OoC: Uhhh....These guys are not heartless. They're demons, as in, from hell. Sore Saige got up, and huge angel wings popped out of his back, glowing with a celestial light that reflected off the walls of the white throne room. "...My brothers, leave us be." He said as the demon shunned his light and disappeared as he commanded. ".......To people like us, this world is too perfect, you know as well as I do, your majesty, that eventually we shall witness to a judgment day. You can't defeat me, suppose you could, what will stop the apocalypse from coming to this world? That cornerstone? Not all things coming as enemies are of the darkness my dear little king, if it shall not work on us, then it shall not work on anyone else either." Sore Saige said. Some of the villains came out of a bar they apparently made, and apparently they were drunk. "Hey, buddy, what say you come in and we'll give ya a drink" one of them asked Jester. Zogar continued to watch as his dark creatures devoured anything they could find, even the heartless. "...Heartless, what a pathetic mass of creatures. The result of a person's evil manifesting into beings while they themselves pass on. ......Such pitiful monsters do not deserve the power they seem to have, if any." He said to himself and noticed another batch of meteors falling from the skies. "Jack must have already done his part. ...What is taking Sore so long though?" He asked himself.
Sore gave a smirk. "Oh but I do. ....I've come to liberate this castle into the darkness. Oh, and don't count on your precious cornerstone to help you. We are far different from the heartless." He said to him.
Little did Zhyriad know, the masked man was looking down on him from the top of the tower. He then teleported to the top of the middle tower of Villain's Vale. Looking below at Sylis. Kotaro watched Riku, preparing for anything that could happen. ...Normally this would probably make people think he's paranoid, but considering everything that's happened today, it make everyone look too calm in comparison.
"Oh, but I do, your Highness." Sore Saige said, smirking as he was on Mickey's throne. "I am Sore Saige, General of hell's army, leader of the triumvirate of the fallen, and one of the 4 horsemen who you've seen destroy planet after planet like children breaking their toys after 3 minutes of playing with it." He said to him as he got up and looked at him.
The being known as Sore Saige didn't see the King the throne room. "......Find him." He said to the hellish demons, who then disappeared, reappearing all around Mickey. "King Mickey Mouse.....Master Saige needs you in the Throne room." A demon said in a hellish voice. Destiny Islands was by all means destroyed by the invaders like everything else. Those meteors then flew through space again.
(Ok then, There's enough to begin, but people can still join.) Within Twilight Town, Radiant Garden, Disney Castle, and Destiny Islands, a meteor shower could be seen, as they all started to fall upon the worlds. In Twilight town, A group of villains landed with Rokurum landing last, and walking up to the center of the square in the Sandlot. "....My what a perfect place to land on. ......All right boys, you know the drill, take anything you want, at the moment, and then burn it down." He said to the villains who began to separate and used brung out their weapons and started their riot. In Disney Castle, demons began to crawl from the craters and they started to enter the castle and Attack the soldiers, Donald, and Goofy. Coming into the throne room like a gentleman, with his hand behind his back, was Sore Saige with a gentle smirk on his face. In the Destiny Islands, Strong muscle-men in multiple color variations of the same jumpsuit started to walk towards the mainland from out of the water, as if they walking in it. Jumping out of the waters and into the front of the army, fast enough to leave afterimages, was the green-suited Jack Hell. "Leave no survivors, Kill EVERYONE!" He yelled as his brethren ran towards the houses to raid them, and kill any and everyone inside. In the Radiant garden, Beings of darkness, different from the heartless in the sense that they look more fearsome, appeared. They devoured people as they jumped down to the marketplace. And on the top of the castle in the center, the masked man, Zogar, appeared, staring at the city with emotionless eyes. ".......It begins." He said. (Start wherever, guys.)
That is of absolutly no problem.
By the time they were done, Kotaro already found, and entered Riku's homeroom, and sat down waiting for everyone to show up.
First off, Jester= CREEPY ._.' But he's in. Added, sure you guys can take them. I just need one more person take Kairi. And then we may begin.
Thanks, and congrats, since you're the first to enter a member to the NO, he'll be the leader of them.
Alright, You're in. But we still need a little more.
OOC: DAAAAMN you guys are FAST! O_o BiC: Kotaro knew a few more things then what Rhixan said, but kept his mouth shut. He didn't like bragging of any kind. The moment Rhixan smiled at him, he was embarrassingly shocked and looked away. When the bell rang he also left. He was the last to leave when he then noticed the fight. "......This place sure has alot of fights." He said to himself, then walked towards Riku's homeroom, ignoring the fight, or at least trying to resist the temptation of getting into it. Zhyriad could hear a voice in his head. "And so he comes, one of our "brighter, and wiser" members of our lost race." It said.
When Rhixan's dark side appeared, Kotaro's eyes were glowing purple. "Dammit, her evil's reacting to my curse....Must....Resist...." He thought, the minute she disappeared, Kotaro turned back to normal as well, and heard Riku saying that class was dismissed. He walked into Donald's Class and sat down pretty far from where the boy and Rhixan was. Needless to say, he was quite confused as to why this hyena of a boy is laughing and seems to be immune to lightning, considering Donald shocked him twice. As soon as Rhixan raised up her hand, Kotaro turned his attention to her, and heard what she said, then looked at the man walking out, then back at Donald.
Kotaro walked in, and noticed Rhixan and Riku fighting. He then went to a wall near them and leaned on it as he watched.
Kotaro sat in front of the desk in Mickey's Office, Mickey did the same behind the desk, then leaned towards it. "....Kotaro, I already know who you are." Mickey said, staring at Kotaro straight in the eyes. "What, but how?" Kotaro asked in shock. "You can't exactly fool me, Kotaro, the moment you released your evil, I knew you were Jordan's son." Mickey then said. "You know my Father?" He asked. "Yep. We're friends, whenever there's a danger that might affect the universe, he normally comes to me to warn me of it. For instance, He told me all about you, Captain Kotaro Sabath of the SOA, third-in-command of the group that's said to bring the apocalypse to every dimension they come to." Mickey said. "That's not true, alot of us gain evil energy from the planets, yes, but I, and the General, we normally help you guys." Kotaro said. "To destroy the villain then take a huge amount of evil back for your leader to devour. ...Kotaro, your father warned me of your boss, the demon that cursed you to become what you are. If what he says is true, then he will destroy everything to feed on the darkness in other hearts. ...Considering what the heartless is, there's no surprise he asked you to destroy them and take their evil back to him." Mickey said. Kotaro looked down, depressed, yet angered. ".......You're right, my mission is to destroy the remnants, and let my master absorb their evil. But that's not why I came to this academy for help, I did it for personal reasons. ....Your highness, I've sinned in the past, sins that "he" absorbs and becomes stronger with, but I want to control myself, and release the evil from this keyblade. ...I'll never be able to even look at my father if I didn't." He said. "....All right then Kotaro, I'm counting on you to keep a lid on that evil of yours. But if you lured danger into this academy, no, this universe, by coming here. I will have to do something about it, understand?" Mickey told him. Kotaro nodded, slowly and silently. "....You're dismissed." Mickey said, then Kotaro exited out of the office, heading towards the arena. Zogar heard what Zhyriad had said from his tower. "...........At last, some wisdom I suppose we all should learn from." He said, his mask blocking whateer emotions he may carry on his face.
Kotaro was going to the same class when Mickey stopped him. "I need to see you in my office for a bit, Kotaro." He said to him. Kotaro nodded, and then followed Mickey. In a tower far from the Academy was a man with a gray and azure blue mask standing on the edge and staring at the world.
OoC: If by that you mean, as in another pointless fight, Yeah, another one just started. -_-
OoC: Errr....Nope, still the same thing, Darkside is destroyed, Neal and Rhixan are.......hitting it off I guess? And now we have These two characters nuke the room while those we, and by we I mean Kotaro, Rhixan and Neal, are still in it.
OoC: Edited. BiC: ".........I suggest you stay out, ....Kiligara." He said to the heartless.