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  1. tomtuff
    i put kh2 thundaga, do a combo w/ that on wisdom form and WEE fun :)
    Post by: tomtuff, Jan 1, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. tomtuff
    ok. when i get to cutscenes, will he be in the cutscenes, or will it be sora?
    Post by: tomtuff, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. tomtuff
    k ally! to boss! doesnt work. for one, donald is still donald. and he can't be targeted, and can't die. and goofy is still there, and they both just stand around. i can still pound on them tho

    k well... now what? xD hmmm if i do the play as dual wield roxas cheat, do i get to be in an organization cloak? and can roxas perform finishing moves for bosses? or is he just another mickey, but with no sweet cloak? :():
    Post by: tomtuff, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. tomtuff
    well roxas, i cant tell. i jokerd into station of serenity, but all i can see is some clouds floating in the background, and the blue platform with an open chest. it's locked there, and i tried walking around to see if i could hear sora's phootsteps. that was a negative. i'm now going to try it without the station of serenity room mod. if this doesn't work, then roxas212, the cheat doesn't work.
    Post by: tomtuff, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. tomtuff
    roxas 212, thats one of the codes im using (im using ally! is boss!, station of serenity room mod, and roxas replaces donald)

    EDIT: ok, epic fail, guys. i turned of master's move set and battle lvl god, and loaded my save. it loaded. i joker'd through, but i got a crash w/ music. i loaded my world map save, and it worked, and i used r2 as i went from world map>save point in merlin's house in hollow bastion. maybe i should land first, then go through a door while in hollowbastion?
    Post by: tomtuff, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. tomtuff
    well i'm reloading codebreaker right now. but you see, it's not even loading. i hit "X" over my gamesave, and it just crashes. loading KH2 now

    still a black screen. maybe it's cuz im loading a save that leads 2 timeless river? i dont think it would matter, but still. i think that if i just dont use master's set and battle LVL god, then it might work. only 4 codes should be able to work in unison, right?
    Post by: tomtuff, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. tomtuff
    wait a sec, does the crash issue maybe becuz i am loading a save that is saved to the world map?
    Post by: tomtuff, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. tomtuff
    dont worry, i got it. thanks mate, now then, codebreaker is booting up. here is the joker'd set btw for anyone else who wants to try it.

    EDIT: game crashed LOL. black screen when i load my save, no music.
    Post by: tomtuff, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. tomtuff
    no entering them now, had to fix printer issues :P i'll report back asap. btw, are the codes joker'd already? or do i have to add my own R2 joker?
    Post by: tomtuff, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. tomtuff
    uh so someone got a revised list of codes for me to try? thanks xD
    Post by: tomtuff, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. tomtuff
    ok, i'm lost xD w/e, printer not working, so i must write the codes down. thanks guys.
    Post by: tomtuff, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. tomtuff
    yo, first post btw :) gonna test these w/ codebreaker, hope i help you guys, and it'd be really sweet... i'm replaying KH2 as i lost my perfect gamesave :( w/e tho, that's why i'm replaying it :D will post back within a few hours hopefully
    Post by: tomtuff, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault