i put kh2 thundaga, do a combo w/ that on wisdom form and WEE fun :)
ok. when i get to cutscenes, will he be in the cutscenes, or will it be sora?
k ally! to boss! doesnt work. for one, donald is still donald. and he can't be targeted, and can't die. and goofy is still there, and they both just stand around. i can still pound on them tho k well... now what? xD hmmm if i do the play as dual wield roxas cheat, do i get to be in an organization cloak? and can roxas perform finishing moves for bosses? or is he just another mickey, but with no sweet cloak? :():
well roxas, i cant tell. i jokerd into station of serenity, but all i can see is some clouds floating in the background, and the blue platform with an open chest. it's locked there, and i tried walking around to see if i could hear sora's phootsteps. that was a negative. i'm now going to try it without the station of serenity room mod. if this doesn't work, then roxas212, the cheat doesn't work.
roxas 212, thats one of the codes im using (im using ally! is boss!, station of serenity room mod, and roxas replaces donald) EDIT: ok, epic fail, guys. i turned of master's move set and battle lvl god, and loaded my save. it loaded. i joker'd through, but i got a crash w/ music. i loaded my world map save, and it worked, and i used r2 as i went from world map>save point in merlin's house in hollow bastion. maybe i should land first, then go through a door while in hollowbastion?
well i'm reloading codebreaker right now. but you see, it's not even loading. i hit "X" over my gamesave, and it just crashes. loading KH2 now still a black screen. maybe it's cuz im loading a save that leads 2 timeless river? i dont think it would matter, but still. i think that if i just dont use master's set and battle LVL god, then it might work. only 4 codes should be able to work in unison, right?
wait a sec, does the crash issue maybe becuz i am loading a save that is saved to the world map?
dont worry, i got it. thanks mate, now then, codebreaker is booting up. here is the joker'd set btw for anyone else who wants to try it. CODEBREAKER EDIT: game crashed LOL. black screen when i load my save, no music.
no entering them now, had to fix printer issues :P i'll report back asap. btw, are the codes joker'd already? or do i have to add my own R2 joker?
uh so someone got a revised list of codes for me to try? thanks xD
ok, i'm lost xD w/e, printer not working, so i must write the codes down. thanks guys.
yo, first post btw :) gonna test these w/ codebreaker, hope i help you guys, and it'd be really sweet... i'm replaying KH2 as i lost my perfect gamesave :( w/e tho, that's why i'm replaying it :D will post back within a few hours hopefully