Ugh, I've been trying to defeat Riku for over an hour (it's the final battle with him). What's the best way to defeat him? Even though I've broken the Dark Aura sleight many times, he still manages to catch me off guard.
So a swap magic thingy? (Completely new to this) Okay, so it is a need to have a swap magic in order to play japanese games on an american PS2. Okay, I'm starting to get it. =D So...what exactly IS a swap magic? 0_0 (Oh, and if necessary, this topic can be moved to whatever forum was stated above)
All day, I've been reading about "Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix". What exactly is it? It says it comes with a remake of "Chain of Memories" and "Re: Chain of Memories". (Or maybe it just means Re: CoM. Lol) So, anyone wanna clarify this clueless person what it is? Please? Basically, what I'm asking, if it has Re: CoM in it, is it PS2 compatible in America? If so, I'm thinking of buying it. (But it costs $85 dollars) (Also, I didn't know what forum to put this in, but since it's "Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix" I put it in the KHII section.)
I'm reading a game guide for KH: CoM (I'm such a cheater =P) and it says a lot that three Cloud cards (Omnislash) is supposed to help a lot with bosses. I only have one Cloud card. How do you get three? 0.o
Woah, woah, woah! Hold on a sec. Whatever cards I win in battle, I check them (in the Map Cards section of the pause menu) and I don't see the cards I just got. I probably earned 7 cards just now and I don't see them. It SHOWS that I have 12 cards, but on the top right corner it says I have 32/99. (In the Pause Menu, if you go to Map Cards, in the top right corner it says ##/##) Huh???
I'm stuck in KH CoM. I'm in Neverland, trying to get through a door that needs to be synthisized with a 1 card and the Key to Truth. Problem is...I don't have a 1 card. And I killed all the Heartless on the ship. What do I do? =(
My worst experience in KH1 is when I was looking for Maleficent in Hollow Bastion (the first time you battle her). I was completely lost - I'd always jump over the edge and start over. :P In KH2, I'd say the second Demyx battle. Every single stinkin time I fought him, I had about 2 clones left when I was out of time. Grrrrr.
I like the original Kingdom Hearts better. KHII was interesting and all, but the first one has more of a challenge for me. (because I stink at videogames =D) I got halfway through the game the first weekend I had KHII, and it took me hours to defeat the Stealth Sneak in KH. Lol. I like KH better for the challenge and the story, but I also like KHII for the characters looks and the worlds, and the Gummi Ship in KHII was tons more fun. :D Overall, Kingdom Hearts > Kingdom Hearts II
New here. I actually registered days (maybe weeks) ago, but I spent that time watching the cutscenes and reading the stories written by the members here. I like playing the Kingdom Hearts series, lotsa fun. I beat the first one, still playing CoM, and I'm close to beating the second. (Almost at the World that Never Was) But now that I've got a Wii, I'm taking a KH break, but I still play every now and then. So, hi. =D
Uh, I'm not sure, now that I think about it. A lot of the worlds are really cool. =/ -Destiny Islands (It technically counts as a world.) -Halloween Town (Candy city!) -Hollow Bastion (I like the look of the castle.) -Twilight/Traverse Town (Nice casual towns.) -Atlantica (Pool party!) -Neverland (I be-lieeeeeve I can fly!)
I liked it when Sora unlocked his heart for Kairi. That was really sweet. =D But I HATE the first visit to the Hallow Bastion. The directions are so confusing, and it takes years to get to the first Maleficent battle. And the book puzzle-thing? Spare me. It was fun, but hard. So my favorite part is the first one I stated, and also... When Sora first met Donald and Goofy. It was funny when Donald and Goofy got blasted into the sky. :lol3:
I love playing the first Kingdom Hearts. I have KH1, KH: CoM, and KHII. I started playing Kingdom Hearts II, but now I'm going back to the first one. In fact, I'll go start right now.
I'm actually having fun with it. I'm playing the GBA version. Right now, I am in Atlantica. Even though I've gotten that far, I'm still getting used to the card system. 0_0
Awesome! Wow. I just started reading this story today. Awesome job! It flows perfectly, with the character's personalities and all. Very good, and please continue with it whenever you can. =D