umm just wanna say hello
well the title says it all but if no one understands what I'm talking about I'll explain: I sometimes dream something (like example I see a line of high school students just in front of me) and about a few weeks/months later, I see/do that same dream in real life! Weird but it's true I don't know what I'll do about it, can someone in KH-V tell me if they experienced this or can explain(don't say I'm crazy) what's happening to me
(big entrance!!) HELLO !!! ........ wala na :D
hope there's no deja vu
HeheH yup he's AWESOME ! :) well....... and there's NoThinG mORE to Say OR there is?
Me, Me, I'm Christian ME,ME wanna Join your Group! X3
zip slashers, barrier masters....umm....I think many neoshadows very many and other very hard heartless in Kh days (Kh days is the only game I own :P)
well the most funniest moment was when sora, kairi, vanitas laughs....repeatedly off topic: everyone really wants to beat up donald and goofy (except others that didn't post that)
sorry i was busy with school work since our school focuses on activities like presentations and stuff, just recently we had a speech choir...
well since i became grade 6-a i began to think that I'm boring, well since i am a shy girl and doesn't know how to make friends and i just got my friends when they came near me. After we graduate almost everyone in my class (especially my best friends) are going to transfer to other schools - well I think I'm going off topic but my point is maybe when i graduate I'll have no friends to be with.... and also I think I bore my friends to death when we're alone since we have different interests like my other friend likes Glee (and I don't watch Glee )while I like anime and manga and that friend doesn't even know manga she thinks It's a mango (in our language "mangga" means mango). What will I do? :(((((
that's simple, it's life: everyone starts when you're a baby you crawl with 2 legs and 2 arms, adult you walk on 2 legs, an old man walks with 2 legs with cane EDIT: this is a reply to Clear_so_you_can't_See
Persona 3?????
thanks umm so where are you i'll try to visit ya....:)
well i have a wii but no MH Tri
hi nice profile pic
hi as ya all know I'm new and really :<3: kh too bad I don't have any kh games only 358/2Days :nomore: wish I had more kh games :xp: