Just one thing: "So... It seems like, it doesn't matter how many times I fall, I'll still be alive" o_o
KH I: No skip cutscenes, camera, healing itens. KH II: No Trinity Marks, stupid Twilight Town Missions and healing itens.
aheiuaheiouaheia I loved your photo XD And I love the Orange color *-*
Heey ^^ How are ya? o/
Orange: Me Red: Sora Green: Both Weapons(what to use/what to give up) The Sword (Power Warrior) -use- the shield (power guardian) The Staff (Power Mystic) -give up- Questions/Answers What do you want outta life? to see rare sights To broaden my horizons To be strong What are you so afraid of? getting old Being different Being indecisive What's most important to you? being number one Friendship my prize possessions
Sephy, ALWAYS @___@ I couldn't fight him yet (well, I'm as dumb as hell, but it doesn't matter...). Demyx... Demyx isn't that hard, guys >__> Thanks to Reaction Commands <3 (Thank you so much for using Green Triangle, Square Enix *__*)
First time I saw Roxas, I thought "OMG, who made these clothes?" (Yeah, that's right. I hated Roxas' clothes u__u Way too normal) But them I was "Ok, he has no heart, I'll give him a break and let his ugly clothes stay."
Oblivion, Kingdom Key, Way To The Dawn AND Oathkeeper *-* But, most of all, Kingdom Key <3 "Simple and Clean", but worthy.
Well, I agree with you, Arcantress, but... Still, I prefer Sora XD I think he's more human in KH II (even if this means "more emo" too). He's more worried and unsure, like in CoM. Roxas came from him after all, so they must be similar in some ways. But I still love Sora *-*
I think she was talking to both of 'em. Not only because she met both before. She knew both, and cared about both. Roxas was the one who answered because Sora forgot about it when he fell asleep, in the end of CoM.
[2] Well... Maybe it's impossible for someone to keep helping strangers without wanting any return, but still... He lived on an island his whole life, for God's sake! o_o Helping others was the only way he found to keep travelling aroung.
Own, so hard to decide @.@ But Traverse Town, Twilight Town, Castle Oblivion, The World That Never Was and, specially from KH1, I'd say Halloween Town and Agrabah *-*
Well, I kinda agree with you, when you say that Axel was better dead then alone, but still.... That doesn't mean his death was a happy one ;__; When he tells Sora that Roxas was the only one that made him feel like he had a heart... O M G! .___. Terrible. I miss Demyx too. I think he was the funiest of them XDD And, to be honest with you, it's impossible to keep acting like they were without having a heart. Its ambitions, dreams and behavior... This belongs not only to soul, but to heart either @_@ So, I think they had hearts all the time, even if not the same heart as a normal person. Some kind of essence or something, you know? (God, I spoke too much @.@)
I left my skate board in front of Twilight Town's train and, when I ran far from its way, it just swallowed up my skate o_O
hey! fine, n u?