Thank you. I kind of hesitated a bit before using it. Since I may risk being confused with you. But I'm sure it'll work out.
She isn't playing a seventeen year old gal. She's the perfect age for her character.
No one, really. I haven't met anyone who struck a chord with me as of yet.
Actually, this part kind of agrees with my theory that he is possessed. There have been rumors going around that the reason the staff can control people is because it had the Mind Gem. Part of the Infinity Gauntlet. Which isn't a big stretch since it was actually in the film of Thor. If you remember, Erik said that he knew what he was doing when he was working together with Loki. I have a feeling that Loki knew what he was doing too. But had a little bit of control as well. Hence that part where he was thinking of wanting to stop when Thor asked him too. But ultimately could not choose that choice. Of course, I may be just plain wrong. But it's interesting to think about it.
I do not see what you are trying to get at.
Actually, that's the opposite of what Loki wants. He does not want revenge against Odin. He wants to desperately prove that he is worthy of being his son. Since you haven't watched Thor yet, I'll explain what happens at the end. Loki makes this entire plan where it seems he is siding with the Frost Giants, but he actually was going to betray them at the end. When Laufey was about to kill Odin, Loki stepped in to make it seem like he saved Odin and Asgard. All for his father. He just wants to be on equal footing with Thor. Which he thinks he isn't. It's Thor he wants revenge on, but he also loves him. You could see the dilemma Loki has.
I think Loki was possessed by the staff given to him by the Other. If you have noticed, Loki first appeared at the start of the movie looking quite different. He looked sickly, with a hint of fatigue. I do not think he was himself, which is where the possessed part comes in. I'm not sure if you all noticed, but in the end when he was devastated bu the Hulk, he looked dazed. As if he suddenly woke up from a spell. Just like Hawkeye did. And they were both woken up by the same method. Physical force. Of course, I could be wrong. But I just felt like sharing this. Feel free to come up with your own theories and such.
But nowhere near as good as The Avengers.
Thank you. I shall see you around as well Your help is greatly appreciated. I was actually wondering about the pink names earlier. I will keep that in mind. Thank you. Yes, I am a fan of Air Gear. I applaud you for knowing that right away. I didn't think anyone would know who he is since he wasn't in the manga for long. As for stuff I am interested in, it's kind of difficult to list them all. I like a large number of things. I suppose if anyone is truly interested, they could ask. I'm sure I have many things in common with some on here.
But hello regardless. I am Black Burn. A absolute pleasure meeting you all. Well, I haven't exactly met anyone yet, but I am sure you all get the point. I think this may do for an introduction. I hope.
I do not quite get the joke. If there so happens to be one.
I lurk here a lot and it sure seems that way. Well, anything random can go in here. I guess. But I don't think my thread is random. Oh dear