"Hey again, Yuffie.." Namine sighed. "Why is Mr.Lexaeus so hard on me? I mean, I figured he'd show a bit more of his soft side and go easy on me after what happened last year. I guess he doesn't have a soft side."
Namine sighed as she looked upon her mark, then walked up to Yuffie. "I got a D. And Stupid D. As in, 'Dat ain't gonna get you into college'." The blonde whined for another three seconds. Then ran to Sora saying the exact same thing. "I failed. I failed.. I failed!" Namine kept repeating until she said, "I'm okay with a D. I mean, higher then what everyone else got. Good enough for daddy to say, 'You better bump your marks up, young missy'."
Namine sighed in relief. Her shield is still alive! Well, Yuffie was her shield for now. [[Wait till Lexaeus says it over, I guess]]
When the Anti-Sora was about to hit Namine, Yuffie saved her. Only, Namine closed her eyes and prayed. She finally opened them when she realized nothing happened to her. "Thank you!" The blonde yelled, and ran to hug Yuffie. Then, the Anti-Sora came up behind her, and was about to hit her. "Yuffie!" She yelled, pointing behind her.
"Thanks." Namine said to Yuffie. Girls are on. The blonde did as Yuffie said, and stood behind her. Every so often, Namine would throw a Firecracker, but that was it. Another girl down. "Where's Kairi?" Namine asked, looking around.
2 minutes. Namine's stomach clenched. "I can't do it." she whispered.
"Survive." Namine said, biting her lip and replying to Yuffie. However, she was only overreacting, there was no possible way of dying. Only 5 minutes. The blonde desperatly didn't want to do this, it scared her. Of course Sora could do it, he saved ALL the worlds! She knew for sure he'd be the last one standing. Unlike Namine, he fought while she runs away. "I can't do this." The blonde said to Yuffie. "I'll die."
Namine looked kind of worried, and scared, while watching her two friends fight the 'Heartless'. "Come on you guys! Just you now!" The blonde yelled. She sat there, watching the firecrackers blow. Now, Namine didn't want her turn to come.
"Yesss!" Namine yelled as she ran for the benchs. "I shall cherish the last 20-30 minutes of my life on the benchs! Good luck Sora! Good luck Pence!"she cheered. The blonde then sat on the bench, waiting fer her turn. While waiting, she quietly did a small prayer in her head saying, Let me live, God!!! Namine smiled, making it look like nothing was on her mind. "You can do it, guys!" She cheered. "Live for me! Haha." Then, she was quiet.
"Please do." Namine said to Pence, quietly of course. The blonde stood there, equipment in hand, and waited for further instructions. In her head, she prayed to God that she wouldn't be first. A coin..? That's going to decide whether we live or not? Namine thought.
Namine smiled at her redhead friend, then Mr. Lexaeus spoke. The blonde ran to the poster and read it. "B-Beating...?" Nami felt as if she were going to faint. She was terrified by the thought of being beaten up. Unfortunatly, she grabbed what she needed. Namine pretty much grabbed whatever and walked back to where she were. "I don't like this, Mr. Lexaeus. You know how I am with sports.. I almost failed last year!" The blonde whined, almost regretting she did. [[Kaaay (:]]
Namine was in the girls locker room, changing into her Gym clothes. Then, after she was done, she walked into the Gym. Mr. Lexaeus looked kind of angry. Well, he always did look angry. So, she looked scary, as always. Hopefully, he won't make them do 5 laps. Namine was sure she lost 4 pounds that morning from all that running. Probably another one from fainting, but who knows? The blonde spotted her red haired friend. "Hey Kairi!" she smiled.
Namine sighed in relief. "Now the Gym is something I could find!" The blonde giggled and turned the other way. She started humming, even though she couldn't catch up with the other, she could always meet them in the Gym. "Weird that science was cancelled though." Nami whispered.
[[Hey, who said it was 10m? It could've been 11 ;3 LOL. But yeah, she litterly ran as fast as she could, and tried letting everything out in one breathe. So BAD idea xD]]
"Sora! Kairi! Pence! Waait. I'm okay!" cried Namine, from behind. She tried hard not to run too fast, 'cause of what happened last time. "Hey.. Sorry about that." The blonde said, blushing in embarassment. "Hope you guys didn't miss me too much." Nami smiled.
[[I wouldnt say EXTREME. But if she runs too much, then she has a slight breathing problem.]]
Namine opened her eyes, and saw that Mr. Saix was carrying her. She almost screamed and said, "Gah! Where am I going? Nurse? No, I'm fine. Just lost my breathe. I can't be late on the first day!" She struggled and jumped from his arms. "Thanks, Sir. But my Mom will wonder why I wasn't there for first period." Then, she took off, hoping she can find Sora, Kairi and Pence again.
Adorable couple :3 I used to like the Namiku couple, but I grew out of it xD
Hey (: Nothing, you?
Namine finally caught up with Kairi and Sora. She gasped for air before saying, "There's a reason why I got a C in Gym last year! I suck at sports, I can't even run for the stupid soccer ball." she said. And it was true, Lexaeus was always picking on her saying how slow she is. Or how she needs to get more into the game. Namine WAS in the game, she just naturally sucked. Then, Pence came in behind her. "Hey Pence." Namine smiled. Out of nowhere, Saix snapped at them, something about studying. "Uhhh, Yes sir- I uh- Mean Mr. Saix. I'll get to that." Said Namine with her last gasp before fainting.