.
"Good!" Namine said, clasping her hands together. "'Cause we're lost." she giggled. The blonde looked to Sora, who she can tell was a slight embarassed to. So Namine smiled and looked at Kairi again. "Lead the way, Princess! Not long until Class starts." said Nami.
"Kairi!" Namine turned and saw her beautiful redheaded friend. She looked at Sora, and nodded to let him know its okay. "Your early as always," laughed Namine. "So, you know where Science class is, right?"
They walked through the doors, and Sora yelled for Pence. Namine let out a long breath, only realizing now that she was holding it. Inside the building wasn't as crowded as outside, so why didn't Sora let go of her hand? The blonde shrugged, for he will eventually. Namine looked around and saw people stare. It didn't bother her, really. However, it would be nice to know why.
Same d: I know theres more.. Lol
Namine felt a little flush come across her cheeks as he took her hand. "Yeah." she smiled as he led her through the crowd. "So what if Pence doesn't know?" The blonde asked. They continued walking, but in silence. Namine couldn't blame him if he couldn't hear her. The crowd was loud anyways.
Whoo (: Lol
I kinda like AkuRoku.. And RoxasxDemyx. But thats mainly it. I try to make yaoi vids, but I hate how they turn out Dx
"Yeah.. We just got to stick together! Rig-" she looked to see Tidus was no longer with them. "Where'd he go?" The blonde shrugged and let the question fade. Namine took out her schedule and looked at it, "Science, with Mr.Vexen." She sighed again and looked at the school. "Okay, We'll find it. We just got to get lost, be found, then be shown the way." Then she though about it. "Okay, bad plan. How about we ask someone..? By we, I mean you.." said Namine. "'Cause you know me, I'm too shy. When the teacher asks me to answer the question out loud, I feel like fainting." Nami looked at Sora with a smile that said 'You know I'm right'.
Yeah, alot of people are xD Well atleast the people I know. They get upset when I dont make an AkuRoku video d:
Am I? I'm a total Namora fangirl xD Can't you tell with the icon? Lol
They stopped in front of the school, and something struck her gut. Nervous? Now..? She thought. Namine stood up and met up with Sora again. "Here we go." The blonde smiled and walked off the bus. Campus was already crowded with people, so she looked towards Sora and Tidus with a worried face. "Its just like last year!" she whined. "I can't believe I'm nervous again." Namine let out a long sigh and continued walking, only slower.
Yeah, really xD
Sure (: Better then waiting.
Ooookie Dokie (:
"Then don't be late everyday." said Namine with a teasing wink. A little giggle escaped Namine's lips, and turned to Tidus again. "Yeah, I think." the blonde said in reply to Sora.
Namine smiled. "Its okay, Sora." Waiting for Tidus response, the blonde heard him ask about him buying her lunch. "If it wasn't for me, you'd be running after the bus. So in return, I'd like lunch." she said. Looking at Tidus again, Namine asked "So what you do?"
[[Guys. I'm still here. I know eventually your gonna be like "Wheres Namine?" I want to let you now I'm logging on everyday checking this out. I'm just waiting until Tidus and Sora reply <33]]
Saaame. >.<
Nooo.. >.<