We are now on 8
If we still get the same amount of days off, then I would pick the second one. Although neither of them are as good as a year long school, those are so awesome.
^ This entire thread = LOL worthy? Is that what you mean?
No, you're either not very close to him, or it just hasn't sunk in yet. (One time when one of my dogs died I wasn't really affected for awhile, and then it hit me and I started tearing up a little bit.) What a horrible way for a dog to die.
Either late Tuesday, or early Wednesday.
You and I both.
I couldn't care less if you like me or not. Just letting you know.
I'm just saying hi to him, I'm not provoking him in any way.
Of course not, I would never post anything like that on a kids site. Besides, looking up Lucario porn is disgusting and probably illegal.
Nice to see you're back EraserRain.
I don't hate you.
vagina, but what about the boobs?
They are not some sentient beings you know, they are normal people like us who spent enough of their free time on this site to become one. Honestly, they're just normal people.
I'm surprised, but they do actually sound like N Sync Mind = Blown
Well, I tried to make amends with you, but you just shot it in my face, I see no reason why I should give my time to people being this rude to me. One of them even wanted to be on my friend list.
Well I just wanted to let you know that I had no intention of insulting you.
I'm sorry, it's not like I'm trying to insult you or anything, if you like that stuff you can go ahead and like it, I'm not going to judge you for it. Are we cool?
Quoted for the mother ****ing win.
Just because they're uber hot doesn't mean I'm going to post a picture in every topic. Although I do ask that you be accepting of it, just like I was accepting to EraserRain yanking it to Lucario doujins.
When have I ever showed promise in anything?