"Whoo!" Namine giggled. "How about we go to the island instead? Please, Roxas. Remember, you still owe me a summer." The blonde smiled. "I'll even call the others."
"Maybe. But why would you?" Namine asked.
"Yeah.. My mom is going to help me with my driving. Daddy is to busy." Namine smiled. "Well, that's good." Moments later, a taxi arrived and she went in. With Roxas following. "Paopu High, please." The blonde said to the taxi driver.
Namine rolled her eyes. "I think we know that." And from there, Namine called a taxi. "I really can't wait until we can drive." The blonde sighed and looked at Roxas. "We're missing Math now." She sat down next to her friend and looked at his wrist again. "How does it feel?"
Namine looked at the doctor that was checking on her. "I'm fine! I probably only have a bruise on my butt! Can I go see my friend now?"
"Can you stop the chitty chat and help him already?" Namine didn't like the doctor. He just stood there and talked.
Namine looked up at the doctors. "It's 'non of your business'. Now are you going to help my friend, or make fun of his hair?"
Namine sat beside Roxas and took his wrist again. "I told you." A small pity smile came across face. "How bad does it hurt?"
"I thought it was fine. If it's so fine, then I can lay down too. So push over! Ambulance seats aren't comfy, and my butt already suffered form me falling." Namine giggled.
"Push over! Not fair you get to lay down, and not me." She giggled.
"I know, but your wrist doesn't look fine." she murmured. "What's with the bed thing anyways? Oh well, push over." Namine smiled a bit.
Ambulance came, and dragged them to the hospital. "Great. This is just great." Namine said, looking at Roxas. "Well, we got your answer."
"It doesn't look fine." Namine said, still looking at his wrist.
She helped Roxas up, and took his wrist. "Geez.." She said, looking at it. "You really need to get this checked out."
Namine's eyes widened, then she crawled to where he fell. "Are you okay?" She asked, silently.
Namine was pushed and hit the ground. Her eyes never came off of Roxas. She just sat there and watched to see what would happen.
The blonde was a bit too scared to move. Like there was time, but she could.
Namine sighed. "Fine."
[[What? Sorry! x33 I don't like ignoring people, so don't say it like dat Dx We'll try to fit it in I guess. *huggles TheDeadGuy*]] "Well, then you better talk about it to me later." Namine giggled and looked behind Roxas. "Holy-!" She almost yelled when she saw what was coming at them. Was that why Roxas moved in front of her?
"Don't keep secrets from me Roxas. I never kept any from you, now have I?" Namine smiled, bending down a bit, trying to meet his gaze.