Thanks for message, All Updated Now.
DIE DIE DIE Kirby Chanted as he stabbed Jigglypuff Multiple times. Jigglypuff was really hurt so used IT's healing technique. Kirby Attacked again but this time Jigglypuff was ready, he Sang and sent Kirby to Sleep, whilst he bounced on him like a Pillow. JIGGLY POWER!!!
Meanwhile Kirby was bobbing along happily in sunset grove, then this weird ball shaped thing appeared on the hill it was Jigglypuff. Kirby grabbed his sword and ran towards Jigglypuff.
I was being serious.
Moogle Kirby & Jigglypuff.
Name: Sephiroph (Grade 7)(How could you forget him) House: Slytherin Duh Bio: Clouds Dark Side, He tempts Cloud to do Dark things with Cookies. He serves Lord 'He Who Must Not Be Named' Voldemort. Likes to Watch the weak Struggle. Great Beater In Quiddich. AND Name:Saix (Grade 7) House: Hufflepuff (Suits him more) Bio: When he's mad RUN, Mental Nutcase. AND Name: Xemnas House: Slytherin Bio: Leader of Organisation 13, Ruthless Group out to Follow Lord 'He Who Must Not Be Named' Voldemort. Studies the Heart alot. Sephiroph appears out of Dark Mist infront of Cloud. Cloud why won't you give in too Darkness? We all know how much you want this COOKIE! and this time I have CHOCOLATE MILK too. Meanwhile Saix is Playing Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep on the PSP, I really can't put my foot on it but I know i've saw these 3 before especially that Aqua, Man she's hot. Xemnas I finally Understand the Heart, to Play Video Games and Eat these Doritos. Mmm. Xemnas? XEMNAS? XEMNAAS!!!!! Sephiroph appears out of Dark Mist infront of Cloud. Cloud why won't you give in too Darkness? We all know how much you want this COOKIE! and this time I have CHOCOLATE MILK too. Meanwhile Saix is Playing Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep on the PSP, I really can't put my foot on it but I know i've saw these 3 before especially that Aqua, Man she's hot. Xemnas I finally Understand the Heart, to Play Video Games and Eat these Doritos. Mmm. Xemnas? XEMNAS? XEMNAAS!!!!!
Which Side do you Choose? Please Choose 1 from each side at least, max 4! Characters ^Kingdom Hearts Sora (Labomba) Riku (Labomba) Kairi King Mickey Terra (Swillum) Aqua Ven (DJ RvR) Xemnas Xigbar Xaldin Vexen Lexaeus Zexion Saïx Axel Demyx Luxord Marluxia Larxene Roxas (DJ RvR) ^Dragonball Z & GT Goku (Barakon-King) Vegeta (Barakon-King) Gohan (Labomba) Gotenks (Labomba) Trunks (Future) (Twilight Blader) Trunks (Present) Krillin Yamcha Tien Chaotsyu Freiza Cell Android 17 Android 18 Super 17 Majin Buu Super Buu Kid Buu (DJ RvR) Baby Vegeta Dabura Gotenks (DJ RvR) Gogeta (Swillum) Vegito (Twilight Blader)
IT's a Dark Portal Created by Namine.
Basically all above and Higher Difficulty it's too easy. i also think easier to hack to add to the fun after completing it would be great.
No Brother. We all know it should be Roxas and Kairi Sora and Namine Terra and Sephiroth
If he didn't have a heart where would the mystery be.
He go bye bye
O.K this may sound weird but I think Riku IS a Nobody. Riku can use the power of Light and Darkness to no Limits and Riku Just fits in with them I guess, What'll twist that'll be.
He WAS right OMG I have just found this awesome vid. this proves that terra's weapon is a Keyblade and that there WAS a connection between terra and Roxas. INFACT it looks asif Roxas is a chaser. Me and my brother was right yaaaaaaay. =]
all credit to my brother aka DJ RvR I know, but it just shows terra has some connection to Roxas. Which according to my brother is because he's sora's nobody. And how can it be farfetch'd when in KH2 the description of a nobody is that when a strong heart is turned into a heartless THE EMPTY SHELL LEFT BEHIND STARTS TO ACT ON A WILL OF IT'S OWN. I mean come on as if. So It IS Possible On KH1/2 look at the description of the kingdom Key. (The Keychain attatched brings out the keyblades TRUE FORM, I tried that one with him. He proved me wrong so far.
To bring out the Keyblades True form you need the Mickey shape Keychain right. So that cannot be the keyblades true form. However If there is no keychain attached at all then the form must change as you need that keychain. BUT what if the keychain is a item that restricts the blade of its true power and if you remove it it mutates and becomes immensely powerful. That would explain why the keychains are used. Anoother theory is that the Chasers are in some connection to sora riku and kairi. Possibly ancestors of some sort. There name translations provides clues. sora (sky) - ven (wind) , kairi (something like sea) - aqua (water) & terra (earth) - riku (sounds like raiku - land i think.) but that theory is scrapped when we see mickey at the end which could mean that it is witthin that time with sora, not before (even though the game says it is before meaning that mickey hasn't aged over that time.). Another theory is that there is no conection whatsoever (also scrapped when we see terra help roxas in the secret battle in KH2FM+.) and they are nothing to do with sora or the others. BUT what if ALL those theories are TRUE, meaning the Old Guy(Some call Master Xehanort) in the cloak is a new type of being, (it happend with the heartless and the nobodies why can't it happen again.), Some have called the Souless - when the nobody and heartless merge to form a new being. There is also some proof of this happening when The Unknown being (some believe heartless) apperars out of the Master Xehanorts body at his side. Also the nobodys and heartless could use the power of Darkness to travel at will. What if Master Xehanort the Chasers could use TIME at there will. This would also suggest why the battle is before the time of Sora. But Mickey wouldn't be there. WRONG. In KH2 kairi walked into the Dark Portal and traveled to the world that never was. What if Mickey was persuing this new being, looking for his secrets and Went through the time portal in Persute of this Master Xehanort. (this would explain why he hasn't aged as he has travelled back in time.) Maybe the Master Xehanort went back into the past to kill Sora and the others before they were born i.e by killing there ancesters which would mean that they were a threat to him in some way.Thinkabout this What if Xehanort's Heartless and Xemnas Merged to form a new being to get revenge on Sora but when They merged with all there rage created the Souless, 3 chasers were also born to protect the keyblade weilders from the wrath of this new foe. AND the Chasers are there Guardians that would explain the connection. That's why the battle happened in the past. Another proof of this is in KH2FM+ when we see terra protecting Roxas in the secret battle, which shows they must have some connection (he's sora's Nobody.). However there is a flaw in this Idea that when the 2 merged ,3 chasers made. BUT i have came up with a solution to that too. There are 3. When Sora got turned into a Heartless in KH1 we see himstill alive but floating through darkness. This means that when Xehanort turned into a Heartless his real Body was still in Darkness Searching for the light. That's why 3 are made. The Rage of the 3, Heart + Heartless + Nobody = New Being. My brother thought of this his name is DJ RvR. Give credit to him.
NO I HAVE THE COORECT ONE!!! The Pal one DON'T WORK for me. *Cries* I don't know what region it is for though.
Need codes for this Mastercode Does anyone no any codes for this MASTER! Mastercode MFAZ-77XN-4KGCK B26G-P32D-RC506 I need codes for the CAstle Obliviopn, roxas as Ally, Mickey as Ally, Riku as Ally Mickey's Keyblade,Kairi's Keyblade,Riku's Keyblade. thanks guys. Also any boss Characters as allys
38AU-05A9-91WMV 9ZCM-08JU-UKV6W Hi guys I need this codes by Sunday for ARMAX pal , MaSTER code = {see above.}. Edge of Ultima Keyblade Detection Saber Staff of Detection Shield of Detection Saix's and xaldins' Weapons yeah I would also like these codes. Same Master as RvR. I'll try searching 2moz but to save me the trouble can someone post them for us.
Hi guys i'm also new. I have completed my Kingdom Hearts games. I just need those codes for PAL too. I have the same master. I've tried loads of sites but can't get them for my mastercode. Anyone help. can you also send me a list. please message me or email me at