Namine giggled and sighed in relief. "I didn't really want to be in the middle of that." she said, jumping unto Roxas' back. "But I missed you all summer! I felt like a loner when it came to Riku, Sora and Kairi. You know, being the only 'Nobody'." The blonde looked to Sora. "Your giving me a piggyback to the class after Math. It's not fair for poor Roxey here."
Heey. (: Don't forget to post in Paopu Island High. We need the Math teacher. ;3
"Heheh.. We'll, I'm just going to, uh, go to class now. Bye Pence! Nice knowing you!" said Namine, grabbing Roxas' and Sora's hand. "Run." The blonde whispered.
It's kaay. (:
The blonde squealed to the sight of Roxas. "Roxas!" She yelled, letting go of her two friends and running to hug him. "Where the hell were you all summer? And why weren't you in P.E? Sora's butt was kicked hardcore!" Namine smiled.
Namine smiled at Yuffie. "Nothing, just making our way to Math." she said.
"Maybe! It's probably gonna be 7th period, like P.E was supposed to be." Namine said.
"Yeah." Namine smiled at Demyx and giggled a bit.
"Yeah, but it ain't no A." Namine giggled. Then Demyx joined. "Whoo! I love math too! I passed with flying colors!" She smiled and turned her gaze to Sora again. "Unlike somebody. Sora, you may be the strongest in the school, but your not the smartest. Sorry. I still love you."
"Ahh, just like Grade 9.. Only, Sora and Riku were passing P.E last year." Namine giggled.
[[But how lame is that..? xDD]]
[[Yeah, but I don't want all teachers being boys. I want a few girls too. Theres only 3, but the secretary doesn't really count.]]
"Yeah, Kairi! Wasn't it you that jumped of a balcony just to get to Sora? You can do that, but you can't fight an anti Sora?" Namine laughed. [[Cuz I ran out of teachers. (: LOL]]
Well, science was cancelled. And from some odd reason, it went onto Gym class, when really P.E is 7th period. We're just about to start math class. (:
"Of course!" giggled Namine as she locked arms with Sora. "Strangly, I can't wait for math." Then, Pence tagged along, and she laughed a bit at what he said. "Yeah." said the blonde.
Namine turned around and saw Kairi. "Hey there, Kairi! Have fun under the bleachers?" The blonde laughed, then locked arms with her red-headed friend. "To Math class!"
"Oh." Namine said. "Okay." When the blonde was done, she grabbed her things and left. Just before she did, she said, "See you in Math, Yuffie." Namine smiled and walked out.
Namine was changing, then glanced at Yuffie. "Something up, Yuf?" The blonde asked.
Don't forget to post in Paopu Island High. (:
She laughed a bit at Demyx's joke. "Yeah, next time, I'll probably be hiding under the bleachers with Kairi." Namine said to Sora, then turned to Yuffie. "Practice?" She asked. "Uh, well, I'm going to get ready. Time for Math. You know, something I'm good at!" The blonde sighed and made her way to the girl's locker room.