You call me an idiot and a dumb ass, but you don't know how to spell Alpha, and very basic grammar rules seem to be far above your level.
He went to the hospital You can't make people lose their respect for you when they never respected you in the first place.
Isn't that a moddable offense? Oh well, the hypocrite can hate me as much as he wants. The pole went through her
Who had a telephone pole
I do stupid things, not things that can be considered illegal. 160 Do you own a Macbook Air? I've been thinking about getting one, but I'm not sure if I should go with the MBA, or the Envy 133.
Alright fine. PS: Thanks, I have been looking for that GIF for a very long time.
This message makes me think. I wonder what a game would be like if the protagonist hated himself.
It comes from a game called Zero Wing, the developers didn't want to pay for a good translator so they basically just use a online translator and it ends up with some pretty funny results. Go here for more information.
Don't worry, your reaction alone makes me not want to do anything ban-worthy. That, and the fact that I have no intention of getting banned.
Who is this IDKMYBFFJILL everyone keeps bringing up?
Posting porn on a kids site? You seriously expect me to sink that low? 149
I really don't feel like leaving, besides, I've stopped haven't I? No need to be so rude.
Someone's on the hostile side today.
Well I doubt kids are up this late anyways. (Unless they live in China, but even then they probably wouldn't go here.)
I guess I deserved that, but just to let you know, I'm not a troll, I just do stupid things when I'm bored.
124 About how many hours I will be banned for.
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