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How do I delete messages?
All your base are belong to us.
How can you watch so much crap?
I thought it was Hemhotep. *Bashes head against wall*
What is this I don't even...
You are secretly Hemhotep in disguise.
A lot of you quoted me, the quote alone should have been able to give it away.
I can easily do it, but no one has specifically said to take the image out of my posts, everyone kept telling me to take it out of my sig, since I didn't have one I just continued with it.
Alright then. I'll stop
Emika has an IQ of 60 Finally someone gets it. __________________
Alright, I won't go past 250,000 pixels in my sig. __________________
If that's all it takes for me to laugh (People adding censor beeps) then I must have the maturity of a 13 year old.
I've done that a long time ago. __________________
saxoR_vs_aroS has never seen the light of day. What are you talking about? I don't have a large sig. __________________
An image what else would it be called? __________________
Emika has been convicted of looking up child porn. __________________
In before shoop da woop. __________________